Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Whither Diversity Hiring?


Biden Commits To Picking A Diversity Hire For SCOTUS Since That Worked So Well With His VP | Babylon Bee    January 2022: "Justice Stephen Breyer has announced he is retiring from the Supreme Court, sparking intense speculation for who Biden will be nominating to replace him. In response, the President has pledged to nominate a woman of color for SCOTUS, since diversity hires have always strengthened his Presidency.
" 'I gotta go with what works, folks. And just like choosing my VP, I will select someone for SCOTUS based solely on her race and her gender," said President Biden. "I did that last time and look how well it's worked out for me. Everyone loves and approves of Kamala! She's got a great laugh, comes across as extremely relatable, and just look at how she handled the border crisis so well!' " . . .
 "Diversity Metrics - Track gender and demographic estimates to achieve your    
diversity hiring goals
Kamala Harris Is a Diversity Hire | Opinion   . . ."But the truth is, if Harris were white and male, she wouldn't be vice president. Because Harris is our first diversity hire V.P.
"This was never a secret, or even an issue. Then-candidate Joe Biden was very explicit about his plans to pick a woman of color to share the ticket. After it became clear that Biden was to be the Democrats' nominee for president in 2020, Biden said during a CNN-Univision debate, "If I'm elected president, my Cabinet, my administration will look like the country, and I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a, pick a woman to be vice president." In a separate press conference, this one a roundtable with Black journalists, Biden was even more specific: "Preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender," he said of his potential running mate." . . .

. . ."However, diversity hiring is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it’s great. It gets people — who in the past would have never been given a second glance — in the door. But it also puts individuals in a place that they feel like they’re fighting heaven and earth for it to not slam right back into their face. (Emphases in the original)
"As a girl in software engineering, a girl who is a varsity athlete, a girl…. period, I am constantly surrounded by people who — to some extent — believe that I have succeeded not because of my skills, but instead because I am a girl.
"Just as some people believe that extra funding for helping people of color is unfair — or even ‘racist’ — towards white people, some apply the same ideology to women in the workplace. They look at any example of incompetence or weakness as proof that these women only received their job because they filled a certain quota." . . .

"When Diversity and Inclusion Training Goes Wrong
"Unfortunately, while the idea behind diversity and inclusion training is valuable and ethical, when it is implemented incorrectly or without thought, it can often elicit adverse effects. According to Frank Dobbins, a Harvard Sociologist focused on diversity training, there are three primary reasons D&I efforts can go wrong-- and hurt a company's culture. Here are the three common missteps:
  1. When it's mandatory. Mandatory diversity and inclusion training can net an immediate and negative response. When it's mandatory, it can seem punitive, with a reaction of “someone did something wrong and now we all have to sit through this.” If training is required in response to a problem you may already be behind the eight-ball where employee opinion is concerned. The majority of people don’t see themselves as biased and immediately become vehemently defensive if they’re accused of being so. Similarly, when it's clearly being offered as a response to an incident, attendees can become extremely defensive. Some may even cling more strongly to their biases. Research has overwhelmingly shown negative messaging in D&I training not only doesn’t help, but it may also set inclusion efforts back. Social scientists have also found, over a number of years, that people naturally tend to rebel against enforced rules.
  2. When it's too focused on the law. Another mistake businesses make when implementing D&I programs is focusing on a legal viewpoint as opposed to an empathetic and ethical viewpoint. When employees perceive the training as an attempt to stay compliant and simply check off a box, they will usually be more resistant to the teachings. If a business is not genuine in its reasons for offering the training, it will be harder for employees to genuinely absorb the information.
  3. When it's offered to (or required for) a limited group. Dobbins' research suggests that when training is only offered to one group in the office, it's much less effective. Training only your management team may seem like a good (and cost-efficient) idea, but employees don’t like being left out. Furthermore, discrimination and biases don't solely occur at a managerial level. To be effective with training, it should be accessible and encouraged for all
"Unfortunately, around 75% of corporate diversity training programs fall into one of these three categories." . . .

The Hostages: Killed by IDF Airstrikes or Murdered?

  Frontpage Mag

Whom should we believe — the IDF or Hamas?

