Friday, August 6, 2021

In California, Recalls are not Just for the Governor

This all [prompts] the question -- Why did Californians elect all of these clowns?  They’re all doing exactly what they said they’d do.

 John Green  "Just about everyone in America is aware that California Governor Gavin Newsom is facing a recall election.  But California has a lot more recall news than simply the recall of its governor.  In fact, the state is in the midst of a genuine recallapalooza.  The state has recall challenges underway for not just the governor, but also two district attorneys and over 48 assorted mayors, city councilmen, and school board members.  And that recall count is only as of July.  It seems that it’s not all love and harmony in the Golden State." . . .

"A number of mayors and city councilmen are being recalled because they made no attempt to resist the state’s oppressive COVID lockdowns.  It turns out that people elected them to actually represent their constituents, not the state government leviathan.  Apparently, these politicians didn’t realize that the freest people in the world would like to keep their -- you know -- freedom.  If the local politicians can’t stand up for that, then the local population would like to fire them and get someone who will." . . .

. . . "The state elected a body-builder action-hero who was decidedly more heroic in his movies than in office.  Governor “Ahnold” was then followed by Governor “Moonbeam.”  This was actually California’s second dance with Jerry Brown.  He had previously been the
governor from 1975-1983.  He didn’t impress anyone with his first time in office, but maybe age would make him better. While it works with wine, it didn’t in his case.  When Governor “Moonbeam” left office, Californians turned to Governor “Hair-Gel” Newsom -- the current recall target.  The voters have traveled this road before and didn’t learn a darn thing." . . .

Ex–Hillary Clinton operatives hold crisis meeting to find way to make Kamala Harris more likeable

Just do all the tricks they used to make Hillary likeable, starting with the cackle.

 Monica Showalter

  • Her guests included Harris confidant Minyon Moore; two former DNC officials, Donna Brazile and Leah Daughtry; Biden adviser and leader of his outside group, Stephanie Cutter; former Hillary Clinton spokeswomen and Democratic strategists Adrienne Elrod and Karen Finney; and former Obama White House communications director Jennifer Palmieri.

. . . "After decades of practicing sound-bite politics herself, she's angry that the media are throwing it at her, given that she's such a deep thinker and all.  The hyena laughs were...oh, forget about those giggles and laughs.  Just accept that she's a woman of depth.

"Back to the old phony, it seems.  The Hillary-linked likeability crew has got its work cut out for it."

They did such a great job with Hillary

"The team that was in charge of making Hillary Clinton "likeable" to voters is sure it can turn this one around, too.  Ummm..."

Kamala Harris’ lunatic laughter is not only inappropriate, it should give all who hear it the willies

Thursday, August 5, 2021

President Biden Announces on Live TV That He Intends to Break His Oath of Office

 Charles C.W. Cooke  "President Biden knows that the CDC’s eviction moratorium is illegal, having, per Gene Sperling, “not only kicked the tires,” but “double, triple, quadruple checked.” He also knows that the Supreme Court has ruled that it is illegal, and that the majority of the legal scholars he has consulted think that the Court is correct.

 And yet, because a bunch of progressives have spent the day complaining, Biden announced just now that he intends to violate his oath and reissue the order anyway. “The bulk of the constitutional scholars,” Biden admitted at his press conference just now, “say it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster.” Then he said that he was prepared to try his luck anyway"

CNN Makes Itself Complicit in Joe Biden’s Flagrant Lawbreaking, which for six long years between 2015 and 2021 turned itself into a blog about Donald Trump and his many excesses, has weighed in on President Biden’s decision to take executive action that he knows full well is illegal. And boy, is it . . . a complete whitewashing of flagrant and cynical lawbreaking.

"Here’s the headline:

Biden shows he’s ready to make drastic moves in Covid-19 fight — even if he’s not sure they’re legal

"Off to a bad start. But, hey, headlines can be misleading, so maybe it gets better?"

Psaki Brushes Off Concerns about Constitutionality of Eviction Moratorium: ‘Who’s Saying That?’

Joe Concha blasts CNN for not firing Chris Cuomo

 Youtube  "A once proud network in the days of Bernard Shaw"

REMEMBER HER? Girl Who Was Touched By Biden In Viral Video is All Grown Up, Confirms Biden Groped Her, Pinched Her Nipple

What's even more amusing to me is the fact that Biden has now asked Cuomo to step down. These politicians have now become my entertainment for the day.

