Saturday, February 18, 2017

Stop Belittling The Holocaust With Your Stupid Nazi Analogies

"If your argument is that all deportations are, in and of themselves, the actions of a proto-Nazi regime, then I would ask: why aren’t you comparing Barack Obama, who deported 2.4 million people from 2009-2014 . . . to Himmler? Or I would say stop appropriating the horrors of history for short-term political gain and come up with a better analogy."

Stop Belittling The Holocaust With Your Stupid Nazi Analogies

The Federalist  "When the Associated Press dropped a breathless piece contending that the Trump administration was “considering” and “weighing” using 100,000 National Guard troops to help round up illegal immigrants, all the usual hysterics erupted. Soon, the White House denied it had ever considered the memo (and so far there is no reason to believe they are lying). Then we learned the memo itself doesn’t even say anything about “100,000 National Guardsmen” rounding up illegal immigrants. Now, we can theorize about who leaked the story, but it looks to be the epitome of Donald Trump’s Yogi Berraism about a real story being fake news.

"Anyway, none of this stopped the shameful Hitler and Nazi analogies from immediately clogging up social media. Comparing everything to 1932 is now a big part of our national discourse. People who should know better habitually make correlations." . . .

You mean analogies like this bit of demagoguery?

US Intelligence

An end to “gun free zones” in Florida?

The Daley Gator

"The concept of gun-free zones has been, as a crime fighting tool, an utter failure. As with every new strategy the Cult of Gun Control comes up with, gun free zones disarmed only those who obey laws. Those wishing to commit acts of evil simply saw these zones as easy targets. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of mass shootings have occurred in these gun free zones. Florida, it seems, may be ready to end this failed policy
Florida has been the target of two mass shootings in the past nine months; the Orlando Nightclub shooting which left 49 dead and the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting which left 5 dead.
. . .  
 "Of course, the Cult of Gun Control [responded] with their usual fare. Easily refutable rhetoric. Scare mongering, and babbling about “making Florida more dangerous”
. . . 
" . . .The dire predictions of “blood in the streets”, and “Wild West shootouts” never materialized after that law passed. It has been 30 years since concealed carry became law in Florida, 1.7 million Floridians carry firearms legally, and those predictions of doom still have not come true. " . . .

A Must Read - The Untold Eyewitness Story Of The Paris Bataclan Killings


"If you read nothing else today, take the time to read this gripping interview on the November 2015 Bataclan jihad attack in Paris with Eagles of Death Metal vocalist Jesse Hughes. The interview was conducted by Gavin McInnes over at Taki's Magazine. Hughes's band was onstage when the jihad killings occurred. This is his eye witness account of what happened. Hughes feels that the media totally misrepresented the story, with details pulled out of context from his previous interviews and manipulated to support editorializing and commentary that was completely opposed to his views. 

"Hughes tells exactly what happened, how it was handled and the implications for the future in the War on Jihad.

"Here's a taste:" . . .
. . . McInnes: Do you think political correctness is killing our natural instincts and making us vulnerable?
Jesse Hughes:Definitely. There were two girls who were involved. They were at the venue and vanished before the shooting, and these women were in traditional Muslim garb. They knew people wouldn’t check them because of the way they were dressed. They got caught a few days later.
McInnes:The fear of offending Muslims is a terrorist’s greatest weapon.
Jesse Hughes:Look at the guys who bombed Brussels. They were wearing black gloves on one hand. Their luggage was too heavy to lift, but they didn’t want anyone helping them with it. Nobody brought any of this up until after the bombs went off.
McInnes:We’d rather die than be called a bigot." . . .,

Why the assassination of Kim Jong Un's brother should terrify us all

" . . .North Korea's entire propaganda apparatus for many decades has revolved around the Kim family's mystical claim to power — if you were to envisage a coup, it might be useful to have another Kim lying around to use as a figurehead. Enter Kim Jong Nam."

The Week  . . . "Even in the face of these terrifying realities, the world outside North Korea seems woefully unprepared and complacent. Whether it's China, South Korea, or the U.S., the world's strategy towards North Korea seems to be to cross fingers, close eyes, and hope for the best. I have previously argued that the world should effect a controlled demolition of the North Korean regime, so that what may be controlled can be. I realize that this is an "extreme" position, but my fear is that few contemplate with enough seriousness how truly extreme an uncontrolled collapse of the North Korean regime would be. Indeed, North Korea's collapse is coming — perhaps sooner than we realize — and we are unprepared." . . .


The Resistance Is the Best Thing That’s Happened to Trump

David Harsanyi at NRO  . . . "The average Resistance fighters might dislike Trump. But they hate conservatism. By treating even the most milquetoast, run-of-the-mill Cabinet nominee as the worst thing that has ever happened to America, the Resistance gives conservatives the space to defend such long-standing political positions as school choice, immigration enforcement, and deregulation. I imagine many Republicans would happily hand over the scalp of more Michael Flynns if it meant creating a more stable and experienced administration. But they also understand that people who treat DeVos like a bigger threat to the republic than Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon will never be placated. Those who spent weeks after the election acting as if the Electoral College were some kind of trick pulled on the country are not interested in rule of law. They’re interested in Democrats" . . .

