Thursday, September 22, 2016

‘In Defense Of Looting’ BLM Leader DeRay Mckesson Supports Charlotte ‘Protest’, Blames Police

Weasel Zippers

"Here’s DeRay at Yale, teaching “In Defense Of Looting”, his workshop on justifying looting as a political tool."


"Here’s DeRay meeting with Hillary Clinton."


"The Democrats have endorsed the Black Lives Matter movement and should own its results."

How much Clinton cash comes from the Saudis?

Man Stripped, Dragged & Beaten by Charlotte Predators

Obama DOJ To Charlotte Mob Attacking White People: “We Hear Your Voices And We Feel Your Pain”…

Todd Starnes  "City leaders in Charlotte North Carolina say there is no need for a curfew.

"They believe they now have a handle on the rampaging mob that has basically laid siege to the city. They believe the pillaging and plundering and the horrific acts of violence have ended.

"Hopeful, but doubtful.

''We are just now beginning to get a look at some of the unspeakable atrocities committed by the hordes of brutes. 

"A video now gone viral purportedly shows a white man being brutalized by a group of mostly black men.

" 'WHITE MAN DRAGGED, BEATEN, BEGGING FOR MERCY," read the banner headline on Drudge Report.

"Fox46 in Charlotte and Fox News also wrote stories about the stomach-churning incident. 

"The video shows the frightened man trapped by the mob. He dropped to his knees, held his hands in the air. He was pleading for his life, pleading for mercy.

"But there would be no mercy." Just as there would be none here.

"There are no words to describe the unimaginable horror that man must have experienced inside that Charlotte garage. 

Who speaks for that man? . . . President Obama?Attorney General Lynch?Al Sharpton? Who speaks for that man, America?

Best line of the day

"President Obama cited the Obama Doctrine as his legacy at the U.N. Tuesday. It says if a man wears a dress and calls himself a woman, we have to believe him and let him use the ladies room. But if he bombs New York in the name of Allah and ISIS takes credit for it, we mustn't jump to conclusions." Comedian Argus Hamilton

We Really Should Give The Dems Credit

We Really Should Give The Dems Credit


Victor Davis Hanson writes:  . . . "Instead, the American government appears more concerned with shutting down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, ensuring that no administration official utters the words "Islamic terror," and issuing warnings to Americans not to lash out due to their supposedly innate prejudices.
"Aggressors are also encouraged by vast cutbacks in the U.S. defense budget. The lame­duck Obama presidency, lead­from­behind policies and a culturally and racially divided America reflect voter weariness with overseas commitments. " . . .

The coming debates

Debating Hillary   . . . "When confronted with leading or hostile questions, Trump needs to confront media spinners as he has done in the past. If he has done nothing else in this campaign, Trump has exposed American journalists as partisan shills. Trashing pundits is a no-lose hedge. The press is about as popular as herpes.
. . . 
"Mrs. Clinton avoids press conferences for good reasons. She doesn’t like questions, accountability, or candor -- and she gets rattled or hostile on defense.
"Topics likely to keep Clinton in a defensive crouch include: her tolerance of husband Bill’s abuse of women from the statehouse to the White House; the Obamacare fiasco; Veterans’ care incompetence; serial foreign policy failures; the Benghazi betrayal and cover up; the private server and email controversy; subsequent FBI corruption; DNC primary fixing; and Clinton Foundation fraud just to name a few areas where the media will try to give Hillary a pass." . . .

All the below still awaits Obama's calming words and encouragement for the police

Charlotte Had Racial Harmony. Then BLM and Nation of Islam Thugs Came

. . . "What many people don’t realize is that these protests didn’t just spring up in response to the shooting of Scott by a black police officer. Last year, the trial of a white police officer ended in a mistrial for shooting an unarmed black man, and he was never retried. The investigation was complicated, but a video showed the young man clearly running toward police officers when they told him to stand down. The police officer shot him in self-defense.

"After the trial, a few protestors took to the streets, angry about the outcome. Black Lives Matter was part of that, but the protests fizzled. That’s because Charlotte, for the most part, has been a peaceful community with blacks and whites working side by side for the good of our families and our neighbors." . . .

