Saturday, October 7, 2017

Why Is the Mainstream Media Suddenly Interested in Executive Branch Travel Costs?

Happy to defend the Obama admin’s outrageous expenses, they now attack the Trump admin

. . . "The leftist media has set up a rubric of which Saul Alinsky would be proud: we’ll do what we like, but you, you we’ll hold to your own standards. We are seeing this in spades right now as the leftist media runs wild with the travel costs of Trump administration officials.

"They are pointing out that Price and others are misusing their position to waste taxpayer dollars on military or private travel that cannot be justified.  While they are quite right to point this out, they are also revealing their extreme political bias by daring the right to defend government’s fiscal irresponsibility.

"Where was all this outrage when then-president Obama and wife Michelle took separate planes, replete with Secret Service details, to the same destination on the same day?

"This happened a lot, yet we heard next to nothing from the leftist media.

"While not an exhaustive list, same day separate flights for the Obamas include:

  • Hey, let’s hit LA.  On separate planes, on the same day . . . at enormous taxpayer expense.
  • How about heading to California?  On separate planes on the same day . . . at enormous taxpayer expense.
  • And then there’s Hawaii, what president doesn’t need two separate planes (one for himself and one for his wife and the family dog) replete with top Secret Service protection to go to Hawaii for the holidays?
  • What about Michelle Obama’s outlandishly expensive trip to Africa, with hairdresser and makeup artist in tow?
  • But it wasn’t just the Obamas’ travel (and lavish entertainment) at our expense that was ignored by the now suddenly and rabidly fiscal hawk media.  They also ignored the same sort of travel by Obama admin officials that Price briefly enjoyed.
  • Obama officials frequently took pricey non-commercial flights . . . to wherever, for whatever. . . .
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 Obamas take shopping trip to New York  "President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama landed in New York Saturday afternoon, and after taking a helicopter from JFK into Manhattan, drove up the West Side Highway, where the northbound lanes were shut down by police for their visit, past Ground Zero, into the Village for dinner at the Village's Blue Hill restaurant. From there, they went north to Times Square, where they went to to see a production of "Joe Turner's Come and Gone" at the Belasco Theater on West 44 Street." . . .

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None of your business  . . . "There was, of course, an ironic element of the trip. In February, Obama scolded corporate executives (while also costing Las Vegas some $130 million) when he said: “You can’t get corporate jets. You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.”

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Dr. Seuss museum mural to be replaced amid claims of a racist depiction

Fox News, among many others.

Below:  "Children listen to tennis star Serena Williams read Dr. Seuss books to children during "Read Across America Day" to commemorate the 50th birthday of the "Cat In The Hat" character at the New York Public Library in New York, March 2, 2007. Recently, the Dr. Seuss museum in Massachusetts agreed to remove a mural after complaints of racism."

Children listen to tennis star Serena Williams read Dr. Seuss books to children during "Read Across America Day" to commemorate the 50th birthday of the "Cat In The Hat" character at the New York Public Library in New York, March 2, 2007. Recently, the Dr. Seuss museum in Massachusetts agreed to remove a mural after complaints of racism.

. . . "The mural, located in the author’s hometown of Springfield, features illustrations from the author's first children's book, "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street."
"Three children's authors declined an invitation to the museum's inaugural Children's Literature Festival, which was set for Oct. 14 before being canceled. After the museum offered to take down the mural, the authors said they would attend, but the museum has not said if the festival is back on.
"Authors Mo Willems, Mike Curato and Lisa Yee signed a letter and posted it to social media explaining why they take issue with the mural's depiction.
" 'We recently learned that a key component of this institution honoring Dr. Seuss features a mural depicting a scene from his first book, 'And to Think That I Saw It on Mullberry Street,' and within the selected art is a jarring racial stereotype of a Chinese man, who is depicted with chopsticks, a pointed hat and slanted slit eyes," the complaint reads. "We find this caricature of 'the Chinaman' deeply hurtful, and we have concerns about children's exposure to it.' "  . . .

Harvey Weinstein and the Death of 'Feminism'

Roger L. Simon

"You don't need the Harvey Weinstein scandal to know that Hollywood is the world's capital of do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do hypocrisy.  You only need to be breathing.

