Saturday, August 1, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: "Hillary Clinton's camp fears a new 'bimbo eruption' will put the kibosh on candidacy - especially from Gennifer Flowers. . . "

 "Hilla the Hun"?
UPDATE:  Where is the Coverage of Juanita Broaddrick?
. . . "Ivana says her alleged “rape” never happened, Juanita Broaddrick says hers did. So why aren’t Hillary and Bill being peppered with questions about it as Donald and Ivana are? Perhaps because unlike liberal nemesis Trump’s case, Clinton’s more credidble story is now considered “old news”." . . .

Daily Mail

  • In recent weeks Hillary's campaign has found itself increasingly mired in the scandals of the past

  • Paula Jones slammed Hillary saying she 'lied' about sexual scandals

  • Linda Tripp told Daily Mail Online Hillary ruthlessly destroyed the credibility of the women who came forward during Bill's presidency

  • Ron Kessler, who divulged  Bill's affair with woman dubbed 'The Energizer' tells Daily Mail Online no doubt that more revelations will emerge 

  • Gennifer Flowers, who had a 12-year-affair with Clinton could be next 

  • . . . 
    "Fears are growing among Hillary Clinton's advisors that Bill's sordid past is returning to thwart his wife's presidential campaign.
    "Stay away from Bill!"
    "With her presidential bid the couple's relationship is the subject of renewed scrutiny bringing with it the threat of a second 'eruption of bimbos' akin to the one that almost derailed Bill's own presidential bid first time round.
    "In recent weeks Hillary's campaign has found itself increasingly mired in the scandals of the past.
    "Paula Jones, whose sexual harassment case almost cost Bill the presidency 21 years ago, has already come forward to deliver her verdict on Hillary's bid for the highest office.
    . . .
    " Linda Tripp, the woman who outed Monica Lewinsky. . . revealed how Hillary stage-managed and orchestrated the 'bimbo eruptions,' ruthlessly destroying the credibility of the women who came forward and neatly turning herself into First Victim in the process."

    You Don’t Want To Know What’s Happening To Hero Navy Officer From Chattanooga

    Mad World News  " Following the deadly terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee that took the lives of five military servicemen, news has surfaced regarding a Navy officer who was at the scene when the attack occurred and fired several shots at the terrorist. What’s happening to him now is absolutely enraging."

    " In the days following the attack, reports surfaced that there was at least one armed soldier at the recruiting center when the Islamic radical opened fire on the “gun-free zone,” and he was identified as Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White, an officer in the U.S. Navy. Western Journalism reported that Lt. Cmdr. White was carrying his personal firearm at the time of the attack, and he was able to return fire, although it’s unknown if he actually hit the man who committed the heinous act.
    . . . 
     "Allen West is reporting that he can personally verify that Lt. Cmdr. White is going to be charged for defending the military facility against an attack.

    Ladies and gents, resulting from the text message I received yesterday, I can confirm that the United States Navy is bringing charges against Lt. Cmdr Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property.
    The text message asked if it would be possible for Lt. Cmdr White to reach out to me. To wit I replied, affirmative.
    Hat tip to  Sean Brown

    The Democrats and slavery

    By Margi Hawks:    "If we are intent on removing all symbols of the Southern plague perhaps we should get rid of the Democrat Party.  My great, great grandmother, supposedly, was a second cousin of Andrew Jackson.  That gave me a sense of pride until I visited his home, the Hermitage in Nashville, where I saw in back of the palatial southern mansion the row of shacks where he housed his slave laborers. 

    "My family and their entire church congregation left large plantations which they pioneered in the beautiful blue grass area of Kentucky after it’s admission to the Union as a slave state.  As founders of Xenia, Ohio they began all over again clearing woods and building homes with places to hide those travelling the Underground Railroad.  Just five miles away stands Wilberforce College now a University, the first black owned college in the nation. 

    "Andrew Jackson was the first President elected on the newly created pro-slavery Democrat Party ticket in 1828.  You can read online about Jackson’s anger because he thought John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay conspired against him causing him to lose the 1824 election.  Adams lost the next election to Jackson but returned as a United States congressman for 17 years where his was a “thorn in the side” of Democrats for his constant petition to emancipate slaves.   David Barton of has collected a sizeable library of primary and secondary sources printed before 1800.  I was able to see some of these original writings of this Bible believing statesman while on a cruise featuring David Barton (I suggest you search his website).  Search “John Quincy Adams” and scroll to the documents on Adams--- the Abolitionist to see what a remarkable man of faith he was and the passion he had for his cause.