"Noa Agarmani, one of many Israeli girls kidnapped on October 7 and held hostage in Gaza, was filmed by her Hamas captors, conveying their latest message about the hostages to an Israel audience. Reading from, or prompted by, a Hamas script, she described how two fellow captives, Yossi Sharabi and Itay Svirsky, had died as a result of two Israeli bombardments. The IDF has said, in response, that it did not bomb the building where the three hostages were being held. Undoubtedly Sharabi and Svirsky were murdered by their Hamas captors. More on this endless cruelty by Hamas, and the long calvary both for the hostages and for their families in Israel, can be found here: “Israeli Hostage Forced to Say Fellow Captives Dead in Latest Hamas Video,” Algemeiner, January 15, 2024:

…“I was located in a building,” Argamani said in the Hamas video, evidently under distress and seemingly reading a script in front of a blank white wall. “It was bombed by an IDF [Israel Defense Forces] air strike, an F16 fighter jet. Three rockets hit us — two of the rockets exploded, and one did not. We were in the building with Al Qassam [Hamas] soldiers and three hostages: myself, Itay Svirsky, and Yossef Sharabi.”
Argamani added that they were all buried in rubble after the building was hit. “Al Qassam soldiers saved my life and Itay’s,” she said. “Unfortunately, we were not able to save Yossi’s.”

"What kind captors these Hamas captors must be: “Al Qassam soldiers saved my life and Itay’s.” What unexpected behavior, coming from those who, we know, not only savagely murdered Israeli men, women, and children on October 7, but have continued to murder hostages taken to Gaza — at this point, about two dozen Israeli hostages have died in captivity." . . .    They'll believe this on American campuses. TD

Israel's prime minister said he rejected the terms of a deal which included Israel’s complete withdrawal from Gaza

American and Western mal-educated youth give Hamas the support they wanted. TD

 Why should they, when throngs of useful idiots in America mindlessly chant their genocidal slogans in support of Hamas terrorism? When the streets of London fill with Hamas fellow-travelers in terror to demand Israel’s surrender to Mashal? When the US and UK keep applying pressure on Israel to stop fighting back against Hamas and give them a sovereign base from which to continue their genocidal actions? Hamas went on a rampage of slaughter, rape, and kidnapping, and while it resulted in punishing losses in war, it has also bolstered their standing in the West. Mashal’s not inaccurate in that assessment of the political outcome of October 7.

Hamas Leader: We Reject a Two State Solution. We Demand It All. – HotAir

"Consider this the one point of agreement between Israel and the terror network that has conducted war against it for nearly 20 years. Although perhaps there could be another point of agreement now as well — that October 7 changed everything. For Israel, it finally woke them from their fantasy that Hamas would turn into a governing entity rather than a genocidal terrorist network.

"For Khaled Mashal, it marked the first time that Hamas successfully turned the West into cheerleaders for their genocide, which fuels their fight in Gaza to this day. “From the river to the sea” means exactly what it states, Mashal asserts in this interview caught by MEMRI — and that is a radical-Islamist Palestinian state replacing Israel entirely:

“I believe that the dream and the hope for Palestine from the River to the Sea and from the north to the south has been renewed. This has also become a slogan chanted in the U.S. and in Western capital cities, by the American and Western public,” he said.

“Palestine is free from the River to the Sea—that’s the slogan of the American students and the [students] in European capital cities.

“The Palestinian consensus—or almost a consensus—is that we will not give up on our right to Palestinian in its entirety, from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea and from Rosh Hanikra to Eilat or the Gulf of Aqaba,” he continued.

. . . 

Hamas official says ‘no chance’ hostages will return to Israel after Netanyahu rejects deal | Israel-Gaza war | The Guardian

How can Hamas be this harsh? See the above article. TD

CBO: Biden Admin Has Released 6.2 Million Illegal Migrants into U.S. in 3 Years

 Breitbart (breitbart.com)

President Joe Biden’s deputies have let 6.2 million illegal migrants into the United States, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

"Biden’s southern inflow is more than one migrant for every two American births since January 2021.

“ 'More of those people are also being released into the United States than previously, generally through the use of parole authority or with a notice to appear before an immigration judge,” said the report, titled “The Demographic Outlook: 2014 to 2054.”

"The 2023 inflow includes 900,000 migrants who were released after they walked up to official border gates plus 1.1 million migrants who were released after they crossed through gaps in the border wall, said the CBO agency, which acts as an advisor to Capitol Hill legislators.

