Tuesday, December 8, 2015

How not to lead in wartime

Muscle man

Jennifer Rubin   "The San Bernardino, Calif., attack, to be certain, is not comparable in size, scope or significance to these historic events, but we should recall Pearl Harbor and 9/11, especially today, in no small part because of the moral leadership and clarity that presidents — one Democrat, one Republican — displayed. These leaders identified evil, committed all our resources to destroying it, acknowledged the inherent goodness of the American people and committed us to victory. This is what wartime leaders do — they rally a country.

"As disturbing as the events in San Bernardino are, even more worrisome — sad, actually — is the absence of a president to perform the singular function only he can provide. We have only one commander in chief, and only he can set a wartime plan to defeat our enemies and maintain national cohesion. When we need it most, today there is a void. " . . .

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