Saturday, July 16, 2016

California Adds LGBT History To Curriculum, Starting In Second Grade (UPDATED)

First you were afraid to go to the movies, then you feared what your family would see on TV; now you are afraid to send them to school. And these people rip home-schoolers! Give Democrats more terms in Congress and the White House, then see what happens to our culture. TD

Weasel Zippers

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Now they may not know as much about Washington, Lincoln, Doctor Martin Luther King or Roosevelt as they will about Boy George and Liberace.
In history class, you probably learned about Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white man, but you probably didn’t learn about Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California.
But that’s all about to change — at least in California.
The State Board of Education has approved curriculum changes to include milestones in the LGBT rights movement and contributions by gay Americans.
Legislation passed five years ago required schools to add LGBT Americans to the list of social and ethnic groups included in K-8 curriculum and textbooks.
“California’s law took effect in January 2012, but its implementation was slowed by attempts to overturn it, competing educational priorities and budget cuts that stalled work on drafting recommendations for the school board and textbook purchases,” ABC News reported.
The changes will impact elementary, middle school, and high school history and social science instruction.
Starting in second grade, students will learn that some families have two moms or two dads. In fourth grade, they will learn about the nation’s first gay rights organizations established in the 1950s, and California’s role in the movement. In middle school, students will learn about gender roles in the 18th and 19th century and instances when they were broken. The education will continue throughout high school, up to the 2015 Supreme Court marriage decision and the current court cases involving transgender student rights and bathroom access.
Opponents who attempted to repeal the law argued that parents should decide when and how their children are exposed to the subject of sexual orientation; others argued the new requirements will take away from learning about other important historical figures and events." . . .
UPDATE: Bill violates religious freedom on campus   "Passed by the state Senate and now pending in the Assembly, Senate Bill 1146 is a flawed measure that denies faith-based universities in California the ability to function based on religious beliefs and constitutional principles.
Although this may not be the intention of Sen. Ricardo Lara and his colleagues, the bill is discriminatory and violates the First Amendment and freedom of religion.
"The overall assumption of SB 1146 is that it protects gay, lesbian and transgender students against discrimination at private Christian universities. However, this overlooks the devastating impact on constitutional freedoms. Tens of thousands of students in California, many of them first-generation and people of various nationalities, will potentially have their college choice limited." . . .
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""The passage of SB 1146 would have a profound negative impact upon all California faith-based students and the universities that have successfully integrated higher education with spirituality.
"It’s critical for California to continue offering students a wide array of opportunities to further their education by allowing universities that have successfully integrated spirituality within its curriculum and campus life to remain intact. Therefore, we must find common ground in Sacramento. "
Common ground sounds like sacrificing some principles.
Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA

NY Post imagines Ginsburg as 'Darth Bader'

The Hill "Republicans and Democrats alike have criticized Ginsburg for making such politically charged comments."

I visualize a plan to have her step down, purportedly because of this incident in order that Obama can select the next vacancy instead of Trump. Just in case Hillary loses, though the conventional wisdom is that with Trump being her opposition, the Presidency is hers to lose. TD


"Media organizations blame everything but the attacker"

MSNBC Labels Nice Terror Attack 'Truck Crash'

"The terror attack in Nice, France, which took the lives of 84 people after a Tunisian born man drove through a crowd on Bastille Day, is being called a “truck crash” by MSNBC.
"Even after the incident was determined to be deliberate and the identity of the perpetrator was discovered – 31-year-old local Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel – the media outlet continued to portray the attack as though it were accidental." . . .
Tune in to for continued live coverage of the deadly truck crash in Nice, France:

The Obama effect of American society

"Willful blindness has metastasized from a dangerous dereliction of duty to a system of governance."
 Andy McCarthy

