Thursday, April 16, 2020

This is how you look presidential, Donald!
Joe Biden Flunks His First Attempt To Look Presidential
. . . "He started by calling for unity and inviting President Donald Trump to refrain from attacking his political opponents, saying the president’s daily briefings “are not a place for political attacks.” Then Biden proceeded to preview a lengthy political attack on Trump that he plans to use in the presidential campaign, accusing his likely opponent of worsening the crisis with a slow response.
"Biden has been caught repeatedly lying about the administration’s response. He falsely claimed that Trump cut the budgets at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute for Health. He lied when he said the World Health Organization “offered the testing kits that they have available” but “we refused them.” He used a doctored clip to make the deceptive claim that Trump had called the outbreak a hoax.
"So much for his promise to deliver the “unvarnished truth.” . . .

"This will be interesting. Biden has adopted the general Democratic Party tone of major disenchantment toward Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. In turn, we would expect Biden's victory to lead to a general decoupling of U.S.-Saudi interests, ultimately in Putin's favor. We would also expect a Biden presidency to seek America's restored involvement in the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord. That shift would consolidate the Iranian regime as it faces unprecedented financial, social, and public health pressures. Beyond the big two Middle Eastern powers, U.S. counterterrorism policy would likely remain generally the same as now, albeit with greater restrictions on more risky U.S. military operations" . . .

The most basic questions about Joe Biden have no clear answers and that should terrify Democrats  . . . "That a party's nominee for president should be competent, compelling, and coherent is supposed to be taken for granted. Edsall is saying that with Biden, it's not.
"Is there any doubt among Republicans that their candidate, President Trump, will be able to "negotiate the demands" of debates, press conferences, and speeches? No.
"How scary must that be for Democrats?"

"In trying to exonerate Biden of sexual assault allegations by Tara Reade, the Times did more damage than help for Biden."
. . . "When Trump did restrict travel from China on January 31, he was called racist and xenophobic by a media and Democratic Party downplaying the virus threat. Can you imagine the howls from the NY Times and other media about ‘Trump the dictator’ if he took any of those steps just after his impeachment trial acquittal?
"On the other hand, the Times is running cover for Joe Biden. In a move reminiscent of how The Boston Globe tried repeatedly to exonerate Elizabeth Warren of her Native American deception, the Times tries to exonerate Biden of the allegations of sexual assault made by Tara Reade. We covered those allegation previously." . . .

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