Monday, December 30, 2013

A Guide to the Political Left

Discover the Networks 
"Welcome to Discover the Networks
"This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left. The database is divided into 10 major sections:
Simply click on the items that interest you, and your tour through the Left will be underway. Navigating the site is simple, and the category headings are self-explanatory. However, if you would like a somewhat more detailed overview of the website and its contents, please see our GUIDE.

Because the term "Left" is commonly misunderstood as a synonym for "Liberal," it will be useful to clearly define, from the outset, precisely what the Left is:

Sunday, December 29, 2013

What 2014 Will Look Like Under Obama – Warning, It’s Not Pretty

john Podesta  "Obama’s goals for 2014 will push FORWARD a fast-moving Progressive agenda facilitated by the master of constitutional avoidance techniques, John Podesta. Podesta will help Obama legislate from the White House and worry about the constitutional challenges later, after it’s too late and the unconstitutional initiatives have had years to ferment."
"One only needs to look at what has happened in the last few weeks to know that the lawlessness will not ease up and the will of the people is irrelevant in all of this."

Un-transforming America

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.  "I always considered Barack Obama an empty suit, a coffeehouse communist, doomed to replay the tragic political and economic mistakes of the past because he lacked any sense of history beyond the clichés of fashionable and comfortable college Marxism.
"Like the characters and events in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father" written by unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, Obama is a composite, the manifestation of a liberal fantasy, a man who, like his acolytes, exists in a political "Twilight Zone" somewhere between reality and narcissism.
"Obama's political talent is based on his mastery of the platitude; a banal or meaningless statement, generally directed at soothing the social, emotional, or cognitive unease of uninformed, easily misled voters or desperate liberals in search of a Messiah."
"His ascension to the Presidency can largely be attributed to a combination of corruption and cowardice." ...Read more: Family Security Matters 
Just for the record, I consider the recently-elected mayor of New York to be just as bad.TD

Having Obama's back in the Middle East; How the New York Times tried to airbrush al Qaeda out of Benghazi

PowerLine blog  "Yesterday, in discussing the New York Times’ claim that, as far as it can tell, neither al Qaeda nor any other international terrorist group had a role in the Benghazi attack, I wrote:
The Times chooses to focus on a militia leader named Ahmed Abu Khattala, whom it characterizes as “an erratic extremist” and very much his own man. But I believe that other leaders connected to the attack have been tied to al Qaeda or its affiliates. I will try to document this in a future post.
"For documentation, I turn (as I expected) to the invaluable Tom Joscelyn:
[The Times] piece totals more than 7,000 words and yet [it] fingers only one suspect out of the dozens who took part in the attack. Another suspect, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, is briefly mentioned, but only then to dismiss the notion of his involvement.
Left out of the Times’s account are the many leads tying the attackers to al Qaeda’s international network.

Rep. Darrell Issa Smacks Down New York Times Report Claiming Benghazi Attack Was A Result Of A YouTube Video
“ 'Al Qaeda is not decimated,” Issa replied. “And it was a group there, that was involved, that was linked to al Qaeda.” Have a look at the video

The mullahs’ message for Obama  ... "Second, the Iranians have Obama’s number and they mean to advertise it. They are sending a message. They see him as a pathetic weakling whom they can push around without consequence. Obama and Kerry are smart enough to know they are being humiliated, but they don’t care. They are more than willing to endure humiliation in the service of what they deem to be a higher cause."