Tuesday, June 25, 2024

AOC draws Biden-sized crowd -

  Don Surber (substack.com)

"The Squad is under fire from both the anti-Semitic wing of communism and its Jewish wing. Neither side wants her because she either hates Israel or doesn’t hate Israel enough."

"If AOC drew an attendee for every headline the media posted about her rally in New York, she would have had more people than the ones who showed up for her . . . and Bernie Sanders.

"It was a rally for Fire Alarm-Pulling Jamaal Bowman who likely will lose today’s Democrat primary for his congressional seat.

"Michael Elgort tweeted a picture to his 11,000 followers and said, “From this angle performance of AOC on the stage in front of 50 people half of whom are journalists is even funnier.”

"The picture was taken at the height of AOC’s performance. Maybe that was why she was hopping and bopping like the Crocodile Rock. Or maybe she skipped her meds at breakfast. Another video showed hundreds flanking the stage on the other sides.

"AOC claimed 1,200 people attended — in a city of 8 million people. The barmaid’s popularity is past peak. Ask Madonna how that works.

"Media coverage largely ignored how small her crowd was.

"Politico said, “AOC, Sanders and other progressives rally for Bowman." . . . 


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