"Roughly have of those migrants — 1.1 million — were let into the country by October 1, 2023, via Biden’s use of the “parole” loophole in border law, the CBO reported. Biden and his Democratic allies are now trying to expand the parole doorway." . . .

As reported by Just The News, the NGO Miles4Migrants, founded by former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, is teaming up with two other organizations, American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US, to expand upon a previous effort that focused solely on Afghan refugees following the disastrous withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in 2021.

US won't reverse clean energy transition, regardless of election outcome - Kerry


As Utility Bills Rise, Low-Income Americans Struggle for Access to Clean Energy - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

US won't reverse clean energy transition, regardless of election outcome - Kerry | Reuters  "WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) - The transition toward clean energy and electric vehicles will not be interrupted regardless of who wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election, outgoing U.S. climate envoy John Kerry said on Tuesday.

"Kerry, speaking on a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, was bullish on the trajectory of the energy transition - even amid global concern that a possible second Trump presidency could reverse some of the Biden administration's key climate policies. 

"This economic revolution is underway and it's much bigger than any politician, any one person," Kerry told the Davos audience.

"Kerry confirmed that he plans to leave his role as the president's special envoy on climate change, the top U.S. climate diplomat, in order to play a vocal role in President Joe Biden's reelection campaign this year.

"He said that a U.S. law called the Hatch Act prevents federal employees from participating in campaign activities, which he said would constrain him from touting the administration's climate policies and accomplishments ahead of the November elections." . . .

Look who protects free speech; Billionaires now are doing the job that journalists quit

  Don Surber (substack.com)

Monday, January 22, 2024

'Honestly, I prefer the IDF': Palestinians in Gaza speak out on Hamas abuse

Oh, the ignorance that abounds in Western society and its education. TD

Case in point:  Denial of Hamas' October 7 massacre spreads in US   Probably among many who cannot find Israel on a map .   " 'False flag attack': Washington Post reports that US groups saying Israel staged attack to justify 'genocide' in Gaza grow on social media despite ample proof of Hamas' atrocities.

"According to The Washington Post, the number of massacre deniers in the United States is currently small, but growing. Some claim the IDF carried out the massacre to "justify genocide in Gaza," while others believe some hostages were kidnapped by Israel. Some are even confident that the United States is behind the attack." . . .
"These false narratives have circulated on social media, and users on platforms like TikTok and Reddit are already blaming Israel for a "false flag" attack – a staged attack designed to justify a harsh retaliatory action.
"This phenomenon is troubling Jewish leaders and researchers who see a connection between it and Holocaust denial. They also identify similarities between the denial of the massacre and conspiracy theories with antisemitic foundations, including supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory." . . .

Here in New York:

'We received first calls from survivors who were sexually assaulted on October 7' "While the world continues to deny the gender-based crimes committed on the October 7 massacre, care workers confirm, for the first time, that several survivors, young women who attended the Nova Music Festival, contacted them and reported that they were sexually assaulted by Hamas terrorists."
"It needs to be said, but gently: alongside the women who will never be able to speak again, some women survived Hamas's gender-based violence on October 7. "I can say that the care centers of the Welfare and Social Affairs Ministry have received several initial calls from survivors who have been sexually assaulted," reveals Mali Orgad, director of the Center for the Treatment and Protection of Trauma and Crisis at the Welfare and Social Affairs Ministry.

"After his heart was broken in Be’eri and Hostage Square, actor Michael Rapaport settles scores with antisemites and bleeding-heart American left; he shares what he learned during his visit to Israel, explaining how despite his image, he's not really hot-headed."

 'Honestly, I prefer the IDF': Palestinians in Gaza speak out on Hamas abuse (ynetnews.com)  "Interrogated Palestinians reveal the level of abuse and neglect they've endured by Hamas, even going so far as saying they'd be much better off with the IDF in charge because being among Israeli soldiers 'felt safe'

Palestinian security official shot for calling Hamas 'Iranian proxy'  West Bank officer slams terror group for 'ruining the nation'; operatives of Hamas ally Islamic 

Jihad track him down, shoot him in the leg and post video of him writhing in pain online; 

Fatah calls for their head

IDF commandeers underground Hamas HQ, retrieving bodies of five slain soldiers and hostages    "The IDF successfully completed an operation to dismantle and destroy the northern underground headquarters of Hamas in Jabaliya, located in the northern Gaza Strip. During the operation, documentation from a network of giant tunnels was revealed, and the bodies of Eden Zacharia, Elia Toledano, Warrant Officer Ziv Dado, Sgt. Ron Sherman, and Corporal Nick Baizer were retrieved." . . .

