Saturday, July 16, 2016

Muslim journalist blames France for Nice terror attack

Joe Newby

truck runs over Bastille Day revelers in Nice, France.

"It seems that whenever a terrorist attack takes place, certain segments try to blame everyone and everything except the person or persons who actually committed the attack.  The recent slaughter of over 80 people in Nice, France, is no different.  According to Roshan Salih, the editor of the British Muslim website 5Pillars, the French are to blame for what happened earlier in the week, the Daily Caller reported.
"Salih explained in a tweet sent Friday that the attack happened because “France is an Islamophobic nation..' ” . . .
Well, it is true that I am a beheadophobic.
"A statement posted by ISIS supporters, a security source said that “the person who carried out the run over in Nice, France, is one of the Islamic State soldiers and carried out the operation in response to calls to target nationals of the coalition which is fighting the Islamic State.”
"So it wasn’t the French, it wasn’t the Tea Party, the NRA or the truck itself — it was a terrorist attack carried out by a (brace yourself) terrorist."

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