Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nikki Haley Scolds Kamala Harris For ‘Embarrassing’ Defense Of Joe Biden

Daily Caller  "Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley scolded Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris for her “embarrassing” defense of former Vice President Joe Biden.

"Haley shared a video tweet Sunday of Harris suggesting Biden should be left alone with regard to any potential misconduct either by him or his son Hunter Biden, making it clear that she was not impressed with Harris’ response.
“ 'Leave Joe Biden alone? So are you telling us @KamalaHarris that what Biden did was ethical and moral? Where are the questions about the conflict of interest that occurred from Biden’s actions and the issues with his son? This response is embarrassing,” Haley concluded."
"Harris, when asked whether she would allow the son or daughter of her vice president to sit on the board of a foreign-held oil company, admitted that she “probably” wouldn’t — but immediately pivoted to attacking Trump. 
"She argued that any discussion about the Bidens was “a distraction from the facts” and that the real problem was Trump “corrupting America’s democracy.”
“ 'As far as I’m concerned, leave Joe Biden alone. Just leave him alone,” Harris said."

. . . 

Trump: 'Rep. Adam Schiff Must Resign From Congress!'

Like that's going to happen

PJ Media  "As we reported yesterday, Republican Congressman Andy Biggs wants his fellow Congressman Adam Schiff censured. The reason, of course, is that Schiff making up dating quotes during a congressional hearing about the conversation President Trump had with Ukraine's leader. Biggs is now joined by President Trump himself, who takes it one step further. He calls on Rep. Schiff to resign from Congress.

" 'The Whistleblower’s complaint is completely different and at odds from my actual conversation with the new President of Ukraine," President Trump writes on Twitter. "The so-called 'Whistleblower' knew practically NOTHING in that those ridiculous charges were far more dramatic & wrong, just like Liddle’ Adam Schiff... fraudulently and illegally inserted his made up & twisted words into my call with the Ukrainian President to make it look like I did something very wrong."

" 'He," the president writes about Rep. Schiff, "then boldly read those words to Congress and millions of people, defaming & libeling me. He must resign from Congress!"

. . . 

"It goes without saying that the president is completely right. What Rep. Schiff has done is completely and utterly irresponsible. He literally made up quotes from a conversation President Trump had with the leader of another nation, thereby not only undermining the President's position at home but abroad too. America's position is now weakened because of a) the content of Schiff's lies and b) the publication of the transcript of a supposedly confidential conversation between two heads-of-state -- a transcript that had to be released because of Rep. Schiff's lies. Other leaders will now think twice before telling the president anything important for fear it might be leaked by Democrats in Congress and their allies in the CIA.

"The one person responsible for this mess is, of course, Congressman Schiff. Considering the damage he has done to the reputation of his country abroad, resigning is the least he should do."

Hugh Hewitt: Adam Schiff Has ‘Destroyed His Credibility’ in Impeachment Inquiry
. . . “ ' I believe he destroyed his credibility this morning, on this show, as a fair arbiter of this process,” Hewitt said. “The most interesting part of the Nancy Pelosi decision to go for a fast impeachment is the implicit but very real concession that the Mueller report had no impeachable offense…So Adam Schiff is biased and Nancy Pelosi has admitted that Mueller exonerated Trump.' ” . . .

Swedish child climate activist reportedly a tool of Al Gore–linked corporate green hucksters

Image by Mike Harris
Monica Showalter  "Kids are great tools for big money and major powers lurking in the shadows, attempting to enact a political agenda.  The latest instance, and it's a doozy, is young Greta Thunberg, the Swedish child climate activist who's coming to the states (with a big carbon footprint, according to today's piece by Thomas Lifson) to persuade us all to jump in on the global warming cavalcade of green laws to restrict our own freedoms — which, as it happens, will just coincidentally make the green elites even richer.

"No wonder they're the shadowy forces bankrolling her peregrinations.  According to a report that ran in The Times (subscription only), titled "Greta Thunberg and the plot to forge a climate warrior," green corporate energy companies looking to turn a profit from green contracts were behind the young Greta's much ballyhooed rise from the beginning.  Far from being some persuasive and charismatic kid out to save the Earth, as the press is reporting, the Times found that:

[T]he Greta phenomenon has also involved green lobbyists, PR hustlers, eco-academics and a think tank founded by a wealthy former minister in Sweden's Social Democratic government with links to the country's energy companies. These companies are preparing for the biggest bonanza of government contracts in history: the greening of the western economies. Greta, whether she and her parents know it or not, is the face of their political strategy.
. . .
Sorry, Greta, even your fellow Swedes aren't buying the climate change claptrap anymore   . . . "Seems Greta's coming here because there are more gullible people.  Most of the Swedes have had it, and they're all global-warminged out." . . .