 Trending Politics  Back in 2015, Joe Biden went viral after he was video taped groping Senator Steve Daines’ niece on C-Span while meeting with his family for his swearing-in ceremony.

"The girl, Maria Piacesi who was only eight years old at the time, was filmed standing in front of then Vice President Biden as he ran his hands up and down her upper body." . . .

“I would do something about it tbh if I thought it would help but I honestly just think at this point it would just make people angry and I have already had people calling me out saying I’m lying this is bs even tho it’s not but I just don’t think it would help with anything right now,” Maria Piacesi said."

By CDC decree, the government now owns your home

 Time to file articles of impeachment for Biden and Walensky  . . . "Mark Levin, a national treasure in this hour of dire straits for the constitutional Republic we enjoy as our birthright, explains in no uncertain terms the magnitude of this challenge to our political order." . . .

From Great Britain: 'You thought you owned your home - not anymore': Tucker Carlson blasts CDC director Rochelle Walensky for extending eviction moratorium and making it a federal crime for landlords to force tenants to pay their rent
Justice Brett Kavanaugh issued a concurring opinion saying in his view extending the CDC moratorium past July 31 would need 'clear and specific congressional authorization (via new legislation).'

. . . "It’s property owners who will suffer, many of them members of the rapidly disappearing American middle class.’

" 'Where did Rochelle Walensky get the power to do this, to suspend private property rights in America?' Carlson said.

" 'The answer is, she simply asserted the power.

" 'Walensky claimed she had the authority, and no one stopped her from exercising it.'

"Carlson continued: ‘If you’re wondering how all of this can possibly be legal, rest assured that it’s not — it’s not even arguably legal." . . .

This CNN piece praising Biden for intentionally ignoring the Supreme Court is really something  . . . "Instead, what we’re mostly getting is garbage like this CNN analysis piece which basically praises Biden for knowingly violating the constitution for short term gain. The piece, by Stephen Collinson opens with an excuse: [emphasis added]

Even President Joe Biden doesn’t know whether his new federal eviction moratorium for renters is legal and sustainable. But crushing humanitarian and political pressure left him no choice but to take a chance on an emergency move…

Biden himself said on Tuesday that the new moratorium may not be constitutional, and is essentially an attempt to buy time to get backlogged funding out of state coffers and into the pockets of renters and landlords alike…

"Both of the headlines below are for pieces by the same author. See if you can spot a difference."

"When CNN likes you // when they don’t" A corrupt press joins with a political movement:



Cori Bush on the McCloskey Pardon: ‘He has Spat on My Name…His Day Will Come’

 Legal Insurrection  "Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) was one of the people who trespassed into the McCloskey’s gated neighborhood last summer.

"Mark and Patricia McCloskey protected their house with guns as the rioters made their way down the street.

"They pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges. Gov. Mike Parsons pardoned the couple on Tuesday." . . .

. . . "The BLM agitators literally broke down a gate to enter private property and nine were initially charged with trespassing, but those charges were not pursued by Dem prosecutors despite these violent freaks reportedly threatening to kill the McCloskeys and even the family dog. It was only when the McCloskeys showed up armed that the BLM hordes backed off." .  


Wednesday, August 4, 2021

American soccer fans cheer the Canadians who sent the ugly Americans off in defeat

 After a number of woke Olympics warriors went down to ignominious defeat this week, many Americans jumped to social media to celebrate their demise, Team USA or no

. . . "The article voiced many of the jibes typical of those launched at Rapinoe and her teammates after the losses to Sweden and Canada. For instance, another Conservative blog called Rapinoe’s loss “Karma.”

"Social media kicked into high gear, as well.

"Author Nick Adams posted several tweets revealing his satisfaction that Rapinoe and Team USA lost:

Instead of holding America up to the world as a shining example of equality & opportunity for women around the world, they tore us down. Many American sports fans will never forget this. The result? I’ve never seen a team squander more love & goodwill in my life as a sports fan.

 The Internet Celebrates the Collapse of the Left’s Woke Olympic Icons

I do love it when Megan Rapinoe loses because even though she’s ON Team America, she’s not FOR Team America 🇺🇸
Broke 2M. Keep it going. Every time you share this you crush another Woke narrative
. . .

Do not forget back in 2019: Jay Inslee Wanted Megan Rapinoe To Be His Secretary Of State

Choosing someone who hates this nation to represent us in world diplomacy. No Democrat is as pathetic as a West Coast Democrat!

