Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wokeness and Victimhood

 Wokeness and Victimhood - American Thinker   "If there’s a topic the woke like talking about most, it’s themselves.  This is not unusual for people obsessed with their own well-being, status, and influence over others. Which pretty much sums up the mindset of most of

the woke.  A culture based on such values easily tips over into narcissistic exhibitionism -- the obsessive desire to parade one’s self before others: nothing could be more important than satisfying the craving for attention, approval, and adulation.

"This activity has now been elevated into entertainment masquerading as documentary.

"I don’t wish to denigrate the suffering of those who experience mental health problems.  But parading themselves around on TV ‘continuing the global conversation’ about mental ill-health borders on the grotesque.  They’re all willing participants, of course, and as adults can give consent to their use as fodder for a project that is in effect normalizing trauma by turning it into a lifelong obsession.  Because that is the message: if you suffer disabling trauma (or merely believe you do) at some point in your life, this is a threat to your mental health and emotional well-being for life, and to ease the resulting distress you need the help and care of ‘experts.’  For as long as you live.  This is a false humanism.

"Ever since Sigmund Freud -- who systematized the idea that life necessarily involves psychological conflict and trauma -- theorists, academics, therapists, novelists, and many more have pushed the idea that to live is necessarily to be tormented from within.  True believers -- the emotionally fragile or otherwise psychologically vulnerable -- spend their entire existence seeking out the cause of their torment and then searching for the ideal therapy.  Life-coaches, life-style gurus, chat-show hosts, and other promoters of ‘well-being’ have now turned this into a constant searching for the ‘real me’ or the ‘me you can’t see.’  The performative display of this quest for authenticity consists of celebrating fragility instead of overcoming it.  This is existentialism woke-style." . . .

Friday, May 28, 2021

Support for Black Lives Matter Movement Collapses Among Whites and Hispanics, Drops For Blacks

 Legal Insurrection; "While the Black Lives Matter movement remains an incredibly powerful force, fueled by hundreds of millions of dollars, it is losing popularity across demographic groups, as the NY Times laments the lack of a “racial reckoning” after George Floyd’s death.

"The NY Times, in a run up to the one-year anniversary of the death of George Floyd, is publishing a series of opinion pieces looking back at the death and aftermath.

"One of those opinion pieces has some very interesting polling data, Support for Black Lives Matter Surged Last Year. Did It Last? The opinion part of the opinion piece is pretty much what you would expect from the NY Times, numerous malicious side-swipes at Republicans, such as casually describing it as “a party often characterized by its racial insensitivity and antagonism toward racial minorities.” So the opinion part is pretty worthless, but the data part is important." . . .

. . . "But the other charts and data shed light that perhaps this is not just whites and Republicans. After Floyd’s death, support for BLM surged among whites and Hispanics to the extent that net favorability was higher for a period before falling precipitously in the following months. Here’s the chart:

Biden voters were safe

Rutgers University chancellor and provost apologize for condemning rise in anti-Semitic attacks

 American Thinker  "Apparently, higher education in America has been so poisoned by the radical left that condemning a rise in physical attacks on innocent American Jews is now forbidden — unless one simultaneously indicates support for the very cause being advocated by the groups most prominent in the current attacks.

"Greg Price writes in The Daily Caller:

The chancellor of Rutgers University-New Brunswick apologized Thursday after sending a university-wide announcement condemning the recent spike in anti-Semitic attacks around the country.

Dr. Christopher J. Molloy, chancellor of the university, and Dr. Francine Conway, provost and executive vice chancellor for research and academic affairs, originally sent a message to their students on Wednesday that spoke out against the widely reported increase in hate crimes against Jews.

"The original message, sent out on May 26, expressed concern over all acts of hate and oppression:

Last year's murder of George Floyd brought into sharp focus the racial injustices that continue to plague our country, and over the past year there has been attacks on our Asian American Pacific Islander citizens, the spaces of Indigenous peoples defiled, and targeted oppression and other assaults against Hindus and Muslims.  (snip)

We call out all forms of bigotry, prejudice, discrimination, xenophobia, and oppression, in whatever ways they may be expressed. [emphasis added]

But, apparently, that was not enough to satisfy the "community" at the main  campus of the eighth oldest university in America, as an apology followed the next day: . . ."

This Is DNCNN: 'Breaking the News' Reveals Deep Ties Between CNN, Democrat Power Players


"According to NBC News and other sources, President Joe Biden is expected to appoint Tom Nides ambassador to Israel. Nides’ wife, Virginia Moseley, is Senior Vice President of Newsgathering at CNN."