Top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes 'nonsense' of 'global warming crisis'

A clarion call to the Jewish people of the United States

The Democrats have long been associated with the Women’s March, which has been hijacked by Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory, both of whom defend their relationship with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, whose anti-white anti-Semitic rhetoric is well documented.  Most of the Jewish women resigned and left. The March refused to condemn anti-Semitism
Myrna Lieberman  "The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) is coming upon us and we listen to the shofar (Ram’s horn or trumpet).  In the Jewish tradition, if we do not listen to the shofar, the holiday has not been observed. The sounds of the shofar can be a battle cry, or a mournful cry. It is the sound of the presence of G-d, a call out to G-d when we need his intervention.

"There are three basic trumpet calls, one is called T’ruah. It consists of rapid short bursts to arouse from our slumbering souls that have grown complacent; to alert the Jewish people for the need to come together for battle or the need to assemble because of an urgent situation. 

"This holiday is the anniversary of the creation of mankind and the renewal of our relationship with

"G-d. As Judge, G-d will allocate what will happen to us in the coming year. Perhaps this is the ideal time for the Jewish people face an ugly fact:

"The Democrat party, to whom Jews have been loyal since their arrival to America, is infested with Jew hatred and their support of Israel has eroded.  The Jewish members of Congress are silent. They have failed to learn the lesson of the Holocaust which is this: It is the responsibility of every individual to not be silent in the face of hate but to confront it.  In the past, Jews in Europe didn’t want to believe what they heard or saw until it was too late.

"I believe it is the same situation when it comes to the Democrat party. 

"The election of   Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota to Congress is a good example of Jews not wanting to ask the hard questions of a political candidate. After winning election, Omar changed her position. The Democrat party never called her out. 
"Omar tweeted an anti-Semitic trope which accused Jews of buying influence and forcing America to support Israel -- “It’s all about the Benjamins” -- and accusing Jews of dual loyalty.
"On March 7, 2019, The House Democrats had an opportunity to pass a resolution condemning Jew hatred and naming Omar.  Instead, they chose to water it down to a resolution against all hate, and didn’t name her.     
"On August 19, 2019 Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan held a press conference bashing Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Trump for denying them access to Israel and called on the United States to cut foreign aid to Israel.
"Both Congresswomen, failed to disclose that their trip was sponsored by Miftah, a pro terror, anti-Semitic Palestinian organization whose founder and chairwoman is Hanan Ashrawi. " . . .
On the Jewish New Year: Reflections on resilience and survival
Tonight, Jews will celebrate the advent of 5,780 years of our existence. On reflection it seems almost impossible that after millennia of persecution and genocide we have survived. Great and powerful empires -- Hellenist, Roman, Hittite, Mesopotamian -- have disappeared and we are still here.
. . .
"On this holiday, as on every Jewish holiday, I reflect with awe and pride on our remarkable legacy of survival and resilience. I give thanks to the United States, the happiest corner of the Diaspora where we remain free to worship and assemble and dissent under the protection of government and laws and our President Donald Trump." . . .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bill Maher Hilariously Calls Out Woke White Liberals By Suggesting A ‘Honky Tax’

Somehow this brings Beto O'Rourke to mind. (Language advisory)

RedState  "Bill Maher is often hit or miss with his comedy and his social analysis, and he’s almost never what one would call conservative in his approach. But in a recent closing segment from his show, he took a pretty nice blowtorch to the ridiculousness of white liberals being embarrassed and constantly obsequiously apologizing for the color of their skin.

"Before going any further, know that there’s some pretty strong language in this bit. But it’s also pretty funny, so watching it is encouraged. Especially if you or any of your friends are, or even if you just know,  white people who, as Maher says, “bore the *$^# out of black people at parties” with their apologies for white privilege.

"Maher starts the bit using Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang’s refusal to be offended by Shane Gillis’ old podcast jokes that got the comedian booted from Saturday Night Live’s cast almost immediately after being hired.

“ 'Because if he wasn’t offended, well…someone had to be,” Maher says, before talking about the “weird self-loathing” and “tedious virtue signaling” of white liberals. He calls out actress Rosanna Arquette for saying she was disgusted and ashamed of being white on Twitter.