Daily Caller  "Democratic Washington Governor and 2020 presidential hopeful Jay Inslee announced Saturday that, if elected, he would choose Megan Rapinoe to be his secretary of state.*

“ 'My first act would be to ask Megan Rapinoe to be my secretary of state,” Inslee said at the progressive Netroots Nation conference in Philadelphia, according to The Hill. “I haven’t asked her yet, so it could be a surprise to her.” (RELATED: The Real Reason For The U.S. Soccer Pay Gap Is Buried Inside A Guardian Analysis)

"Inslee went on to say that he believed Rapinoe’s message was so inspiring to people because it was the “antithesis” of President Donald Trump’s foreign policies. (RELATED: Megan Rapinoe Defends Decision To Protest During The National Anthem)

"Rapinoe, the soccer star who co-captained the U.S. National Women’s Team to a repeat World Cup victory, has been making headlines of her own lately as she continues to protest the national anthem and attack Trump. (RELATED: Allie Long, Megan Rapinoe Drop American Flag During World Cup Celebration)

"She and teammate Allie Long caught backlash immediately following their World Cup win when video showed them dropping an American flag on the ground while they posed for postage photos. Fellow USWNT member Kelley O’Hara quickly rushed in to grab the flag off the ground."

Shoen below: *The governor explained that he wanted a secretary of state that leads with “love rather than hate.” But not love for country.

As Breitbart News reported:  

"Rapinoe has emerged as one of the most potent symbols of the anti-Trump resistance after she declared that she did not want to go to the “fucking White House” even if her team brought home its fourth World Cup title.

"The co-captain has refused to put her hand over her heart and sing the national anthem and made headlines before the World Cup when she kneeled during the national anthem in support of Colin Kaepernick." . . .

June 2019: Gov. Jay Inslee makes a strong bid to be craziest member of the Democrats' presidential field   

"Yep, kicking around a ball is good preparation for the responsibility of guiding America's foreign policy.  And disdain for our flag embodies just the kind of attitude that will instill respect for our country overseas."

A number of leftist Olympics warriors went down to ignominious defeat this week

 "A number of leftist Olympics warriors went down to ignominious defeat this week after focusing on divisive political protests and promoting the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization.

After spending years protesting against America, the U.S. Women’s National Soccer "Team took an early loss against Sweden on July 21, right after the Tokyo Games opened.

"On Sunday, the team was knocked out of gold medal contention entirely due to a humiliating loss to Canada.

"However, instead of finding a Team USA loss devastating, many patriots back home reacted gleefully when the team, led by spoilt anti-American protester Megan Rapinoe, went down to defeat in Japan.

“Little Ms. Purple Hair and her team of woke warriors fell flat on their faces,” read an article on the website of American conservative commentator Wayne Dupree.

“Maybe it would have been smarter for Team USA to focus more on the actual sport
 Images of the U.S soccer team protesting America and promoting BLM have angered many patriots

“I mean, if there was a medal for being ‘Social Justice Warriors,’ team USA would have taken every gold medal in the joint.”

"For instance, another conservative blog called Rapinoe’s loss “Karma.”The article voiced many of the jibes typical of those launched at Rapinoe and her teammates after the losses to Sweden and Canada.

"Social media kicked into high gear, as well.

Our nation's leadership is a few wheels short of an 18-wheeler

Image by Mogey.

 Biden’s Approval Rating Is Dropping FastThe inevitable decline has only begun. 

"Let’s talk about the mythical Mr. Fernandez, who’s your Latino everyman in modern America. Let’s say Mr. Fernandez is a carpenter, or a plumber, a second-generation Mexican-American who lives in, say, the barrio in South San Antonio.

"His neighborhood is a borderline slum, but he owns his house in it. There’s a rented house next door which is usually overpopulated with illegals. He wakes up to trash in his yard often. He worries that MS-13, or something similar, will take over the streets, with the crime attendant in that. The public school his kids go to and the emergency room at the hospital nearby are usually overpopulated, to varying degrees, with illegals or their children.

"Mr. Fernandez doesn’t have anything against the illegals, but that doesn’t mean he’s willing to sacrifice his own quality of life for them. And he bristles at the idea that public policy ought to be made in order to coddle them because that’s the key to getting his vote." . . .

America ‘pretty much screwed’ because of Biden’s immigration policies  "Thomas Feeley says the president’s policies are enabling the border crisis on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ "