Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Points of view on the DOMA decision today

DOMA/Prop 8: States Win, People Lose  "The Supreme Court's rulings Wednesday on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Proposition 8 are being viewed as a limited victory for advocates of same-sex marriage--and also for federalism. The Court's decision to strike down DOMA means that a federal definition of marriage cannot trump a state definition, and that same-sex marriages in some states will be honored by others. Its decision to refuse to rule on Prop 8 means that lower court rulings against it will stand, effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in California."

Scalia's Blistering Dissent on DOMA  "In a ripping dissent, Scalia says that Justice Anthony Kennedy and his colleagues in the majority have resorted to calling opponents of gay marriage "enemies of the human race." "

NRO: More Than Marriage Is at Stake Now  "The Proposition 8 ruling is the most disturbing. Though the Court chose not to rule on the merits, it did establish a terrible precedent, ruling that citizens who pass an initiative do not have the legal right or standing to defend that law when elected officials refuse to do their job and defend the duly enacted law in court."

Justice Scalia on the DOMA decision.  "In a blistering rebuke of the Supreme Court decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, Justice Antonin Scalia said the self-governing power of the people has been eroded."

Volokh Conspiracy; Federalism Marries Liberty in the DOMA Decision   "For now, federalism wins out in theory as well as in practice.  States are free to define marriage as they wish (subject to Equal Protection and Due Process clause restraints), and the fight over “gay marriage” will continue in the states for years, as other litigation winds its way back to the Court.  So far, this process of federalism has been beneficial to the cause of same-sex marriage in a number of respects, not least of which is the perceived legitimacy of same-sex marriage in states where it has been adopted by legislation or popular initiative.  But whether this bodes good or ill for same-sex marriage, it is a visible demonstration that federalism need not be just for conservatives.
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Supreme Court Clears Way for Gay Marriage in Calif
"The Supreme Court has cleared the way for same-sex marriage in California by holding that defenders of California's gay marriage ban did not have the right to appeal lower court rulings striking down the ban."

Obama Says He Won’t Force Christian Churches to Hold Gay Weddings… Not Yet Anyway

Catholic Bishops: Supreme Court DOMA Decision a “Tragic Day for Marriage and Our Nation”   "Wait til Obama starts forcing Catholic churches to conduct gay marriages.
"The bishops will love that."

Left Coast Rebel: SCOTUS Rules Favorably on DOMA, Not Going Far Enough the Justices Tossed it Back To the States...  " Unfortunately the "... several congressional Republicans — including Ohio Sen. Rob Portman — have endorsed same-sex marriage" are in the decided minority. Therein lies one the reason the republican party is rapidly losing much of the nation to the Libertarian Party and the Democratic Party." 
Gay marriage unlikely to be a focus of 2014 elections   "After the Supreme Court Wednesday struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and cleared the way for gay marriages to resume in California, GOP strategists said same-sex marriage will have a bit part in the midterms. Obamacare and the size of government will be a much keener focus."

Clinton Hails Supreme Court Overturning Law He Signed

Let's see how well President Obama is looking after this nation today

NRO; Obama’s Failing Foreign Policy   "His credibility is crumbling, across the board."
 Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Not a fan of the TEA Party
Radical Muslim Cleric honored with White House meeting  "Schoolchildren may still be unable to visit the White House, but radical Muslim cleric Sheik Abdullah Bin Bayyah was welcomed and attended a June 13 meeting with National Security Advisor Tom Donilon and White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri."
"The White House has a lot of explaining ahead on this outrageous honor accorded Bin Bayyah. Without the work of the IPT, we would not have known of it."

Obama Renews His War On Coal  "Don’t say he didn’t warn us: “Go ahead and build a coal-powered plant — but it will bankrupt you.” Today President Obama put those words into action. With poverty and unemployment at record levels and his foreign policy in tatters, Obama decided to address a more important problem: Americans aren’t paying enough for electricity! So he mounted a new attack on coal, America’s principal source of power."
Obama Announces Plan to Save the Earth from a Problem That Doesn’t Exist

; Obama wants action on climate change in the worst way — and that’s what the US is getting  " Listening to President Obama’s big climate-change policy speech, one would never realize that climate-change science has been going through a rough patch. For the past 15 years, as The Economist recently noted, Earth’s surface air temperature has unexpectedly been flat even as greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. Climatologists are befuddled." 
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
NRO editorial; Obama’s Radical Climate Agenda   "President Barack Obama has decided to make the issue a new focus of his troubled presidency — and, indeed, that he intends to use the issue as the launching pad for a radical extension of federal power even more significant than his health-care takeover."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez 

Obama Risks the Economy for the Sake of His EPA Legacy

The Fiscal Times  "Like a teenager with $20 in his pocket, President Obama cannot spend our natural gas bonanza fast enough.

"We could use our newfound cheap energy to drive a manufacturing renaissance and create jobs, but the president wants to squander it combatting pollution. Heather Zichal, White House coordinator for energy and climate change, explains the president’s motivation: “He knows this is a legacy issue.”

"In a major address on energy and the environment at Georgetown University, Mr. Obama said he will direct the EPA to set emissions standards on power plants – limits that will drive up electricity costs, tax our economy and slow growth. This, despite the fact that CO2 emissions in the U.S. have dropped 12 percent in the past five years, are down to 1996 levels, and may well have peaked." Read more... 

Americans Oppose 'Obamacare,' Social Security for Illegal Immigrants Made Legal by Reform

National Journal Magazine   "Who would get welfare and other benefits under immigration reform is a complicated and still-unanswered question, with Congress far from done debating immigration legislation. But what Americans think of the idea is suddenly much clearer.
".... more than two-thirds of all Americans and nine out of every 10 Republicans oppose making legalized immigrants "eligible for government benefits ... before they become citizens," confirming the issue's potency as one of the main political attacks against immigration reform supporters in 2014."

The, like, decline and, y'know, fall of the English major

NY Times
"In the past few years, I’ve taught nonfiction writing to undergraduates and graduate students.... Each semester I hope, and fear, that I will have nothing to teach my students because they already know how to write. And each semester I discover, again, that they don’t.

"They can assemble strings of jargon and generate clots of ventriloquistic syntax. They can meta-metastasize any thematic or ideological notion they happen upon. And they get good grades for doing just that. But as for writing clearly, simply, with attention and openness to their own thoughts and emotions and the world around them — no."

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Is it the Obama/ Bill Ayres plan to make the US lose respect in the world?

Krauthammer: China, Russia couldn’t care less what Obama says
"Krauthammer says that China, Russia and the international community at large doesn’t really care what Obama says because they don’t respect nor fear him:"....

From back in August, 2011,

However, a senior Russian lawmaker stressed that Washington should not expect Moscow to extradite Snowden.

Rush thinks this is all going the way Barack Obama wants it to.  (And this does seem about how Bill Ayres and Rev. Wright would want the US to be regarded, wouldn't you?)
"All it means to Obama is that the United States isn't as feared nor is it as respected. In Hong Kong they wouldn't extradite Snowden. I'm telling you, this is right up Obama's alley, to preside over the decline of the superpower once known as the United States. Look, there isn't any doubt about this any more. There's no doubt about what Obama's agenda is. There's no doubt about what his plans for transforming the country are, and there's no doubt that he's just profoundly successful with all this."
So Rush agrees that Krauthammer is right, but he feels that this disrespect is just the way Obama wants it to be.

The run-up to the Battle of Gettysburg, 150 years ago JEB Stuart departs from Lee

 Relive The Battle of Gettysburg: Bloodiest Conflict of Civil War  ~Total Gettysburg is committed to bringing the Battle of Gettysburg to you with rich narrative, stunning photos and detailed maps that bring the battle to life. Our goal is to educate about the battle that decided the fate of a country and inspire you to action to protect these sacred Civil War battlefields. The American Civil War has much to teach us and Total Gettysburg will get you started. ~

Welcome to the first of many videos to be produced for the Total Gettysburg Video Series. Each will cover a 4-5 hour time-period of the battle until the 3-day Battle of Gettysburg has been covered.

   " It seemed like such a logical plan at the time: as the Army of Northern Virginia was moving north on the summer’s great invasion, they knew where they were going. It did not seem that important to have the crack cavalry of Gen. J.E. B. Stuart available to scout ahead; if cavalry were needed, there were other units with the various corps that could do the job. Stuart therefore was given permission to detach his force for another “ride-around” intended to loop entirely around the Army of the Potomac, harassing, alarming and confusing them along the way, while picking up any supplies they came across. It would prove to be a terrible mistake, because the Army of the Potomac was on the move as well."
Roads North: Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania day by day
General JEB Stuart  ...."Following the Confederate loss at Gettysburg, JEB Stuart effectively screened the retreat of the army across the Potomac River and back to Virginia. Stuart would thereafter be mired in controversy regarding his actions leading up to Gettysburg and used as a scapegoat responsible for the Confederate defeat. Stuart would play heavily in many engagements after Gettysburg until his untimely death nearly a year later at the Battle of Yellow Tavern."