Anti-Cop Rioters Are the Vanguard of the ‘No Lives Matter’ Movement   "The rule of law is breaking down as riots erupt before the facts come in. 
"The anti-cop movement is completely out of control. It’s moved from attacking the police, to attacking the rule of law itself, and now it is attacking the fundamental human right of self-defense. Twice in a month, rioters have struck back after black cops reportedly shot and killed black men who were threatening the cops with guns." . . .

Will the Riots in Charlotte Help Elect Donald Trump?  . . . " Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton have inflamed racial tensions for political gain repeatedly over the past eight years. Speaking about the riots in Charlotte, Lynch said,“They have once again highlighted — in the most vivid and painful terms — the real divisions that still persist in this nation between law enforcement and communities of color.” 
"And why do they persist, Attorney General Lynch? In part because you have continued to inflame them, rather than tell African Americans the hard truths they need to hear."

Video: Rioters Attack News Team, Try To Drag Unconscious Photographer Into Fire   "Rioters knocked the photographer unconscious and were dragging him into the fire they had set in the middle of the street. The female reporter came to his aid and was knocked down by another rioter.
"Police came running to the rescue."

Does a city burn every time?

Image result for black riots cartoons

Silvio Canto, Jr.  . . . "As always, I withhold judgement on these incidents until we have a full report. Ferguson certainly turned out to be a lot different once a report was issued.   In other words "hands up don't shoot" never actually happened.

"So we will wait for the facts to emerge before we say this or that about the police officer's behavior.

"We can say a couple of things that go on beyond this incident:
1) Are we now at a point in our history where people loot stores or hurt officers just because someone tells them a black man was shot by a police officer? In this case, the police officer is black but that does not matter, apparently. Do facts matter anymore?
2) Who organizes these riots? The certainly happen rather quickly. Don't these people looting have lives or jobs to attend to? It sure seems to me that there lots of people just waiting for the text to go out and do some damage.
3) How are we going to get people to serve in our police forces after these incidents? How can we expect men and women, of diverse races, to go out and put themselves under this kind of second guessing and ruthless scrutiny? Who cares about blue lives and the families that they go to every day?

"It is a horrible situation and the country yearns for a leader who will stand up for the rule of law not go on black radio talks shows to energize an unenergized base."

Can someone please tell me how this president is still so highly favored in our nation and how so few in Hollywood dare stand up to the effects he has caused among us? Is there no wisdom left in our society?

Iran Sanctions Have Ended – and the Mass Executions Have Restarted k

By Mansour Kashfi  . . . "However, since the agreement ending sanctions was signed between the Islamic Republic (IR) and the international powers last January, nothing has improved regarding the everyday life of the Iranian people. Not even one of the critical civil issues that was promised by the so-called “moderate”, “pragmatic” president, Hassan Rouhani, to be addressed after sanctions ended, has been opened for discussion by the IR officials.

"Regardless of the rather rapid increase in Iranian crude oil and petrochemical sales and the release of billions of dollars of frozen money by a number of international oil companies and foreign governments, the nation-wide tax in all categories remarkably increased, and a limited welfare to needy senior citizens has been discontinued.

"Despite the rosy promises of the IR’s authorities, especially Hassan Rouhani, to bring justice for all and raise the standards of living of the people, amazingly nothing has been done to improve Iranians’ living conditions, and no social freedom and justice is on the horizon. On the contrary, tougher repression and mass executions are the only gift by the IR to the Iranian people after sanctions ended.