Expecting a Response to an Email Is Racist, Trump Prosecutor Suggests in Leaked Emails

 Expecting a Response to an Email Is Racist, Trump Prosecutor Suggests in Leaked Emails   Washington Free Beacon

"When everything is racist....nothing is racist. This is just absurd." Nancy Hrabak Ciraldo

"The district attorney prosecuting former president Donald Trump in Georgia suggested in an email exchange earlier this month that racism was at play when one of Trump's attorneys pressed her team for a response to his emails.

"Trump defense lawyer Steven Sadow requested responses from District Attorney Fani Willis's team to a series of emails he sent, according to the New York Times, which obtained portions of the conversation. After Executive District Attorney Daysha Young replied by suggesting the prosecuting attorneys were being treated with disrespect because they're black, Willis sent an email to Sadow affirming Young's charge.

" 'In the legal community (and the world at large) some people will never be able to respect African Americans and/or women as their equal and counterpart. That is a burden you do not experience. Further, some are so used to doing it they are not even aware they are doing it while others are intentional in their continued disrespect," Willis, who is black, said in an email to Sadow and Trump's other defense attorneys, most of whom are white men.

"The conversation began Jan. 5 when Sadow told the prosecution, "For the life of me, I cannot understand why you refuse to respond to the series of emails below." Young, who is black, responded to him five days later, saying that she and Willis "are both aware, especially as an African American woman some find it difficult to treat us respectfully.' " . . .

Taking our Pride to the skies with Delight Flights; first-ever LGBTQ+ inspired plane -

Taking our Pride to the skies with Delight Flights & first-ever LGBTQ+ inspired plane - YouTube   "From our inclusive flag raising at HQ, to our parade in the sky on the first & only U.S. Pride aircraft, it’s easy to see that we’re just plane proud. This month, to commemorate Pride, Alaska surprised not one—but four lucky flights on a newly decorated Pride-inspired plane supporting the LGBTQ+ community. The plane, the first of its kind in the U.S., will fly throughout our network for the next year. Learn more: https://blog.alaskaair.com/values/pri...

"So this is what Alaska airline spends their money on rather than ensuring they have safe aircraft and instead we have windows blowing out. Good to know they have their priorities straight. Sickening."

"Sometimes SNL just knocks it out of the park, hitting on a subject that resonates so strongly that we can’t help but talk about it days — sometimes years — later. The most recent viral sketch happened last Saturday when SNL aired a fake commercial for Alaska Airlines addressing the airline’s recent troubles. And by recent troubles we’re talking about that time when the door plug flew off the plane mid-flight — sucking out shirts, phones, and a tray table while passengers sat in the plane unsure of whether or not they’d live to tell about it." . . .

  "Amid growing concerns over safety after several devastating mechanical failures on Boeing 737-9 Max aircraft, Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun assured hesitant travelers that all their aircraft are built according to the highest standards of diversity
" 'I know everyone is nervous about the doors of their planes blowing off the aircraft mid-flight or the entire fuselage buckling due to faulty parts, but let me assure you: Boeing is diverse," said Calhoun in a CNBC interview. "In fact, our design and manufacturing crews are the most diverse in our company's history. Nothing to worry about.' " . . .

Chicago Organized Theft Ring Allegedly Led by Newly Arrived Illegal Aliens

 Breitbart (breitbart.com)  

"The Chicago suburb of Oak Brook has been beset with an increase in retail theft and burglaries over the last year, and police say the leading culprits have been recently arrived illegal border crossers who have filtered out to the suburb from Chicago.

"The Oak Brook Police Department reports that 47 recently arrived illegal aliens have been arrested in connection with retail thefts and home and car burglaries just since October and more than 175 since last year, according to Newsbreak.

"Officials of the suburb — which is only about 25 minutes west of downtown Chicago and only minutes south of O’Hare International Airport where hundreds of illegals have been sheltering for months — noted that the thieves often use bags lined with sheets of tinfoil in an attempt to thwart store anti-theft protection devices at entrances, the New York Post reported.