    "We might bring the case against the Democrat party into the 20th century with ardent pro-slavery Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, who introduced segregation and the “separate” and (anything but) “equal accommodations” of the Jim Crow laws; I experienced them living up close and personal in the Deep South for five years in the early 1950's.  Those laws would bear investigation online (  I could not believe the inhumanity to man by the Democratic controlled South.

    "I witnessed the turbulent period between the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision and 1964 when finally, after much upheaval, Democrats agreed to passage of a Civil Rights Act after spurning several previous attempts.   Almost immediately Democrat President, Lyndon B. Johnson, introduced the War on Poverty which has destroyed the inner city family, plaguing the streets with gang violence and drugs.   Now still--- after over 50 years and trillions of dollars--- little has been done to relieve poverty in urban areas.  Verbal lynchings by Democrats have replaced the former physical ones on people of color who have escaped the "Government Plantation" and become respected contributing members of society.  Men and women aiming for political positions on the Right are called Oreos, Uncle Tom, Sambo, Uncle Remus, and traitors who are not "down for the cause."  And just what is the Democrat cause?

    "It seems to me Democrats have inflicted and are continuing to inflict people of color with far more damage than the Confederate flag!  What good have their promises done for these they claim to care about?

    "It would be difficult to abolish the Democrat Party but perhaps we could demand that Democrat Andrew Jackson’s visage be removed from the $20 bill instead of Alexander Hamilton from his bill.  For replacement I vote for Harriet Tubman or Frederick Douglass who both escaped the clutches of Democrat slave owners."
    By Margi Hawks; Liberty, Missouri

    Mrs. Hawks adds Links here:

    Newly created pro-slavery Democrat Party ticket in 1828:

    Brown vs. Board of Education:

    Taking back the language: a lexicon of nonsense

    Hot Air  "In politics, language is critical to winning the message and the battle. Yesterday, in reading this piece at The Daily Beast that called the Center for Medical Progress a “self-described ‘citizen journalist’ project” — isn’t every group “self-described?” —  I was again reminded of language bias, both intentional and unintentional.
    Too often, conservatives find ourselves a) fighting an uphill battle against the media on the meanings of words, and b) co-opted by the way the media and culture define, redefine, and redefine again the meanings of words.
    . . .
    "Anyway. For a fun Friday night piece (seriously? fun? I need a life), please enjoy my non-exhaustive list of words and phrases that are used inappropriately or inaccurately in politics, contrasted with what they actually mean. Add your own in the comments, and if I get one wrong — I am looking forward to reactions about my criticism of the word “patriotism” — please feel free to correct me."
     Just a few shown here:
    Abortion rights = Implying that people can have a right to kill innocents
    Reproductive health = See “Abortion rights”
    . . .
    Compromise = Demanding that conservatives cave on beliefs
    Government shutdown = Small, non-critical portions of the federal government have temporarily lost funding
    Save Social Security = Ignoring mathematical realities, and subsequent policy changes, that would actually save Social Security
    . . .
    Pro-choice = not giving babies a choice
    Anti-choice = giving babies a choice
    . . .
    Slashing the budget = Preventing government spending from rising as quickly as the CBO projects
    . . . War on Women = What the abortion industry does every day
    . . . Reasonable = Liberal Republicans
    Extreme = People who were previously described as “Reasonable,” until they won their primary and are facing a Democrat for office.

    Class act

    Reporter at White House Correspondents' Dinner ignores national anthem to text

    One site reported this as Michelle Obama but it was not.

    Friday, July 31, 2015

    MSNBC Axes Three Programs, Including ‘The Ed Show’

    NRO   "MSNBC’s lineup is going to look different soon — the news(ish) network is cancelling “The Cycle,” “Now With Alex Wagner” and “The Ed Show.” Alex Wagner and “Cycle” host Ari Melber are sticking around in MSNBC in some capacity, but Ed Schultz and “Cycle” hosts Toure, Krystal Ball and Abby Huntsman will be leaving MSNBC.
    " Somehow Al Sharpton remains." . . .

    The latest on the persecution of Melissa's Sweet Cakes

     It's not just cake, it's dessert!


    "We here at Sweet Cakes strongly believe that when a man and woman come together to be joined as one, it is truly one of the most special days of their lives, we feel truely honored when we are chosen to do the cake for your special day.

    " 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16"

     GoFundMe fundraising site for Sweet Cakes owners goes dark
    . . . "More precisely, they would get a "Campaign Not Found" message on the Support Sweet Cakes by Melissa web page.

