Thursday, September 3, 2015

Photo via FrontPage MagazineWhy a crucial problem is back in the national conversation.  . . . "Those last comments are particularly pertinent to the core of Europe’s current immigrant problem: many are Muslims who worship a faith radically different from the liberal culture of freedom, tolerance, and individual rights that created Europe and the United States. Hence most of the violence Powell predicted has come from unassimilated young Muslims–– the terrorists who bombed London in 2005 and Madrid in 2004, the rapists in England and Malmo who target non-Muslim women, the French “youths” who periodically smash hundreds of cars or murder journalists and Jews, and the Muslim who assassinated Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh and drove Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders into hiding. And in most cases, these criminals have been the beneficiaries of welfare largesse, their violence often rewarded with increased “social welfare spending.”

"But we Americans shouldn’t feel superior, for we have our own immigration problems, especially with illegal aliens. Our problems aren’t as severe as Europe’s, for the vast majority of our immigrants come from countries that are essentially Western, rather than from Muslim countries whose religion is inherently hostile to Christianity and the West. But we have compromised that advantage by indulging the same carelessness about policing the border or dispensing social welfare largesse. We too have problems with crime from illegal aliens, ranging from drug-gangs and murder to the daily disorder and disregard for law that makes life more difficult in many communities. And we also have an anti-assimilationist lobby that leverages white guilt and self-loathing into political power.

"But we too, for now, seem to have a prophet. Whatever his flaws and weaknesses, Donald Trump has thrust the problems of lax immigration policies and weak enforcement of immigration laws back into the national conversation. Like Enoch Powell, politicians from both parties have tried to marginalize him. But in the age of the Internet, YouTube, and cable news, the citizens who agree with Trump can voice their approval more loudly than in Powell’s day. And they delight in the rough treatment he gives to immigration hacks like Univision’s Jorge Ramos, whom Trump tossed out of a news conference. Let’s just hope that a critical mass of people is listening, and that the Republicans embrace Trump’s warnings on illegal immigration instead of demonizing him."  Bruce S. Thornton

What Makes Donald Run?
. . . "After nearly seven years of Obama, the public is worn out by sanctimoniousness — by all the Professor Gates/Trayvon Martin/Ferguson lectures on race by an abject racialist, by all the sermons on climate change by a global jet-setter, by all the community-organizing banality by one who always has preferred the private school and the tony neighborhood, by all the us-versus-the-1-percent warfare by one who feels at home on the golf course only with celebrities and stock hounds. Given all that, the Republican base, at least for a few more weeks, wants someone to be unapologetically unacceptable — both to the liberal establishment that Obama ushered in, and to the wink-and-nod elite Republican opposition." . . .
And Trump so far has managed to make real outliers — non-establishment political mavericks like Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, and Chris Christie, who were the choices of the Tea Party movements just a fortnight ago — look like Eric Cantor/Mitch McConnell company men. That such gifted conservative politicos are considered functionaries is abjectly unfair, but it is nonetheless the jaded perception so far of much of the Republican electorate.
Victor Davis Hanson
 Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Michael Ramirez Cartoon

In a comment to this cartoon,
"Ramirez should have shown the perpetrator AND the victims are more than likely black persons in his cartoon. Even Jesse Jackson made the following observation: “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” The racial agitators are clouding the issues black persons are facing by making the police the enemy rather than their own reprehensible, illegal behavior.

"It's time for new leadership in urban areas as the corrupt, liberal Democrat rule is proving to be a dismal failure on all levels. It occurred to me not so long ago when I turned on the 6 o'clock news and heard, "A 4 year old was shot and killed this afternoon in her Detroit house as she watched cartoons on television at her grandmother's house. A stray bullet from a gang turf war killed her instantly...". All too often we think, "What do you expect? It's just Detroit." Such senseless violence is desensitizing the public to the tragic crime and murder in the streets.

"Due to the amount of violent crime I am fortunate enough to have three reliable shields: The County Sheriff, the State Police and a concealed Smith and Wesson M&P Shield 40 caliber on my hip. I certainly appreciate all three!"

Our Weasel Of The Week!

Nice Deb  "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…"

 Raciali$t Organizer and Cop Hater Carol (Sunshine) Sullivan!

"Less than 24 hours before Bryce Williams aka Vesper Lee Flanagan II shot and killed two WBDJ journalists, Alison Parker and Adam Ward on the air Black activist Carol (Sunshine) Sullivan, an organizer of F***YoFlag on her radio blog show hosted from Texas called, “Sunshine’s F***ing Opinion Radio Show” allegedly gave members of #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter a platform from which the hate/terrorist organizations called for the lynching of white people and law enforcement officers.

