Thursday, November 12, 2020

Will Trump Ride Off into the Sunset?

Victor Davis Hanson  "I once wrote that whenever Donald Trump exits office, he will likely leave as a “tragic hero.” Over two millennia ago, the Athenian tragedian Sophocles first described the archetype in his portraits of an angry and old but still fearsome Ajax, and heroic but stubborn and self-fixated Antigone.

"In the iconic John Ford Western “The Searchers” and in a host of other films from “Shane” to “High Noon,” we have seen stories of these sorts.

"The legalistic but impotent town council, the idealistic but outgunned sodbusters, or the incompetent posse in desperation turns to unconventional deliverance. They suddenly need a John Wayne as a scary Ethan Edwards, or a mysterious gunslinger like Shane.

"But to call in such Manichean outsiders is to admit that the status quo of a sober establishment has failed.

"The outsider deliverers are suspiciously seen as self-absorbed. Their methods bother an endangered, polite society, even as they begin to bring it results.

Joe Biden's Walter Mitty world of 'president-elect'

In every respect, it is a production.  A production worthy of Leni Riefenstahl, the producer of Hitler's propaganda films.  It's as fraudulent or as counterfeit as an 18th-century Potemkin village.  It's Hollywood.  It's Netflix.  It's House of Cards.  It's make-believe. 

American Thinker

What’s wrong with this picture? 

You'll soon pay for putting Kamala on the side


"Despite how it's framed, it's simply not true.  And that should scare everyone — not the idea of Biden as such, although that's bad enough, but the fact that your reality can be framed and manipulated despite the facts on the ground.

"Joe Biden is not president-elect.  Not yet, anyway.

"What we're seeing play out on the world stage right now with Joe Biden and his media enablers is the ultimate expression and manifestation of identity politics.

Just as some men identify as women or white people identify as black and compel you, despite the facts and your lyin' eyes, to see them, treat them, and greet them that way, Joe Biden identifies as president-elect, and the media expect you to fall in line and follow their lead.

"The media say it's so, therefore it is so.

"Slight problem.  He's not president-elect, and he won't be until he is certified as such and voted upon, on Dec. 14.

"In their rush to convince everyone and warp reality, the media may call it that way, and he might act, speak, dress in the dark blue suit and crisp white shirt and present that way, with all the associated trappings and backdrop signifying the solemnity of high office.  The tight camera angles may frame him that way, with all the uplifting and inspiring scripted rhetoric about national healing, but it is just so much theater designed to bend our reality."... 

1947, Danny Kaye as Walter Mitty:

That baleful presence of George Soros, all over the Biden 'transition' team

Monica Showalter

Soros's name stinks around the globe for his electoral meddling, his condoning of violence, and his coups in democracy's clothing.  He kept his influence hidden in this election, too, at least until now, where his fingerprints are everywhere. Joe Biden is nothing but a creature of George Soros, as nefarious and odious a presence as any. Now we know.

"With the presumptuousness of a usurper, Joe Biden is holding press conferences behind a phony 'Office of the President-Elect' podium, as if he had won the election and there were no court challenges regarding widespread cheating to sort out. In his suddenly natty navy blue bespoke suit, he's playing president for the television cameras to the hilt, and also assembled a 4,300-person transition team to comb through every branch of government to ensure loyalists alone. 

Photo added by TD

"But behind the scenes, everyone knows it's some kind of sham. With the House moving sharply right and the Senate a likely Republican hold, he'll be a lame duck president whose chief appointment should probably be a food taster. His ambitious vice president is breathing down his back. And his conflicts with the far-left are already well-known, with socialists of the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez camp demanding their cut, and far left looter-rioters such as those of Black Lives Matter, calling to be 'paid' for their support. The bitterness of the Bernites is on display, too, just look at some of the articles printed in Medium.

"But it's notable who he's not fighting with. Big Tech and Wall Street, for sure, are getting their influence and power. But where the mask is really off, revealing at last who he's really fronting for is leftist billionaire George Soros.

"According to the Washington Free Beacon:

Joe Biden's transition team includes several people affiliated with organizations bankrolled by the left-wing billionaire George Soros.

Biden's "Agency Review Teams," which include lists of individuals "responsible for understanding the operations" of each government agency, will prepare "President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris … to hit the ground running on Day One." Soros is well represented on those lists.


Democrats Blast Nancy Pelosi's Ice Cream Frenzy While the Economy Was Cratering

 Katie Pavlich

"Democrats are blasting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her Marie Antoinette "let them eat cake" moment back in April. At the time, Americans were locked down and the economy was cratering under the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. 

