Saturday, October 10, 2015

Anti-Israel student group shows the myth behind the Boycott movement

Legal Insurrection
"NYC Students for Justice in Palestine argues BDS movement controlled by big-money Western NGOs who serve their own needs."

. . . ""Among the futile gestures are the attempts to tie the Palestinian struggle to the struggle of other groups — much like the BDS movement in the U.S. and SJP National focus on trying to hijack the Black Lives Matter movement under banners such as “Ferguson to Palestine,” and so on.
On campus, repeating the same events and handing out the same flyer on its own will not advance the movement or our analysis of the Palestinian struggle. When participating in united fronts and coalitions with other progressive student organizations, BDS can provide an anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist lens with which to view a collective goal of the student movement. For years, the topic of connecting struggles has been on the tongues of Palestine solidarity organizers around the world. This usually materializes in a panel discussion, a workshop, or joint cultural nights.
"Last, but certainly not least, NYC SJP questions whether the movement is turning into one big NGO which exists for itself:
If we do not continuously question and revise our overall strategy with guiding principles that go beyond the BDS demands, we risk becoming an NGO masquerading as an anti-imperialist solidarity organization.
"NYC SJP ends with quote from Leila Khaled, the first female Palestinian hijacker and now hero:
NYC SJP Leila Khaled quote

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