Image result for obama anti police cartoons

Obama's shameful record of anti-police rhetoric stretches back to beginning  . . . "Anyone who doubts the extent to which Obama’s presidency has been marked by pronounced distaste for police officers — especially white ones — need only look to the litany of ideologically motivated, anti-police statements the president has made since he assumed office." . . .
When Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson while in the process of assaulting Wilson and trying to take his gun, Obama did not call for calm or tell people to wait until the full facts of the case were known.
 Later, when Freddie Grey was killed in the custody of black police officers who report to a black police chief in a city governed by a black mayor, Obama once again blamed racism against blacks. "This is not new, and we shouldn't pretend that it's new," 
"These fatal shootings are not isolated incidents," he wrote. "They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year," Obama added.
Image result for obama anti police cartoons
Larry Klayman Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Obama And Black Lives Matter   "Because he believes the Commander-In-Chief is colluding to initiate/foment racial divide and violence against whites, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch, has filed a class action lawsuit against Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and the Black Lives Matter movement." . . .
The defendants are accused of  “inciting the imminent serious bodily injury and killing of police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities, Jews, and Caucasians by convincing their supporters and others that there is a civil war between blacks and law enforcement, thereby calling for immediate violence and severe bodily injury or death in response to that non-existent and fictitious threat.”

Here’s the full complaint filed by Judicial Watch:
Excerpt here:

Terror in France and the Annals of Willful Blindness  "Willful blindness has metastasized from a dangerous dereliction of duty to a system of governance."  Hillary takes her cue from the current regime:
Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.
Guess who brought us this: 

Be nice to Islamists and they will be nice to us

'Terrorists' smuggled into Europe with refugees, Merkel says
"Militant groups smuggled some of their members into Europe in the wave of migrants who have fled from Syria, German Chancellor Angela said on Monday.
" 'In part, the refugee flow was even used to smuggle terrorists," Merkel told a rally of her Christian Democrats in eastern Germany."

Obama: ‘Un-American’ Not to Take in More Muslim Refugees  "To President Obama, the issue of Syrian Muslim refugee immigration into the United States is a simple risk-reward analysis. The risk: terrorist attack. The reward: not being “Islamophobic.' ”

Muslim journalist blames France for Nice terror attack

Joe Newby

truck runs over Bastille Day revelers in Nice, France.

"It seems that whenever a terrorist attack takes place, certain segments try to blame everyone and everything except the person or persons who actually committed the attack.  The recent slaughter of over 80 people in Nice, France, is no different.  According to Roshan Salih, the editor of the British Muslim website 5Pillars, the French are to blame for what happened earlier in the week, the Daily Caller reported.
"Salih explained in a tweet sent Friday that the attack happened because “France is an Islamophobic nation..' ” . . .
Well, it is true that I am a beheadophobic.
"A statement posted by ISIS supporters, a security source said that “the person who carried out the run over in Nice, France, is one of the Islamic State soldiers and carried out the operation in response to calls to target nationals of the coalition which is fighting the Islamic State.”
"So it wasn’t the French, it wasn’t the Tea Party, the NRA or the truck itself — it was a terrorist attack carried out by a (brace yourself) terrorist."

Pentagon Issues Transgender Directive, Offers Extended Time Off During Transition

America under Obama and Democrats
Washington Free Beacon  "The Pentagon released a manual Friday providing step-by-step instructions describing how service members can get a sex change, allowing for extended time off during the transition.
Ashton CarterThe directive orders the four military branches to set up a “Service Central Coordination Cell” to guide commanders who are overseeing sex changes, the Washington Times reported.

Commanders are in charge of approving medical treatment required for genital reconstruction surgery, hormone therapy, and recovery, all of which are funded by tax dollars.
"Once the transition is complete and the service member is assigned a new “gender marker,” commanders are responsible for assessing the service member’s ability to return to duty. Commanders are also required to hold training sessions explaining transgender issues and anti-discrimination efforts to their troops." . . .
Via Conservative America

American Silliness, accounts of people who vote.

Weasel Zippers is always a gold mine for these.
Washington state restaurant refuses service to law enforcement  . . . "This afternoon 4 Skagit County Sheriff’s office deputies were finishing up lunch at Lucky’s. As 2 deputies went up to pay they were informed by the owner that he requested they not eat there anymore. They were told that other customers didn’t like law enforcement there. My chief deputy spoke to the owner to confirm this because he simply could not believe what he was hearing. The owner not only repeated the request but asked that we spread the word to other law enforcement that they were no longer welcome either." . . .