"According to a memo first obtained by POLITICO, New Deal Strategies, Justice Democrats, Sunrise Movement and Data for Progress are blaming Pelosi for "what went wrong for Congressional Democrats in 2020."

"Democrats are right to be concerned about their underperformance down the ballot. Based on current projections, Biden’s margin of victory will come close to President Barack Obama’s margin in 2012. But in 2012, House Democrats gained 8 seats, while in 2020 they are on track to lose at least that many," the memo states. "The economy was voters’ top concern in this election. When Democratic leaders make unforced errors like showing off two sub-zero freezers full of ice cream on national television or cozy up with Wall Street executives and corporate lobbyists while Trump tells voters we are the party of the swamp, it is not surprising that we lose. We need a new generation of leadership grounded in a multiracial, working class experience and background."

"Despite losing significant ground in the House, Pelosi has already placed her bid to keep the speakership."

Too bad Hollywood, rock stars and Democrats can't be silent

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

No Time for Phony Healing

That’s right. Biden stole the words from his old boss, Barack Obama, who used the same hollow line 10 years ago after the 2010 elections. Remember that? I do. After labeling “America First” adversaries of his open borders policies as “enemies” who deserve to be “punished,” Obama walked back the attack when the 2010 midterm Republican wave hit.

 Michelle Malkin  "We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not forgive.

"We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not forget.

"We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, do not surrender.

"We, the 71 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald J. Trump, resoundingly reject the phony olive branches of former Vice President Joe Biden.

"After liberal media operatives prematurely declared Biden the winner of election 2020 this weekend, Biden’s handlers carefully trotted him out in front of the cameras to read a script that proclaimed: “It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, to lower the temperature, to see each other again, to listen to each other again.”

“ 'Listen”? Biden’s already hatching plans to crack down even harder to silence patriots and dissidents who share their ideas online. Twitter, which ran censorious interference for Biden throughout the campaign, allows thousands of tweets by users wishing to “assassinate Trump,” but deplatforms peaceful conservatives and independent investigators exposing voter fraud, COVID-19 hypocrisy and left-wing violence.

"“See each other again”? Biden and his Silicon Valley cronies want to wipe us all completely off the internet.

"“Lower the temperature”? Tell that to the flag-burning, window-breaking, traffic-obstructing lunatics shouting: “All cops are bastards!” “Shut it down!” “No borders; No walls; No USA at all!” Biden has never disavowed them, and for his running mate, Kamala Harris, has helped raise millions of dollars in bail money for them.

"Biden now says it’s “time to heal.” I call bullcrap. This corrupt career politician and his mob-coddling party seek to disarm us, debase us and destroy us.

"Biden’s celebrants marched onto the streets Saturday with President Trump’s bloody head on pikes. One Black Lives Matter bigmouth shrieked that asking them to be peaceful was “white supremacy.” They’ve torn down statues across the country, pillaged small businesses, invaded residential neighborhoods, and engineered assaults and assassinations of Trump supporters. They’ve slapped senior citizens and gunned down retired cops while deifying serial criminals, convicted sex offenders, and home invasion robbers. They’ve been threatening to burn down Washington all year." . . .

"Biden now declares, “To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy.”

The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Gracefully

Ann Coulter  "Here are the times Democrats have conceded a presidential election with grace and dignity:" ..........

"OK, now on to my column."

"I hope someone is recording the media’s demands that Trump supporters ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION! inasmuch as the Democrats refuse to accept the results of any presidential election they lose, unless it’s a landslide, and sometimes even then.

"After George W. Bush won the 2000 election — despite the media depressing Bush turnout in Florida by calling the state for Gore when polls were still open in the conservative panhandle — Gore contested the election until Dec. 13, the day after the Supreme Court called off the endless recounts (in only certain Florida counties) demanded by Gore.

"The night of the court’s ruling, Laurence Tribe, the Harvard law professor who’d argued one of Gore’s cases before the court, and Ed Rendell, general chairman of the Democratic National Committee, went on TV and said it was time for Gore to concede.

"Both were immediately attacked by their fellow Democrats and forced to retract their statements. Gore’s deputy campaign manager, Mark Fabiani, for example, told The New York Times that Rendell “seems to be more interested in getting his mug on TV than in loyalty.”

"The next day, Gore conceded, telling his supporters he had “congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States,” adding, “while I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it.”

"But that still wasn’t the end of it! Weeks later, the Congressional Black Caucus tried to prevent congressional certification of the Electoral College for Bush, raising objection after objection on the House floor.