“ 'You think it’s hard being a black man in a white man’s world? Try being a white woman who feels bad about you being a black man in white man’s world,” Maher quips." 

"But perhaps the best part is when he says the constant flagellating puts the burden on black people to absolve white liberals for their whiteness.

“ 'It’s really asking black people to, again, do something for you. Forgive me. Absolve me. Recognize that I’m one of the good white people,” Maher says. “Jesus, haven’t black people suffered enough?”

“ 'How many white liberals would pay actual reparations…real money taken out of their paychecks? If being white is really this toxic for society, let’s tax it,” Maher says. “Let’s tax whiteness. A honky tax…we’ll calculate your exact level of white lameness then charge you a caucasian offset fee.”

"Be sure to stick around for what he says we should be doing as a society to “get to the finish line” on race. Hint: it involves recognizing that we’re all people, regardless of skin color." . . .

How about a Bipartisan Treaty against the Criminalization of Elections?

Andrew C. McCarthy
Setting aside Hunter Biden, there was no impropriety in President Trump’s asking Zelensky to assist the Justice Department’s investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. 

" Back home in the Bronx is where I first heard the old saw about the Irishman who, coming upon a donnybrook at the local pub, asks a bystander: “Is this a private fight or can anybody join?”
"I was a much younger fellow then. The prospect becomes less alluring with age, so I have some trepidation stepping in between two old friends, Andrew Napolitano and Joe DiGenova. Through intermediary hosts, the pair — Napolitano a former New Jersey Superior Court jurist and law professor, DiGenova a former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia and prominent defense lawyer — brawled this week on Fox News (where I, like they, contribute regularly).
"I’m going to steer clear of the pugnacious to-ing and fro-ing. Let’s consider the intriguing legal issue that ignited it.
"Judge Napolitano argues that the July 25 conversation between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky contains the makings of a campaign-finance crime. "He highlights Trump’s request for Ukraine’s help in investigating then–vice president Joe Biden. In 2016, Biden pressured Kyiv to drop a corruption investigation of Burisma, a natural gas company that paid Biden’s son, Hunter, big bucks to sit on its board.
"Biden, of course, is one of the favorites for the Democratic presidential nomination. " . . .

Greta wants an oompa loompa now

Christopher Skeet
 "When Veruca Salt threw a hissy fit, she at least jazzed it up with a catchy song. 

"No such luck with Greta Thunberg, the teenage Swedish climate activist and sometimes student.  Greta is all frowns, all crossed arms, and she’s not here to play.  Having sailed by an emissions-free yacht to New York, she delivered her now-infamous sermon for the repentant Luddites at the UN Climate Action Summit (available here).  “How dare you?” she thundered repeatedly, while meandering through a sloppy mess of pseudo-statistics meant convince us that she is as capable of a quick Google search as the rest of us." . . .

. . . And after you, your home country of Sweden can show us how an entire nation does it.  True, Sweden couldn’t rouse itself to oppose Nazi Germany.  But this is climate change we’re talking about.  An actual threat.  And Sweden’s transition back to the Stone Age shouldn’t be too difficult.  They have already implemented a de-civilization program of sorts, with its mass importation of unskilled, pissed-off males from the Islamic world. . . .

Mini-AOC sees the end coming and leaps into back action   Her video

The child actor who starred in a series of parody videos as “Mini AOC” is back, after having been bullied off the internet with death threats in July, as Fox News reported back then.

The 8-year-old child actor who went viral for impersonating Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, is no longer going to make videos due to death threats and harassment she and her family have received.
Earlier this year, Ava Martinez, known as "Mini AOC," brought joy to her fans with several videos poking fun at the socialist darling, collecting millions of views on social media.
However, the fun came to a screeching halt on Wednesday when Martinez's family announced that she would no longer be impersonating Ocasio-Cortez and that all the videos created would be removed. . . .
And yet, here she is for your enjoyment.  