Connecticut Department Of Children And Families: Believing There Are Only Two Genders Is ‘Genderism’   "And believing in unicorns and 31 different genders doesn't make them real…"

Obama Calls On All Parties To “Support Democratically Elected Gov’t Of Turkey”  In defense of Muslims, as always.

Washington Post Says Being Nicer To Muslims Will Stop Islamic Terrorism  "So, there you have it, folks. All we have to do is roll over, give out hugs, smile, and accept anything radical Islamists hand us and they will stop killing people."  Hat tip to Mark Levin's Fan Page . .  .

Depraved NARAL Video: Comedians in Cars Getting Abortions "Some of the best comedy is irreverent. I get that. That said, I’m hard pressed to find the humor in killing a child to avoid responsibility, particularly as one wiggles around in my womb."

NEWSPAPER APOLOGIZES FOR THE ‘RACISM’ OF ACCURATELY REPORTING DALLAS POLICE MASSACRE  "This is just sad. Following the Dallas police massacre last week where a radical black thug murdered 5 white police officers, a Memphis newspaper ran a headline reading: “Gunman Targeted Whites.” It was 100% true. Killer Micah X. Johnson said he wanted to kill whites, especially white police officers. The pathetic part here is that the newspaper is now apologizing for running that headline because some people said it was racist."
So much for a courageous free press.

OBAMA ADMINISTRATION Sues Private Business For Saying NO To Dreadlocks
"The Obama EEOC has spiraled out of control to meet the administration’s mission of operating a politically correct government."

White Woman In Black Neighborhood Shocks People With Sign On Her Back  "We don’t have a cop issue or a racial problem here in America. We have a morality problem and a problem with thugs who have no respect for one another or the rule of law. In addition, we have a race-baiting president who uses these incidents to further push his racial agenda before the facts are even fully disclosed. Quite simply, it’s a culture, not a cop problem."

Perhaps she will want to ask this guy for forgiveness : Black Vanderbilt Football Player To White Rape Victim: “That’s For 400 Years Of Slavery You B—-”…
"Two pastors spoke on Batey’s behalf, saying he was a church-going man capable of rehabilitation. Batey’s mother also spoke."

Purdue May Expel Student Who Criticized Black Lives Matter  "On Twitter, Nash describes himself as a gay conservative Christian who uses the pronouns “God, Overlord, and #DangerousFaggot,” the latter being a reference to Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos. A Purdue administrator told Nash that describing himself in such a manner was “homopohobic,” according to The Fix."

Lena Dunham Agrees Oberlin Cafeteria Sushi is Cultural Appropriation  "In a recent interview with Food & Wine magazine, Dunham called out the “insensitive” use of Japanese food in her alma mater’s canteens."

Millennials Are The Least Proud To Be American

corinnebrownLunatic Indicted Democrat Says Orlando Massacre Victims Would Be Alive If She Weren’t Being Investigated   "Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Fla.) said Friday that if the Department of Justice had been investigating the Orlando nightclub shooter instead of her, the 49 people killed in the massacre there last month would still be alive."

‘Tyranny’ of Brown University’s censorship culture is featured in new documentary
‘Students weaponizing victimhood’

Friday, July 15, 2016

Transgender Woman Is Charged With Voyeurism at Target in Idaho

Image result for transgender restrooms cartoons

Just One Minute  Nobody Likes An 'I Told You So'
Nobody likes an "I told you so", which meanscritics of Obama's open-restrooms policy will belosing a lot of friends:
. . . 
The authorities in Idaho charged a transgender woman this week with secretly taking pictures of an 18-year-old woman changing in a Target fitting room.
The national retail chain drew praise from transgender advocates and condemnation from conservative groups when it announced in April that it would allow customers to use the restroom or fitting room corresponding to their gender identity.
An officer from the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office was called to a Target in Ammon, Idaho, on Monday evening by a woman who said she saw someone reach over the wall separating the fitting rooms there with an iPhone taking pictures or a video, according to a court document. While a majority of Target locations have unisex fitting rooms, the Ammon store does not, a spokeswoman said.

