Thursday, May 25, 2017

Catholics Respond to Pope Francis' 'One-Sided, Misleading' Message to Donald Trump

"On Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump met with Pope Francis. Francis gave the president three gifts: a sculpture of an olive tree, his message "Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace," and a copy of his encyclical on climate change, Laudato SiReuters reported. Trump promised to read them.

"But American Catholics expressed skepticism about just how well these messages represent a Catholic approach to governance.

" 'Pope Francis' peace message, like so much of what he says, is one-sided and misleading," John Zmirak, senior editor of The Stream and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism, told PJ Media in an interview Wednesday. "It's a failure of Christian charity, even of courage, to blather about non-violence with ISIS, al Qaeda, or others who believe that murder can land them in Paradise."

"Before the Trump-Francis meeting, Zmirak penned a defense of President Trump's immigration policy, correcting common misconceptions about Catholic social teaching. In that article, he quoted the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which says, "Immigrants are obliged to respect with gratitude the material and spiritual heritage of the country that receives them, to obey its laws and to insist in carrying civic burdens."

"Zmirak called Pope Francis out for a June 2015 speech in which the pontiff claimed that arms manufacturers aren't really Christians and then went on to denounce the Allies in World War II for not bombing Nazi death camps. "Where were they supposed to get the bombs? From all the wicked non-Christians who risked their souls by making them?" Zmirak asked.

" 'As I show at length in The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism, it’s incoherent, utopian blather. So is the pope’s demand for open borders to Islam. Suicide by virtue-signaling," the Stream editor added." . . .

Did Brennan Collude with Foreign Spies to Help Hillary?

Daniel John Sobieski  . . . "Brennan didn’t explain why he thought that the Russians didn’t want Hillary Clinton to win. Perhaps he could explain why they didn’t prefer Hillary, who was Secretary of State when President Obama let Russia violate the INF Missile Treaty and colluded with the Russians to kill missile defense in Europe, telling Then Russian president Dimitri Medvedev to tell Putin he would have more “flexibility” after his reelection." . . .  (Emphasis added, TD)

"So Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, along with husband Bill, in exchange for donations, gave nuclear power Russia and Putin control of 20 percent of the world’s uranium supply. Is that what Hillary Clinton meant by a “Russian reset”? Yet neither Congressional Democrats, who accuse Trump of being too cozy with Moscow, nor their wholly owned subsidiary, the mainstream media, are eager to talk about the Clinton uranium deals with Russia."
. . . 
"It is that John Brennan himself colluded with the Russians to help Hillary win to guarantee his continued tenure as CIA director. It involves the infamous anti-Trump dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, used by Brennan and others as a pretext for a Trump investigation bonanza. As the American Spectator reported:
An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election -- Hillary’s. . . .  
Adding to the above picture of this member of the Obama-Clinton administration is this look at their view of our ally Israel and those who seek to destroy that country. Here Brennan calls Jerusalem by it's Arabic name "Al-Quds" in his paen to Islam:

. . . The area now called Israel was called “the land of Israel” for thousands of years. The earliest attestation of the name “Israel” from a non biblical source is on Pharaoh Merneptah’s stele. Mr. Brennan, since you studied at the American University in Cairo you could have visited it. It is in the Cairo museum. It’s dated to c. 1205 BCE, meaning, according to Egyptian sources, the land has been called Israel for at least 3218 years! As for Jerusalem, it has been Israel’s capital since the 10th century BCE i.e., for 3000 years." . . .
But I digress. TD 

Saudis Rejoice Over 'Death' of Obama's Policies

Even if by some remote chance they have seen the last of Obama, those who cherish him enough to vote him into office twice still populate this country.

 "Al­Sharq al ­Awsat, a Saudi­ owned newspaper published in London, went a step further, publishing a caricature of a wreath being laid at a tombstone reading "Obama's Policies."

Israel Today  "Israel was not the only country in the Middle East happy to see Barack Obama out of the White House. President Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia over the weekend served as a very public slap in the face of his predecessor.

"And it was the Saudis, not Trump, who delivered the blow. Saudi newspapers Okaz and Al­Madina noted that there was a lot of frustration with Obama's defeatist policies regarding Iran, and that Saudi Arabia sees Trump as heralding a new era of strength in the face of such enemies.

 "Al­Sharq al ­Awsat, a Saudi­ owned newspaper published in London, went a step further, publishing a caricature of a wreath being laid at a tombstone reading "Obama's Policies."

"In the days leading up to his trip, a number In the days leading up to his trip, a number of regional officials, like the Foreign Minister of Bahrain, said that Trump understands the Middle East far better than Obama could ever hope to." . . .

All this bothers Obama not one bit. He still "not so subtly undercuts Trump"

Why a schoolyard taunt could be a savvy strategy against ISIS

loser salute
Rich Terrell
The Atlantic   . . . “ 'So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives murdered by evil losers in life,” Trump said during a visit to Israel. “I won’t call them monsters because they would like that term. They would think that’s a great name. I will call them from now on losers because that’s what they are. They’re losers. And we’ll have more of them. But they’re losers—just remember that.”  