"Over the course of the next year, the Florida ballots were painstakingly recounted by an independent investigative firm at a cost of nearly a million dollars, paid for by the same media outlets currently telling you to shut up and accept the results — including The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post and the Associated Press, along with several others." . . .

Does Anyone Care about the Truth Anymore?

 David Solway  . . . "Opponents of the Left are regularly denounced as belonging to the “far right.” But what is called the “far right” in the current political environment is a will o’ the wisp, a false construct serving the interests of the demagogic impulse associated with the left, for there is no temporizing with the left’s totalitarian basis no matter how moderate it may appear in some of its presumably acceptable forms.

"What is condemned as the “far right” is actually responsible conservatism struggling to preserve the philosophy and tradition of “classical liberalism” associated with resonant names like John Locke, Edmund Burke, Matthew Arnold, John Stuart Mill and Benjamin Disraeli, and today with Richard Weaver, James Burnham, Robert Bork, Russell Kirk and Roger Scruton.

"For those on the “soft left,” desire is the nub of the issue -- the appetite for outcomes in the absence of reasoned analysis and knowledge of history, justified by a faulty reading of the world. One recalls the philosophical debate that raged for centuries between Duns Scotus and his followers on the one side and the school of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the other. (The word “dunce” derives from “Duns.”) Scotus postulated that the will conditions the reason, in other words, desire seeks its goal first and the mind subsequently proceeds to vindicate its decision. Aquinas contended that reason commands the will, that is, the faculty of purified intellect posits the good, and desire afterwards strives to achieve it. The general run of leftists and liberals are, on this interpretation, earnest neo-Scotists, wanting something very badly -- feminist hegemony, climate purity, socialist equity, sexual license, abortion on demand -- and then abusing their mental powers to defend their error." . . .

One hopes this is more than a mere troll...

Dear Mr. Biden,

Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters. I remember four years ago President Trump also called for unity. I remember how Congressional members of your Democrat Party responded by boycotting his inauguration.

I remember how you and your Democrat party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on President Trump’s campaign. I remember how you and your Democrat Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach President Trump.

I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up President Trump’s beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV. I remember how you and your Democrat Party tried to impeach President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son, Hunter.

I remember how you and your Democrat Party blamed President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with. I remember how you and your Democrat Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America. I remember how you and your Democrat Party used the media to spread lie after lie about President Trump. And I’ll remember how you and your Democrat Party stole the election from President Trump.

This Trump supporter remembers all of that, Joe, and will NOT be unifying with your Democrat Party. This Trump supporter will be giving you the same respect you gave President Trump.

 A Trump Supporter"

Hat tip to Cpl Robert Hope, California

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends CEASE and DESIST Order to Journalist Demanding He ERASE His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter FRAUD Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

 Socio-Political Journal

"Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel sent a ‘cease and desist’ letter to Big League Politics about their exclusive content #DetroitLeaks that outlined poll worker training wherein workers were bragging about committing voter fraud in a variety of different ways.

"The intrepid reporter who broke this story, Shane Trejo, was also one who was a witness for the voter fraud in Detroit. Trejo says he considers this “witness intimidation” and is fearful that it will be used as pretext for some criminal actions.

"In the shocking letter dated Oct. 28, the Michigan Attorney General cites to two or three factual errors in the bulk of Trejo’s reporting and demands on behalf of the Michigan government to take every single article related to #DetroitLeaks off the internet.

"Shane received the letter today.  It was marked October 28."

"The #DetroitLeaks reporting shows Detroit poll workers who were trained in how to lietrained on how to handle ballot challenges from Trump supporters, told to call 911 on any challengers and to use COVID as an excuse to deny poll challengers access to view the ballots as they were being counted and tabulated.

"The series of leaks also revealed that even challenged ballots would be processed as regular ballots. Incoming State Representative Steve Carra and Michigan activist Bob Cushman filed a successful lawsuit against Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over the explosive allegations that poll workers were being trained in how to commit voter fraud.

"This information was previously banned from YouTubeTwitter, and other social media platforms." . . .

Deconstructing California: From Christian Founding to Shutting Down Churches!

News Maven

"George Orwell wrote in his dystopian novel 1984:

"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered ...

Nothing exists except an endless present in which The Party is always right."

"It was smarter to revile than to revere ... more fashionable to depreciate than to appreciate ...

"Debunking is ... a sign of decaying foundations." 

"The book, A People's History of the United States (1980), written by socialist author Howard Zinn, is of this debunking genre." . . .