"From jetting the globe more frequently in private planes than most people go to the supermarket while inveighing against global warming to living in thirty million dollar homes and sending your kids to posh private schools while assailing school choice for the masses to, yes, making movies about sexual assault while assaulting females for decades in the privacy of their offices and swank hotel rooms, Hollywood has done it all!

"And indeed it has been this way for decades and everybody who lives and works here knows it.  The casting couch never went away.  It just moved off the studio lot, for the most part, and went underground, sort of.

"Anyone who takes seriously anything said about politics by Hollywood types -- and that includes those tedious and increasingly unfunny individuals known as late-night talk show hosts -- ought to have his/her proverbial head examined." . . .

"Where is Feminist Hillary Clinton's Condemnation of Creep Harvey Weinstein?"  . . . "She's silent, just as she was when Bill Clinton was accused of doing the same thing. After all, it's the politically expedient thing to do. 

Harvey Weinstein’s Money Shouldn’t Buy Democrats’ Silence  . . . "
Among his biggest beneficiaries are President Barack Obama, whose daughter was an intern with Mr. Weinstein’s company this year. At a career workshop for high schoolers at the White House, where Mr. Weinstein was a guest several times, Michelle Obama called him “a wonderful human being . . ."
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NY Daily News
Weinstein, Las Vegas and the venality of the left  "Is there anything that more elegantly epitomizes the obscene hypocrisy of the Democrat elites  -- and their slavish servility to the Hollywood left and its money -- than their unconditional worship of sexual predator Harvey Weinstein?  If all reports are true, his depravity has been a known fact for decades.  Still, Democrats like the Clintons, Schumer, Elizabeth Warren, and a host of others gladly took hundreds of thousands of dollars of his money and kept their mouths shut.  These supposed champions of women are nothing but sanctimonious frauds." . . .

. . . "Trump won because a majority of people in between the coasts are sick to death of these self-appointed betters assuming for themselves a different set of rules, a different, more permissive lifestyle, than they decree the rest of us must live by." . . . "This bunch is a blight upon American culture, academia and politics.  They must be defeated."

Late Night Hosts Who Savaged Trump and O'Reilly Were Silent on Harvey Weinstein As Scandal Exploded

Charlie Spiering notes that Weinstein was a frequent visitor to Obama:

'They're coming out with their hands up – full scale surrender': US General says ISIS fighters in Iraq are giving up after not being fed or paid

UK Daily Mail  . . .  "ISIS' fierce reputation rested partly on the willingness of hardcore militants to fight to the last man, and the militants rarely surrendered.

"But many of the fanatical foreign fighters who initially provided the leadership have been killed and those remaining on the battlefield are conscripts, who often lack the will to fight." . . .

Fighters from the Hashed al-Shaabi pose in front of a defaced mural that depicts the emblem of Islamic State

. . . "'They're coming out with their hands up, putting their weapons down – full scale surrender,' Funk said. 'It's a growing trend.'
"'What we are hearing (from those who surrendered) is, 'Our leaders have abandoned us, we haven't been fed, we haven't been paid,' Funk said.
"Last week ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released an audio exhorting his fighters to continue the battle. 'I don't think he's having much of an effect,' Funk said. The day after the audio was released, several hundred fighters surrendered.
"Fighters who surrendered or are captured are held by Iraqi or Kurdish forces.
"ISIS swept into Iraq from Syria in 2014, capturing large swaths of territory. From a mosque in Mosul, al-Baghdadi announced the establishment of the group's so-called caliphate.
"Today, as few as 3,000 militants might remain in Iraq in Syria, down from estimates up to 30,000, though officials caution that the numbers aren't a good measure of the group's strength." . . .

Hollywood Reporter: Weinstein Sure Puts The Obamas, Clintons In A Pickle, Eh?

Speaking of which, when will Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama step up and denounce their bundler and benefactor? The silence thus far is deafening.

