Sunday, October 11, 2015

Goodbye Columbus; Hello Leftist Indigenous People's Day

Independent Sentinel
"Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day all you comrades out there! CBS NEWS announced that more cities are “recognizing Native Americans on Columbus Day” to celebrate the contributions of indigenous cultures.

"This is part of the leftist populist movement to recognize Native Americans, fake indigenous peoples’ and to change our culture. The movement is to take us out of traditional America and into the hand-wringing world of the dreary left.

"The Italians are forgotten in all this.

stolen-land"Nine cities – nine leftist cities – recognize Indigenous Peoples Day and hope to “nudge” us into the moaning, groaning world of the dreary left.

"Albuquerque, Portland, Oregon, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Olympia, Washington, Minneapolis, Seattle and others now recognize the day.

"CBS tried to say it was driven by Native Americans but it’s driven by leftists, some of whom are Native Americans.

"The celebrants say it is the start of something “greater” and that it is.

"If it were only to honor Native Americans, who could object? We do honor them and the sacrifices they’ve made and the tribulations they were made to suffer.

"Columbus Day honors the Europeans who came here and struggled quietly to build a new and great country. Indigenous Peoples’ Day rejects what is good about our past and our history." . . .

Racist Demagogues and The Million Man March. I see THIS as the legacy of Obama/Sharpton

Not racist to serve bacon for breakfast, for Jesus to come first to the Jews, to use the term black hole in space or to refer to a devil's food cake as such. No, my friend, this is racism in it's purest form:

Image source: CSPAN
. . . “ 'They have a whole race of indigenous people on reservations, concentration camps. They’re out there killing the indigenous people spiritually,” she said.
"The woman followed a speech from Chief Ernie Longwalker of the Red Wind Nation who seemingly was unhappy about his time on stage being cut short.
“ 'They’re telling me to stop,” he said. “We’ve given you 500 years. You only give us about five minutes.”
"Thousands of black people and other minorities descended on the nation’s capital with banners and flags for the “Justice or Else!” rally — the 20th anniversary of the first Million Man March.
"Watch the Native American woman’s speech and rally cry here."

Apparently those burning and looting will be doing the will of God   Farrakhan declares: . . . "When I leave you today, the calamities are going to get stronger, because God wants America to let us go, not integrate us, let us go, and give us a good sendoff. Those of you who are scripturally sound, Moses was not an integrationist, and neither are we. Let me be clear, America has no future for you, or for me. She can’t make a future for herself, much less a future for us. The Scripture says, come out of her, my people, and we’re going to have to come out, but don’t worry. God says " . . .(Video at the link)

Better listen to Mr. Farrakhan or else because Nation of Islam Leader: I am the 'Messiah That Has Come to End This Civilization'

No comment as yet from Obama, but his pastor for 20 years had this to say: 
AUDIO: Jeremiah Wright endorses anti-Israel boycott: “Jesus was a Palestinian”
"Pro-Israel groups should cheer that this discredited fringe character has thrown in with BDS.". . .
"While anti-Israel groups will cheer, so should pro-Israel groups.
"Wright is toxic for most people in the country. Even Obama had to run from him during the 2008 election (though it’s questionable whether Obama did it genuinely). The anti-Israel groups can have Reverend Wright."

Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 8.28.46 PM

From Weasel Zippers:  "Did this ‘Reverend’ ever read the Bible? Imagine all the things this gas bag pumped into the head of our lovely President in the twenty years he attended Wright’s church…

Meanwhile their kids were home doing this:

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Exercise Tiger: Deadly D-Day Rehearsal

Exercise Tiger, or Operation Tiger, was the code name for one in a series of large-scale rehearsals for the D-Day invasion of Normandy, which took place on Slapton Sands or Slapton Beach in Devon. Coordination and communication problems resulted in friendly fire deaths during the exercise, and an Allied convoy positioning itself for the landing was attacked by E-boats of Germany's Kriegsmarine, resulting in the deaths of 946 American servicemen. Because of the impending invasion, the incident was under the strictest secrecy at the time and was only nominally reported afterward. As a result, Exercise Tiger has been called "forgotten."

In April 1944, Exercise Tiger proved to be a grisly rehearsal for the D-Day Invasion less than two months later.

In April 1944, Exercise Tiger proved to be a grisly rehearsal for the D-Day Invasion less than two months later.
One of the Largest, Most Ambitious Training Exercises Ever Conducted
This was not D-Day, June 6, 1944, the Allied landings on the Northern coast of France, the opening shots of the long-awaited second front in Europe, that great clash of arms in the titanic struggle against Hitler and his Nazi tyranny for the liberation of an enslaved Europe. This was not the invasion of Normandy; for that matter, it was not even Normandy. It was the east coast of England in late April 1944, a little more than a month before the real landings across the English Channel in German-occupied France.

