Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Let's see how well President Obama is looking after this nation today

NRO; Obama’s Failing Foreign Policy   "His credibility is crumbling, across the board."
 Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Not a fan of the TEA Party
Radical Muslim Cleric honored with White House meeting  "Schoolchildren may still be unable to visit the White House, but radical Muslim cleric Sheik Abdullah Bin Bayyah was welcomed and attended a June 13 meeting with National Security Advisor Tom Donilon and White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri."
"The White House has a lot of explaining ahead on this outrageous honor accorded Bin Bayyah. Without the work of the IPT, we would not have known of it."

Obama Renews His War On Coal  "Don’t say he didn’t warn us: “Go ahead and build a coal-powered plant — but it will bankrupt you.” Today President Obama put those words into action. With poverty and unemployment at record levels and his foreign policy in tatters, Obama decided to address a more important problem: Americans aren’t paying enough for electricity! So he mounted a new attack on coal, America’s principal source of power."
Obama Announces Plan to Save the Earth from a Problem That Doesn’t Exist

; Obama wants action on climate change in the worst way — and that’s what the US is getting  " Listening to President Obama’s big climate-change policy speech, one would never realize that climate-change science has been going through a rough patch. For the past 15 years, as The Economist recently noted, Earth’s surface air temperature has unexpectedly been flat even as greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. Climatologists are befuddled." 
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
NRO editorial; Obama’s Radical Climate Agenda   "President Barack Obama has decided to make the issue a new focus of his troubled presidency — and, indeed, that he intends to use the issue as the launching pad for a radical extension of federal power even more significant than his health-care takeover."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez 

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