Hot Air

. . . "Give the Hollywood Reporter credit for laying this at the feet of the people who most benefit from Hollywood’s political activism, and the crony relationship the Clintons and Obama enjoy with industry leaders. With the New York Times blowing the lid off of Weinstein’s track record, now people have come forward to call his behavior an “open secret” in Hollywood. If so, it’s tough to believe that the Clintons were never warned about it or found evidence for it in their dealings with Weinstein over the last 25 years. (One clear indication that Obama didn’t know: he allowed his daughter Malia to intern with Weinstein.)
"While we’re giving THR credit, let’s note that not everyone in the entertainment industry showed the same testicular fortitude. Grabien surveyed last night’s talk shows and came up empty for Weinstein references, save one:
One might think that after one of the biggest names in Hollywood — someone whose made a name for himself working alongside progressive and feminist causes — was shockingly revealed as having covered up decades of sexual abuse, America’s late-night hosts would have a field day.
Instead, Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah, Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert came up … dry.
The only mention of Harvey Weinstein on all of the late-night shows combined came on “The Daily Show,” during a segment on Cam Newton. The “joke,” featured above, was literally nothing more than Noah pretending to be Cam Newton and saying to reporters at a press conference “Look, Harvey Weinstein!”

How Leftism Can Ruin a Once-Proud School District (UPDATED)

In education-speak, this means that Edina children will now be instructed that their personal, cultural “identity” is irrevocably tied to their skin color. This directly rejects the colorblind vision that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. pioneered, and that the vast majority of Americans share.
Power Line

"Edina is one of the Twin Cities’ wealthiest suburbs. For decades, its public schools have been viewed as among the nation’s finest. But no longer: a leftist political agenda now dominates the Edina school system, and quality of instruction has slipped badly. Edina is not alone. What has happened there is going on in public schools across the country. Edina’s experience should be a warning to all of us.
"Kathy Kersten is a Senior Fellow at Center of the American Experiment, the organization I run. Her column in today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune is titled “Racial identity policies are ruining Edina’s fabled schools.” The column is drawn from Kathy’s much longer article in the current issue of Thinking Minnesota, the Center’s quarterly magazine, but it also includes some new material.
"Kathy’s Star Tribune article describes the obsessions with race and liberal politics that pervade the Edina public school system. A few excerpts:
The “All for All” plan mandates sweeping change to how education is delivered in Edina. For example, it dictates that, from now on, the district will hire “racially conscious teachers and administrators.” It also declares that students must “acquire an awareness of their own cultural identity and value racial, cultural and ethnic diversities.” . . .

UPDATE: FBI Warns Of More Violence From ‘Black Identity Extremist’ Groups  . . . "The Bureau cited examples like Micah Johnson, the black man who opened fired on Dallas Police officers last July. Johnson reportedly expressed a desire to kill “white police officers” out of anger over police brutality against black Americans. The FBI believes that Johnson’s actions were influenced over anger from the BIE movement, the report said." . . .

Stop the Leftist Hate!

Trump vs TV, suits

Oh, boy. It's really going to start now.

Trump wages war on 'unfunny' late night hosts who he says are conspiring with Democrats to constantly make fun of him - and is immediately mocked by Seth Myers

The Hill
. . . "Trump’s tweets came about an hour after Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” aired a segment accusing late night comedians like Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel of “[taking] a hard turn to the left.”
"In recent weeks Kimmel has delivered emotional monologues against the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare as well as lawmakers’ responses to the mass shooting at a Las Vegas music festival.
Kimmel became the public face of opposition against the Graham-Cassidy bill after he slammed Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) for failing his own “Jimmy Kimmel test” for healthcare bills.
"Cassidy said the "Jimmy Kimmel test" meant he would only support a bill that would make sure that a child like Kimmel’s, who was born with congenital heart disease, would not lack affordable health coverage." 
Sec Interior, James Watt; Yasser Arafat of the PLO; 

Friday, October 6, 2017

"Tillerson Should Go ", says Rich Lowry

National Review
"Rex Tillerson seems at sea in his position."
"If Secretary of State Rex Tillerson resigned, how would anyone know? 

"He has become the nation’s least influential top diplomat in recent memory. His relationship with the president of the United States is strained at best, he has no philosophy or signature initiative, he has barely staffed his own department, and he’s alienated the foreign service. The former CEO of ExxonMobil has taken one of the power positions in the U.S. government and made it an afterthought.

"Who knows the truth of the NBC story that he was close to quitting last summer over clashes with President Donald Trump? But Tillerson’s strange press availability swearing his loyalty to the president is not the sort of thing loyalists usually have to do. 

