Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Michelle Obama’s Christmas lump of coal

Last year, Obama persisted in plying and fine-tuning her false narrative at Tuskegee University’s commencement ceremony — decrying the “sting” of “daily slights” she blamed on racism, including unnamed “clerks who kept a close eye on us in all those department stores.”

Michelle Malkin  "Just what we all need to ring in the Christmas season: Un-merry millionaire Michelle Obama belly-aching about the burdens and sacrifices of public life with billionaire Oprah Winfrey.

“ 'There’s nowhere in the world I can go and sit and have a cup of coffee,” Obama lamented. It’s a frequent grievance. In September, she told InStyle magazine: “My hopes are to recapture some of the everydayness, some anonymity. … (I)t will be nice to open up the paper, look at the front page, and know that you’re not responsible for every headline.”

"And back in June, again with Oprah, the first lady griped that living in the spotlight was like “living in a cave.”

"Complain, complain, complain. What a way to make the most of your last six months in the grand and glorious White House.
"For the past eight years, Obama has traveled to every corner of the planet on the taxpayers’ dime. She has splurged in Spain, traversed the Great Wall of China, tangoed in Buenos Aires, skied in Aspen, lolled in Martha’s Vineyard and feasted in Marrakesh. Thanks to her public position and celebrity, she has been bestowed “fashion icon” status — donning a $12,000 custom-made Atelier Versace gown at her final State Dinner last month after enjoying two terms clad in Givenchy, Gucci, Jason Wu, Vera Wang, Caroline Herrera and other haute couture stars whose designs are unattainable to ordinary women in America." . . .


Trump and Churchill. Oh, and Obama

Derrick Wilburn  "For all his pre-election talk about restoring America’s standing in the world, international respect is an(other) area in which Barack Obama has failed.
"It’s clear enemies think he’s a powderpuff (North Korea test-firing missiles, Syria’s Assad laughing at “red lines”) and our allies – let’s just say they aren’t bubbling over with respect for the man.
"Highest on the list of less-than-impressed allies is England. From the Queen handing Obama a very public, highly embarrassing smack-down by letting him know his overly-pompous, six-helicopter caravan is no longer welcomed at her home, to British citizens filing excessive noise complaints over his visits, it’s safe to say there’s little love lost between B.O. and the Brits.
"The final straw in the destruction of the relationship may have come whenObama threatened the British people prior to the Brexit vote. Injecting himself into the self-governing decisions of a sovereign nation was widely disapprovedof.
"But the first straw came back in 2009 during his first weeks in office.
"Following the 9/11 terrorist attack on America, then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair presented President George W. Bush with a bronze bust of the UK’s famed and beloved World War II leader, Sir Winston Churchill. Bush placed the bust in the Oval Office where it remained until Obama took over. Then, claiming that the Oval Office was looking too cluttered, Obama promptly sent the bust back." . . .

Washington secretary of state: Possible $1,000 penalty proceeding against four ‘faithless electors’

The Volokh Conspiracy

Washington’s Electoral College made national news Monday when four “faithless” electors declined to vote for Hillary Clinton, who carried the state 54-38 over Donald Trump.
Eight electors cast ballots for Secretary Clinton, three votes went to former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell and one elector voted for Faith Spotted Eagle, an activist opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline.
It was the first time Washington had a “faithless” elector since Mike Padden of Spokane Valley, now a state senator. He voted for Ronald Reagan in 1976, rather than Gerald Ford, who had carried the state that year. The Legislature quickly passed a law imposing a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for voting for someone other than the nominee. Secretary of State Kim Wyman, the state’s chief elections officer, said she will enforce the statute. She is conferring with the Attorney General on a process for levying the penalty. . . .
"Though I’m not an expert on the subject, I’m inclined to think that a state may not legally bind electors to do the voters’ will, just as it can’t legally bind senators or representatives to vote a particular way. " . . . 

California secession organizers say they've opened an embassy -- in Moscow

Perhaps we can now welcome the State of Jefferson to America. 
Kamala Harris will be out of the US Senate and California need
no longer be concerned with getting rid of the Electoral College. 

