Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Vocal Critic Of Israel, Jimmy Carter, Has Cancer Cured By Drug Made In Israel

Weasel Zippers

"Oh, the irony.
Former president Jimmy Carter, who in the past has been supportive of boycotts against Israel, is having his cancer treated by a “breakthrough” drug created in the Jewish state, according to reports.
Carter, who is being treated for cancer in his liver and brain, said he has been making a recovery since taking a cancer drug known as Keytruda, which was created by Israeli doctors.
Carter has been a vocal critic of Israel.
The drug is believed to be the next generation of treatment for cancer.
Carter has not commented on the fact that this drug was made by Israeli doctors.

Weasel Of The Week Nominees!

Nice Deb
"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!
"Here are the nominees…
 "Bengahzi Babe, Server Wiping Expert And Foundation Fundraising Ace Hillary Clinton!!
"The Noisy Room : My nomination this week is Hillary Clinton for calling on Silicon Valley to stop ISIS. I kid you not. She’s going for ripping up the Constitution just the way Obama is:" . . .
Obama’s Own Racialist And Islamist Friendly Attorney General, Loretta Lynch!!
loretta lynch
"Bookworm Room : My nominee is Loretta Lynch who, in the wake of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, went full dhimmi by announcing that speech that merely edges towards violence will justify full federal prosecution:. . . 
Charlene Storey, New Jersey Councilwoman!
NJ Councilwoman Quits After City Adds
"Maggie’s Notebook : Ms. Storey’s story is not unusual. So many Weasels like her, but the Mayor of the town is unusual. Mayor Hoaknson, a Democrat, isquoted saying “I feel strongly that it is a Christmas tree, and it is a lighting. So therefore, it will be a ‘Christmas tree lighting. Just like the Easter Bunny is the Easter Bunny and not the Holiday Bunny.”
"A man of uncommon sense and good will, he will honor Ms. Storey by saying “Happy Holiday” to her, and “Merry Christmas to everyone else."
Prog-Faschist New York Daily News Columnist Linda Stasi !!
"Nice Deb : New York Daily News columnist, Linda Stasi, has been accurately described as a “foul, disgusting liberal.” One could also argue that she is a particularly repellent weasel.
"The aptly named columnist “blamed of the victim” and engaged in gross moral relativism in her horrific Dec. 6 article asserting “that the interaction between ‘two hate-filled, bigoted municipal employees’ led to the deaths of ’13 innocent people’ who were killed in an act of “unspeakable carnage.”
"The post’s title read: “San Bernardino Killers Were ISIS-Loving Monsters — But One of Their Victims Was Just as Bigoted.' ” . . .

The video of revelers cheering 9/11 that no one got to see

Here are the facts, all of which are matters of public record. On the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001, thousands of jubilant Palestinians took to the streets, chanting “God is great,” firing automatic weapons and handing out sweets to passers-by. The largest demonstration took place in Nablus in the West Bank, where some 3,000 marchers danced and cheered as guerrillas fired assault rifles and grenades into the air.
. . . "Many journalists were on the scene, but they were forcibly detained in a hotel by armed Palestinian security forces to prevent coverage of the rally. One cameraman — a freelance AP reporter — nevertheless managed to film some of the celebration.
"The next day, members of Tanzim, the military arm of Fatah, physically threatened the cameraman and warned AP not to air the material. A cabinet secretary for the Palestinian government told the Associated Press that the government could not “guarantee the life” of the cameraman if the film were broadcast." . . .
"Fourteen years later, the historic footage from 9/11 remains inaccessible to public view.
. . . 
"The suppressed video isn’t simply a historical artifact. The episode contains current lessons for the reliability of reporting from the Middle East, where the propaganda war can be every bit as intense and ruthless as ground combat. And the passionate anti-Western views it puts on vivid display appear to remain in full force." . . .

Commentaries: The President reassures and rallies the nation for the war ahead

Fighting Terror by Self-Reproach  Wall Street Journal;
. . . "This is President Obama’s vision of society, and it is why he delivered this sterile, scolding homily that offered no serious defense against the next jihadist massacre. We have become a country that doesn’t rouse itself to seriousness except when a great many people are murdered. Fourteen deaths apparently isn’t going to move the policy needle, as far as this president is concerned. Will 1,400?"

“We are losing today. This president is not leading.”  . . . "One thing that separates Fiorina from the other Republican candidates is her background in the tech sector. She has some very specific concerns in that area." (Video)
"Leigh Munsil reported at The Blaze:
Carly Fiorina Warns of Threat She Says the U.S. Is ‘Woefully Unprepared’ to Handle: Cyberterrorism  

 Thomas Sowell on The President's Speech  "This was not a speech about how the Obama administration is going to do anything differently in the future. It was a speech about how Obama's policies were right all along. Obama is one of those people who are often wrong but never in doubt."
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Krauthammer: Deep Down Obama Thinks War on Terror Was a "Gross Overreach," Overreaction  Elect a faddish, flavor-of-the-month candidate and Obama or Trump are what you get; we should have learned before Trump came along. Who was it that said to trust the wisdom of American voters?