"The secretary of state dodged questions about whether he had, indeed, as NBC reported, called Trump a “moron” — almost certainly the first time in U.S. history a cabinet official has been asked about personally insulting the president he works for and apparently been unable, in good conscience, to deny it." . . .: Read more

The Glass House of the NFL


Victor Davis Hanson
"The league’s national significance is rapidly diminishing, due to hypocrisy and hyper-politicization in a once-loved American establishment."
"The National Football League is a glass house that was cracking well before Donald Trump’s criticism of players who refuse to stand during the national anthem. 

"The NFL earned an estimated $14 billion last year. But 500-channel television, Internet live streaming, video games, and all sorts of other televised sports have combined to threaten the league’s monopoly on weekend entertainment — even before recent controversies. 

"It has become a fad for many players not to stand for the anthem. But it is also becoming a trend for irate fans not to watch the NFL at all. 

"Multimillionaire young players, mostly in their 20s, often cannot quite explain why they have become so furious at emblems of the country in which they are doing so well." . . .     Read more.

NFL players union partners with George Soros to bankroll anti-Trump ‘resistance’   "If you’re wondering why the National Football League has not cracked down on unpatriotic players protesting the national anthem, all you have to do is follow the money.
"Tax records show the NFL players union is in cahoots with anti-American leftist billionaire George Soros." . . .
While most football fans probably thought the NFL was a nonpartisan organization, its labor union has been quietly donating money to leftist political causes for years.
. . . "Shortly after President Trump was elected, Soros reportedly financed violent Antifa protests around the country, many of which resulted in massive property damage, vandalism, and innocent people getting beaten up.

"Soros - a supporter of the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement and alt-left Antifa thugs-actually worked for the Nazi party during his youth. Let that sink in."

Liberal Taliban Successfully Pressures Dr. Seuss Museum to Remove ‘Racist’ Mural


"Now that the cultural cleansers on the fanatical left have established the idea that even Dr. Seuss was a racist, the war on statues is shifting to one of the most beloved figures in the history of childhood literature.
This lady sees racism in 
everything but not this
So far.
"Theodor Seuss Geisel’s entertaining books filled with weird characters proved to be an invaluable resource to teachers who were tasked with teaching generations of young Americans to read. Seuss’s wild and whacky world instilled a desire in children to learn and his contribution to society has been a very positive one.
"But now according to the zealots on the left who won’t be happy until they have used their cudgel of “racism” to eradicate every historical figure, reinterpret every major event and most of all, burn the culture of the oppressive white society that that has kept them in shackles to the ground and then dance on the ashes.
"Thanks to relentless liberal pressure, a Massachusetts museum that is dedicated to the work of Dr. Seuss has been bullied into the removal of a piece of artwork that has received the big rubber stamp of RACIST." . . .
All the above caused by this Democrat's actions:

Just When The NFL Thought The Worst Was Over For Not Punishing Protesters, There’s More Bad News

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American Web Media  . . . "Because more and more NFL players are taking a knee during the national anthem pregame show, major sponsors are pulling their funding. The NFL is feeling the heat as they are continuing to lose money because of the players’ protest against police brutality and racial injustice in the United States. Now the owner of Flemington Car and Truck Company has pulled every dollar spent on advertising from broadcast during NFL games for the remainder of the 2017 season. This dealership may be one of the first to pull funding but it won’t be the last. The NFL is feeling the consequences of their players’ political protest during the pregame performance of The Star Spangled Banner. Learn more below.
"Flemington Car and Truck Company released a statement about why they choose to spend their advertising dollars somewhere else besides with the NFL.
“ 'The National Football league and its owners have shown their fans and marketing partners that they do not have a comprehensive policy to ensure that players stand and show respect for American and our flag during the national anthem,” Steve Kalafer, the dealership owner, wrote in a statement. “We have cancelled all of our NFL advertising on the Optimum and Infinity (cable) networks.”
"Kalafer is an involved American patriot who also is proudly part of the Somerset Patriots’ ownership group. This is an independent professional baseball team that he plays with in Somerset County in New Jersey.
“ 'As the NFL parses the important nationwide issues of ‘social justice’ and ‘freedom of speech’, it is clear that a firm direction by them is not forthcoming,” Kalafer added." . . .