"The issue has been ongoing in the suburb, especially inside the Oak Brook shopping mall.

"As far back as 2021 the Oak Brook Police Department reported a gang of about 14 individuals entering stores and stealing all they could carry." . . .

Hamas official says ‘no chance’ hostages will return to Israel after Netanyahu rejects deal | Israel-Gaza war |

They watch the pro-Hamas demonstrators in our streets and know Israel has no chance. Can we assume this is the purpose behind the street riots? Do the students and activists not care what was done to the innocent Israelis on Oct 6? TD

 The Guardian

Netanyahu had earlier dismissed the militant group’s conditions to end the war, which he said included leaving Hamas in power and Israel’s complete withdrawal from the territory.

. . ."Netanyahu has repeatedly pledged to pursue the offensive in Gaza until “total victory”, but commentators in Israel have questioned the conduct of the war, arguing that the offensive’s goals are unrealistic, accusing the Israeli prime minister of indecision.

"In his statement on Sunday, Netanyahu also repeated his strong line on the issue of Palestinian statehood. “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control of all territory west of the Jordan River,” he said.

"On Saturday, Netanyahu rejected Joe Biden’s call for a Palestinian state after the war. His office said that in talks on Friday with the US president, Netanyahu “reiterated his policy that after Hamas is destroyed Israel must retain security control over Gaza to ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel, a requirement that contradicts the demand for Palestinian sovereignty”.

"On Sunday, Gaza’s health ministry announced that Israel’s war against Hamas had killed 25,000 Palestinians, with UN chief António Guterres describing the scale of civilian killings as “heartbreaking and utterly unacceptable”.

"Most of the casualties were women and children, the ministry said, and thousands more bodies were likely to remain uncounted under rubble across Gaza." . . .

Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears  . . ."Police have privately shown journalists a single horrific testimony that they filmed of a woman who was at the Nova festival site during the attack.

"My people!"
"She describes seeing Hamas fighters gang rape a woman and mutilate her, before the last of her attackers shot her in the head as he continued to rape her.

"In the video, the woman known as Witness S mimes the attackers picking up and passing the victim from one to another.

" 'She was alive," the witness says. "She was bleeding from her back."

"She goes on to detail how the men cut off parts of the victim's body during the assault.

" 'They sliced her breast and threw it on the street," she says. "They were playing with it." . . .

"The victim was passed to another man in uniform, she continues.

"He penetrated her, and shot her in the head before he finished. He didn't even pick up

 his pants; he shoots and ejaculates."

"One man we spoke to from the festival site said he heard the "noises and screams of people being murdered, raped, decapitated' "...

Josh Hawley takes it to Mayorkas. Over Hamas supporters in his department.

Dementia And Double Standards

  Issues & Insights (issuesinsights.com)

"Yeah, sure, we know, the corporate media are partisan hacks. But every once in a while their malfeasance is so flagrant it’s worth pointing out."

"At an event in North Carolina last Thursday, President Joe Biden called out for a congresswoman with whom he claimed he’d just been photographed. She was, at the time, in Washington, D.C.

At an event in New Hampshire the next day, presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to mix up Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley when talking about Jan. 6.

Guess which mental lapse was ignored while the other was covered by the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC News, The Hill, PBS, and countless other news outlets.

About a minute into his speech about the taxpayer money he’s dumping into high-speed internet, Biden veered off his teleprompter and apparently forgot where he was, or what day it was.

“Where’s Deborah?” he asks, referring to Rep. Deborah Ross, who was in Washington. “Did she — I just had my picture taken with her. That’s probably why she left. (Laughter.) No, all kidding aside — but, anyway — you — oh, she couldn’t be here, actually. That’s not true. I got it mixed up.”

Later in that same speech, Biden, while carefully reading his teleprompter, said that “We’re the only major company in the world that has come out of every crisis stronger than we went in.” (He meant to say country, but never caught that error.)

One of the signs of dementia is “disorientation in terms of place and time, such as confusion regarding the season, date, day of the week, or time of day.”

You’d think that, given all the other signs of mental decline Biden has exhibited, this bizarre mental lapse would raise some alarms. Only Fox News and the New York Post bothered to it.

Now, switch over to Trump’s – entirely unscripted – remarks in New Hampshire the next day." . . .