Why Hollywood has become a joyless, depressing echo chamber

NY Post

Brad Pitt in "Ad Astra," Demi Moore and Joaquin Phoenix in "Joker"
"When Jennifer Lopez’s infamous interview with Movieline resurfaced on Thursday, I thought: How fun.
"And how different from most of Hollywood now, which is such a joyless place, pushing out joyless products full of dire warnings, safe spaces and moral rectitude.
"Last Sunday’s Emmys were possibly the most boring ever, with ratings at an all-time low. Brad Pitt, one of our last true movie stars, is currently in a somnambulant space epic. His last film, an ostensible ode to Hollywood, revolved around the Manson family.
"We have been warned by nothing less than the United States Army that fall’s next big movie, “Joker,” is probably a clarion call for mass-shooter incels targeting multiplexes.
"And Demi Moore, once the highest-paid actress on the planet, has just published “Inside Out,” her very grim memoir." . . .

President Trump will not be the end of this turmoil

The Pandora's Box is open and this all will continue every time we fail to elect a leftist as President. They have already spoken their intentions to go after Vice President Mike Pence when they bring down Donald Trump with the aid of their ignorant voters.TD

Discussing Impeachment down in the gutter where the left is.

The 800-pound gorilla in the impeachment room  "The timing of the whole fake impeachment scandal that's been manufactured once again by deep state actors is incredibly suspect.  As soon as the Russia Collusion Hoax was put to bed comes this whistleblower complaint alleging President Trump initiated a quid pro quo on the Ukrainian president using mob-like tactics in order to take down a possible presidential rival in Joe Biden for the upcoming 2020 campaign.

"One only needs to read the story in The Federalist by Sean Davis, Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge  to see that the whistleblower complaint was purposely concocted by certain deep state actors since it became public shortly after the disclosure form had been changed from a person needing to have direct knowledge of wrongdoing to include only hearing about wrongdoing from another person or persons."
But the  800-pound gorilla in the room no one has yet to point out is that Mike Pence would ascend to the presidency upon Trump's removal.  A Pence presidency would not look that much different than Trump's in substance although it clearly would in style.  The impeachment and removal of President Trump would clearly outrage and disgust the public so thoroughly that it would practically guarantee a two-term President Pence. 
Donald Trump at High Noon  . . . "The two of them marry in the first moments of the film but then learn that a man the Marshal had sentenced to hang, but was released by an early version of an Obama-appointed judge, is coming to their town with three henchmen to kill Kane.   The Marshal and his new wife quickly leave to seek the life they've planned, but he soon turns around in a crisis of conscience, realizing that if he runs from this man, Frank Miller, he will always be running.  He returns to Hadleyville and attempts to deputize other men in the town to help him face off the murderers. 

But not one of the townsmen will agree to help.  They are all cowards (Republicans) in fear of their lives, or they are friends and admirers of  the outlaw Frank Miller and want to welcome back to the town (Democrats).  Bottom line? Not one man will stand with Kane or defend the peace and safety he has brought to their town.  All the men he's tried to recruit only want Kane to leave; they think if he's not there, there will be no trouble, rather like those who want to dispense with ICE, DHS and the police.   No law enforcement, no crime.  Sure.  We all know how that goes.  Like The Magnificent Seven, this film, too, proves the age-old fallacy that submission to evil brings only violence and grief. It is generally "toxic" masculinity that saves the day" . . .
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Blasts Impeachment Push, Blames Leftists . . . "Cuomo, a Democrat himself, felt the “quote unquote inquiry” was a result of Democratic radicals in Congress pushing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to engage in an ultimately pointless exercise that would just result in political gridlock. According to Cuomo, “There is a heightened leftist component of the Democratic Party that she was feeling pressure from.' ”

Why the Impeachment Frenzy May Only Strengthen Trump by Victor Davis Hanson
"Contrary to suggestions by some, most Trump supporters are not automatons or blind supporters. What bothers them, and should bother others, about the latest Ukraine hysterias is the familiar monotony of this latest scripted psychodrama." . . .
. . . "Not just Trump supporters but the public is baffled by the apparent asymmetry in the application of the law, or at least the intention to apply the law. The Biden-Obama experience between 2009 and 2017 apparently had set a de facto precedent of what does and what does not constitute collusion." . . .

People are furious that Walmart's website is selling anti-Trump clothing that says 'Impeach 45'

From the "What-were-they-thinking? department: Walmart takes heat as it removes 'Impeach' Trump shirts

This Twitter tweeter tweeted:     You're seriously selling baby wear that calls for the impeachment the President of the United States? 😡  Do you think Patriotic Americans don't shop at your stores? Is this what you represent? Call 1-800-WALMART to reach comment line! from Walmart! Don't forget to buy the shirt this congresswoman is selling; she can use the money. Who said they trust the wisdom of the American voter? Is she what we have for our American leadership? TD