Sunday, April 2, 2023

Bill Maher fears Trump indictment will spark 'cycle of revenge' for future presidents |

 Fox News  "Real Time" host Bill Maher did not pop the champagne following the historic criminal indictment of former President Trump. 

"Maher kicked off the panel discussion on Friday night expressed how conflicted he is about the charges being brought from New York, calling it an "impossible choice" since "you can't not go after him because he's always guilty," pointing to both of his impeachments.

" 'I always ask myself the question, ‘What is actually better for the future of the country and my future?' Because I don't want to live in a country where we are one of these places where whoever is president, as soon as they get out of office, they go after them," Maher said. 

"He continued, "It's almost Greek tragedy-like because you set off this cycle of revenge like The House of Atreus. And I guarantee you when Biden is out of office, Day Two, they will try to arrest him."

"Republican Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears called for due process and warned Trump's political adversaries "be careful that you don't dance on the grave of your enemy because you may fall in."

"Meanwhile, Tablet Magazine columnist James Kirchick told Maher that the "tragic part" that the three other criminal investigations hovering over Trump that are "far more serious than paying off a porn star."

" 'So if you're going to indict the first president ever in the history of this country for something… why couldn't it have been for one of these other investigations rather than this new one which is going on a novel legal theory that the D.A. in Manhattan has. It's unclear whether he'll even be able to get a conviction," Kirchick said.

"The other probes involving the former president include his role in the events leading up to the Jan. 6 riot., his handling of classified documents after leaving office and the effort to reverse the Georgia election results.". . .

Trump Indictment: 'It is now OPEN SEASON' on any and all former presidents | Victor Davis Hanson - YouTube

See what I mean? "And sitting Presidents! Now that the door has been opened it's time to go after Bill Clinton (and Hillary) and Barak Obama. They started it, now let's finish it! We'll give them what they want-- open season! "

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Welcome to the Third World

 Yes, We Have Gone Bananas - Clarice Feldman  

Bragg’s office (a New York state operation) received federal funds to investigate Trump, and if you think Attorney General Merrick Garland was not in some way involved in this matter, you and I are in disagreement.

 . . ."Quick polls suggest that this view has purchase:   . . ."Republicans (93 – 5 percent) and independents (70 – 26 percent) think the Manhattan District Attorney’s case is mainly motivated by politics, while Democrats (66 – 29 percent) think the case is mainly motivated by the law,” Quinnipiac announced in a press release." . . .

Democrats' indictment of Trump is noted abroad -- and the banana republics are having a field day - Monica Showalter   "The Manhattan district attorney's junk indictment of former President Trump has been roundly booed as banana-republic politics even on the Democrat side of the spectrum, as well as the Republican.

"And in the real banana republics? The ones that are regularly lectured for their records on human rights and democracy?

"They're having a field day.

"Get a load of some of these: . . ."

Then we need to launch investigations into the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens to find out how these people with no marketable skills managed to become some of the wealthiest in the country while “working to help the poor.” It’s weird, they all dedicated themselves to helping the poor, yet they’ve managed to get rich while doing it. Who knew the key to wealth was whining about how others don’t have it?

. . ."Let's go back to the Nixon pardon, or the last time that a U.S. president was facing criminal charges.  Enter President Ford, or a man who understood how dangerous it was to go after a former president.  It became President Ford's biggest and most courageous decision."...

President Biden: "No, I'm Not Going To Talk About Trump's Indictment"

 RealClearPolitics   "President Biden firmly did not answer any questions about the indictment of his main political rival, former President Donald Trump, Friday as he left the White House:

 Turley on "Chilling" Trump Indictment: "If This Is The Standard, Trump Will Not Be The Last President Indicted" | Video | RealClearPolitics  Video

Nets Spend 273 Minutes on Trump, 0 Seconds on Biden Family Corruption | Newsbusters   "Shhh! Nothing to see here! The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks continue to bury the Hunter Biden probe and the growing scandals surrounding the Biden family’s corruption, including the House Oversight Committee’s revelations that Hunter, the President’s brother Jim and Hallie Biden (widow of son Beau) received payments from a Chinese energy firm — something President Joe Biden firmly denied

"However, their voracious appetite for covering the various investigations (Stormy Daniels, Mara Lago documents, January 6th) surrounding former President Donald Trump remains unsatiated. 

"Beginning with the House Oversight Committee’s breaking of the Hallie Biden news through the evening of Trump’s indictment, MRC analysts tracked the glaring double-standard.

"Over 14 days (March 16-March 30) ABC, NBC, CBS filled their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows with over 272 minutes (4 hours, 32 minutes, 56 seconds) of Trump investigation coverage compared to ZERO seconds spent on Biden family corruption stories. On average, network audiences saw almost 20 minutes per day of Trump investigation stories. ". . .

Trump VS the liberal world

Hat tip to Lucianne News Forum

Trump Isn’t A Special Case, He’s A Test Case – Issues & Insights
"Liberals might be scratching their heads over why potential Donald Trump rivals are rushing to denounce his indictment. The reason is simple. Conservative Republicans know that if this assault is allowed to stand, they will be next.

 "I Would Not Be Surprised" - Harmeet Dhillon: NY DA's Office May Try to Silence Trump with Gag Order - - To Prevent Him from Campaigning (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit  . . . On Friday Harmeet Dhillon joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the criminal leak on the New York City DA’s garbage indictment of President Donald Trump. Harmeet suggested the Soros-funded DA will attempt to silence President Trump with a gag order. That way the communist left can prevent President Trump from campaigning.". . .

Ric Grenell Calls on GOP Candidates to Unite Behind Trump After Indictment (   "They’ve unleashed political prosecutions like a Third World dictatorship. I fear what this will mean going forward."

WAYNE ROOT: I’ve Been Calling for a “National Divorce” for Two Years. Here’s How to Make It Happen Quickly. | The Gateway Pundit   "I warned Democrats were crazed suicide bombers intent on destroying America, American exceptionalism, and the American Dream. I warned this was a communist takeover. I warned about the weaponization of the government. I warned about the end of free speech. I warned about where this was headed. That was BEFORE the crazy radical left actually indicted President Donald J. Trump.". . ."The indictment of Trump is your wakeup call. We cannot live with these people. They are a combination of Soviet Gulag, East German Stasi and Nazi Gestapo. They are intolerant communist tyrants obsessed with controlling your life and eliminating dissent.". . .

REPORT: Trump Lawyers Strike Deal With Prosecutors Over Terms Of Trump's Surrender ( . . .According to the report, Trump will not be handcuffed when he surrenders. The unusual event will mark the first instance of a former US commander-in-chief being arrested and brought to court.

"A court representative has confirmed that Donald Trump’s court appearance is scheduled for Tuesday, April 4th, at 2:15 pm ET. Joe Tacopina, Trump’s lawyer, remarked that “he will not be put in handcuffs. I’m sure they’ll try to make sure they get some joy out of this by parading him.” Trump will have secret service protection the entire time.". . .

End of the Republic | Frontpage Mag   "Is the title of this piece apocalyptic hyperbole? I wish it were. But everyone in the country and most of the people in the wide world know that Donald Trump has not actually been indicted for the crime of giving hush money to a prostitute. He has been indicted for the crime of opposing the Leftist elites and challenging their control over the political system. For the first time in American history, a politician – indeed, a front-running presidential candidate – has been indicted in order to destroy his political chances. Americans used to take pride in the fact that such things didn’t happen in the United States of America. But that United States of America is over.  Donald Trump has been indicted on the thinnest of charges. ". . .

Marjorie Taylor Greene to Lead New York Protest of Trump Indictment on Tuesday | The Gateway Pundit Move over Jan 6 protestors; it's about to get crowded in there.

BREAKING LEAK: Trump Hit with 34 Counts Related to Business Fraud! | The Gateway Pundit  "The indictment is currently under seal, however, according to a leak to CNN, President Trump was hit with 34 counts related to business fraud. “Former President Donald Trump faces more than 30 counts related to business fraud in an indictment from a Manhattan grand jury, according to two sources familiar with the case.” CNN reported.". . .

Michigan college professor suspended for saying some conservative campus speakers should be killed

 Just The News" A college professor at Wayne State University in Michigan, Steven Shaviro, was suspended without pay after posting on Facebook that it would be better for students to kill their political opponents rather than just protest against them. 

"I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down," Shaviro said on Facebook, according to Fox News.

[But anything one says that the left does not like will get you branded as any or all of the above. TD]

"When right-wing groups invite such speakers to campus, it is precisely because they want to provoke an incident that discredits the left, and gives more publicity and validation to these reprehensible views than they could otherwise attain," he wrote.

"The protesters get blamed instead of the bigoted speaker; the university administration finds a perfect excuse to side publicly with the racists or phobes; the national and international press has a field day saying that bigots are the ones being oppressed, rather than the people those bigots actually hate being the victims of oppression," the post continued.

Wayne State President M. Roy Wilson condemned the post in an email to the students and said that the university notified the police. 

"We have on many occasions defended the right of free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but we feel this post far exceeds the bounds of reasonable or protected speech. It is, at best, morally reprehensible and, at worst, criminal," Wilson said in the email. 

Argus Hamilton excerpts

 Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report - Argus Hamilton (

New York Democratic District Attorney Alvin Bragg denied his prosecution of Trump is politically motivated. However no legal expert thinks he has a criminal case. The district attorney is so easy on street criminals that Trump thought about killing someone to get Bragg to drop all charges.

 President Biden cuddled a baby onstage at the White House celebration of the 13th anniversary of the passage of Obama Care Thursday and declared that he loves babies better than people. I'm not surprised at all to hear it. There's an obvious reason why Joe Biden loves babies, they both wear diapers.

 Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger conceded Thursday that the price of admission to Disney World has gotten too high and that the theme park needs to be more accessible for families. There is no irony greater than the irony of Disney World. For starters, the fact that it's a giant human trap set by a mouse.

Midwest Democrat governors asked Biden to name Chicago to host the Democratic Convention in 2024. Animal rights activists won't like it. The Convention Center is across the street from the Chicago Stockyards and if the cattle are downwind from the speeches they might get sick from the smell.

 The New York Times published another scary climate change warning Wednesday saying that the earth is speeding toward catastrophe if we don't act fast. It's a partisan article of faith. Democrats keep saying that the sky is falling when the only thing falling is Joe Biden on the steps of Air Force One.

The Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Canada will re-stage the inventor's first phone call for tourists this summer. The first phone call was made in 1876 to his assistant Watson in the next room. Historians now believe the second phone call was to ask Alexander Graham Bell about his car warranty.

 President Xi promised global changes the world hasn't seen in one hundred years as he struck a deal with Russia Tuesday. It aligns with my March Madness bracket card. I've had the U.S. and Britain versus Russia and China in my Final Four since I ducked under the desk in the third grade and covered.

Famous Actor Calls Jimmy Kimmel a 'Terrible Human Being' -

  Analyzing America  . . ."While leftists claim moral supremacy, their actions prove otherwise. While NBA star Kyrie Irving is canceled, leftists like Whoopi Goldberg, LeBron James, and Jimmy Kimmel keep their jobs despite their own incendiary comments.

"As long as you claim to be a “woke” Democrat voter, you’re in the clear and forgiven for past offensive content. You may even find yourself hosting the Oscars like Kimmel someday.

"In recent months, Kimmel has used his late-night platform to push vulgar “humor” about former President Donald Trump and even defend convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

"An investigative report found that left-wing comedian Jimmy Kimmel’s connection to Jeffrey Epstein is deeper than most people realize.

"Kimmel’s close friend Adam Perry Lang used to be Epstein’s chef, according to unsealed court documents. Lang traveled on several flights with Epstein and stayed at his Manhattan home.". . .

The Rule of Law is almost dead in America

  Bookworm Room

"As Stanford Law School shows, the Rule of Law is almost dead in America, and it must be resuscitated if our nation is to survive."

"Progressives believe themselves above the law and conservatives below it. What happened and (at the administrative level) continues to happen at Stanford Law School is a perfect example of this intolerable reality. Meanwhile, the pearl-clutching reaction from some conservatives to Trump’s warning that arresting him on ludicrous, political charges may well lead to violence is itself counter-productive. Weakness invites more aggression; steadfast resistance ends it.

"A horrendous but all too common incident of progressives unlawfully shutting down conservative speech recently occurred at Stanford Law School. Jonathan Turley summarized the facts:

The Stanford Federalist Society invited Judge Duncan of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to speak on campus. However, liberal students, including members from the National Lawyer’s Guild, decided that allowing a conservative judge to speak on campus is intolerable and set about to “deplatform” him by shouting him down.

In this event, Duncan was planning to speak on the topic: “The Fifth Circuit in Conversation with the Supreme Court: Covid, Guns, and Twitter.” A video shows that the students prevented Duncan from speaking from the very beginning. Many called him a racist while others hurled insults like one yelling “We hope your daughters get raped.”

Duncan was unable to continue and asked for an administrator to assist him.

Dean [for Diversity Equity and Inclusion at Stanford Law School] Steinbach then took the stage and criticized the judge for seeking to be heard despite such objections.

"Alan Dershowitz gave some very important context to the incident. The plan to disrupt Judge Duncan’s speech was not a localized event that a few students planned and executed. To the contrary:

It was a well-planned and carefully orchestrated effort to prevent other Stanford students from hearing the judge’s conservative views. The disruption was organized by the local chapter of National Lawyers Guild as part of a nationwide effort to suppress conservative speech. . . .

 . . .Specifically, 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights provides:

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States…[t]hey shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years….

We Need to Talk About Something Even Worse That Happened at the TN ‘Transurrection'

 Sister Toldjah; RedState

 . . ." despite all the good we have going on here – how deeply we’ve fallen as a country on many fronts, especially moral and spiritual. Right is wrong and wrong is right, good is bad and bad is good these days, and the ugliness of moral relativism is raising its head again. . ."

. . ."Making matters worse was that certain “reporters” were going full Baghdad Bob in painting the aggressive agitators in the most flattering of lights despite what video clearly showed was going on – what some on Twitter called a “transurrection.”