"Two days after Parker and Ward were killed, Shannon J. Miles, a Black male pumped fifteen bullets into Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth at a gas station in Houston, Texas."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: I’m Proud Of Those Young People Pushing Black Lives Matter. Debbie? Have You Seen This… ?

Weazel Zippers

 Start at around 1:26, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC head, at the Iowa State Fair:


. . . "The DNC with that special exquisite timing they have, just this week passed a resolution supporting the BLM, this despite all kinds of inflammatory rhetoric and actions against police.

"Everyone has at this point seen the Black Lives Matter Minnesota chant.

"But this of course was not the first time or a one off.
"Many may remember a similar chant from them in NYC, just before two cops were assassinated by a Black Lives Matter protester/Islamic extremist Ismaiiyl Brinsley. Brinkley specifically cited Mike Brown and Eric Garner as his reason for killing the cops, and ‘putting pigs in a blanket'[putting them in a coffin]. As we reported at the time, MSM missed that Brinsley had been a protester." . . .

Language advisory here:

Miley Cyrus and the Post-Gender Generation

Jeremy Egerer  . . . "The major difference between the last time this happened and the present is that today's invading "barbarians" call masculinity machismo, and our deviants are considered by our intelligentsia not as deviants, but as moralists.

And perhaps this is why Miley's so shocking: not because what she's doing is actually anything new, but because she's backed by an army of militant pantsuits who say that what she's doing is right.  The New York Times has gone so far as to call her the avatar of the post-gender generation – as if the overwhelming majority of youngsters these days had already been polled and said they were tired of seeing pretty girls.  Of course, there are some of them who are sick of seeing pretty girls – and they are probably all ugly girls.  They're the minority of our children who've been so terribly cursed with terrible taste and minimal talents that they want to be themselves without anyone left to criticize them.  And they are getting what they want – almost.  They're getting it from the authorities, from their professors, and from the president.  Whom they are not getting it from (if they are straight) is everyone they really want to have sex with, because the people they want to have sex with are having sex with people who are sexually attractive." . . .

Weasel Of The Week Nominees!

"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

" Here are this weeks’ nominees…."

The Phony Charge of Imperialism made us impotent in the face of evil
By Joseph Loconte
"This criticism persisted even after the German war machine had overrun half a dozen European states, captured Paris and bombed London -- after the pathologies of Nazi rule became widely known. How could some of America's most prominent religious thinkers have so badly misjudged Hitler's gathering storm?"
. . . "Perhaps, after Saddam's defeat, we might hope for an exorcism of this spirit from the war's detractors. That plainly was Mumford's wish in 1941. "A human society in which men will not help their neighbors to resist evil and struggle for justice will presently cease to exist as a society," he warned, "since it will lack even the animal loyalties that are necessary for survival.". . .

The comparison with the 1930s is inevitable because we see the same mindset in the democracies; the refusal to see evil and the hope that it will not in the end be evil, but peaceful.

The peace movement of the 1930s made the Holocaust inevitable --- by accident
 . . . "It was not quite thus in the 1930s. Like today, the very nicest people, the most thoughtful people, the most progressive people, the people with the highest degree of social and moral conscience, people, in short, like you and me - all aligned themselves with Hitler's interests and brought about the totally unnecessary second World War - which was very nearly lost, even after the death of 50 million people. Even though it was won in the end, it was not won soon enough to prevent making the unthinkable - the Holocaust - inevitable.
"And among those categories of people - the very nicest, the most thoughtful, the most progressive, those with the highest degree of social and moral conscience - it is not self-regard to count not only the cream of American Jewry, but probably the majority." . . . 
From Jewish World Review March 6, 2003 

Europe's relay

Europe's relay
American Thinker

Black Lives Matter supporter arrested for threat to purge town of all whites. Some Harley riders may agree?

"On Wednesday, 20-year-old Carlos Anthony Hollins of Waldorf, Maryland, was arrested by the Charles County Sheriff’s Office for a threat of mass violence against all white people in the town of La Plata. Earlier in the day, he allegedly issued a tweet threatening to murder all of the white people in the community.

“ 'IM NOT GONNA STAND FOR THIS NO. MORE. TONIGHT WE PURGE! KILL ALL THE WHITE PPL IN THE TOWN OF LA PLATA,” he wrote in the short message that has since been deleted. The message ended with the hashtag "#BlackLivesMatter." He later claimed it was a joke, but law enforcement officers apparently failed to see the humor in his tweet.

"Around 4:43 p.m. local time, authorities were alerted to the tweet. Department heads took appropriate precautions, the BayNet said, adding extra officers to patrol the community. Later, Hollins posted another tweet with a video claiming to turn himself in to police." . . .

