Saturday, June 29, 2024

White House Warns Public Any Videos Of Biden Looking Confused And Senile During Debate Will Be Deepfakes (Parody)

  Babylon Bee

"ATLANTA, GA — As the much-anticipated first presidential debate of the 2024 election approaches, officials at the White House have stepped forward to caution Americans that any videos from the debate which show Biden looking confused and senile will be deepfakes.
"The White House also stated that any videos depicting Biden as stammering, forgetting the names of his cabinet members, bending forward at odd times, shuffling aimlessly offstage, or standing stock-still for longer than five minutes at a time are also definitely AI-generated deepfakes.
" 'The president is feeling sharp and energetic as he prepares for this debate," said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre in a press conference. "Because he is in such tip-top shape, any videos which seem to depict him as bewildered, unstable, or ineloquent are certain to just be deepfakes made to spread the far-right conspiracy theory that the president is incompetent. Just remember — if the president seems to be displaying anything less than perfect, inspiring rhetoric and logic in the debate, you're just watching a clever deepfake."
"When asked for comment, President Biden stared into the abyss for several minutes and then threatened to fight a moose. Karine Jean-Pierre, however, clarified that this behavior was "just another one of those devilish deepfakes."
"At publishing time, the White House had cautioned Americans that everything bad from the past four years is probably also a deepfake and we may, in fact, be living in the matrix." 

MSNBC is a real piece of work.

Lefties losing it: Jon Stewart ridicules MSNBC ‘meltdown’ over Joe Biden decal ( "Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to footage of The Daily Show host Jon Stewart “actually being funny”.

"Mr Stewart lampooned MSNBC for refusing to show a “disturbing” image of Joe Biden being tied up on a pickup truck decal. "Just earlier this month, much of the media in the US had an absolute meltdown about an obviously doctored image – a meme basically – on the back of a pickup truck,” Ms Panahi said. “Can’t imagine why people have lost trust in the media – even Jon Stewart has lost faith.”

MSNBC DESTROYS Jen Psaki Trying To Spin Biden Freefall   "MSNBC can't cover up that voters are waffling to side with Donald Trump - yet Psaki tries to claim President Biden stands for the 'ideals of the greatest generation'. Talk is cheap as the past 4 years of the Biden Administration has shown quite the opposite in a huge push of progressive non-sense. People are waking up and not buying into the garbage being hurled. The current administration is failing and it's just rolling out the red carpet for President Trump to get back into power."

A news network where not one employee appears to have ever had a desire to be a reputable, trusted journalist: Chris Hayes, Nicolle Wallace, Rachael Maddow, Joy Reid, Lawrence O'Donnell tear into anyone not a leftist. TD

. . ."Analysis / Bias

"In review, MSNBC uses strong emotionally loaded headlines such as this “GOP senator says he’s ‘concerned’ Trump was ‘involved in a crime” and “Cohen gets 3 years in jail for covering up Trump’s ‘dirty deeds’”. Generally, story selection favors the Left; however, they are also occasionally criticized by left-leaning organizations. For example, according to, MSNBC did not dedicate much airtime to the West Virginia Teachers Strike until the article was published. Further, Salon published an article criticizing MSNBC for employing the “Republican Never Trump” type of conservatives.

"According to the article, they are “Loading up on semi-repentant conservatives and ignoring the activist left, MSNBC is doing the nation a disservice.” In other words, MSNBC is so focused on negative coverage of Donald Trump that they are ignoring the progressive left and actually moving right. However, as a whole, according to Pew Research Center, MSNBC is favored by a liberal audience, which indicates content and story selection tends to lean left to appeal to their core viewers. Further, MSNBC frequently reports negatively on progressive candidates.  Lastly, in a 2018 survey conducted by the Knight Foundation/Gallup, they found that the public rates MSNBC the 3rd most biased media source (left) behind Fox News and Breitbart (right).

"When reporting news, MSNBC mainly provides video clips from reporters in the field. Text-based news comes directly from the Left-Center NBC News website. When reporting straight news stories, MSNBC is highly factual and well-sourced. They use NBC News as their primary source; however, due to some of the guest political pundits spreading misinformation on their daily programs, we cannot rate MSNBC High for factual reporting on the whole." . .  .

Much more at the Tunnel Wall

Biden Hallucinated During Debate

American Free News Network (

"Joe Biden repeated the oft told story that he decided to run because of the events in Charlottesville in August 2017. According to Demented Biden, Nazis and KKK thugs “came out of the forests, fields and woods with torches.” Earth to Joe: There are NO forests, fields or woods in downtown Charlottesville. You were hallucinating during the debate! He repeated this fantasy several times Thursday night. He also hallucinated that his son died in combat.

"President Trump knew when he accepted this challenge, that he would probably be debating three people, not one. Roger Stone tweeted, “Asking Jake Tapper to moderate a debate with Donald Trump is like asking the Boston strangler to massage your neck.” This extraordinary imbalance did not seem to bother Trump, howeverMore here or here:  Which Joe Biden Showed Up Last Night? (

Obama and Biden Explain Away the Debate in a Way That Makes Old Joe Look Even Worse – PJ Media  Let's skip down to the meat of the subject:

“This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.”

. . ."Just in case you’ve missed any, here are five of Biden’s most egregious lies: 

1. On Dec. 1, 1965, the faculty of the Syracuse College of Law published a report about Young Joe, stating that Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution” and recommended that he fail a legal methods course because of his plagiarism.

2. For years, Biden claimed the accident that took the life of his first wife Neilia was caused by a drunk driver. The real story was that Neilia drove into the path of the oncoming truck. The driver’s daughter repeatedly asked Biden to apologize for lying about her father, who was driven into a deep depression by Biden’s public lies. The cheerful grifter never, of course, did so.

3. In Sept. 1987, Biden delivered a speech that mixed class warfare rhetoric with his own experiences and those of his family. “Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife… is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright?” Powerful stuff — at least until you realize that those weren’t really Biden’s family’s experiences at all. He had lifted all this from a speech by British Labour leader Neil Kinnock.

4. Biden claimed in Feb. 2020 that he had been arrested in South Africa while trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison: “I had the great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto trying to get to see him on Robbens Island.” Biden even had the audacity to add a few days later that after Mandela was freed and became president of South Africa, “he came to Washington and came to my office. He threw his arms around me and said, ‘I want to say thank you.’ I said, ‘What are you thanking me for, Mr. President?’ He said: ‘You tried to see me. You got arrested trying to see me.’” However, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations at that time, Andrew Young, refuted Biden’s claim outright: “There is no chance I ever was arrested in South Africa, and I don’t think Joe was, either.”

5. In Dec. 2022, Biden told a moving story about how his Uncle Frank had won the Purple Heart but never received it. Biden obtained it for him, but noble old Frank said: “I don’t want it….The others died. I lived. I don’t want it.” A registry of recipients of the Purple Heart doesn’t include the name Frank Biden, and when Frank died, his obituary contained no mention of his having won this honor. Also, the story is suspiciously similar to one Biden was fond of telling in 2019. Biden claimed that when he tried to pin a Silver Star on a Navy captain, the recipient said, “Sir, I don’t want the damn thing! Do not pin it on me, Sir! Please, Sir. Do not do that! He died. He died.” Biden concluded, “This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.” Sheesh.

"Biden has told so many more lies that I could fill a hundred columns recounting them all. But these five are useful to keep on hand the next time you hear someone repeat the Obama/Biden line and say, “Well, at least Old Joe tells the truth.” The senescent corruptocrat never has. And he likely never will."