Friday, April 17, 2020

Trump’s Biggest Mistake During the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Claiming ‘Total Authority’ Over States Reopening

PJ Media   "No response to a pandemic can go perfectly, but overall, President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has gone quite well, despite the media’s attempt to persuade you otherwise. Despite the regulatory conundrum that slowed down testing early on, the federal government’s response to the outbreak has been unprecedented. Before there had even been a confirmed coronavirus death in the United States, President Trump had set up a task force, instituted screening at airports, and banned travel with China. Before the coronavirus was even a main topic of discussion for the public, the NIH was already working on developing a vaccine. Rather than waiting months to declare a national emergency (like Barack Obama did with H1N1) Trump made his national emergency declaration two days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic.
"But Trump did make a rather bad misstep this week when he claimed to have "total" authority over the country reopening.
 'When somebody is president of the United States, your authority is total," he said.
"President Trump has certain powers during a national emergency declaration and he has the power to let the emergency declaration expire. He can ease federal government recommendations for social distancing, but the various shutdowns were implemented by each state and local government, and the states and local governments have to lift them." . . .

Do governors have the right to decide which activities are essential?

Andrew P. Napolitano   "During the past month, as Americans have been terrified of the coronavirus, another demon has been lurking ready to pounce. It is a demon of our own creation. It is the now amply manifested inability of elected officials to resist the temptation of totalitarianism. And it is slowly bringing about the death of personal liberty in our once free society.
"It is one thing for public officials to use a bully pulpit to educate and even intimidate the populace into a prudent awareness of basic sanitary behaviors — even those which go against our nature — to impede the spread of COVID-19. It is quite another to contend that their suggestions and intimidations and guidelines somehow have the force of the law behind them.
"They don’t.
"The government in America — at both the federal and state levels — is divided into three branches: Legislative, executive and judicial.  his separation of powers was crafted at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 after heated debate. The essence of the debate was this: How to establish a government strong enough to protect individual liberty but not so strong as to enable the government to destroy it. James Madison and his colleagues devised the separation of powers to keep power from accumulating in one branch.
"The legislative branch writes the laws, and the executive enforces them, and the judiciary interprets them and articulates what they mean. The president cannot write laws. The courts cannot enforce them. And Congress cannot interpret them. When Congress has gotten lazy or presidents have gotten ambitious and we’ve seen presidential lawmaking, the courts have struck it down. Stated differently, the separation of powers is core to our freedoms and the courts have consistently ruled that core functions assigned by the U.S. Constitution to each branch cannot be ceded away to another branch.
"The same is the case for the states, as each state’s constitution mimics the U.S. Constitution and mandates separation. The separation is not mandated to protect the prerogatives of each branch. It is mandated to protect individual liberty by preventing any branch from accumulating power assigned to the others.
"This has been Madison’s genius. It has become Madison’s sorrow." . . .

Pelosi Is Finally Asked Why Dems Are Blocking Refunding Program to Aid Suffering Americans, Her Answer Is Just Awful


"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has left Americans trying to save their small businesses and the jobs of millions of employees high and dry.
"She beat it out of town to San Francisco and the House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said they wouldn’t be back in session until May 4, “absent an emergency.”
"But they left town after blocking the refunding of the Paycheck Protection Program which is helping tide over small businesses to keep their employees in the face of the governmental shutdowns.
"Pelosi actually bragged about Democrats blocking it from her home in California.
"Now the program has just ran out of money on Wednesday and isn’t taking any more applications because the Democrats have refused to pass more funding for it." . . .

Civil disobedience can end the coronavirus stupidity
The Washington Times   "The happiest news to emerge in recent coronavirus weeks come courtesy of videos from online news sources showing the good citizens of Michigan, fed up with their tyrannical governor, taking to the streets in mass — and maskless! — to demand an end to the tyranny.
"The saddest news? The realization that it took so long for these types of protests to occur.
"And for reason for that, we can turn to the Declaration of Independence.
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed,” the opening lines state.
"Most Americans, when first informed of the coronavirus, wanted to simply do the right thing and help their neighbors, help their communities and families, help their country. They willingly stayed home; out of love for neighbor — or at least, concern for neighbor — abided by the government’s recommendations and mandates to protect against the spread of the virus. Business owners shelved their dreams of entrepreneurial freedom for the good of the country. School administrators closed their buildings; government service officers shut their doors. Church pastors, even, sent their congregations online.
"Then things got stupid. Really stupid.
"Then government ran amok.
"The Americans saw tyrannical types, up close and personal, up close and in their own communities, seize powers the Constitution doesn’t grant and run roughshod over the rights of individuals and business owners. And Americans saw how these tyrannies were taking place in the face of failed computer modeling that showed wildly inaccurate coronavirus numbers. 
“ 'Michigan cracks down on seed purchases and tiny gatherings,” The Post Millennial reported, of Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s ridiculous executive-issued prohibitions against the purchase of plant seeds and grains in the state — and against neighbors from visiting their next-door neighbors.