Fox vs. Fox

 Civil War: Tucker Carlson Hits His Own Network in Epic Post-Election Monologue  "As I wrote last night, Fox News seems intent on driving its current audience away. They are now getting into the practice of “protecting” viewers from information they don’t like. In the latest example, they cut away from a presser held by Kayleigh McEnany in which evidenced claims of voter fraud were made, including citing of the court cases being filed. Neil Cavuto smugly declared that he couldn’t expose whoever bothers to watch his show to that information in “good conscience,” mimicking a practice popularized by CNN (which of course they never apply to liberal politicians).

"Tucker Carlson had apparently seen enough last night. He took a largely unprecedented swipe at his own network for their behavior in what was a far-reaching, epic post-election monologue.

"We’ll get to the broader monologue in a minute, as it covers a lot of ground. But in regards to the above clip, Tucker is clearly throwing shade at Fox News for cutting away from Trump’s presser earlier in the day. As he explains, you can’t just demand people “accept” what you want them to accept as a news organization. People can not be forced to acquiesce to what are ultimately issues of opinion, i.e. whether the election is “over” or not despite vote counting and challenges still being ongoing.

"As RedState covered, Chris Wallace actually got incensed that Ted Cruz wouldn’t call Joe Biden “president-elect,” a made-up office that doesn’t even exist, much less is it a viable term before the electors cast their votes. Tucker nails that attitude to the wall, noting that it is not his network’s job, nor the job of any news outlet, to ignore legitimate questions from citizens or to declare them improper and unclean. That is dictatorial, illiberalism, not something that promotes an environment of free discussion.

Obama Invents 'Office of the President-Elect'   . . . "Writer Larry Anderson referred to the “made-up little title” on the American Thinker Web site, and declared: “I nearly busted a gut ..."  “ 'Once again, [Obama] can’t wait to invest himself with the trappings of office.' " . . .

 "Tucker didn’t stop there though. Here’s the rest of what he had to say, and it’s worth every minute of the watch."


Fox Digs the Hole They're in Even Deeper After One of Their Hosts Is Caught on Hot Mic Talking About Election  "Fox seems intent on flushing their ratings down the toilet and chasing their viewers away.

"It’s been progressively getting worse. But when they called Arizona for Joe Biden even before the New York Times and a lot of the left-wing media and continued to review the election in a manner hostile to the president, that was too much for many Fox viewers." . . .

Tucker Carlson Was Right, Neil Cavuto was Very, Very Wrong  "Cavuto and Carlson represent two schools of thought, and one of them is definitely more right than the other." . . .

‘Whoa, whoa, whoa’: Neil Cavuto slammed after he cuts off Kayleigh McEnany presser “ 'There is only one party in America trying to keep observers out of the [vote] count room, and that party, my friends, is the Democrat Party,” McEnany said. “You don’t oppose an audit of the vote because you want an accurate count. You don’t oppose our efforts at sunlight, at transparency, because you have nothing to hide. You take these positions because you are welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting.”

"That’s when Cavuto cut away, saying:  “Whoa, whoa, whoa! She’s charging that the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing this.”

"(Cavuto’s snub was so egregious, Fox colleague Tucker took a swipe at him later on his show):" . . 

 "Reminder: Cavuto, Fox News, and the mainstream media relentlessly covered the sham “gang rape” accusations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh despite the fact that the flimsy claims were not supported by any real evidence.

" 'Even if you disagree with the Trump campaign’s assertions that "Democrats committed election fraud, the mere fact that the sitting U.S. president is making such an allegation is a newsworthy event that the media should cover." 

Fox News pays the price for betraying its viewership  "Under Roger Ailes, Fox News was reliably conservative.  When he left, and when Rupert Murdoch handed the reins over to his sons James and Lachlan, things started getting shaky.  James, the fiery leftist, left Fox only this July.  Now Lachlan, who is married to a fiery leftist, is at the helm, helped by Paul Ryan, the RINO rodent, among others on the Board.  With this leadership, while voters have rightly suspected creeping NeverTrumperism in the newsroom for some time now, it all came to a head with this election.

"Things went pretty sour for viewers when Chris Wallace turned the first presidential debate into a three-way affair, with Wallace siding with Biden.  Nevertheless, viewers were willing to give Fox another chance on election night.  Fox failed that test.

"The kill switch for many viewers was that Fox News hired a hard leftist to run its election desk on Election Night.  Predictably, Arnon Mishkin called the race in ways only a leftist could love.  With hundreds of thousands of votes outstanding, he called Arizona for Biden.  Meanwhile, he refused to call obviously pro-Trump states such as Texas and Alaska.

"Things have gotten worse since then." . . .