Saturday, July 18, 2015


" Every year, Ben Kinsey waves an American flag on a South Carolina bridge for 11 hours to honor victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

"On Thursday, the veteran was seen standing alone on the bridge once again, but he was two months early.

"This time he was honoring the four U.S. Marines killed by a gunman who attacked two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tenn.

"South Carolina resident Noah Smith was driving home from work when he spotted Kinsey on the I-20 overpass and snapped a photo. Afterward, he shared the man’s story on Facebook, and it quickly went viral." . . .
Full story here: Veteran stands on bridge with American flag for 4 hours to honor Chattanooga victims

"AFTER MARINES WERE SLAUGHTERED: Guess Where Little Lord Obama Traipsed Off To"…

Clash Daily

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"It is sad that we have come to expect this kind of behavior from our President. God help us.
In the aftermath of four U.S. Marines being killed by a local Kuwait-born Muslim in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the White House announced on Friday that President Barack Obama would fly to New York City that evening to attend a fundraiser.
And take in a Broadway show.
Just hours after the shooting, the White House announced that Obama would attend the Democratic National Committee fundraiser Friday night and stay in New York overnight to attend a matinee showing of the Broadway show “Hamilton” with his daughters, Malia and Sasha, The Hill reported.
. . . 

Hillary is outdone in first major Iowa test as Bernie Sanders calls for a 'revolution' and Martin O'Malley has some Clinton partisans on their feet – and she talks mostly about HERSELF

"Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, two emotionally potent politicians determined to run far to the left of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, outshined her Friday night during the Democratic presidential field's first big 'cattle-call' event.

"Following Clinton, who spoke in sharp cadence about herself and her family's story, the two men wowed a crowd of more than 1,300 with powerful appeals to progressives.

"Clinton entered the presidential race as the presumptive Democratic nominee, but she has at least two formidable foes who exceeded her ovations and grew their following on Friday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

"Friday night marked a first for Democrats in the 2016 race for the presidency: a 'cattle call' audition where every declared candidate spoke to a large audience in an early primary state on the same night." . . .

Friday, July 17, 2015

Obama Administration Continues Insolent Tone with Media over American “Hostages” Abandoned in Iran

"The Obama Administration is adding insult to injury. After President Obama attacked a reporter questioning his decision to make a deal with Iran leaving four American hostages behind as “nonsense,” Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman continued this insolent tone yesterday."

"A reporter in yesterday’s State Department briefing asked Undersecretary Sherman – who has been the Administration’s point person on the entire negotiation process – a simple question, “Did the hostages ever come up [during nuclear talks] or were they only a sideline issue?”

"Instead of merely addressing the question, Undersecretary Sherman attacked the reporter’s characterization of the wrongfully imprisoned Americans as “hostages.” As the Washington Free Beacon reports:
“Well the Americans, we probably legally would not call them hostages,” Sherman instructed the reporters. She suggested the term “detainees” instead, and assured the press that “our focus of attention has been and always will be” bringing home the four American hostages.

"Not hostages? That’s absurd." . . .
. . .
"No, it is merely another example of the Administration’s moral cowardice.

"The American people see through the misdirection and insolent tone of the Obama Administration.  We will not abandon our fellow Americans."

Obama's housing decree

Vetting Hillary some more

"Hillary: I wrote to NASA as a kid about becoming an astronaut and they told me “no women allowed' ”  "Exit question via Sean Davis: Sally Ride was just four years younger than Hillary and probably got the “no women allowed” rejection at some point too. How come that didn’t stop her?"
Hillary Clinton’s Economic Policy Ideas Belong in 1947  "Like it or not, Hillary Clinton is the single individual most likely to be elected the next president. So it’s worthwhile looking closely at and behind her words when she deigns to speak on public policy, as she did in her July 13 speech on economics.
" It contained quite a bit of chaff as well as some wheat. There were laments about the nation’s current economic woes, without mention that they come in the seventh year of a Democratic administration; a few policies first advocated by Republicans (Jack Kemp’s enterprise zones); and proposals that she admits are “time-tested and more than a little battle scarred.”
"But laced throughout the sterile verbiage is an assumption that was more widely shared by policy elites and ordinary American voters in 1947, the year Hillary Clinton was born, than it is today, 68 years later." . . . Read more 
. . . " What is remarkable, to me, is that Hillary’s decline is occurring at a time when a large majority of Americans aren’t paying much attention. She is, in my view, an awful candidate, and when more Americans begin to focus on the upcoming election, her numbers are likely to continue dropping." . . .
Hillary “TINA” Clinton Falls In Line On Iran  . . . "In honor of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s completely submissive position of the disastrous Iran deal, I give you The TINA Show. TINA is an argument that gets made when a politician feels compelled to support a policy that almost anyone with the morality or intellect of a toadstool would never support. It stands for There Is No Alternative. It allows our scumbag politician to say “I’m normal just like all the rest of you wonderful people. I hate this just like you do. But,…..' ”