"This is just one of many ties between Biden and Obama administration officials I expose in Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, my new book revealing the secret ties between the establishment media, Big Tech, and the activist left.

"There appears to be overlap between Moseley’s work and her husband’s. WikiLeaks released an email from 2015 showing Nides tipping off Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta to a favorable CNN poll that was soon to be released.

"Currently an executive at Morgan Stanley, Nides served as deputy secretary of state under Hillary Clinton. He was a top bundler for Biden’s 2020 campaign and is on the advisory board of the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware.". . .

BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Steps Down From BLM With Four Mansions, Possibly a 5th, to Pursue a Marxist Life –

  PJ Media

Complain and you'll be racist.

. . . "BLM co-founder, mega-millionaire Marxist, race-baiter, and mansion-collector Patrisse Cullors is stepping down from BLM amidst a financial scandal. It seems Cullors has made enough money off the bodies of dead black men. She told AP it’s time to focus on her second book and her TV deal with Warner Brothers.

"Cullors says her leaving BLM has been planned for about a year and has nothing to do with the New York Post story regarding her four mansions, all in white neighborhoods, and a fifth home she is looking at in the Bahamas, in the same luxury resort as Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods. Homes there sell for from $5 million to $20 million dollars each. Fellow Marxist Bernie Sanders must be proud. 

"Cullors acquired her swanky empire while stating that the housing market is “racist” and full of “white supremacists.”

"Last year, as BLM protestors were burning America, Cullors bought a “custom ranch” on 3.2 acres in rural Conyers, Ga., with a private airplane hangar, replete with a large studio apartment above it, as well as the use of a 2,500-foot paved/grass community runway that can accommodate small airplanes. Not bad for a Marxist. 

"Big tech did their part to protect Cullors when the New York Post, Tucker Carlson, AND other members of BLM went on the attack. Facebook blocked links to the New York Post story. Twitter locked conservative writer Jason Whitlock out of his account after he tweeted a link to a report and mocked Cullors for buying a home in an area of Topanga Canyon, Calif., outside of Malibu, with a black population of 1.4%. As expected, she labeled the aforementioned New York Post story as “racist” and full of “white supremacy.” . . .

Will the Madness of 2020 Last?

The Epoch Times...Victor Davis Hanson  . . . "But many Americans wonder whether what Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the hard left wrought last year will last when the nation is no longer gripped by 2020 madness.

"Teachers and academics are notorious for furious opposition to administrative bloat. For the last 50 years, administrations have proliferated while the ratio of non-teachers to teachers has skyrocketed—much to the chagrin of teachers unions.

"But in the last year, colleges have gone mad in hiring thousands of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” administrators. Their job descriptions may be vague, but certainly they will not contribute to classroom education. Instead, they will monitor the speech and actions of those who do.

"How long will mostly left-wing teachers unions continue to support such vast diversions of money to armies of new nonteaching administrators?" . . .

Antifa, Democrats, and the beautiful Rose City

Cartoons - American Thinker

'Destroyed': Survey finds Portland's residents fearful of going to 'trashed' downtown (  "A number of residents in Oregon’s largest city are increasingly experiencing angst and unease about venturing downtown, saying it has become dirty, uninviting, and unsafe amid endless cycles of violence and protests, according to a newly released survey.
"The poll, which was commissioned by The Oregonian/OregonLive, found that generally, Portlanders are going downtown less since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. And when asked to give their perception of the downtown area, some of the most common responses included “riots,” “sad,” “trashed,” and “destroyed,” OregonLive reported." . . . "
As for the future of downtown Portland, Brown, 59, added: “I don’t think it’s going to improve on its own. I think it’s going to need a lot of help.” 

Filmmaker Gets College Students to Give to Fake Hamas Fund to Kill Jews  "In a viral clip published this week, documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz approached students in Portland, Oregon, and managed to garner funds to support the Hamas terror organization despite openly presenting the group as determined to destroy Israel and kill Jews.

"Horowitz spoke to some of the students, and many expressed their support for Hamas and terror operations against the Jewish state.

"The radical U.S.-designated Islamic terror group, whose charter calls openly for the murder of Jews, launched over 4,000 terror rockets at Israel from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip over a period of 11 days this month." . . . 

What would these students do with Anne Frank? 

Build Bolsheviks Better: Biden Colludes With Putin To Build Russian Pipeline


"Tell me again, who’s the Russian agent in the White House?"

