Wednesday, April 15, 2015


New York Times Executive Editor Apologizes For Decade Of Poor Journalism

Ann Coulter "Usually liberals have the decency to wait a few months after one of their rape fantasies collapses to start citing the case as "unresolved" -- it was a tie, the game was rained out, we'll never know what happened.

"But with the apocryphal University of Virginia gang rape, lefties started in right away with the "I guess we'll never know what happened" rewrite.

"Just last week, the Columbia Journalism Review released the results of a months-long investigation into Rolling Stone's story about a violent fraternity gang rape at UVA. As you will recall, the CJR found that the magazine had based its entire story on the delusions of one girl, who freaked out every time the alleged reporter, Sabrina Rubin Erdely, tried to confirm a single fact. 

"As the CJR described the reporter's investigative technique: "Erdely asked Jackie for introductions to friends and family. She asked for text messages to confirm parts of Jackie's account, for records from Jackie's employment at the aquatic center and for health records. She even asked to examine the bloodstained red dress Jackie said she had worn on the night she said she was attacked."

"So as you can see, Erdely is a tough-minded journalist, who went the extra mile to nail down the truth. Yes, she really ASKED for all this stuff." . . .

Read the full article here.

. . . "The Times should be required to wear a criminal ankle bracelet for the rest of its days. Nothing the newspaper writes about that touches on a feminist issue can be believed. Responsible people have got to say to the Times, I'm sorry, this is a feminist topic: You've got to recuse yourself from writing about it.

"Even the Times would have to admit: You're right. We've got a problem. We'll stop writing about campus rape, military rape, equal pay, sexism, the Augusta National Golf Club and Hillary Clinton.

"It's unfortunate that it's come to this, but it's the Times' own fault. When it comes to feminist fantasies, no one can believe anything the newspaper of record says."


Netanyahu Not the Cause of Obama's Dislike of Israel

Dry Bones, Kirschen, cartoon,Obama,Mychal Massie,
 Obama doesn’t like an Israel proud of itself as a Jewish state, nor does he like an America loyal to its heritage and unique values, be it free enterprise, taking responsibility for one’s fate, or the make-up of its historic middle class. Rabbi Aryeh Spero

American Thinker  "Much has been said about the strange behavior of Barack Obama, who can’t let a day go without maligning Israel and Mr. Netanyahu. In contrast, he displays friendship to a thug and anti-Semite like Recip Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, palled around with the deceased communist Hugo Chavez, and keeps standing up for the Iranian mullahs who want to kill us all or make us slaves to Islam. Those in the media who see politics simply as a stand-off between personalities ascribe all this to a clash of personalities: Obama doesn’t like PM Netanyahu and Netanyahu returns the dislike.

"In fact, at Mr. Netanyahu’s very first White House meeting, before they really knew each other, Obama purposely mistreated PM Netanyahu by forcing him to enter through a side entrance and, then, abruptly left the meeting and went upstairs by himself for dinner while leaving PM Netanyahu and his staff without hospitality or even a piece of bread. This was a deliberate, unheard of disparagement, directed more at Israel, the state represented by Netanyahu, than it was at Mr. Netanyahu per se. Just last month, Barack Obama published classified information showing the world photographs of Israel’s hidden nuclear site, and its inner workings. It was his gift to Iran, Hamas, and ISIS. This puts Israel and her citizens, not just Mr. Netanyahu, at great risk. But, Obama had his people darken out all the information on that page regarding the nuclear sites of other countries." . . . Read more here.

Tax deadline today

ISIS Is Camping Outside El Paso in Mexico with Spotters in New Mexico


Independent Sentinel
 . . . "The Mexican Army and federal law enforcement found documents in Arabic and Urdu, Muslim prayer rugs, and well as plans of Fort Bliss.
"The area is dominated by the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Cartel (“Juárez Cartel”), La Línea (the enforcement arm of the cartel) and the Barrio Azteca (a gang originally formed in the jails of El Paso).
"According to Mexican intelligence, coyotes have brought these ISIS terrorists to our borders from which they can exploit the rails, airport facilities and our generally open borders.
"They have also cited ISIS “spotters” in the East Potrillo Mountains of New Mexico which is under The Bureau of Land Management.
"The Bureau of Land Management can’t or won’t control cartel activity on their lands. Recently, Barack Obama seized more New Mexico land to be monitored by the BLM which can now be used by anyone, including terrorists and cartels.
"There are parts of BLM land that are “wild” and the Border Patrol is not allowed on it nor is surveillance equipment easily erected, which, ironically, allows cartels and terrorists free rein.
   ISIS Reportedly 15 Minute Drive From U.S. While President Has No Plan 
  . . "The report of ISIS in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico was initially broken by political watchdog ground Judicial Watch. The report, which you can read in its entirety here says:
“Specifically, the government sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.”
. . .
 "So, what is our plan to fight terrorism with force, reason and speed? The president, in one of his more candid moments, recently said, “We don’t have a plan yet.”
Mr. President, way back in July, this writer asked the question, “Are we concerned yet?“don’t you think, with even the remotest possibility that ISIS might be camping 15 minutes away from our border, that it just might be time to put a plan together… or do we need them to behead journalists or crucify someone on our own soil before we decide to wake up and do something about it?