This is the OFFICIAL website of Exercise Tiger Memorial Ltd
The roll of those who died
Memorial for the dead

Sonar images of the sunken D Day rehearsal ships

Anti-Israel student group shows the myth behind the Boycott movement

Legal Insurrection
"NYC Students for Justice in Palestine argues BDS movement controlled by big-money Western NGOs who serve their own needs."

. . . ""Among the futile gestures are the attempts to tie the Palestinian struggle to the struggle of other groups — much like the BDS movement in the U.S. and SJP National focus on trying to hijack the Black Lives Matter movement under banners such as “Ferguson to Palestine,” and so on.
On campus, repeating the same events and handing out the same flyer on its own will not advance the movement or our analysis of the Palestinian struggle. When participating in united fronts and coalitions with other progressive student organizations, BDS can provide an anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist lens with which to view a collective goal of the student movement. For years, the topic of connecting struggles has been on the tongues of Palestine solidarity organizers around the world. This usually materializes in a panel discussion, a workshop, or joint cultural nights.
"Last, but certainly not least, NYC SJP questions whether the movement is turning into one big NGO which exists for itself:
If we do not continuously question and revise our overall strategy with guiding principles that go beyond the BDS demands, we risk becoming an NGO masquerading as an anti-imperialist solidarity organization.
"NYC SJP ends with quote from Leila Khaled, the first female Palestinian hijacker and now hero:
NYC SJP Leila Khaled quote

Where were Obama and his media on this atrocity?


"Can you imagine Obama’s response if Christians had done this to Muslims?
At several steps on their path to death by beheading and crucifixion last month, 11 indigenous Christian workers near Aleppo, Syria, had the option to leave the area and live. The 12-year-old son of a ministry team leader also could have spared his life by denying Christ.
The indigenous missionaries were not required to stay at their ministry base in a village near Aleppo, Syria; rather, the ministry director who trained them had entreated them to leave. As the Islamic State (ISIS), other rebel groups and Syrian government forces turned Aleppo into a war zone of carnage and destruction, ISIS took over several outlying villages. The Syrian ministry workers in those villages chose to stay in order to provide aid in the name of Christ to survivors.
. . .  

Democrats moving left faster than Republicans move right

Yet Nancy Pelosi still speaks of Republicans as "extremists"

The American Interest
"At least since the 2010 midterms, it’s been a liberal talking point that Republican extremism is to blame for political polarization and gridlock. In the old days, the argument goes, Republicans were a moderate party, but over the past generation the GOP has been gradually taken over by its far-right wing. Before the last GOP debate, for example, the Center for American Progress launched a “Right of Reagan” campaign to supposedly show “how the extremism of today’s Republican presidential candidates sets them apart from their conservative idol.”

"But as the debates over issues like the $15 minimum wage, healthcare, and universal preschool have already shown, the Democrats have moved to the left at least as quickly as the Republicans have moved to the right. After all, Hillary Clinton has to renounce a good chunk of her husband’s positions to be competitive in the 2016 primary.

"Now, a paper on polarization and inequality released in August by political scientists from Princeton, Georgetown, and the University of Oregon (and highlighted this week in a Washington Post article) provides some empirical evidence that Democratic Party’s leftward drift is more pronounced than the GOP’s rightward drift, at least at the state level. " . . .

When liberal politics affect the scientific method

"This is how they have been proving Global Warming. It is kind of like the Nazis tests on Jews. Fake Science to prove a political agenda. Pseudo politics."

Kyle  Volkmann at TheComicalConservative

The Cheneys hit Obama in a new book

Elise Cooper
. . . "The book is separated into three parts.  The first is a journey throughout history, where American presidents from Franklin Roosevelt to George W. Bush had a bipartisan approach to foreign policy.  The second part shows how President Obama has deviated from this policy, causing the rise of America's enemies.  In the third part, the authors list what must be done to restore America as the world's premier power and leader.

"Liz Cheney explained: "The point of our book is to say America is an exceptional nation.  We have been since our founding and are today, but for different reasons.  After America's founding we became a model for freedom in the world, and from the time of WWII, we became the defender of that freedom.  The fact that we have a president that is embarking on dangerous policies does not mean we are not exceptional.  Rather, it means he does not recognize the unique role we must play in the world.  We need a president that truly believes we are freedom's defender."