Black Leaders In Chicago Finally State The Obvious About Violent Crime

Weasel Zippers

Via Daily Caller:
Chicago residents need to start taking responsibility for the city’s shootings, according to black leaders in the area.
The Chicago Police Department hosted an Operation Wake Up event Thursday where leaders urged residents to stop blaming the police, reports the Chicago Sun-Times.
“Here’s a fact: When it comes to violence and our children, there is no side. We are all on the side of righteousness and justice on this,” Glen Brooks said, speaking in response to a widely-held view that Chicago protests only focus on police brutality.
“Nobody wants to see death and destruction visit upon their family, their neighbors or their communities,” Brooks, a CPD coordinator, added.
Keep reading…

Stupid media tricks

Thomas Lifson   "One of the classic leftist media tricks is back. This one is among my favorites because it relies on the stupidity of the readers, and obviously this outlet knows its audience.

"Let’s all play “Guess the political party!”

"A Texas correspondent sends in this classic example:

From Texas Monthly’s daily news summary: 
"State Senator Carlos Uresti had a bad day on Thursday, when the FBI and IRS raided his law office in San Antonio, confiscating documents and other stuff. According to the San Antonio Express-News, the raid was in connection to a now-bankrupt fracking sand company that has been accused of fraud." . . . More here.

Kurtz: New Poll Shows Voters Have 'So Much Distrust' of the Media "Howard Kurtz says that the latest Fox News Poll shows that Americans are "so polarized" and that there is "so much distrust" of the media.
"The poll, released Friday evening, reflected that 45 percent of voters trust President Trump more than the media, while 42 percent say the media are more trustworthy.
"On "The First 100 Days" tonight, Kurtz said the poll should elicit some "soul-searching for our [journalistic] professionals.' " . . .

Friday, February 17, 2017

Face the Nation host: Media has to take ownership for its own credibility issues

Hot Air  "John Dickerson provided this prescient comment early this morning to Hugh Hewitt, hardly knowing that national media outlets would only take a few hours to prove him right. The host of CBS’ Face the Nation discussed Donald Trump’s press conference yesterday, in which the president gave full vent to his frustration with the media — and the frustration of tens of millions of voters, too. Dickerson tells Hewitt that we can’t throw out our standards on how presidents handle the media, but that “the press did all that good work ruining its reputation on its own.”

"Dickerson specifically pointed out the tendency of the media to provide “hysterical coverage to every little thing”:

Dem State Leaders Think Obama’s New Organizing Army is ‘Grade A Bulls--t’

The Daily Beast

Organizing for Action was supposed to complement the Democratic National Committee. Instead, Democratic leaders say, it nearly killed the Democrats.

"It is difficult to overstate just how enraged state Democratic activists and leaders are with Organizing for Action (OFA), the political and community-organizing army that grew out of Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns.

"The nonprofit, which functions as a sort of parallel-Democratic National Committee, was founded to mobilize Democratic voters and supporters in defense of President Obama’s, and the Democratic Party’s, agenda. Instead, the organization has drawn the intense ire, both public and private, of grassroots organizers and state parties that are convinced that OFA inadvertently helped decimate Democrats at the state and local level, while Republicans cemented historic levels of power and Donald J. Trump actually became leader of the free world.
. . .
“It also to me seems TONE DEAF—we have lost over 1,000 seats in the past 8 years… all because of this crap,” Handwerk continued. “Let’s get through the next two weeks—but then we gotta figure this out and keep the pressure on. WOW.”

CNN Chief: Antagonism Toward Trump ‘Boosting Morale’ Of Network Employees

Weasel Zippers

Via Breitbart:   "CNN is viewing its antagonism toward President Donald J. Trump as a “badge of honor” — and according to CNN president Jeff Zucker the network’s daily aggression aimed at Trump is “boosting” employee morale.

"President Trump renewed his assault on the veracity of the “fake media” by jousting with CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta at a Thursday press conference. During the back and forth, Trump joked that he was downgrading CNN from merely “fake news,” to “very fake news.” He also poked at the network over its ratings.

"Only five months ago, CNN’s ratings were so bad that it slipped into third place — even behind little-watched MSNBC. And just this week Medialife Magazine reported that Fox News took all the top spots in the most viewed cable news programs. The magazine also reported that Fox and MSNBC came in first and second respectively, with CNN showing in at third place." . . .

The most trusted name in news tweets out mocking video Of Trump…
"CNN tweeted out a video on Thursday night mocking President Donald Trump, editing clips of his press briefing earlier that day to make him look like the conductor of a symphony.
“Turn your sound up and watch President Trump conduct an amazing symphony — er, press conference,” CNN tweeted from it’s official account.
The video, reported Friday by Mediaite, shows Trump’s words being muted and music playing in the background as a way to mock him for his hand gestures when he speaks in public settings." . . .  More here

"Cornell University Students Vote Against Intellectual Diversity, on Grounds It Would Harm Diversity"

Image result for campus diversity cartoons

Althouse  "A funny headline on a piece over at by Robby Soave. At Cornell, the Student Assembly voted down a resolution that called for a committee to look into the lack of political diversity in the Cornell faculty. The arguments against the resolution were summarized as:
(1) conservatives have not been historically oppressed as have other groups; (2) spending resources on intellectual diversity diverts resources from promoting other forms of diversity; and (3) conservative students are free to speak out in class if they find something disagreeable or wish to argue their own point of view....
"The headline isn't very fair to that 3-point objection to having this committee. It focuses on #2 and distorts even that. I rather doubt that the cute, clickable headline was written by Soave, because he disapproves of campus conservatives acting like leftist students by "playing the victim" and inviting speakers who are "provocateurs" and not serious experts in "philosophy and policy.' "  . . .
Image result for campus diversity cartoons
Cartoons added by TD