"Unlike Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, Russia, Russia… Biden’s is not imaginary but very real and in your face. Democrats could never say what exactly Trump did, what precise decision was made, or what policy was changed. He “colluded,” don’t ya know. With Biden, we can start with the Colonial Pipeline hack by Russian conspirators and Biden’s non-reaction to it, Biden’s approval of a pipeline designed to make our NATO allies dependent on energy from Moscow, and, of course, his day-one cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline.

"Trump promised Europe a share in our energy independence including building liquefied natural gas ports to ship and receive the natural gas largess from our fracking energy bonanza. He opposed any pipelines making Europe more energy-dependent on Russia. Enter Joe Biden and son Hunter, who made a fortune doing nothing for Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Joe Biden loves foreign fossil fuel energy a lot, American energy, not so much.

"Bryan Preston at PJ Media asks all the right questions about Biden’s energy surrender to Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs, and criminal hackers engaging in an act of war against a sovereign state: . . ."

Thursday, May 27, 2021

If Democrats can't find racism they will manufacture it from scratch


Biden and the Dems' Situational Racism - American Thinker   . . . "It’s of a piece with Democrats siding with the “mostly peaceful” protestors of last summer (and perhaps again, this coming summer). Who were merely expressing their sympathy for people like George Floyd... by burning and looting the businesses of people who had nothing to do with what happened to him.

"Theirs is a situationally convenient racism. It applies only when it works -- for the Democrats. Like the "mask" worn sometimes by the Woke One and his head priest, Dr. Fauci -- depending on the politics of the situation." . . .

WINNING: Leftist Racist DENIED Tenure at UNC (  "In a time when Black Leftists are buying multi-million dollar homes, a black Leftist get rejected for a coveted position? . . . 

"In her continued oppression {ahem}, Hannah-Jones earned a bachelor’s degree in 1998. Not surprising, she studied History and African-American Studies from the University of Notre Dame, in Indiana. Now we see where she became radicalized.

"Understand that a half-black, half-white woman is now fixated on her blackness, and determined to undermine half of her heritage."  . . .

Tulsi Gabbard Calls on Chicago Mayor Lightfoot to Resign Over ‘Anti-White Racism’ (  “Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white.”

Professors Claim Evangelical Christians Are Racists Who 'May End Up Killing Us All' (

Elderly Asian woman punched in face in NYC: police sources (  . . . "A 24-year-old man was inside the 34th Street-Herald Square station when a male stranger snarled,
“You are Chinese, aren’t you? Give me your s–t. This is black people territory. I will slit your throat,” the sources said. "


"Asian people simply need to understand that NYC is BLACK People Territory, and that no lives matter until BLACK Lives Matter. And lest we forget, our Marxist leaders place the blame for it all at the feet of the hated WHITE people."

Report: McConnell Secures Votes to Block Partisan January 6 Commission

"Butler is also no stranger to being in the headlines. In 2013, the professor faced backlash after calling God a “white racist.” In 2015, Butler made headlines again when she suggested that Dr. Ben Carson deserved a “‘coon of the year'” award."   Good grief

Report: McConnell Secures Votes to Block Partisan January 6 Commission (  "Professors featured on a recent panel hosted by the University of Virginia claimed that evangelical Christians are white racists who “may end up killing us all.”

University of Denver Religious
 Studies Department
“ 'If evangelicals don’t change, they pose an existential crisis to us all,” said University of Pennsylvania professor Anthea Butler. “They are part and parcel of the reason why we cannot move forward, because they say they have religious beliefs.”

“And because they are being selfish and because they don’t care, their racism, their sexism, their homophobia, their lack of belief in science, lack of belief and common sense may end up killing us all,” Butler added.

During the panel, titled, “White Evangelical Racism: The Politics of Morality in America,” Butler also claimed that “evangelicals are willing to die for whiteness.' ” . . .

That Didn't Age Well: Wuhan Propaganda From MSM Laid Bare

  ZeroHedge  "For nearly 18 months, the mainstream media engaged in journalistic malpractice - quashing any suggestion that COVID-19 could have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, because their arch-nemesis, former President Trump, dared promote this very logical conclusion. Let's also not forget the deep ties Beijing has formed within the United States, which include universities, entertainment, sports leagues, and of course, Washington DC and its liberal surrogates.

"So of course, once the lab-leak theory began to circulate in January, 2020, China's 'investments' in the United States paid off, and the entire liberal media industrial complex furiously peddled the 'natural origin' theory, while boldly proclaiming the lab origin hypothesis a 'debunked conspiracy theory.' "  . . .