The REAL Hillary well, OK, maybe not

Hillary Clinton spoke to the concerns of everyday Americans in a campaign video Monday. She mentioned the gays and lesbians and transgenders, but she made no mention at all of al-Qaeda. Until al-Qaeda registers in California as a sexual preference, Democrats are going to pretend they don't exist. Comedian Argus Hamilton
Ah, So: Chipotle CEO Spoke At Clinton Event Last Year  . . . " So it all becomes clear. After all, there are no accidents in Clintonian politics. Everything always goes back to cold hard cash and ‘pay to play.’ (For the record, the Clinton Global Initiative just a subset of the Clinton Family Foundation. Formerly known as the William Jefferson Blythe Clinton Foundation.)" . . .

Hillary’s Van Gets 16 MPG, Has Bed, TV, Much Leather

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Hillary Clinton Ate Lunch " The Upshot: “Let others deconstruct her apparent anonymity or how her visit compared with President Obama’s. Here’s what The Upshot can contribute: Is Mrs. Clinton’s order like the normal Chipotle meals of everyday Americans, or is it polarizing?' ”    Sorry about the -----commercial.

 More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter followers are fake or never tweet – and she's already under fire for 'buying' fake Facebook fans
  • Two different online audit tools say no more than 44 per cent of Hillary's 3.6 million Twitter fans are real people who participate in the platform
  • The newly minted presidential candidate is fending off accusations that her Facebook page is full of fake 'likes'
  • Her Facebook fan base includes more people from Baghdad, Iraq than any US city
  • When she was secretary of state, her agency paid $630,000 to bulk up its Facebook likes, but pledged to stop after she left
 Another Twitter sleuthing website sampled more than 320,000 of Clinton's followers and found that a much larger number of them were 'fake'

"ASTROTURF? A woman cast as a kindly, gardening grandma in Clinton's campaign launch video is actually a former abortion lobbyist who once helmed a campaign for Texas state Senator Wendy Davis"

ASTROTURF? A woman cast as a kindly, gardening grandma in Clinton's campaign launch video is actually a former abortion lobbyist who once helmed a campaign for Texas state Senator Wendy Davis
FAKERS: According to one popular online audit tool, only 44 per cent of Hillary Clinton's Twitter followers are real people who participate on the social media platform

.Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

...Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Pentagon to exhume remains of 400 Pearl Harbor Marines and sailors who died aboard USS Oklahoma in unprecedented bid to identify troops using DNA testing

UK Daily Mail

 Casualties: The Pentagon announced Tuesday plans to exhume the bodies of some 400 sailors and Marines who were killed on the USS Oklahoma on December 7, 1941, in the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbor. Above, the ship seen capsized after the attack
. . . "The ship capsized after being hit by nine torpedoes during the December 7, 1941 surprise attack from Japanese forces. Altogether, 429 sailors and Marines onboard were killed. Only 35 were identified in the years immediately after.
Hundreds were buried as unknowns at cemeteries in Hawaii. In 1950, they were reburied as unknowns at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific - also known as the Punchbowl - inside a volcanic crater in Honolulu." . . .

Nameless: Above, a gravestone at Honolulu's National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, marking the resting place of seven unknown Americans who died on board the USS Oklahoma 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Obama and Revolutionary Romance

Victor Davis Hanson
 "His foreign-policy errors result not from incompetence but from a conscious agenda. "

"Lots of questions arise about the muddled foreign policy of the Obama administration. Critics suggest that America’s friends have now become enemies, and enemies friends. Others cite incompetence and naïveté rather than deliberate agendas as the cause of American decline, and of growing global chaos from Libya to Ukraine. 
"But, in fact, there is a predictable pattern to Obama’s foreign policy. The president has an adolescent, romantic view of professed revolutionary societies and anti-Western poseurs — and of his own ability uniquely to reach out and win them over. In the most superficial sense, Obama demonstrates his empathy for supposedly revolutionary figures of the non-Western world through gratuitous, often silly remarks about Christianity and Western colonial excesses, past and present. " . . .  Full article

Cultural silliness: Things You Can’t Wear to a Music Festival, According to Social Justice Internet


NRO  "Music-festival season is underway, and it’s important to make sure to dress appropriately — not just for the weather, but for cultural sensitivity as well. If you’re not sure what I mean, that’s okay! I spent some time on Social Justice Internet today finding some helpful tips so that you can understand what I mean and why it’s so important: 