Obama Plans “Unprecedented” Campaign To Drag Hillary over the Finish Line

Weasel Zippers


" President Obama is approaching the final weeks of the presidential campaign with an intense sense of urgency and concern amid a growing realization that the election could be determined by the narrowest of margins.
"Earlier this year, Obama seemed to regard the defeat of GOP nominee Donald Trump as a near inevitability, but in recent days the president has changed his tone.
"His recent warnings to Democrats that Hillary Clinton could lose reflects his understanding that he needs to be personally involved in mobilizing voters in some demographic groups in which he remains more popular than the party’s nominee — including African Americans and young people, according to several Obama aides and outside advisers.". . . 
Celebs speak out against Trump  . . . "The tongue-in-cheek video pokes fun at traditional celebrity-filled public service announcements, with stars chiming in, “The only way we can prove that to you is by having lots of famous people — just a s--- ton of famous people — repeating how important it is.”
"Without naming him, the spot targets Trump, the GOP presidential nominee.
“ 'Captain America: Civil War" actor Cheadle says the issue is important because it involves a “racist, abusive, coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society.”
“ 'Do we really want to give nuclear weapons to a man whose signature move is firing things?” asks “Hamilton” star Leslie Odom Jr.
“We can end this nightmare before it begins,” Julianne Moore says." . . .
We should expect numerous shows in the coming months to contain references against Trump, just as the "Law & Order" series hammered conservatives over and over.
Here is what Hollywood did to normal Americans who formed the Tea Party:
"Law & Order": another TV show that sucker-punches half the American population   "We began watching a 2009 episode of "Law and Order" entitled "Fed" last night and I had to shut it off at the start. We saw people like ourselves - TEA par-tiers, portrayed as rifle-toting, hateful bigots. Only Hollywood is capable of inspiring dislike and outrage by the simple means of the skillful acting of those who portray people like you and me as despicable and violent. They give us the same treatment they give to pharmaceutical  and insurance companies.
"May God bless all courageous conservatives in our country trying to stem the socialist tide sweeping America because the left has such massive force to bring against them. And the propaganda is being spoon-fed to the American public. How do we stand a chance?"
The Tunnel Dweller

TEA Partier on right, Obama voters on left

"Law & Order" & conservatives
I just surfed past "Law and Order, SVU" last evening and heard only the words "conservative bigot" spoken by Richard Belzer in the role of Munch. So I searched the words "conservative bigot law and order". Links included here are some of what came up.

Law [and] Order: Conservative Victims Unit  "This isn't the first time Law [and] Order writers have fantasized about murdering outspoken conservatives.  Last October, The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck was left shaken when an episode of Law [and] Order: SVU featured a character that was raped twice and then murdered by a serial killer.  The victim's name was Elizabeth Hassenbeck."

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

CIA Director: “I Voted For The Communist Party Candidate”…

Weasel Zippers


"No, not Barack Obama.
(CNN) – At his first polygraph test to enter the CIA, the future director had a secret.
John Brennan on Thursday recalled being asked a standard question for a top security clearance at his early CIA lie detector test: Have you ever worked with or for a group that was dedicated to overthrowing the US?
“I froze,” Brennan said during a panel discussion about diversity in the intelligence community at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference. “This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate,” . . .


"Instead of instantly seizing on this moment to assume Trump was wrong, shouldn't Sara have waited until all the facts were in?" 
Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Ann Coulter  "Forty minutes after the explosion in Chelsea Saturday night, Donald Trump told a crowd in Colorado that a bomb had gone off in New York and said, "We better get very tough, folks. We better get very, very tough." 

"For the next 48 hours, the media denounced Trump for jumping to conclusions about a "bomb" -- and especially for the wild suggestion that government policy had had anything to do with it. (How about our policy of naturalizing 858 people from terrorist-producing countries who were under orders of deportation? Is it deplorable to ask about that policy?)

"That night, CNN boasted that it placed "numerous requests" to the Trump campaign, demanding his evidence that it was a bomb.This explosive-filled device with a detonator that blew up in a dumpster -- what makes you think it was a bomb?

"Hoping to get a snappy riposte from the pouty pantsuit on Trump's wild leap from an explosion in a dumpster to a "bomb," the press asked her to comment on Trump's "conclusion" -- as they termed his statement of the blindingly obvious.

"Hillary referred to the bombing as a "bombing," then snipped, "I think it's important to know the facts about any incident like this ... I think it's always wiser to wait until you have information before making conclusions."

"True, there was a bombing, but that doesn't mean there was a bomb. Let's not fly off the handle. It could have been an exploding Edible Arrangement."  . . .

As described in In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome! our media and politicians are pretty quick to jump to the conclusion that terrorist attacks have absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
The night a truck bomb was found smoldering in Times Square, Mayor Michael Bloomberg went on "CBS Evening News" and said he thought it was somebody "homegrown," maybe "somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill or something."
The morning after the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, NBC's law enforcement analyst, Jim Cavanaugh, said that his best guess was that the shooter was a person "rooted in white hate movements," and had picked the club "because it's a diverse club and he hates diverse people."