LA Times  "California gained an embassy in Russia last weekend,
at least in the eyes of those who have promised to seek a 
statewide vote on secession, nicknamed "Calexit," in 2018.

"Louis Marinelli, a San Diego resident who is the leader of the group promoting an effort to turn the state into an independent country , organized the Moscow event that was publicized on social media.
" 'We want to start laying the groundwork for a dialogue about an independent California joining the United Nations now," he said in an email Monday." . . .

"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!"   Oliver Cromwell to the British Parliament

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Obama Bans Drilling In Swathes Of Arctic, Atlantic Oceans

Weasel Zippers  "Of course. One final shot against U.S. energy interests."
HONOLULU — President Barack Obama has designated the bulk of U.S.-owned waters in the Arctic Ocean and certain areas in the Atlantic Ocean as indefinitely off limits to future oil and gas leasing.
The move on Tuesday helps put some finishing touches on Obama’s environmental legacy while also testing President-elect Donald Trump’s promise to unleash the nation’s untapped energy reserves.
Environmental groups hope the ban, despite relying on executive powers, will be difficult for future presidents to reverse.
The White House says Obama has used a provision in a 1953 law to ban offshore leases in the waters permanently.
President Trump will have plenty of help however: 

 Michelle Obama: “We Are Gonna To Be There For Our Future President”… "First lady Michelle Obama pledged Monday that she and President Barack Obama will do what’s best for the country and “be there” however needed to help Donald Trump succeed as America’s next president.

Butter Sticks

"Do you think I am exaggerating? Well, just take a few minutes to Google the words “students demandand see what comes up. Here is what you will find:" . . .
Mike Adams

Butter Sticks

. . . "Teaching students that they have a right to be unoffended does have an effect I refer to as “reverse Darwinism.” Teaching weak and chronically offended people that they can negate the ideas of other people simply by shouting “I’m offended” does tend to result in weak people suppressing the ideas of stronger people who are unafraid to speak. This results in a phenomenon I also refer to as the “survival of the least emotionally fit.” When the weak silence the strong, weak arguments tend to overtake stronger ones. But this also teaches a valuable lesson to some of the stronger participants in the marketplace of ideas. 

"Think about it for moment. If you were a strong and aggressive proponent of left wing ideas (and you believed that the ends justify the means) then how would you respond to seeing someone suppress the ideas of others by claiming to be offended? There is a pretty good chance that you would try to manipulate the process by pretending to be offended. 

"Take the modern social justice warrior/feminist as an example. She stars in The Vagina Monologues one day – talking about her sex organs in public in the most graphic terms imaginable. The next day she is charging someone with sexual harassment for telling a joke ­ or at Davidson College for simply asking her out on a date. (No, I’m not kidding. At Davidson College “comments or inquiries about dating” are actually defined as sexual harassment). 

"So which one is it? Is the modern social warrior supposed to be classified as an adult or as a child? The answer depends on who is talking. If she is talking, she is an adult with full First Amendment protection. If someone else is talking, she is a wilting lily in need of protection." . . .

Pegasus Bridge the Movie

War History Online  Some photos added by TD.
– "The Brits own ‘Band of Brothers’? The director tells us more.

"Historically, some of the best war films ever made have been British. That kind of ended when Hollywood stepped up and dominated the film and entertainment market (after all they did have the budgets to do so). This history of WWII is mainly seen through the eyes of the U.S.A. and their involvement.
"Sadly, this has slightly put a bent on history and has been further reinforced by the computer games generation. Furthermore, Hollywood has also been responsible for some rewrites of history when churning out films, U-571 comes to mind. The fictitious plot attracted substantial criticism since, in reality, it was British personnel from HMS Bulldog who first captured a naval Enigma machine
 (from U-110 in the North Atlantic in May 1941), months before the U.S. had even entered the war. The anger over the inaccuracies even reached the British Parliament, where Prime Minister Tony Blair stated that the film was an “affront” to British sailors." . . .
"However, having said that, the U.S. has produced some game-changing films and productions. I don’t need to point them out but I will mention Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers. These two productions alone changed how WWII history is viewed. It actually saved our WWII history." . . . 