JEB Stuart’s Ride Around The Union Army: 1863
"In the aftermath of General Lee’s return to Virginia from Gettysburg much controversy raged over Stuart’s role, in the public’s perception that the campaign had been a failure. Stuart was criticized for taking his column of troopers east and passing the Potomac to the right of Hooker who was then moving his army northward toward Frederick."

Think NSA Spying Is Bad? Here Comes ObamaCare Hub

IBD  "The Health and Human Services Department earlier this year exposed just how vast the government's data collection efforts will be on millions of Americans as a result of ObamaCare.
"Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., asked HHS to provide "a complete list of agencies that will interact with the Federal Data Services Hub." The Hub is a central feature of ObamaCare, since it will be used by the new insurance exchanges to determine eligibility for benefits, exemptions from the federal mandate, and how much to grant in federal insurance subsidies." 
Read More

Anonymous DHS Employee Reveals Frightening Extent of Obama Administration's Targeting of Conservatives

Intellectual Conservative  “This is bigger than you can imagine, bigger than anyone can imagine. This administration is collecting names of sources,
whistle blowers and their families, names of media sources and everybody they talk to and have talked to, and they already have a huge list...If you are a website owner with a brisk readership and a conservative bent, you’re on that list. It’s a political dissident list, not an enemy threat list."
Read the full article here.

Is all this the "revenge" Obama had in mind? Why would we not think all this is the upshot of what he was speaking of here?

Obama's Enormous Climate Lies

Alan Caruba  Putting aside Obama’s intention to further reduce our nuclear arsenal as articulated in his June 19 speech in Berlin, he has solidified his position as the World’s Greatest Liar with his statements about climate change, aka global warming, which he called “the global threat of our time.”

Let us stipulate that the global threat of our time is the rise of Islamic fanaticism in its pursuit of a worldwide caliphate.

Obama unveils climate change plan that goes around Congress  "President Obama is launching fresh battles over climate change with plans to curb emissions using executive powers that sidestep Congress — including controversial rules to cut carbon pollution from existing power plants."  Video

Did You Know the Following Facts About Global Warming?

Monday, June 24, 2013

President Obama as leader of a world power


Jennifer Rubin; ‘Pretty please’ foreign policy   "Unfortunately, the president who fancies himself as the guy who ends wars and doesn’t start them has no idea that, without military success and the threat of military force, your influence wanes and our adversaries come to regard us, well, as a joke.
"We didn’t win the Cold War at the negotiating table. We won by continually challenging Communist aggression and maintaining a strong military that eventually helped bankrupt the Soviet Union."
Obama and Clinton were preceded by better men than they.

Obama's Emptiest Benghazi Talking Point  "On Oct. 26, 2012, Obama said his "biggest priority" was bringing the "folks" in Libya responsible for murdering four Americans to "justice." Tick, tock, tick, tock."

The Islamic Schoolyard-Bully and Obama's America   "Not especially large or strong, the schoolyard bully—generally a prickly, nasty fellow—picks on two groups: 1) those who are obviously weaker than him and 2) those who, while larger or stronger than him, willingly give in to him—willingly appease."

Edward Snowden Took the Job at Booz Allen Just to Collect (and Then Release) US Government Secrets

The Volokh Conspiracy   "The South China Morning Post reports:
Edward Snowden secured a job with a US government contractor for one reason alone – to obtain evidence of Washington’s cyberspying networks, the South China Morning Post can reveal.
For the first time, Snowden has admitted he sought a position at Booz Allen Hamilton so he could collect proof about the US National Security Agency’s secret surveillance programmes ahead of planned leaks to the media.
“My position with Booz Allen Hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked,” he told the Post on June 12. “That is why I accepted that position about three months ago.”
 "Asked if he specifically went to Booz Allen Hamilton to gather evidence of surveillance, he replied: “Correct on Booz.” "
Emphasis added. TD

How to Prevent the Next Edward Snowden