"It’s a jarring term to use—a schoolyard put-down that Trump has favored in one petty context after another, uttered at a moment when young lives have been cut short and life’s simple joys have been brutally disrupted.

"But it’s also a compelling strategy. Barack Obama refused to use phrases like “the Islamic State” and “radical Islamic terrorism” in part because he wanted to deny ISIS and its ilk a critical asset: religious legitimacy. Trump, who long condemned Obama for this position, didn’t just back away on Tuesday from the “radical Islam” language he deployed so often during the presidential campaign and the early days of his presidency. Echoing his recent speech in Saudi Arabia on jihadist terrorism, Trump used an epithet that translates across religions: “evil.” (Trump is also echoing George W. Bush, who described his war on terror as a battle between good and evil, and Ronald Reagan, who spoke of a moral struggle between the freedom-loving United States and the “Evil Empire” in Russia.) And he sought to deprive ISIS of another core asset: the perception that it is winning." . . .

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Naturally the left - particularly Whoopi Goldberg of "The View" - find Trump's use of the word "unpresidential", unlike Obama's use of the middle finger at opposition.
Did you expect the Whoopster to like anything that NotObama would do or say? The Tunnel Dweller.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

ISLAMIC TERRORISM STRIKES AGAIN…Christian children blown to smithereens while leftists rush to protect Muslims

"We all know the protocol by now –"
1. This has nothing to do with Islam2. The man was mentally ill “lone wolf”3. Those who object to points 1 and 2 are racists bigots4. Change your Facebook profile pic to the flag of the inflicted country5. Light some candles, go on a peace march, hold a vigil6. Wait for the next slaughter to happen7. Repeat

Rome Burns - Nero Worries About Pyrophobia

Ann Coulter  "The latest Muslim terrorist attack ripped apart little girls at a concert in Manchester, England, on Monday, killing 22. The death and body-part count is still rising. 

"This is not a game. When young British girls are the targets of a suicide bombing, can we take a short break from the posturing, political correctness and Russia conspiracy theorizing? Won't the hatred of Trump keep for a few weeks? 

"Channel-surfing on Monday night was like watching broadcasts from different countries. While Fox News and CNN covered the terrorist attack, MSNBC concentrated on the real news of the night -- TRUMP'S COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA -- as children screamed in the background in footage from Manchester. 

"It was a big enough step for MSNBC to stop claiming that the "explosion" was just popping balloons. The hosts reasoned, We know that Islam is a religion of peace, so what else could it be? 

"CBS and NBC News finally produced the name of the suicide bomber -- the next day. (After any terrorist attack, the media like to keep us in suspense for as long as possible about whether it was a Muslim or a Christian.)*
. . . 

The media didn't gaudily broadcast the bomber's name, religion or ethnicity in their headlines, but at least they finally coughed up the information. He was Salman Abedi, son of Libyan "refugees." 
Apparently, the media think you can't be trusted with that information. You might notice that the West is deliberately importing people who enjoy killing kids.

I'm Sick of News Anchors Telling us Not to Rush to Judgement on Terror Attacks

Evil in Manchester
Todd Starnes  . . . "An untold number of children and their parents were massacred by Islamic radicals - killed in the name of the religion of peace. 

"In response – there have been candlelight vigils and calls for peace and understanding – but the Muslim jihadists do not want peace. They want death. 

"The Islamic radicals will not stop until they have killed every last one of us - Christians, Jews, Gay, Straight. 

"The time has come to eliminate this evil from the face of the planet.  The time has come for nations around the world to stop appeasing the Islamists.

" 'We must drive out the terrorists and extremists from our midst, obliterate this evil ideology, and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world," the president said. 

" 'All civilized nations must be united in this effort."

"And we must do our part in the United States.  We must secure our borders, we must investigate those who come here from the birthplace of this radical ideology and we must do whatever is necessary to prevent American blood from being shed on American soil.

"Yet, there are still apologists for the radical Islamists - from Hollywood to the halls of Congress. They seem to think we can win over the hearts and minds of the jihadists with bouquets of flowers and gentle hugs. 

"That sort of philosophy is not only foolish but it's downright dangerous. 

"How many more times do we have to listen to breathless news anchors lecturing us about not rushing to judgment?" . . .

Muslim and Sikh taxi drivers offered free lifts to people affected by Manchester terror attack as community comes together

UK Mirror  "Muslim and Sikh taxi drivers have been praised on social media after offering their services to help victims, friends and relatives caught up in the Manchester attacks. 

"Twitter users were quick to jump to the defence of the city's Muslim community after some have sought to link the attack in Islam."

