Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is there a theme here?

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail
One column about editorial cartoonints I read a number of years back told of one sign a current president was losing respect with the cartoonists: they began to draw him smaller in stature relative to his surroundings.
 Lets see.  TD

Headlines we knew we would be seeing

S and P downgrades U.S. credit rating for first time. OK, we knew about that, but didn't you just know this next one was coming from the Obama Administration:

Justice Department Reportedly Investigating Standard and Poor's   The investigation began before Standard and Poor's cut the United States' AAA credit rating this month, but it's likely to add to the political firestorm created by the downgrade, the newspaper said. Some government officials have since questioned the agency's secretive process, its credibility and the competence of its analysts, claiming to have found an error in its debt calculations."
This will be a shot across the bow of anyone else who may consider rating the US poorly, deservedly or not.

9-11; Never Quit

Heritage  "Ten years later, Osama bin Laden is dead, delivering to victims’ families and the rest of America a bit of justice for the heinous acts we all witnessed. But one terrorist’s death does not justify returning to the national security mindset that existed prior to that day.
"As Thomas Paine said, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” "
"Please continue to check in with us here on The Foundry, at and on Facebook and Twitter over the next four weeks. On Twitter, send us pictures of your flag flying by using the hashtag #Flag911 in your tweet to offer your own remembrances and encourage others to join with us."

The Spending Threat to Our National Defense   "Consider it a warning from the highest levels of the U.S. government. Yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta held a joint press event in Washington in which they cautioned that U.S. debt is jeopardizing America’s ability to ensure national security and preserve its interests abroad.

Bolton: Debt-Ceiling Negotiations Leaving Defense Budget in Grave Jeopardy  Defense has already taken hugely disproportionate cuts under President Obama, and there is simply no basis for expanding those cuts further. Republican negotiators must hold the line, since the Obama Administration plainly will not. John R. Bolton, July 31, 2011

Max Boot warned of this back on Jan 17: A Farewell to Arms  "But now we learn from Secretary of Defense Robert Gates that the force is going to shrink again. Last week he announced that, starting in 2015, the Army is going to lose 27,000 soldiers on top of an already planned cut of 22,000. That will bring the Army’s active duty strength down to 517,000—still larger than it was in 2001 but far smaller than it was in 1991, and not big enough to meet all of the contingencies for which it must prepare. The Marine Corps will lose 15,000 to 20,000 personnel. So our ground combat forces—the most heavily deployed forces since the end of the Cold War—will be deprived of 70,000 troopers or almost 10 percent of their strength."

Great money-raiser!

This man is in charge of the US economy

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

150th Anniversary Battle of First Manassas Part 3 (Known also as Bull Run)  " In the first Manassas 150th Anniversary post we showed the structures that were put in place for the commemoration ceremonies of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of First Manassas (First Bull Run).
"In the second First Manassas 150th Anniversary post we concentrated on the material around the Henry House on Henry Hill, including tents, equipment, and artillery pieces.
"In today’s First Manassas 150th Anniversary post we feature the Stone House or Matthews’ House. We were fortunate to have been allowed in the house that evening."

The Stone House, or Matthews’ House, located along the Warrenton Turnpike, was constructed 
circa 1848.  It served as a hospital during the First Battle of Manassas and the Second Battle of Manassas.

The Union tended to name battles after the nearest river while the South used the name of a nearby town. The North named the Battle of Antietam after the creek on the battlefield; the South called it the Battle of Sharpsburg, the town there. So also with their armies; Union armies were generally named after rivers and Confederates after states. (Army of Tennessee was Confederate; Army of the Tennessee was Union.)

"Popular fervor led President Lincoln to push a cautious Brigadier General Irvin McDowell, commander of the Union army in Northern Virginia, to attack the Confederate forces commanded by Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard, which held a relatively strong position along Bull Run, just northeast of Manassas Junction. The goal was to make quick work of the bulk of the Confederate army, open the way to Richmond, the Confederate capital, and end the war."

July 14, 1861 – Lincoln to McDowell: “You Are All Green Alike”  "General George B. McClellan, with far fewer men, cleared out western Virginia, and is now threatening the Old Dominion from the west. The question has become, what will McDowell do with his large force? Word has been that the men in his army have been training, but with their 90 day enlistments almost at an end, it seems they may have trained for nothing.
"That may have changed today as many of the Union forces have been transferred south toward Fairfax Courthouse in Virginia. Sources say that the move comes against McDowell's wishes; his complaint being that his men are all green. “They are green, it is true, but they are green also,” [Lincoln] reportedly said, referring to the Confederates. “You are all green alike.”

Ann Coulter: Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot!