 Aside from obvious no-nos like Native-American headdresses or Indian bindis, you also need to make sure that the patterns on your clothes aren’t offensive. That’s right — it’s not enough to simply make sure your shirt is clean and doesn’t have any insensitive or crude images on it, you actually also also need to research the pattern and make sure it couldn’t be interpreted as having been inspired by “tribal” or Aztec culture: 

“Even something . . . mainstream as ‘tribal” or Aztec prints are forms of cultural appropriation,” warns a post on the Source."  Katherine Timpf


Astute Bloggers
"Garry Trudeau, veteran cartoonist of Doonesbury, blames the late contributors of Charlie Hebdo for the horror they went through:
Less than four months after Islamic fanatics stormed the Paris offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and butchered 12, while accepting the George Polk career award Friday, left-wing cartoonist Garry Trudeau blasted the dead with the claim that they had “wandered into the realm of hate speech.” He also added that “free speech… becomes its own kind of fanaticism.”
Without irony, after punching 12 of his dead colleagues, the creator of “Doonesbury” said that a cartoonist’s job is to “punch up” not down.

What Trudeau fails or chooses not to understand is that rebellion is not hate speech. Charlie Hebdo was not gratuitously mocking Mohammed or Jesus Christ or the Pope. For the cause of free speech, Charlie Hebdo was pushing back against what it rightly saw as creeping fascism, especially Islamic fascism, in the most blatant and in-your-face way possible.
"Trudeau has really scraped the barrel's bottom this time. I used to read Doonesbury years ago, but largely lost interest around 1995, and after learning what a screwball Trudeau's become, it's harder and harder to get interested in his long-running strip again. He must wear an ear-covering helmet more impenetrable than B.D's football helmet. Making matters worse, one of the New York Times' leading staffers is defending Trudeau's journey off the deep end. His own comic strip's long lost any relevance thanks to his plummet. I think it's about time he retire it for good. It probably didn't even have much cultural value in the first place."

The Daily Caller is a bit more blunt: Garry Trudeau Craps On The Corpses Of Charlie Hebdo. . . " Normally, Trudeau’s tedious, hamfisted harangues run the gamut: conservatives, people who hold conservative views, Republicans, right-wingers, and anybody who isn’t a liberal. And now he’s branching out to attack a whole new set of targets: left-wing atheists who were butchered at their desks by religious zealots." . . .

150 years later: Remembering the Lincoln assassination


"On April 14, 1865, an actor and Confederate sympathizer named John Wilkes Booth shot President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington. The following morning, less than a week after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln would become the first American president killed in office.                                             "It was the crime of the 19th century. Booth fled the building and, along with co-conspirator David Herold, evaded the authorities for nearly two weeks. Booth was shot and killed during capture in Virginia on April 26."

Read Original Associated Press Report of Lincoln's Assassination  "On the night Abraham Lincoln was shot, April 14, 1865, Associated Press correspondent Lawrence Gobright scrambled to report from the White House, the streets of the stricken capital, and even from the blood-stained box at Ford's Theatre, where, in his memoir he reports he was handed the assassin's gun and turned it over to authorities. Here is an edited version of his original AP dispatch:" . . .

Visit Ford's Theater, Then visit  the house where Lincoln died

Booth's escape route tour  Interactive map

Mad Magazine Pre-Apologizes UPDATED

. . . "By the way, Hillary's new logo really is terrible. If this were a design class, and the assignment were to make a logo for Hillary, I would think the teacher would get mad at a student who handed in that one. What, did you spend one minute on the assignment? You just did the most obvious thing, the letter H, the colors blue and read, and an arrow, the most cliché logo element possible?! An arrow to signify moving forward! That's what you came up with?" 

UPDATE: The internet reacts to Hillary’s campaign logo

"Could Hillvetica be the font that finally replaces Comic Sans as the worst font in all of fontdom?"
 View image on Twitter
..."Hilarious and also the handy work of John Ekdahl of Ace of Spades fame:"
hillary wheelchair 

This from Josh Greenman:"New York Daily News opinion editor, editorial writer, human. What I write here is in my unofficial capacity as a human."
 Embedded image permalink

What does Hillary's Logo remind you of?

Gay Man In Hillary Clinton Video Worked At SEIU, OFA & White House

 "Hillary Clinton’s video was very slight on specifics and she appears in less than a quarter of the video.
"But what does appear is a bunch of people talking about proud they are of themselves and proud to vote for Hillary.
"Up first is Jared Milrad.  Seems legit enough at first.  Gay couple that doesn’t wanna be hassled by the man.
"Then you actually Google his name and find out that his career history is exactly what you’d expect."

 Screenshot from 2015-04-13 11:27:07

Screenshot from 2015-04-13 11:27:01