DC Harley Davidson Dealership sponsoring Nation of Islam rally
. . . "The Harley Davidson dealership’s official website lists the dealership as a rally point for black motorcyclists attending the NOI rally. Louis Farrakhan has launched an effort to attract black bikers that he named “Ride For Justice.”
Joyce & Thomas Moorehead are the owners of the Harley Davidson dealership that is sponsoring the Nation of Islam event. 

Glaciers Have Been Disappearing For Hundreds Of Years

Real Science
"Climate morons note that most of the world’s glaciers are melting, but are too ignorant to know that this started hundreds of years ago. It has nothing to do with CO2.
ScreenHunter_2882 Sep. 03 10.18

Source: The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal (NSW : 1888 - 1954

American Jews' Blind Support of The Democratic Party Is Reason For Iran Deal Passing

The Lid

"Now that Obama has his 34 Senators and a veto the anti-Iran bill cannot be overturned the postmortems have started. Some like an IBD Editorial said, "Senate Democrats Favoring Iran Deal Have Blood On Their Hands." My friend Joel Pollack at Breitbart argued that this proved the Antisemitic meme that the Jews control foreign policy wasn't true, "Iran Deal: The ‘Israel Lobby’ is Dead– and Obama Killed It." I would argue that they are both partially correct but are omitting possibly the biggest enabler. It was Jewicide, years of blind loyalty to the American Jewish community created an environment where the Democrats knew they could support a lousy deal without electoral retribution from the key Jewish voting block.

"Allow me to put it a different way, over thirty years ago Secretary of State James Baker said "F**k the Jews they won't vote for us anyway." Truth is Bush #41 was lousy on Jewish issues. But since then Because most American Jews have a blind loyalty to the Democratic Party no matter the policy, today the Democrats act as if their stance is "F**k the Jews they will vote for us whatever we do!' " . . .
Hat tip to Jeffrey Dunetz

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Denali can also be spelled "Denial"

"The president has journeyed to the 57th state (or is it the 56th?) in order to take credit for new oil drilling and to decry the imminent environmental disaster the world faces from, uh, new oil drilling. Say what you will about the man, but he does have a gift for hypocrisy.

"Speaking of which, while in Alaska Mr. Obama will also be taping a guest appearance on the popular reality series "Running Wild with Bear Grylls" in which the president will demonstrate the wilderness survival skills he's honed during multiple visits to Martha's Vineyard.

"Scheduled events include discussing climate change while hiking along a glacier which has shrunken by a terrifying 1.25 miles "in recent decades" and, if circumstances allow, killing and devouring a wild dog topped with Indonesian "Soetoro sauce."

"On a military note, the president is calling for the construction and deployment of more icebreakers in arctic waters to help counterbalance the growing and aggressive dominance of Russia in the region. Currently, Vladimir Putin has 41 icebreakers and Obama only has two. Unless you're willing to include "Hi there, is this your first visit to Man's Country?"

"The president will be leaving one additional mark on Alaska (not unlike writing his name in the snow) by renaming America's highest peak - thereby creating thousands of jobs for people in the business of printing maps and atlases.

"As a gesture of support to Alaska's native population, what was formerly Mt. McKinley will now be known as "Denali" - which is the traditional Athabascan name meaning "The High One."

"Perhaps not coincidentally, this was also the president's nickname in the Choom Gang."

How Illegal Immigration Finally Turned Off the Public

"Pope Francis will go on ABC 20/20 and grant a virtual audience to poor Americans via satellite this Friday night. One of the pope’s groups will be Hispanic migrants in a South Texas church. They’re the only Texans who won’t be at a stadium worshipping high school football during the telecast."  Comedian Argus Hamilton
Victor Davis Hanson: How Illegal Immigration Finally Turned Off the Public                                "If there were not a Donald Trump, he would likely have had to have been invented." 
Shot and chaser: Democrat activist Jorge Ramos of Univison badgers Donald Trump; is (temporarily) deported from presser by Trump’s security. (AP Photos/Charlie Neibergall)

"Why did the illegal-immigration issue launch Donald Trump’s campaign? Why did his recent tense press conference exchange with Univision’s Jorge Ramos please even some of Trump’s liberal critics? What is it about illegal immigration that has finally turned off so many Americans?"

. . . 
" It is alleged that Donald Trump is a demagogue who whips the ignorant up. Perhaps. But on matters of immigration he came late and often in antithesis to his own former positions. The truth is that the illegal-immigration lobby was its own worst enemy, its message couched in racism, illegality, untruth — and finally incoherence.  People tired of being called racists by racial chauvinists, of being dubbed insensitive by unfeeling opportunists, and of being called politically naive by political manipulators."

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