See what this Egyptian commentator has to say about Obama

Irony in the president's Sunday speech . . . "The man's a victim of his own conceit and irony.  He buys into the standard leftist claptrap that if we occupy a foreign land, then ISIS can recruit more easily.  However, Iraq was pacified before he withdrew the troops in 2012.  And now we no longer occupy Iraq, but they have recruited and launch attacks.  How does that make sense?  The only thing that motivates them is an evil religious ideology linked to Islam, because it tells them to sniff out weakness and snuff it out.  ISIS believes that the West and America are weak, so ISIS is on the attack.  Their motive has nothing to do with occupation.  Standard leftism: somehow it's our fault; we need to realize the basis thesis of the left: America the Suckiful." . . .

I Want a President Who Understands the Value of the American Nation  . . . " And if you are not going to unite people around the idea of a nation, what are you going to unite them around?"

CNN Panel Destroys "Out of Touch" Obama Over Failed ISIS Strategy, Refusal to Use Term Islamic Extremism  "Other panelists piled on Democrats as a whole for being all over the map with their response to the attack."

How an Obama news briefing works -- or not

The view from the White House briefing podium. (Charles Dharapak / AP)

"A revealing exchange Monday during the regular White House media briefing that shows how intentionally unrevealing political communications have become in these last, long lingering months of the Barack Obama administration.

"To the detriment of this Democrat's standing and the long-term corrosion of dialogue in our democratic society.

"Speaking from some personal experience, political press spokesmen have many roles, often tricky, some advisory behind the scenes, some public. Among the public roles:" . . .

The Most Frightening Thing About a Hillary Clinton Presidency

Doug Ross Journal  "Rumors of Hillary Clinton's poor physical and mental condition have persisted for years.

"Last month, State Department emails obtained by Judicial Watch revealed that Clinton's close personal aide Huma Abedin (who has well-documented ties to the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood) warned colleagues that Clinton's mental stability appeared to be deteriorating:

Abedin advised Clinton aide and frequent companion Monica Hanley that it was “very important” to go over phone calls with Clinton because the former Secretary of State was “often confused...”

The emails, from Abedin’s “Huma@clintonemail.com” address, also reveal repeated security breaches, with the Secretary’s schedule and movements being sent and received through Abedin’s non-governmental and unsecured Clinton server account...
"This week, on three separate occasions, Clinton seemed to affirm Abedin's cautions, demonstrating significant confusion that raised the eyebrows of the media:
• "Talking Iran, Hillary gets confused about the nuclear option and military option"

• "Hillary Clinton Can’t Remember Her Plan To Deal With the National Debt"

• "Hillary Clinton confuses question on ‘hemp’ with one on a ‘hip replacement’"

"So we have a potential president who appears to have obvious and troubling issues with mental acuity.

"Furthermore, her most trusted personal aide and proxy, Huma Abedin, is linked -- both directly and through family ties -- to the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood." . . . 

Could Huma be Hillary's Valerie Jarrett?

American ‘Moderate Muslims’ want respect? Check out these guidelines!

"American ‘moderate’ Muslims, if there is such a thing, are being put under the umbrella of protection by the Obama Administration because of terrorist acts against Americans in the name of Islam.

"Islam is a religion promoting world dominance, and all good Muslims must support the goals of the religion. There are fewer Muslims that have turned in Muslim Terrorists than there are terrorists that have declared WAR on the USA.
. . . 
"These “moderate” Muslims want to be treated with respect and do not wish to be lumped in with the extremists. Is it too much to ask to prove your loyalties to our country by following these steps below? How can anyone argue against them?" . . .

How not to lead in wartime

Muscle man

Jennifer Rubin   "The San Bernardino, Calif., attack, to be certain, is not comparable in size, scope or significance to these historic events, but we should recall Pearl Harbor and 9/11, especially today, in no small part because of the moral leadership and clarity that presidents — one Democrat, one Republican — displayed. These leaders identified evil, committed all our resources to destroying it, acknowledged the inherent goodness of the American people and committed us to victory. This is what wartime leaders do — they rally a country.

"As disturbing as the events in San Bernardino are, even more worrisome — sad, actually — is the absence of a president to perform the singular function only he can provide. We have only one commander in chief, and only he can set a wartime plan to defeat our enemies and maintain national cohesion. When we need it most, today there is a void. " . . .

Monday, December 7, 2015

Donald Trump is Clearly the Weakest GOP General Election Candidate

The GOP primary race has essentially come down to four candidates: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 100%, and Marco Rubio. Of these four, it is increasingly clear that, all his bluster to the contrary, Donald Trump would make the weakest potential foe for Hillary Clinton in the general election.