Image result for pegasus bridge photos
Now it gets interesting. As for years the Brits have been moaning ‘why doesn’t someone make a film on the British achievements during the war”. . .  
"Well, the Brits can stop moaning now as right here, is a British film that is in pre-production about an iconic fight that took place on early D-Day. In fact, the British were the first to land and into combat on D-Day." . . .

Pegasus Bridge today:
An aerial view of Pegasus Bridge near Ouistreham, Normandy. The  6th British Airborne Division captured the bridge before dawn on D-Day.

Pegasus Bridge then:

Ghosts of Time: 39 Incredible Then & Now WWII Pictures

War History Online  "This haunting collection of images takes us on a journey across the years, combining historical photographs with their modern-day settings.
"You can follow Adam Surrey’s work on Facebook: Ghosts of Time."

The People Have Spoken: Change Must Start Now

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Heritage  "Last night, the American people soundly rejected the failed liberal policies of Hillary Clinton and the broken legacy of President Barack Obama.

"Instead, they elected a candidate who vowed to restore their jobs, protect their borders, strive for peace, respect the Constitution, and make their country great again.

"Early on in the campaign, Clinton chose to ignore policy and focus on personal attacks. Federal overspending, failing schools, tax hikes, illegal immigration, and other issues Americans care deeply about were thrown aside for a personality-driven campaign.

"But the public did not like the person behind the personality. The dealings of the Clinton Foundation revealed disturbing allegiance to global elites, while leaked emails showed her campaign’s contempt for the priorities and faiths of regular Americans. To top it off, the voters could not stomach electing a candidate repeatedly investigated by the FBI for mishandling classified material.

"Donald Trump’s campaign was divisive to many Americans, and upended the conventional wisdom of nearly every talking head and professional politician in the country. But he spoke to the concerns of a people too often ignored by the mainstream media and ruling elites. He offered a vision of a secure nation, of policies which promote opportunity for all, and an end to dysfunctional big government programs like Obamacare.

"And America chose." . . .  By Jim DeMint

Dylann Roof Found Guilty

Image result for dylan roof cartoons

Pattericos Pontifications
Roof was charged with 33 counts in his federal indictment. He was found guilty on every single one. Family members of the nine parishioners gunned down last year nodded silently as each charge was read aloud. Some held hands, their eyes shut tightly, as each guilty verdict was announced in the courtroom just a mile from the church.
"According to reports, Roof’s mother had a heart attack during the proceedings when she heard prosecutors lay out in graphic detail her son’s plans to start a race war.

"It will be determined in January whether Roof will be sentenced to death or face life in prison. Roof is planning to represent himself at the sentencing phase of the trial.

"Interestingly, a recent poll revealed more black South Carolinians would rather that Roof be given a life sentence instead of the death penalty:"

  • Nadine Collier, daughter of victim Ethel Lance
  • “I forgive you. You took something very precious away from me. I will never get to talk to her ever again. I will never be able to hold her again, but I forgive you, and have mercy on your soul. … You hurt me. You hurt a lot of people. If God forgives you, I forgive you.”
  • Relative of Myra Thompson
  • “I would just like him to know that, to say the same thing that was just said: I forgive him and my family forgives him. But we would like him to take this opportunity to repent. Repent. Confess. Give your life to the one who matters most: Christ. So that He can change him and change your ways, so no matter what happens to you, you’ll be okay.”
  • Felicia Sanders, mother of Tywanza Sanders
  • “We welcomed you Wednesday night in our Bible study with welcome arms. You have killed some of the most beautiful people that I know. Every fiber in my body hurts and I’ll, I’ll never be the same. Tywanza Sanders was my son. But Tywanza Sanders was my hero. Tywanza was my hero. … May God have mercy on you.”
  • Wanda Simmons, granddaughter of Daniel Simmons
  • “Although my grandfather and the other victims died at the hands of hate, this is proof, everyone’s plea for your soul, is proof that they lived in love and their legacies will live in love. So hate won’t win. And I just want to thank the court for making sure that hate doesn’t win.”
  • Sister of DePayne Middleton Doctor
  • “That was my sister, and I’d like to thank you on behalf of my family for not allowing hate to win. For me, I’m a work in progress. And I acknowledge that I am very angry. But one thing that DePayne always enjoined in our family … is she taught me that we are the family that love built. We have no room for hating, so we have to forgive. I pray God on your soul.”
"And, because some “professional” journalists simply can’t help themselves from a delusional exploitation of the horrific event, and because there will always be hate, there is this:"

