Sunday, December 29, 2013

Un-transforming America

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.  "I always considered Barack Obama an empty suit, a coffeehouse communist, doomed to replay the tragic political and economic mistakes of the past because he lacked any sense of history beyond the clichés of fashionable and comfortable college Marxism.
"Like the characters and events in his autobiography "Dreams from My Father" written by unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, Obama is a composite, the manifestation of a liberal fantasy, a man who, like his acolytes, exists in a political "Twilight Zone" somewhere between reality and narcissism.
"Obama's political talent is based on his mastery of the platitude; a banal or meaningless statement, generally directed at soothing the social, emotional, or cognitive unease of uninformed, easily misled voters or desperate liberals in search of a Messiah."
"His ascension to the Presidency can largely be attributed to a combination of corruption and cowardice." ...Read more: Family Security Matters 
Just for the record, I consider the recently-elected mayor of New York to be just as bad.TD

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