Ann Coulter  "But Democrats' real achievement has been in destroying the family, and thereby creating an endless supply of potential rioters.
"When blacks were only four generations out of slavery, their illegitimacy rate was about 23 percent (lower than the white illegitimacy rate is now). Then Democrats decided to help them! Barely two generations since LBJ's Great Society programs began, the black illegitimacy rate has tripled to 72 percent.
"Meanwhile, the white illegitimacy rate has septupled, from 4 percent to 29 percent.
"Instead of a "War on Poverty​," it should have been called a "War on the Family." "
"True, also, that the children of broken families sometimes burn city blocks to the ground or kill their great-grandmothers with swords.
" But what a voting bloc!"
You tell 'em, Annie!

The integrity of MSNBC and Ed Schultz

Neal Boortz  "Several weeks ago I was treated first hand to the dishonesty and complete lack of integrity on the part of liberal talk show host Ed Schultz and MSNBC. Schultz took a tape of remarks I made on the air regarding self defense, edited my comments, and then played those edited comments on his MSNBC and his radio show to make it sound like I was advocating cold-blooded murder.
"Well now Schultz has done it again; though this time the target of his dishonesty was far more important than I. This time the target was Rick Perry.
"Here’s what Mr. Integrity did this time."....

"And MSNBC has shown that they will support this dishonesty. Schultz has no credibility left, but that doesn’t make his actions any less reprehensible. Trust me … he’ll do it again."

Dems win both WI recall votes

Rick Moran  "Recall elections were originally supposed to remove lawmakers in the middle of their term who had transgressed in some way - not because they voted for legislation that angered one side or the other. This process in Wisconsin is an open invitation for both sides to do great mischief to our democracy, invalidating elections based on nothing more than partisan reasons."

Obama's TOUR de FARCE Bus Convoy (Updated)
Obama's "Magical Misery Tour"   "Obama's political advisers would be wise to consider whether these free trade deals make political sense for him. After all, it is the Republican party, which is historically even more business-friendly than the Democratic party, that stands to benefit from them, if Obama loses support at the polls."   Never put a free-enterprise economy into the hands of a Democrat president.

Every Single One: The Politicized Hiring of Eric Holder’s Education Section

J. Christian Adams    (Mr. Adams is an election lawyer who served in the Voting Rights Section at the U.S. Department of Justice. His forthcoming book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department (Regnery) releases in October.)
All 11 new hires to the Justice Department's Education Section have far-left resumes — which were only released following a PJMedia lawsuit. (This is the fifth in a series of articles about the Justice Department's hiring practices since President Obama took office. Read parts one, two, three, and four.)
"Recently, the Obama administration concluded that school discipline is often racially discriminatory merely because black students are disciplined at rates higher than their overall percentage in the population. The division has launched a campaign that undermines basic American traditions of right and wrong by attacking school discipline. When you read the radical backgrounds of lawyers in the Education Section below, you’ll see why."
Michelle Malkin: Smearing J. Christian Adams  July 26, 2010 "Adams’ latest exposé on the DOJ’s failure to protect military voting rights is here. Who will wage the White House bully boys’ war on the whistleblowers next?"

Obama's Iowa speech lie

American Thinker  "About a year and a half ago I reached my limit of being able to listen to or watch Barack Obama deliver a speech. I choose instead to read the transcripts. The ever-present obfuscations and lies, the constant demeaning of any opposing voices (per Saul Alinsky) as well as an inbred inability to accept any responsibility while delivering virtually all his speeches and press conferences in a narcissistic and haughty demeanor caused my patience quotient to be breeched."

Boortz: Obama blames our economy on luck;  "Listen to the small businessmen and women out there --- the ones who are producing 80% of the new jobs in this weak economy. What are THEY saying? "  Well, all the following for starters:

Here we go again: Major Obama jobs speech after Labor Day   "Seeking to jolt the economy, President Barack Obama will unveil new ideas to create jobs and help the struggling poor and middle class in a major speech after Labor Day. And then he will try to seize political advantage by spending the fall pressuring Congress to act on his plan." We'll' be counting the I's, me's and my's in it.

Video:   "We did this is in April 2009…. Hello, Nostradamus."
Illustration: Bad luck by Alexander Hunter for The Washington Times
The bad-luck president   "America’s misfortune is nothing if not Obamanomics"

Don’t Worry, Obama is Putting on His Thinking Cap
   "Since these problems have been at a crisis level for months, one might ask why the president is keeping the country waiting to hear his plans. The answer is twofold. One is that, as was readily apparent throughout the debt-ceiling crisis, Obama doesn’t have any new ideas and needs time to repackage his old ones. The other is that he seems to enjoy the process of researching a major speech that allows him to ponder endlessly on possible answers while weighing them against political considerations. But going by past experience, the result isn’t likely to be one that will do the country much good."