Are We Witnessing a Targeted Hit Against Trump Voters?

Joe's pandemic plan
American Greatness

"If you tried to design an attack against the president’s supporters, you couldn’t do better than what the experts have done in the name of public health"

"It’s phony because “the economy” isn’t shut down. Far from it. Walmart is still open. Dollar General is open. Amazon is open. Alibaba is open.
"It just so happens that the big-box mass merchandisers and online retailers responsible for flooding our country with crap from Communist China are open.
"Meanwhile, other, very specific parts of the country are shut down.
Family-owned shops and workshops, the backbone of America, are closed. Fast-food franchises remain open—drive-through windows are operating at full tilt—but independently owned restaurants are shuttered or trying to survive at diminished capacity doing takeout only.
"Conveniently, if not coincidentally, small-business owners make up an important segment of Trump’s base. Like the president, they have signed the front of a paycheck, experienced the brunt of the well-meaning administrative state, and endured the predations of giant corporations and subsidized Chinese competition. That’s why they love President Trump–he understands what they go through.
"While these largely family-owned, small and medium-sized enterprises are laying off workers by the millions, Amazon and Walmart are hiring.
"In the energy industry, the big guys can weather the storm while small, independent producers are getting crushed as oil prices fall off the cliff along with demand." . . .

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Outrage of the day

Don Surber

"What could be more outrageous than abortion mills remaining open in the COVID-19 lockdown?
"Birth tourism remaining open. For women from Red China. Rich women at that.
"The city of Orange, California, have yet to shut down JR Motel, which caters to rich women who give birth in the USA to bestow American citizenship on their progeny. The Orange County Register reported the city may get around to closing the operation down by the end of the month.
"Any other business in America would be shut down immediately, but for some reason, JR Motel is exempt.
"Did I mention its customers are rich?
"On December 17, the Register reported, "The JR Motel in Orange has no sign, takes no reservations and hasn’t paid any city hotel taxes.
" 'The motel openly caters to Chinese nationals as a maternity facility, a practice known as birth tourism. But that’s not the use permitted for the site, at 428 E. Lincoln Avenue. City officials in Orange are looking to revoke the motel’s permit, something the motel’s owner says is driven by discrimination." . . . 

Trump Reposts Damning Video Nancy Pelosi Deleted From Her Twitter Feed

Small business loan program runs out of money, no longer accepting applications
. . . "Last week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin asked Congress to allocate $250 billion more for the program. But a GOP attempt to approve it was rejected by Senate Democrats, who maintained that additional cash should include emergency funding for hospitals and states, as well as some changes to the small business aid program. Republican aides have said conservatives will reject any spending beyond the PPP." . . .

Nancy Pelosi Asked To Explain To Small Business Owners Why Dems Are Blocking Emergency Funding  "In February as Wuhan coronavirus raged around the world and was spreading in American communities, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a visit to San Francisco's Chinatown to berate President Trump for his travel ban to-and-from China. 
"According to the White House, Pelosi deleted video of the event from her Twitter feed. President Trump is reminding everyone about what she said."
Crazy Nancy Pelosi deleted this from her Twitter account. She wanted everyone to pack into Chinatown long after I closed the BORDER TO CHINA. Based on her statement, she is responsible for many deaths. She’s an incompetent, third-rate politician! Video 
Nancy Pelosi's response when President @realDonaldTrump announced that all travel from Europe would be suspended: "We'll see whether it's worth the trouble."

Nancy Pelosi bragging about eating a wide array of ice cream flavors from her $11k fridge while Americans suffer as she blocks relief for small businesses is the most Nancy Pelosi thing ever. 
"Nancy Pelosi struggles, near speechless when asked to “explain to those small businesses” why she is blocking more funding for the

Barack Obama’s endorsement of Joe Biden is comedy gold


A masterly performance, delivered with a straight face

"Anyone who doubts that Barack Obama has a sense of humor should take a look of his endorsement of Joe Biden to be president of the United States. Really, it’s a masterly performance, and delivered, mirabile dictu, with a straight face. Try it yourself. Grab a mirror. Assume your best ‘I’m-being-serious-and-sincere’ expression. Then say out loud that Joe Biden would bring ‘leadership guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace’ to the Capital.
. . . 
"Last May in this space, I wrote an article called ‘Why Joe Biden can’t win’. Back then, many of Joe Biden’s signal liabilities were already obvious: his fogginess and ‘gaffes’, his astonishing corruption. The main thing he had going was his aura of normality, brittle but well-rehearsed. In comparison with fruitcakes like Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren, he seemed like a reassuring guy from headquarters. Since then, however, his verbal tics have degenerated into unmistakeable signs of mental deterioration. I’ve several times remarked that letting Joe Biden continue with his campaign was really a form of elder abuse. Barack Obama’s better-late-than-never endorsement cannot save the campaign of this doddering political relic." . . .

