Friday, June 28, 2024

" 'Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election," Friedman wrote."

 OK, maybe Tara Reade had contempt for Biden, but look at how many Hollywood celebrities and news anchors love Joe...TD

. . ."Friedman suggested that Biden's family and political advisers should have had an urgent and heartfelt discussion with the president to convince him to step down. 
"By doing so, Biden would have enabled the Democratic Party to present a fresh candidate capable of uniting both the party and the country. 

"This move, Friedman argued, was crucial to prevent a second Trump term.
"The Biden family and political team must gather quickly and have the hardest of conversations with the president, a conversation of love and clarity and resolve," Friedman wrote. 

"He emphasized the need for an open and transparent process to select a new Democratic nominee who could offer a compelling vision for America's future, especially in the face of significant technological and climate disruptions." . . .

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