Monday, December 21, 2015

America needs a Golda Meir, if not a Lady Thatcher

The Lid  "As Barack Obama continues to demonstrate his ineptness at fighting the war against radical Islamic terrorists, it is clear that we would all be much safer if he could learn from a strong-willed, straight-talking, chain-smoking, grey-haired, former teacher who fought terrorists over four decades ago, despite the objections of an appeasement-minded world. That grey-haired lady was Golda Meir."
. . . 
"This remark caused a fidgety buzz to drone around the packed chamber, and it seemed to deepen when she spoke bitterly about the 11 Israeli athletes kidnapped and murdered at the Munich Olympics the summer before, an outrage compounded by the German government’s subsequent release of the surviving killers in return for the freeing of a hijacked Lufthansa plane and its passengers." . . .

. . . "Golda Meir is no longer with us, and that is too bad because like she did when she was the Israeli premier, she could teach the world a thing or two about dealing with terrorism. If you think the Bibi/Obama relationship is rough.  This strong-willed, straight-talking, chain-smoking, grey-haired former teacher who grew up in Milwaukee would put Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in their places."  Read the rest...

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