    "A supporter of Aaron and Melissa Klein set up the campaign to help raise money for the couple after an administrative law judge for the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries issued a proposed order recommending they pay $135,000 in damages to a lesbian couple from Portland." . . .

    The Blaze reports   . . . " In September, TheBlaze reported that, following intense scrutiny and furor among gay rights advocates that inevitably impacted business, the Kleins were forced to close Sweet Cakes by Melissa. Now, they’re operating out of their home." . . .
    "That harassment came in some very eerie forms, too. In September, Melissa said that someone broke into the Sweet Cakes truck, a vehicle the family uses to advance its business. The truck was parked in the Kleins’ driveway.
    "This was particularly nerve-wrecking for Melissa and Aaron, as their home is in a highly secluded area — one that is nowhere near where their former shop.
    “ 'Somebody came up into our driveway and rummaged through our truck and took stuff out,” she said. “The really strange thing is, they didn’t steal anything, they just made a mess. It kind of was a little creepy.' ” . . .

    The following email just came to me from the Kleins :

    Thank you to each person who has so generously supported our family at this time.  If you are wondering how or where to donate, you can at   Or p.o box 126 Sandy or 97055
     If you would like to donate to our legal defense please do it would be greatly appreciated!
     Tyler Smith and associates
    181 n grant st suite 212
    Canby 97013

     We continue to believe that all Americans should be free to live by their faith at home and in the work place without fear of being punished by the government.We also will not be silenced. We will fight with everything we have.  The overwhelming response to our story reminds us that so many Americans believe this too.  Thank you again for your support, and God bless.

    Melissa and Aaron Klein

    Hat tip to Ernie Owens of Galesburg, IL for this:

    Weasel of the Week.

    Nice Deb   "Once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

    "Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…

     Baby Killer And Spare Parts Wheeler N’ Dealer, Planned Parenthood’s Dr Mary Gatter!!

    . . . "I personally would pray more for America than for the likes of Dr. Gatter, but perhaps that’s just me. To legally allow a 20-week-old healthy child with a fully developed nervous system to feel the pain of being ripped from the womb as its limbs are crushed when there is no health issue involved but simply convenience – and profit – is bad enough, but to force everyone to subsidize it..that’s in a whole different category." . . .

    Other nominees:  Our Watcher’s Council Nominations – Pieces In Our Time Edition


    Michael Ramirez Cartoon

    Another Clinton Scandal: Will This Stop Her?   "Corruption: If Hillary Clinton thought that her family's foundation was no longer an anchor weighing down her presidential campaign, she was mistaken. A news bimbo has erupted and it's a big one." . . .Read More

    Hillary's private server emails contained info from 5 intelligence agencies  "Hillary Clinton’s presidential prospects are evaporating as more details emerge on her abuse of classified information and her lies about it.  A McClatchy story published yesterday must have Democratic Party elders and the Obama White House, especially Valerie Jarrett, plotting the most effective way to dump her before she takes down the party in the 2016 election." . . .

    John Fund: Hillary Clinton: An Indecisive Hamlet on the Issues?   "Hillary Clinton is known for being politically cautious to a fault. But no one expected the non-answer that she gave at a town-hall meeting in New Hampshire this week when she was asked her stance on building the Keystone XL pipeline.
     “If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question,” Clinton said. “This is President Obama’s decision. I’m not going to second-guess him.” She claimed that because she oversaw the process of analyzing the pipeline while she was secretary of state (the pipeline would begin in Canada) she had to in some way recuse herself from expressing an opinion.
    . . . 
    "It turns out that Keystone is one of six issues where Hillary has decided to take a Profile in Obfuscation by not taking a position. The others are offshore oil drilling, fracking, trade, repeal of the Obamacare medical-device tax, and big bank regulation. The Washington Post has a hilarious rundown on her non-positions.
    " I can’t wait for the first debate between Hillary and her opponents to see if she maintains her absurd distance between the issues and a willingness to state an opinion on them." 

    Give us back Jimmy Carter!
    American Thinker  . . . "Carter had been feckless.  He turned the most powerful nation in the world into a paper tiger.  He was afraid to use our natural power because he had the naïve notion that his passiveness was kindness rather than dangerous to us.

    "But Carter was Superman compared to Obama.  Ali Younesi, Rouhani’s senior advisor, calls Obama “the weakest of U.S. presidents.”  He says, “Americans witnessed their greatest defeats in Obama’s era: Terrorism expanded, [the] U.S. had huge defeats under Obama [and] that is why they want to compromise with Iran.” Emphasis added, TD