Saturday, October 7, 2017

Hollywood Reporter: Weinstein Sure Puts The Obamas, Clintons In A Pickle, Eh?

Speaking of which, when will Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama step up and denounce their bundler and benefactor? The silence thus far is deafening.

Hot Air

. . . "Give the Hollywood Reporter credit for laying this at the feet of the people who most benefit from Hollywood’s political activism, and the crony relationship the Clintons and Obama enjoy with industry leaders. With the New York Times blowing the lid off of Weinstein’s track record, now people have come forward to call his behavior an “open secret” in Hollywood. If so, it’s tough to believe that the Clintons were never warned about it or found evidence for it in their dealings with Weinstein over the last 25 years. (One clear indication that Obama didn’t know: he allowed his daughter Malia to intern with Weinstein.)
"While we’re giving THR credit, let’s note that not everyone in the entertainment industry showed the same testicular fortitude. Grabien surveyed last night’s talk shows and came up empty for Weinstein references, save one:
One might think that after one of the biggest names in Hollywood — someone whose made a name for himself working alongside progressive and feminist causes — was shockingly revealed as having covered up decades of sexual abuse, America’s late-night hosts would have a field day.
Instead, Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah, Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert came up … dry.
The only mention of Harvey Weinstein on all of the late-night shows combined came on “The Daily Show,” during a segment on Cam Newton. The “joke,” featured above, was literally nothing more than Noah pretending to be Cam Newton and saying to reporters at a press conference “Look, Harvey Weinstein!”

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