"The authors first give a short history of America's foreign policy and the unique role played as the world's protector of freedom.  They add flavor by using quotes from past presidents that show how they knew that weakness invites aggression.  The Cheneys write about President Roosevelt, who in 1940 convinced a war-weary and isolationist-leaning country to join WWII because America has an obligation as "the defender of freedom" and "the arsenal of democracy."  And in 1962, Kennedy said, "The 1930s taught us a clear lesson: aggressive conduct, if allowed to go unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to war."" . . . 
Read more.

Sally Kohn equates Muslim Brotherhood to US Christians

Joe Newby


"One would think that after the Roseburg, Oregon, shooting in which a deranged Christophobe brutally murdered nine people for being Christians, liberals would curb their Christophobic hate — at least for a little while.  One would be wrong, however, as some have continued their descent into weapons-grade stupid.

"On Friday, CNN contributor Sally Kohn proved once again that liberalism is an ideology of anti-Christian rage and hate with a maddening tweet comparing U.S. Christians to members of the Muslim Brotherhood:

Sally KohnVerified account @sallykohn 14 hours ago
"Lest you think America is perfect... I fight the Muslim Brotherhood over there AND the Christian Brotherhood here."

This Sally Kohn:

Obama on 60 Minutes; still says Putin's move into Syria is a sign of weakness

CBS 60 Minutes
"President Vladimir Putin's military mission in Syria is a sign of Russia's weakness, not a show of its leadership, says President Obama. Russia has been forced to prop up a teetering Assad regime, he maintains, Russia's only ally in the region. Mr. Obama speaks at length to Kroft about the situation in Syria and about domestic politics, including his opinions on Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, whether his vice president, Joe Biden, will run for president, and his take on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The interview will be broadcast on 60 Minutes Sunday, October 11 at 7:30 p.m ET/PT.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Obama greeted by hundreds of protestors in Roseburg

'15 minutes after the shooting happened. He politicized it: The bodies weren't even cold'

"Hundreds of protesters greeted President Obama’s motorcade in Roseburg, Oregon, Friday as a group called “Defend Roseburg” held signs and waved banners while others silently turned their backs as the motorcade rolled by.

"Obama came to Roseburg, the White House said, to mourn with family members of the nine victims shot dead by a gunman at Umqua Community College on Oct. 1.

“ 'We’re going to have to come together as a nation to deal with this issue,” Obama said. “But today is about the families.”

"In fact Obama’s Democrat loyalists in the Senate led by Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., have already readied several gun control bills. If those don’t pass, the White House said Friday the president is considering taking unilateral action by executive order to create new federal background checks for firearms purchases, ABC News reported.

"Many protesters in Roseburg said they were not in a mood to welcome a president who so quickly and callously politicized a tragedy. Some came with their guns to make their point. All were peaceful.

“ 'He should stay away,” Gary Shambling, 66, of Winston, whose 1935 Harvester International pickup was parked Friday morning along the side of Aviation Drive, told his local newspaper, the Register-Guard. His truck had a large “No Bama” sign in red letters.

“ 'He made it very plain, 15 minutes after the shooting happened,” Shambling said. “He politicized it. The bodies weren’t even cold.”

"Others carried signs supporting their local sheriff, who’d said earlier that he didn’t believe Obama should come to the town after making politicized comments about gun control.

"Others protesters held signs saying “Obama Free Zone” and “Go Away” and “Go Home, You’re Not Wanted Here” as drivers honk their horns passing by. Other signs include “Prayers Not Politics” and “In Memory of the Fallen” and “#Roseburg Strong.”

Roseburg, Oregon Protests Obama Visit: ‘Chicago Needs You’

"As helicopters whirred overhead, bringing President Obama to the southern Oregon community that was the scene of a mass casualty shooting last week at a community college, hundreds of protesters gathered below to voice their objections to the president’s visit.

"As Breitbart News has been reporting all week, many residents of Roseburg had strong feelings about the president using the UCC shooting to promote his pro-gun control agenda, and many of those residents turned out in force mid-morning on a Friday. The protesters began arriving at 8 AM and by 12:33 PM cars were still arriving." . . .

Hundreds in Roseburg tell Obama to go play golf

The report adds that "Over 8,000 signed up to protest Obama today at the Defend Roseburg Facebook protest page." How many showed up I can't say.

Gateway Pundit
"There was an AMAZING turnout today to protest Obama in Oregon after the mass shooting at Umpqua College.
“Go Golf!”

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