"If You Believe Hillary, This Is Your Sign."
If You Believe Hillary, This Is Your Sign.
. . . "Now it comes. Here’s the clincher. She respects other points of view. But,…TINA!" . . .

 Hillary Unveils 'Profit Sharing' Tax Plan
. . . Today in New Hampshire, Clinton outlined one idea to address this key challenge: encouraging companies to share their profits with American workers. She outlined a key proposal to give workers the chance to share in the profits they help produce.
A Win-Win: Profit Sharing Is Good for Workers and Good for Business
Under profit-sharing arrangements, companies agree to distribute to workers a specified share of business profits. There is strong evidence that profit sharing is a win-win for both workers and business:

Why Can't Obama Treat Iran as He Treats Republicans?

 As America's enemies see this president.

 David Limbaugh

. . . "Have you ever noticed that there is an inverse relationship between the wisdom of an Obama policy and his defensiveness concerning it? The media are abuzz over the alleged disrespect CBS News White House correspondent Major Garrett showed Obama during a news conference. But Garrett wasn't the only person on whom Obama unloaded. He lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of Congress who oppose the deal.

"Obama dared his critics to present a better alternative and, as usual, implied their opposition is not based on the facts but a matter of political posturing and pressure from lobbyists. "I am not betting on the Republican Party rallying behind this agreement," he said. I pray he's right about that." . . .  
As Obama appears to those who dare to disagree with his actions:

Our Weasel Of The Week!

Nice Deb  "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…"

"Pravda-on-the Hudson And The Compilers Of Its Faux ‘Best Seller ‘ List"
JoshuaPundit: "Sometimes it’s small, sleazy actions that best bring out the true Weasel behavior.

"Ted Cruz has a brand new book out, “A Time For Truth,” published on June 30. Unlike most of these sort of books, it’s an autobiography Ted Cruz wrote himself sans ghostwriter, and it really does give you an understanding of whom he is, what he believes and why. And it’s also a pretty good read.

"The book sold 11,854 copies in its first week, according to Nielsen Bookscan’s hardcover sale numbers. That’s more than 18 of the 20 titles that appeared on the New York Time’s bestseller list for the week ending July 4. Aziz Ansari’s “Modern Romance,” which was #2 on the list, sold fewer than 10,000 copies. Ann Coulter’s “Adios America,” at #11, sold just over half as many copies that week.It is currently #4 on the Wall Street Journal hardcover list, #4 on the Publisher’s Weekly hardcover list, #4 on the Bookscan hardcover list, and #1 on the Conservative Book Club list.

"Ted Cruz’s book did not appear on the New York Time’s bestseller list at all and still hasn’t even though it’s still selling in the top five." . . .

"When Harper Collins inquired why the Times was  the Cruz book, they were told by Times spokesmouth Eileen Murphy that the book “didn’t meet our standards for inclusion.”

Obama can’t blame Netanyahu anymore for opposition to Iran nuke deal

"The Obama administration and its supporters try to paint opposition to the Iran nuke deal as a Bibi Netanyahu problem.
. . .
"That’s a convenient excuse, because it allows Obama to play the Democrat loyal card among members still upset about Bibi’s appearance in Congress. It also plays into “Israel Lobby” demonization, the bogeyman of the left.
. . .

