Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Time To Admit It: Democrats Are The Party of Sexual Perverts


Issues & Insights (issuesinsights.com)   . . ."In Arizona, Democratic state senators hosted a “Drag story hour” for children and adults – inside the State House.

"In Kentucky, a Democratic senator opposed a bill banning child sex toys and referred to pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons.” Leftists always use euphemisms to promote repugnant ideas. And, yes, people do fall for that trick.

"In Kansas City, Missouri, the Democratic mayor along with other Democratic officials had a “National Reading Day.” Not books like “Tom Sawyer” or “Treasure Island.” No. The books read were written with the purpose of brainwashing children to “explore their gender identity” (more euphemisms) and to encourage them to become transgender.

"New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised a drag queen wandering around in the halls of Congress.

"Staff members of a Democratic senator from Delaware were found having anal sex in the Judiciary Committee hearing room.

"And speaking of Democrats from Delaware, we have pseudo-President Joe Biden. His daughter’s diary revealed that they used to shower together. That’s one way to bond. His crackhead son recorded himself having sex and drugs with multiple prostitutes. Biden is also outraged – yes, outraged! – that pornographic books are being removed from elementary school libraries.

"In Michigan, a Democratic government staffer expressed being aroused by the “sexy satanic statue” erected at the Michigan state capitol.

"In New York, a Democratic senator who helped pass a bill targeting Donald Trump on accusation of rape was himself accused of rape." . . .

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