Three ways for Democrats to react to the Pence pick

Jennifer Rubin "The first — which the Hillary Clinton campaign and left-wing groups indeed opted for — was to paint him as a right-wing extremist (e.g., anti-LGBT rights, irresponsible on foreign policy, anti-environment). Clinton campaign chief John Podesta released a message arguing, “By picking Mike Pence as his running mate, Donald Trump has doubled down on some of his most disturbing beliefs by choosing an incredibly divisive and unpopular running mate known for supporting discriminatory politics and failed economic policies that favor millionaires and corporations over working families.” That’s sort of the plain-wrap liberal response to any candidate." . . .

"When Mark Steyn Struck Back"

Steyn Online  "We've received a lot of letters about Barbara Kay's column in The National Post, so I figured we ought at least to link to it. Huffington Poster Nicholas Nazar has a different take, but onealso worth your time.
"At any rate, Mrs Kay was in attendance at last Friday's Munk Debate on the great migrations, and writes up her view of the evening under the terrifying headline "When Mark Steyn Struck Back":" . . .
. . . 
To some audience members (not to me, but for example to my furiously tweeting companion, a young colleague whohappens to bear the same last name as me), Steyn dwelt excessively on the sexual crimes we've all read about in Cologne, Hamburg, Malmö and elsewhere. So it apparently seemed to Arbour and Schama, because they mocked Steyn for it in their rebuttals. Arbour sneered at both Steyn and Farage as "newborn feminists" (she got a laugh), while Schama disgraced himself with "I'm just struck by how obsessed with sex these two guys are, actually. It's a bit sad, really." (That got a very big laugh.) I took one look at Steyn's glowering face after that remark — Schama will regret having said it to his dying day, I know it — and I kind of felt sorry for those two liberals, because I knew what was coming.

Steyn slowly rose...

I think that was the moment those of the audience who did change their minds got it... A civilized culture, which takes centuries of painstaking collaborative work to create, can be easily destroyed, and quickly. This is a reality conservatives understand, but liberals, consumed by guilt for past collective sins, and morally disarmed before the Other, choose to ignore. The Munk debate illuminated this important distinction, and for a change, realism won.
. . . "Yes, yes, it's poor form to review one's own debate performance, so all I'll say is that I think Barbara Kay is not quite right, but Tamara is: It wasn't the moment when the crowd swung to our side, but it was the point at which the cartoon labels fell off and the crowd started listening to us as human beings, and evaluating our arguments on the merits, rather than simply dismissing them because we're "cartoons". Some changed their minds, some didn't. But labeling sneers about pseudo-feminist sex-starved paedo-fantasists no longer cut it." . . .

Turkish military open fire on civilians as they launch coup to depose Islamist government

UK Daily Mail  
"Turkish troops have launched a military coup according to the government with helicopters firing on capital AnkaraTurkish PM Binali Yildirim told reporters: 'We will not allow this attempt' although the military said they are in controlExplosions and gunfire have been reported in several locations with fast attack jets patrolling over the skies The Turkish military claimed they have taken power in order to protect the civil rights of the population President Recep Erdogan has used 'FaceTime' to call on the population to take to the streets to oppose the coup"

Coup in Progress in Turkey(Failed?)   "It seems the Turkish military is tired of carrying water for Erdogan's tolerance of Islamic State and its terror." . . .

"Update: 07:13 cdt. It appears the coup has failed. Or is at least the chatter indicates it might.
"Guess why." 
Maybe this is the reason:

Photo published for Obama and Kerry decide to support Erdogan amid coup d'etat

Obama and Kerry announce their support of Erdogan amid coup in Turkey.  "The Obama Administration supports the "democratically elected," "civilian government" of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, the White House said on Friday night, amid a military coup d'etat against his leadership. "
Just as Obama stabbed the Iranian Green Revolution in the back and again sided with Islamic enemies of America.