Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Time for Obama to make sacrifices

Gov. Tim Pawlenty  "When Obama entered office, he inherited a budget deficit that reflected the toxic combination of recession, bailouts and runaway entitlement programs. But rather than getting the government’s finances under control, Obama and his allies in Congress poured gasoline on the fire with trillion-dollar boondoggles.
"To put the recent spending binge in context, consider this: At the end of 2008, just before Obama took office, the federal debt was about 40 percent of our nation’s total economy. Now, according to a recent Congressional Budget Office report, the debt will explode to 62 percent of our economy by the end of this year."

 Pawlenty Schools the Democrats   "Pawlenty deserves recognition as one of the most effective fiscal conservatives in America. .... Don't let Pawlenty's nice-guy demeanor fool you. When it comes to protecting the taxpayers' money, no one is tougher."

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