"Rubio, meanwhile, as might be expected, performs the best against Clinton, and like Cruz, has been moving consistently in the right direction relative to Clinton:

. . . "That is not to say that Trump would have no chance of winning; obviously, events on the ground or a major mistake by Hillary could catapult literally any Republican into the lead. But it’s becoming increasingly obvious that of the current Republican candidates, Trump’s chances against Hillary are clearly the weakest."

1 Christian: 236 of 237 Syrian Refugees Admitted Since Paris Attacks Are Muslims

The San Bernardino murderers as they enter US Customs

CNS News  "The Christian, a Greek Orthodox individual, is the sole non-Sunni Muslim admitted to the U.S. since the attack, which fueled concerns that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) may move terrorists into Western nations under the cover of refugee resettlement programs.

"According to the CIA World Factbook, Christians accounted for an estimated 10 percent of the Syrian population and Sunni Muslims for an estimated 74 percent when the conflict began in early 2011."

On Obama's Sunday night Oval Office address

PC Response to Terror Is Reviving Democrats’ Weak 1980s Image  . . . "As for prosecuting the war on terror, more and more experts have begun questioning the White House’s failed strategy. Former CIA director Michael Morrell admitted that concerns about environmental damage have prevented the White House from bombing oil wells that finance the ISIS." . . .

The Narrative Can Never Be Wrong  . . . "The administration is deathly afraid of admitting it got it wrong from the beginning.  Or worse yet, admitting where it was going all along. That would ruin its aura of benevolent omniscience.  Hope and Change in conflict with Islamism can neither be explained nor managed within the framework of the Narrative. " . . .

In Oval Office speech, Obama offers the same policies that have allowed ISIS to grow
. . . "Considering that this was only the third Oval Office speech of Obama’s presidency, it was a wasted opportunity, one that make it even harder to him to gain the trust of the American people in our fight against the jihad threat.

"In the unlikely event that any readers who didn’t watch the speech want to see it, here is the video:

President Obama's theophobia  . . . "This argument is part of President Obama’s longstanding preaching of a civil religion about Islamophobia.  The predictable and anemic nature of the remarks not only is ineffective, but serves to feed the forces of terrorism here at home and abroad." 

. . . "Whatever dignity his Oval Office speech was meant to convey was lost in his opening sentences as his speech became yet another effort to claim that he hadn’t made a mistake by assuring Americans they had nothing to worry about from ISIS right before its latest terror attack." . . .

Cruz on Obama's Oval Office Speech: Like a 'Condescending Schoolmarm  . . . "What we need is a commander-in-chief who stands up and, number one, doesn't engage in politically correct double speak, doesn't refuse to say the word radical Islamic terrorism, as Obama, and Hillary [Clinton], and all the Democrats do," Cruz said." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Introducing President Sergeant Schultz. . . " 'It isn't Islam," he says of Islamists. "This isn't who we are," he says of Americans who want to defend themselves and their families. "We will overcome," he claims about a threat he can neither recognize or even acknowledge. "I know nothing!" shouted Sergeant Schultz on Hogan's Heroes.

"Schultz knew he was in denial, just trying to keep a low profile and waiting until the war was over and he could return home." . . .

Race-hustling Obama fails to channel FDR, Churchill  "These were Americans. And they were enjoying their freedom peaceably at a holiday party in the most powerful country on earth that stands as this world’s greatest hope for religious freedom. That, Mr. President, is why those 14 Americans were killed.
"You are the ONLY person who looked at them and saw race.

Could you imagine FDR saying, 'We were attacked yesterday on Pearl Harbor. I really don't want to talk about who did it?' Republicans rip into Obama's tone-deaf terrorism speech

President Roosevelt addressed Congress 74 years ago and hammered home that Japan were the enemyPresident Barack Obama sought to soothe terror fears on Sunday during a prime-time address that coincided with the anniversary of second largest attack on U.S. soil in the nation’s history
Tale of two presidents: President Barack Obama sought to soothe terror fears on Sunday during a prime-time address that coincided with the anniversary of second largest attack on U.S. soil in the nation's history - without mentioning Islamic terrorism. In contrast President Roosevelt addressed Congress 74 years ago and hammered home that Japan were the enemy

The return of racism and violence: Thanks, Obama

""Sadly, the black community voted for Obama and consequently the return of racism and violence. Hopefully, next time they will heed the words of MLK and be color blind and vote for a candidate's content of character."

By Alicia Colon at Jewish World Review

The return of racism and violence: Thanks, Obama

"Oh, the silly, silly whites who thought that electing Barack Hussein Obama would ensure that America was indeed a post racial "nation. Too bad they didn't realize that Obama had plans to derail progress in that notion because that's what socialists do to capitalist societies-they destroy them. If the fawning media had ever bothered to properly vet the Illinois senator's background, reporters would not be feeling that tingle up their legs but rather they'd get an uh-oh feeling in the pit of their stomachs. He was raised by socialists and communists and probably inhaled Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals.' Oh and there's the evidence that he and his wife are not great fans of the United States, except as providers of expensive vacations.