A similar tone was taken by Saudi Arabia, normally Israel’s enemy (though the two seem to have some tacit understandings when it comes to Iran), Saudi Prince Bandar: The U.S. nuclear pact with North Korea failed. The Iran deal is worse:
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States between 1981 and 2005, has written a damning column in which he compares the Iran nuclear deal to the failed nuclear deal with North Korea — and concludes it will have even worse consequences.
- See more at:

The opposition to the Iran nuke deal, however, is bringing together usual political enemies. Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic interviews Isaac Herzog, Bibi’s primary domestic political opponent, Israeli Opposition Leader: Iran Deal Will Bring Chaos to the Middle East: - See more at:

The opposition to the Iran nuke deal, however, is bringing together usual political enemies. Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic interviews Isaac Herzog, Bibi’s primary domestic political opponent, Israeli Opposition Leader: Iran Deal Will Bring Chaos to the Middle East:

Krauthammer: Obama’s Nuclear Deal with Iran: Worse than We Could Have Imagined

Charles Krauthammer. . . "Because Iran, joined by Russia — our “reset” partner — sprung the demand at the last minute, calculating that Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry were so desperate for a deal that they would cave. They did. And have convinced themselves that they scored a victory by delaying the lifting by five to eight years. (Ostensibly. The language is murky. The interval could be considerably shorter.) Obama claimed in his Wednesday news conference that it really doesn’t matter because we can always intercept Iranian arms shipments to, say, Hezbollah. But wait. Obama has insisted throughout that we are pursuing this Iranian diplomacy to avoid the use of force, yet now he blithely discards a previous diplomatic achievement — the arms embargo — by suggesting, no matter, we can just shoot our way to interdiction.  Read more

Guns in a gun-free zone

Ethel C. Fenig   "Bullet holes in the shattered glass doors of the military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee are a chilling reminder of the slaughter that happened there yesterday.

"Notice the sign on the door.  Bullet holes ironically surround the sign announcing that guns are prohibited in the facilities, emphasized by a slash through the gun.
  "Ah, that was inside the building.  But what about outside?  Would an alleged Muslim terrorist, intent on killing the hated enemy, really be deterred by a sign?  By a law banning guns?  Murder?  No!  And so the shooter, allegedly fasting as per the dictates of the Muslim observance of Ramadan, knew he had nothing to fear from America's unarmed finest – military personnel and recruits – as he blasted away outside.
"As the cliché has it, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
The unbelievable reasons why the Pentagon wants soldiers disarmed on bases
 . . . "But what is not widely known are the reasons why Bush signed this order.  A Pentagon spokesman stated that the Pentagon is against U.S. troops being armed on base:
... the Pentagon opposed the move for various reasons. “The first of which is safety,”  Read more
Wisdom must be applied here, however. During my four years in the Marines, I knew many whom I would not like to see carrying loaded weapons. TD

‘SUDDEN JIHAD’, Brotherhood’s Tennessee Connection. Let’s Play Connect The Dots

Adina Kutnicki  Via  Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

. . . " At its core, “The Plan” is a detailed blueprint, one which the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to – and augments as necessary – to infiltrate and penetrate the west, but most intrinsically they are targeting America, the “Great Satan”. It is the main linchpin to the west’s fall.
“The Plan’s” basic goals are described thusly:
. . . Phase 1: Establishment of an elite Muslim leadership, while raising taqwa, or Islamic consciousness, in the Muslim community.
Phase 2: Creation of Islamic institutions the leadership can control, along with the formation of autonomous Muslim enclaves.
Phase 3: Infiltration and Islamization of America’s political, social, economic and educational systems, forming a shadow state within the state. Escalation of religious conversions to Islam.
Editor’s Note: One of the hot spots of conversion to Islam is America’s extensive system of prisons.
Phase 4: Openly hostile public confrontation over US policies, including rioting, and militant demands for special rights and accommodations for Muslims.
Phase 5: Final conflict and overthrow (jihad).
 WTF-âž -The-Dallas-Morning-News-âž -Is-Sharia-Law-In-Texas-Such-A-Bad-Thing1
. . . "NOT only that, even highly placed associates are not immune to said outright warnings, to cease and desist. The following is merely one such example:

If you decide to get involved in protecting America and supporting Israel by writing articles, conducting counter-terrorism research, or by speaking publicly about the atrocities being committed everyday by Islamic terrorists around the world, you will almost certainly receive death threats and other threats often pertaining to your family.

. . . [William] Scanlon has sent several prominent U.S. counter-terrorism professionals threats against their lives and their families.  Scanlon says he is a Muslim.  Below is a partial email I received last week from Scanlon:

“Just imagine me or another Muslim f*****g your wife/daughter, Dave. Or imagine how life will be as we Muslims infiltrate America as we have been doing since 1776. That should get those gastric juices flowing. hehehehehehe”!….continue here…."

" IGNORE this site’s warnings (and intel) at your own peril!"