Monday, December 7, 2015

The return of racism and violence: Thanks, Obama

""Sadly, the black community voted for Obama and consequently the return of racism and violence. Hopefully, next time they will heed the words of MLK and be color blind and vote for a candidate's content of character."

By Alicia Colon at Jewish World Review

The return of racism and violence: Thanks, Obama

"Oh, the silly, silly whites who thought that electing Barack Hussein Obama would ensure that America was indeed a post racial "nation. Too bad they didn't realize that Obama had plans to derail progress in that notion because that's what socialists do to capitalist societies-they destroy them. If the fawning media had ever bothered to properly vet the Illinois senator's background, reporters would not be feeling that tingle up their legs but rather they'd get an uh-oh feeling in the pit of their stomachs. He was raised by socialists and communists and probably inhaled Saul Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals.' Oh and there's the evidence that he and his wife are not great fans of the United States, except as providers of expensive vacations.

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