The Obama's Last Days....I guess

Image result for obama's presidency cartoons

Obama grants 153 commutations, 78 pardons  . . . "The president has now commuted the sentences of 1,176 individuals, including 395 life sentences. 
"White House counsel Neil Eggleston said the move signifies Obama's "continued commitment to exercising his clemency authority through the remainder of his time in office.". . . 
. . . "Of the 153 individuals granted a shorter prison sentence, most were sentenced for non-violent drug-related crimes. However, 42 had a firearm-related offense as well, such as "use of a firearm in relation to a drug trafficking offense.' " . . .
When it’s not President Barack Obama showing that he’s a sore loser with his snide remarks, it’s his wife Michelle.  . . . "With Barack and Michelle Obama tearing this country to shreds to serve their own personal agendas, there’s really no questioning how the sore losers would handle a Donald Trump win. However, to pretend that you want hope immediately after stomping on it by saying something like this election was “painful” isn’t really fooling anyone. Now, we can officially say that the Obamas have gone out just the way they governed – in a sad and pathetically petty manner." . . .Michelle Obama Looking Forward to Getting Her Anonymity Back.

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester
. . . "A friend of mine once observed that humility is so light a grace that once you think you have attained it, you’ve lost it. Humility is the polar opposite of what Michelle Obama displayed to Oprah and what the president has mirrored during his eight years in office. Throughout his presidency, you might have thought the pronoun “I” was his first initial for all the times he referred to himself.
"The Obamas could have offered real hope, especially in the hearts of African-American children, by leading the poor among them out of failing inner-city schools and giving their parents a choice of where to send them for a better education, which would have led to a better life. They rightly sent their daughters to elite private schools, rather than bad D.C. Public Schools, but denied that choice to those less affluent, thus perpetuating a spirit of hopelessness in those voters who had hoped for something beyond a “let’s move” exercise program and a vegetable garden on the White House lawn."

Time to face reality, Obama — Trump is going to be president  . . . "So this is how it ends — in a whimper wrapped in self-pity and recriminations. With President Obama on the defensive at his final press conference and Hillary Clinton’s last campaign event resembling a wake, the Democratic Party is limping off the stage and into the political winter" . . .

Report: Obama intends to transfer more Gitmo detainees before leaving office
"The Obama administration intends to transfer 17 or 18 of the remaining 59 Guantanamo Bay detainees before the president leaves office, the New York Times reported Monday night. " . . .
. . . "If the proposal goes through, Donald Trump would be left to deal with 10 men who were charged or convicted in military commissions, and 27 who were not charged but are deemed to dangerous to release. 
"It is not clear if Trump will refuse to transfer detainees once he takes office. " . . .

Hillary humiliated again: Loses more “Faithless Electors” than Trump

Legal Insurrection

. . . "The insurrection was far smaller in the Republican camp.

"Chris Suprun, who wrote in The New York Times that he would not vote for Trump, voted for John Kasich instead. Another person voted for Ron Paul, but overall, Texas gave Trump 36 electoral votes, pushing him to 304 votes, well over the 270 needed.

"Two. After all the commotion from the media and leftists, Trump lost two.

"In Washington, Hillary won 8 electoral votes, but four people defected: 3 voted for former Secretary of State Colin Powell and another voted for Faith Spotted Eagle, an elder in the Yankton Dakota tribe. That vote belonged to Robert Satiacum of Washington’s Puyallup Tribe. He supported Bernie Sanders during the primary." . . .