The New York Times Is Extremely Skeptical of Tara Reade's Sexual Assault Accusation Against Joe Biden. Imagine That.

"We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable."

. . . "It's an excruciatingly matter-of-fact article, bereft of the emotion and rhetorical flourishes that have often characterized the Times' past reporting on #MeToo stories. The Times' investigative piece on Deborah Ramirez, Brett Kavanaugh's Yale accuser, was headlined, "Brett Kavanaugh Fit in With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not." The paper also ran ostensibly objective pieces with headlines like "For Christine Blasey Ford, a Drastic Turn From a Quiet Life in Academia" and "With Caffeine and Determination, Christine Blasey Ford Relives Her Trauma." These were news articles, but it was not hard to detect an agenda: portray the accuser as so likable and sympathetic that readers would want to believe her."
   . . . 
"While the Times' dismissal of the existence of a pattern has attracted most of the derision, an earlier point is more obviously flawed. As Current Affairs editor Nathan Robinson points out, it is false to say that none of Biden's staff corroborated any part of her allegation. Reade has alleged that after she complained about sexual harassment, Biden's people punished her by taking away most of her duties, which included supervising the interns. The New York Times' story confirmed with two former interns that Reade "abruptly stopped supervising them in April, before the end of their internships." . . .


Nanzilla by Ian Macfarlane
Tone-Deaf Pelosi Shows What Gives Her Comfort In These ‘Trying Times’
"Clueless in front of $30,000 in expensive double refrigerators and designer ice cream."

James Corden asks Nancy Pelosi to show off something in her home, and she's excited to share her supply of Easter chocolate, and her incredibly impressive supply of ice cream in the freezer. And Reggie Watts has a question for the Speaker.

Is Nancy Pelosi trying to be the most hated woman in America?  . . . "As you may recall, at the end of March, when Congress was working on its first stimulus bill, the Senate had reached a bipartisan agreement. Nancy Pelosi, however, flew into town, announced that the agreement was off, and the Democrat Senators meekly walked away. Then, in place of the negotiated agreement, Pelosi introduced a 1,200 page bill that was more focused on advancing a Democrat wish list (social justice issues, climate change, union support, etc.), than in helping Americans blindsided by an economic shutdown." . . .
. . . "It’s not a good look. Thankfully, this is not France in 1792, so Pelosi need not worry about keeping her head. (Although, interestingly, her own daughter said of her, “She’ll cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding.”) Still, it would be nice if San Franciscans would end their love affair with her and finally send this power-mad, multi-millionaire, limousine leftist packing." . . .

Small Business Loan Program Runs Out Of Money, No Longer Accepting Applications, Thanks To Democrats "It’s despicable. They’ll throw more people out of work and media will blame GOP and Trump when it’s Democrats who are blocking a clean bill and holding Americans hostage to get the pet programs through."

Again, why DO you watch CNN?

That channel long ago gave up any aspirations of being a source to be relied on for information. TD

At first unlikeable to me (I still feel Carly Fiorina is owed an apology for Trump's insult to her), this man has proven courageous in standing up for our nation against America's enemies, foreign and right here among us. 
Under Democrats, our ships were challenged by several rival countries whose militaries harrassed our ships, flying within feet of them and threatening our to attack.
Obama sent pallets of cash were sent to Iran in payment for hostages they were allowed to take by that same President. 

CNN Accuses Trump of Running ‘Propaganda Session’ During White House Briefing
"CNN is always looking to hit new lows."