Manchester taxi driver AJ Singh,a Sikh, was among the generous cabbies helping people out
"One Twitter user wrote: "Last night, while my aunty was frantically searching Manchester for my friend and her cousin, a MUSLIM taxi driver took her to find them."
"Another added: "The taxi driver I saw at around 1am offering free rides at a police cordon a few hundred yards from Manchester Arena was a Muslim." . . .
More on this here.  This post has much to say to those who think Sikhs are Muslim, in some cases exacting revenge on them for Muslim attacks:
"The only problem was that Cosmo knew that the man in the photo is Sikh, not Muslim, and broke journalism’s code of ethics to fool millions."
A Sikh
While Cosmo might downplay their lie as a simple misunderstanding, it’s safe to say that they relied on the fact that most Westerners cannot distinguish the differences between Sikh and Muslim physicalities. While both often wear turbans, a Sikh’s headwrap always comes to an upward “point in the front.” This wrap conceals their hair, which typically remains uncut. Of course, the most crucial difference between Sikhism and Islam is their religious fundamentals. While Sikhism is relatively passive unless defending the innocent, Islam is compulsory in its violent offensive commands. With over 100 scriptures mandating violence, persecution, rape, slavery, and slaughter, Islam is without a doubt, inherently barbaric.
Although Sikhs practice incredible restraint by benevolently offering Muslims respect and tolerance, many understand Islam’s oppressive history and brutal nature. This is why a rebranding of Sikhs as Muslims is highly offensive — and why wouldn’t it be?

What A CNN Guest Let Slip While Talking About Manchester Bombing

Robert Rich

Viewers Horrified by What CNN Guest Let Slip While Talking About Manchester Bombing

"The left has been doing everything in their power to cover up the fact that the Manchester bombing was an act of Islamic terrorism. However, things most recently took an absurd turn as a guest on CNN let a dark secret slip while talking about the tragedy on live television – and viewers were left horrified by just 5 disturbing words.
"Daily Caller reports that the incident took place during Anderson Cooper’s AC360 when CNN terror analyst Paul Cruickshank was invited to speak on the attack in England. Although the rest of the world knows that the vile bombing was carried out by a Muslim man named Salman Abedi and that ISIS has claimed responsibility, apparently this isn’t good enough for Cruickshank.

In fact, he used his platform to suggest the unfathomable and managed to tick off a few viewers in the process. According to BizPac Review, viewers were left horrified as the moron let just 5 words slip, saying that the bombing could actually be a “right wing false-flag plot.' ” . . .

Students and Faculty at Orange Coast College Demand Removal of College Republicans

Legal Insurrection

"The College Republicans have exposed instances of conservative students being mistreated and people don’t like that.
"Campus Reform reports:
Students, faculty demand OCC get Republicans ‘out of our face’
Students and faculty stormed the Orange Coast College administration building Monday to protest the release of public records and demand that the administration end its “neutrality” on political issues by removing the College Republicans.
The protest formed in opposition to the OCC College Republicans chapter, which released emails obtained from a public records request showing Professor Jessica Alabi telling OCC President Harkins that she would “stand up” to the club if he did not. The documents also revealed that Alabi later prevented several Republican club members from attending one of her events on campus because they were deemed a threat to the students’ “safe space.”
The CRs have demanded an investigation into Alabi’s behavior, which fits into a wider pattern of faculty hostility toward the club ever since it made national news by released a recording of one professor’s classroom rant calling Donald Trump’s election “an act of terrorism.”
The ensuing firestorm of negative publicity divided the campus, with faculty members issuing a statement calling the audio’s release a “politically motivated act” and then subsequently honoring the professor, Olga Stable-Cox, as “Faculty Member of the Year” in an apparent snub of the CR chapter.
The student who recorded the lecture, Caleb O’Neil, was even temporarily suspended for violating an obscure, rarely-enforced policy prohibiting students from recording their professors in class without prior approval.

Which president?

Melania Didn’t Slap Trump’s Hand Away

Rush Limbaugh  "You know, I meant to mention this yesterday. Let me mention it now and get it out of the way, because this video has gone viral. It reminds me, I got another email today when the president and his entourage arrived via helicopter at the tarmac in Tel Aviv to split for Rome, the helicopter doors open and the president was the first out. The email said, “This guy… You know, after yesterday, I would think this guy would know better! He doesn’t let his wife get off first!

“ 'He storms out, says, ‘Look at me, look at me,’ and his wife comes out meekly a little bit later. It’s unreal the way Trump treats his wife.” I said, “I’d better address this.” Ladies and gentlemen, there is a protocol rule that the president of the United States is always the first through any doorway, including wives, spouses, mistresses, daughters, any other women. The president goes through every doorway first. You know who told me this? Trump! You know how I know this? It’s because he was apologizing for going before my wife through a doorway one day."

Rush remembers Obama ignoring Michelle in 2004:
. . . Oh, my gosh, this is exactly… I remember commenting on this the next day. This was, I think, the 2004 Democrat convention, and Obama was the keynote speaker. He was the guy the Democrats wanted to showcase for the future, and they had Michelle (My Belle) introduce him., and she just did a bang-up job.
I mean, she made it sound like this is the only man on earth anybody ought to like, look at, pay attention to. She made herself sound like the luckiest woman on earth to have had his babies (and what had to happen for that to happen). She made it sound like this guy was the closest thing to divinity on earth. She just went on and on and on. She kept referring to, “My man! My hero! My one and only! Barack Obama,” and he walked out and ignored her. I will never forget it. . . .