Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Ten-Step Reset Regimen for the President

Victor Davis Hanson "...10) Take a breather on the green agenda. Al Gore imploded, both from revelations about his personal life and the labyrinth of his financial machinations. Climategate discredited academic finger-pointing. Promises about “skyrocketing” power bills don’t go well with a recession. The old “millions of new green jobs” wonkery is a bad joke from a college bull session. Nuclear, natural gas, clean coal, and drilling in ANWR have more resonance than subsidized wind and solar jobs at a million or so in federal subsidies each.

"Will Obama adopt any of my suggestions? No, of course not."

Enough Votes for Reform "Democrats say they have pulled together the 60 votes they need in the U.S. Senate to get past filibusters pass a financial reform bill.
"To get over the hump, Democrats need the support of Republicans Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Scott Brown of Massachusetts."

The Bush Tax Cuts and the Deficit Myth

WSJ "President Obama and congressional Democrats are blaming their trillion-dollar budget deficits on the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003. Letting these tax cuts expire is their answer. Yet the data flatly contradict this "tax cuts caused the deficits" narrative. Consider the three most persistent myths:"...
Via Neal Boortz, who said this about the above article: "This is that incredible WSJ column I played around with yesterday on the air. Read it and the file it away for when your liberal friends pull out this line about the Bush tax cuts causing our financial deficit."

How Can I Prove I am Not a Racist?

American Thinker "Why are my family and I subjected to condemnation and the extreme insult of being labeled "racist" and then forced to either submit to the derogatory term or try (desperately and futilely) to defend ourselves from the slur? Why are so many members of the Democrat party and the NAACP comfortable with labeling all members of the Tea Party as "racist"? Who are the bigots now?"

The consistent, inconsistency of the Obama administration "Our President is removing "Islamic" from the term "Islamic Terrorist" to prevent an entire religion from being represented by the proven actions of some of their followers. However he actively engages an organization, the NAACP, which seeks to tarnish all members of an entire political movement with the term "racist" based on the unproven allegations put forth by members of the NAACP. This is the mark of a great communicator."

In contrast to all the above, there is Lloyd Marcus: Black Tea Party Spokesperson Rebukes NAACP Resolution Against Tea Parties "It is truly sad to see the once great civil rights organization acting like modern day "Uncle Tom" slaves on a liberal plantation selling out their people for a seat in the big house at the liberal democrat Massa's table.
"The bottom line is the NAACP, Obama and their co-conspirators in the liberal mainstream media have no interest in the truth regarding the tea parties. Their only goal is the furtherance of their progressive agenda. Thus, they will continue lying and functioning from a place of hate and fear which will ultimately lead to their destruction."
 Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American, President, NAACPC,
Spokesperson/Entertainer of Tea Party Movement & Tea Party Express.
The American Tea Party Anthem cd/album.
Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michelle Malkin.
President, NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of ALL Colors)

New Black Panthers, You're Free to Go -- Not So Fast, Arizona

Ann Coulter With the vast majority of Americans supporting Arizona's inoffensive little law, the fact that Obama is suing at all suggests that he consulted exclusively with the craziest people in America before filing this complaint. (Which is to say, Eric Holder's Justice Department.)
"But apparently even they could find nothing discriminatory about Arizona's law. It's reassuring to know that, contrary to earlier indications, government lawyers can at least read English".

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Israeli "Trophy" Anti-RPG System to be Installed on US Tanks

Israel National News "Trophy uses one radar to detect the launching of an RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) or the like at it. Another radar then tracks the incoming missile and detects when it is in range. At that point, Trophy employs a counter-measure, whose details are still secret, to directly hit and neutralize the head of the threat, thus detonating it before it makes contact with the targeted tank or vehicle." Hat tip to Clark Best, Oregon.

Time for Obama to make sacrifices

Gov. Tim Pawlenty  "When Obama entered office, he inherited a budget deficit that reflected the toxic combination of recession, bailouts and runaway entitlement programs. But rather than getting the government’s finances under control, Obama and his allies in Congress poured gasoline on the fire with trillion-dollar boondoggles.
"To put the recent spending binge in context, consider this: At the end of 2008, just before Obama took office, the federal debt was about 40 percent of our nation’s total economy. Now, according to a recent Congressional Budget Office report, the debt will explode to 62 percent of our economy by the end of this year."

 Pawlenty Schools the Democrats   "Pawlenty deserves recognition as one of the most effective fiscal conservatives in America. .... Don't let Pawlenty's nice-guy demeanor fool you. When it comes to protecting the taxpayers' money, no one is tougher."

Holder's Hypocrisy

Victor Davis Hanson "Holder's continual refusal to link radical Islam with the epidemic of global terrorism is likewise entirely political. When asked at a congressional hearing whether radical Islamic terrorists were behind the Fort Hood killings, the attempted Christmas Day bombing and the foiled Times Square bomb attack, Holder refused to identify that obvious common catalyst. He cited instead a "variety of reasons." The nation's chief prosecutor was not looking at the evidence, but adhering to a politically correct predetermined dogma."

Reid warms to July climate vote

Politico "Senate Democratic leaders are set to roll the dice this month on a comprehensive energy and climate bill, including a cap on greenhouse gases from power plants, even though they don’t yet have the 60 votes needed to move the controversial plan."

‘Downgrading’ Voter Intimidation

NRO   "Indeed, the person who would have been responsible for making a recommendation on whether to file a subsequent criminal charge against the individual New Black Panther defendants was Mark Kappelhoff, the “career” chief of the Criminal Section and a former ACLU lawyer. Besides being a big contributor to Democratic candidates like Barack Obama and John Kerry, as well as the DNC, Kappelhoff was considered such a liberal loyalist that he was moved into the political position of chief of staff to the acting assistant attorney general for civil rights by the Obama transition team almost as soon as they came in the door."
The National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People" In just a few short decades, the stalwart strivers for equality have turned into coddled whiners for hypersensitivity. The NAACP is a laughingstock. The group no longer represents the best interests of oppressed minorities, but the thin-skinned whims of the black elite and the ravenous appetite of the Nanny State. Establishment civil rights leaders now use their once-compelling moral authority to hector, bully and shake down corporate and political targets."...."It's a tried and true tactic of worn-out grievance-mongers: When you can't find evil enough enemies to blame for your problems, manufacture them."  Michelle Malkin 

Cap and Ban

Heritage "After listening to locals testify about the economic catastrophe President Obama’s energy policies are already creating in the Gulf, former Democratic Sen. Bob Graham said he was disturbed by a “disconnect between Washington and the Gulf region about the sense of urgency needed.” There certainly is a disconnect between Washington and the rest of America. At a time of 9.5% unemployment, now is not the time to be inflicting costly Cap and Ban energy policies on the U.S. economy."

Holder: Aiding al-Qaeda

Andrew McCarthy " When critics contended that Americans had a right to know whether lawyers who chose to donate their services to al-Qaeda were now in charge of counterterrorism policy, Holder wailed that the patriotism of Justice Department lawyers was being attacked. The legal profession’s heroic self-image notwithstanding, there is nothing patriotic about volunteering to represent terrorists; that something is legal doesn’t make doing it patriotic. But the patriotism strawman is neither here nor there. The point has always been a commonsense one: When you do something you don’t have to do — as Holder did as a private lawyer in 2004, filing an amicus brief on behalf of al-Qaeda terrorist Jose Padilla — that is a free choice. We are entitled to weigh what that choice tells us about where you’re coming from.
"In taking up Padilla’s cause, Holder was not acting out of obligation. He was acting out of passion, out of ideology."