 CNN Insists WH Video Using Media's Own Words Is Chinese 'Propaganda'
"Despite being constant critics of the president, CNN will throw themselves a pity party when they are the ones taking the heat from the White House. That was evident Monday evening into Tuesday morning as just about every CNN host and correspondent raged at President Trump for playing a video during Monday’s coronavirus task force briefing that called out some in the media for downplaying COVID-19.
"CNNers were so upset at the White House pushing back on their narrative that Trump cost American lives by not acting soon enough, that the network cut out of the briefing early to complain." . . .
. . . "Stelter also laughably took issue with Trump focusing on “the past”, seemingly not understanding that this video was a response to the media constantly harping about how Trump allegedly didn’t do enough in the past to respond to the virus.
"Later in the evening, hosts Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon couldn’t stop ranting at Trump’s “propaganda.” Not to be outdone, White House correspondent Jim Acosta amazingly deflected blame from his network shilling for China by saying that the White House video was Chinese propaganda paid by “your tax dollars”:            " . . .

Suppose Trump Had Acted Earlier Against the Wuhan Virus?  . . . "Too bad their energies are always directed against Trump, rather than subjects given only a brief glance, such as Benghazi, Hillary Clinton’s emails, the Steele/Brennan dossier, and real election interference.
"The New York Times, briefly distracted by rewriting their tweets describing Joe Biden being credibly accused of sexual assault, took up the role of drum major in the media’s Get Trump jihad." . . .

In New Book, Jon Karl Admits Press Is Full of Trump Haters, RIPS Acosta as 'Rude' Jerk  . . . "In the introduction on page XXII, Karl, the chief White House correspondent for ABC News slammed the President as a serial liar: “The president is waging a war on truth, helping to convince millions of Americans that real news is fake, that journalists are partisans out to get him.”
"But Karl then concedes:
“But the truth is that the mainstream media coverage of Donald Trump is relentlessly and exhaustively negative. His accomplishments – and there are accomplishments – are either ignored or overshadowed by the drumbeat of outrage fueled by his own outrageous behavior.” . . .
Comedian Argus Hamilton discusses CNN: "A Phoenix grandma visiting the zoo saved a woman from the clutches of a Jaguar with which she’d tried to take a selfie. She hurled a water bottle at the cat and then pulled the woman to safety. The next day, CNN reported that a white woman attacked an African immigrant and stole his lunch."
Never forget this piece of hard-hitting "journalism" from CNN as that channel's, um, employee Dan Lothian spoke truth to power in his Obama interview :

During the last presidential campaign: Katie Hopkins calls CNN the Clinton News Network  Watch the CNN anchor do her best to stick up for CNN instead of drawing out the opinions of their guest.

This is how you look presidential, Donald!
Joe Biden Flunks His First Attempt To Look Presidential
. . . "He started by calling for unity and inviting President Donald Trump to refrain from attacking his political opponents, saying the president’s daily briefings “are not a place for political attacks.” Then Biden proceeded to preview a lengthy political attack on Trump that he plans to use in the presidential campaign, accusing his likely opponent of worsening the crisis with a slow response.
"Biden has been caught repeatedly lying about the administration’s response. He falsely claimed that Trump cut the budgets at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute for Health. He lied when he said the World Health Organization “offered the testing kits that they have available” but “we refused them.” He used a doctored clip to make the deceptive claim that Trump had called the outbreak a hoax.
"So much for his promise to deliver the “unvarnished truth.” . . .

"This will be interesting. Biden has adopted the general Democratic Party tone of major disenchantment toward Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In turn, we would expect Biden's victory to lead to a general decoupling of U.S.-Saudi interests, ultimately in Putin's favor. We would also expect a Biden presidency to seek America's restored involvement in the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord. That shift would consolidate the Iranian regime as it faces unprecedented financial, social, and public health pressures. Beyond the big two Middle Eastern powers, U.S. counterterrorism policy would likely remain generally the same as now, albeit with greater restrictions on more risky U.S. military operations" . . .

The most basic questions about Joe Biden have no clear answers and that should terrify Democrats  . . . "That a party's nominee for president should be competent, compelling, and coherent is supposed to be taken for granted. Edsall is saying that with Biden, it's not.
"Is there any doubt among Republicans that their candidate, President Trump, will be able to "negotiate the demands" of debates, press conferences, and speeches? No.
"How scary must that be for Democrats?"

"In trying to exonerate Biden of sexual assault allegations by Tara Reade, the Times did more damage than help for Biden."
. . . "When Trump did restrict travel from China on January 31, he was called racist and xenophobic by a media and Democratic Party downplaying the virus threat. Can you imagine the howls from the NY Times and other media about ‘Trump the dictator’ if he took any of those steps just after his impeachment trial acquittal?
"On the other hand, the Times is running cover for Joe Biden. In a move reminiscent of how The Boston Globe tried repeatedly to exonerate Elizabeth Warren of her Native American deception, the Times tries to exonerate Biden of the allegations of sexual assault made by Tara Reade. We covered those allegation previously." . . .