"Perhaps worst of all, however, was footage that began circulating hours after the transurrection took place. In it, you hear someone who is presumably one of the “protest” organizers encouraging people to hold up seven fingers, in what sounds like an apparent attempt at declaring 28-year-old Audrey Hale, who identified as “he/him,” as the seventh victim of the Monday shooting massacre she orchestrated shortly before Metro Nashville police officers located her and took care of business.". . .

Katie Pavlich: Nashville School Shooting Was A Hate Crime Perpetuated On A Christian School | Video | RealClearPolitics  "Katie Pavlich, Editor for and Fox News Contributor joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the shooting at a Christan elementary school shooting in Nashville: "The other thing, too, about this whole narrative pushing that you’re seeing, you know, this was a hate crime perpetuated(sic) on a Christian school by this person. If this were a synagogue or a mosque or a nightclub, for example, it would be treated as such. But because it was a Christian school, the only person talking about this on Capitol Hill is Senator Josh Hawley and asking the feds to investigate it that way. And so we’re going to talk about these things equally and try to come to solutions. Let’s not pick and choose which ones we think that we should use for our own political ambition.' ". . .

Biden Says He Has "No Idea" If Christians Were Targeted In Nashville School | Video | RealClearPolitics   "President Joe Biden on Tuesday joked that he doesn't believe the Nashville Christian school was targeted because they were Christian."

Mollie Hemingway impressed by how many Dem activists posing as media MSNBC could fit in one shot –  Earlier today on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the panel was accusing some Republicans of being anti-Semitic for simply pointing out that George Soros has donated money that ended up funding Alvin Bragg’s campaign. The fact that Al Sharpton is also sitting there makes it extra rich:

So Al Sharpton that incited a riot to kill a Jewish business owner and is friends with Louis Farrakhan is one of their experts against antisemitism?

Joy Reid and Al Sharpton: two giants of MSNBC journalism.


Friday, March 31, 2023

Could Joe Biden Get Impeached?


Could Joe Biden Get Impeached? - 19FortyFive

"Could Joe Biden Get Impeached? Impeachment is a very political process as the two impeachments against former President Donald Trump proved. However, Republicans lack the same degree of political unity and bloodlust toward President Joe Biden that the Democrats have shown regarding Trump. Democrats started theorizing about how to impeach Trump in April 2016 even before he was the Republican nominee for president.

Republicans have been shy about impeachment since their politically disastrous impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 cost them in the midterms that year. Impeachment requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate to convict. A majority of senators voted to convict Trump during the second impeachment trial; however, they fell 10 short of the 67 votes needed to remove or in that case block the former president from holding office again.

“I don’t think you want to get into where it’s a tit for tat, every two years or four years you’re dealing with impeachment proceedings in the House and Senate,” Senate Republican Whip John Thune told The Hill in January about the idea that Republicans should impeach the president over his mishandling of classified documents. “There has to be a really good reason, obviously, the constitutional reasons and grounds for that. So we’ll see where it goes.”

"Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun similarly put cold water on the idea of impeachment.

“ 'I think the country will fatigue of that,” he told The Hill, noting that impeachment proceedings against former Presidents Clinton and Trump “have not ended up with any real result.”

"Braun continued: “If you start doing it on everything, I think it would be bad politically and for the mechanics of government working.”. . .

Rep. Cory Mills Presents Articles of Impeachment Against Disgraced DOD Secretary Lloyd Austin

 "I Perceive This as Dereliction of Duty and I Take that Very Seriously" - Rep. Cory Mills Presents Articles of Impeachment Against Disgraced DOD Secretary Lloyd Austin (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Disgraced Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin testified before the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday in support of Joe Biden’s defense budget request.

Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) had a more pressing issue on his mind, however. He was seeking to hold the Biden regime accountable for the botched withdrawal in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is perhaps the most sordid part of Biden’s destructive legacy. As the Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported, a US Marine sniper was denied permission to shoot and kill the Kabul airport suicide bomber Who killed the 13 American service members during the botched withdrawal.

"Not only does the Biden regime have the blood of these soldiers on their hands, but thousands of interpreters, their families, and the families of US soldiers as well are dead as well because of the Regime’s choices during the withdrawal.

"One example was reported The Gateway Pundit in August. The brother of a US Marine killed in the Kabul bombing due to Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal committed suicide at the memorial for the fallen soldier.

"Mills completely destroyed Lloyd Austin. He told the defense secretary that he viewed his conduct during the failed Afghanistan operation as dereliction of duty and that Austin lacked the honor to resign.

"He next called out Austin for leaving Americans and their Afghan friends to die. Mills also revealed the massive increase in suicide rates of American soldiers as a result of the botched withdrawal.

"Mills then showed Austin that he had drafted the articles of impeachment against him.