Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Donald Trump vows to escalate attacks against Alvin Bragg – sources

 Donald Trump vows to escalate attacks against Alvin Bragg – sources. The Anti-Trump Guardian

The former president was stunned by the indictment at first, but after 24 hours he indicated he wanted to politically ‘rough ’em up’

. . ."Trump had already signaled that he would go after the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, weeks before the grand jury handed up an indictment against him on Thursday, saying in pugilistic posts on Truth Social that the prosecution was purely political and accusing Bragg of being a psychopath.

"But the latest charged language reflects Trump’s determination to double down on those attacks as he returns to his time-tested playbook of brawling with prosecutors, especially when faced with legal trouble that he knows he cannot avoid, people close to him said.

"The episode at Mar-a-Lago came on the sidelines of strategy meetings Trump had with advisers and associates about how to respond to the indictment from a legal and political standpoint, sessions which were described by two sources close to the former president.

"The case centers on $130,000 that Trump paid to Daniels through his former lawyer Michael Cohen in the final days of the 2016 campaign. Trump later reimbursed Cohen with $35,000 checks, which were recorded as legal expenses. Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 to federal tax evasion and campaign-finance violation charges.

"With the indictment under seal until Trump’s scheduled arraignment on Tuesday, the exact charges remained unclear on Sunday, though they are expected to include the falsification of business records and additional charges that elevate what would otherwise be a misdemeanor to a felony.". . .

Monday, April 3, 2023

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr says Trump indictment is a 'disgrace'

 Former US Attorney General Bill Barr says Trump indictment is a 'disgrace' | Just The News    . . .. . ."Barr served as U.S. attorney general under President Trump from 2019 to 2020 and under George H. W. Bush from 1991 to 1993. 

"He described the recent case against his former boss as "pathetically weak" during an interview at the National Review Institute Ideas Summit. 

" 'Judging from the news reports, it's the archetypal abuse of the prosecutorial function to engage in a political hit job, and it's a disgrace," Barr said, referring to the indictment.

"A Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Trump earlier this week over his alleged role in a payment to Stormy Daniels in 2016, making him the first former president to face criminal charges.

"Barr said he believes that this is going to be damaging politically for everyone involved. 

"Politically, it's going to be damaging, I think, to the Republican Party, simply because I think it's a no-lose situation for the Democrats," he stated during the interview.. . . 

Hilton: This is a laughable spectacle


"Fox News host Steve Hilton discusses the politicization of the justice system and the indictment of former President Donald Trump on 'The Next Revolution.' "

"Spot on. I’ve said this exact thing. Unless the Democrat party voters are willing to walk away from their radical party and radical party agenda, we are ALL gong off the cliff together. We simply do not have the votes to overcome it, not anymore." Comment to this video

From the Babylon Bee: Trump's Been Indicted. Here Are The 9 Things That Happen Next

Babylon Bee Parody  

"Now that former President Trump has officially been indicted, everyone wants to know how this whole ordeal will unfold. Here are the nine things that will be happening next:

1.Trump will take the best, most beautiful mugshot the world has ever seen - that NFT is going to be YUGE.
2.The entire NYPD will wait in line to take selfies with him - it's tough being a hated criminal.....
8.Trump will escape prison by slowly tunneling his way out behind a poster of Stormy Daniels - brilliant.
9.Every other politician will also be arrested for their crimes - hahahaha just kidding!

    "It's going to be a wild few weeks! Buckle up!!"

While supporters of the former President call it “historic” the Bragg-backing corrupt press used the same term.

 If Bragg is successful at jailing a former Commander in chief then we will have lost America. A land of equal protection, justice, fair play, and innocence until proven otherwise will be a thing of our past.  Kevin McCullough

Trump’s indictment creates a new era for the GOP. Swamp Republicans hardest hit. - American Thinker

CNN Panics – IOTW Report   "Red State: How long have Democrats been trying to throw anything up against the wall when it comes to former President Donald Trump, trying to make something stick? They’ve been trying to get him for years, with the ready assistance of the liberal media in the effort. And now that they may have finally gotten an indictment in a turkey of a case, they’re beginning to become concerned that this is already backfiring on them, that what they’ve done may just be making him stronger for 2024 and he may prevail over them.

CNN commentator/Democratic operative David Axelrod urged the authorities not to release Trump’s mugshot because it might make him even more iconic.". . .

Yes, It’s Okay To Point Out That Alvin Bragg Was “Soros-Backed” (legalinsurrection.com)    “George Soros found a weakness in our system. And that weakness in our system is that the vast power that prosecutors have has now been mobilized for political purposes, and that was his intention in funding all these prosecutors.”

Republicans Risk Running Headlong Into The “Rally-Around” Trap (legalinsurrection.com) 
"Donald Trump’s campaign and supporters are trying to kill Ron DeSantis’ campaign in the womb. It hasn’t been born, but since two days before the 2022 midterms Team Trump has been attacking DeSantis relentlessly, crudely, and falsely. But it didn’t work. While there was some movement in polling towards Trump, the attacks failed in the mission of prematurely knocking DeSantis out.

"Then came Alvin Bragg. If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee, he has Alvin Bragg to thank for single-handedly making Trump a martyr, causing a substantial rally-around effect. It’s understandable and predictable. We’ve rallied-around Trump as a target, as has DeSantis. There is truth to the claim that Trump serves as a proxy for the way many of us are abused by institutional rot.". . .

Two things, however, can be true at the same time: It’s possible to defend against Trump being targeted, but also to understand that a Trump general election candidacy is a likely disaster for Republicans. 

To Everyone Celebrating Trump’s Indictment

To Everyone Celebrating Trump’s Indictment

 The American Spectator

                     Politicized prosecutions never stop with one person or one party.

Dana Bash, CNN

"The news of former President Donald Trump’s indictment by a Manhattan grand jury has been greeted with unabashed glee by Democrats, corporate media outlets, talking heads, and late-night “comedians.” These people clearly have no idea where this kind of politicized prosecution always leads. Once a ruling regime convinces the citizenry to accept the criminalization of political opposition, the inevitable result is a one-party state that systematically eliminates individual rights. That’s what Trump means when he says: “They’re not after me. They’re after you.”

"Those who applaud Trump’s indictment, or the other spurious attempts to prosecute him, are cheering for the demise of their own right to democratically choose their elected leaders. Like the ridiculous Russia collusion hoax, the two unconstitutional impeachments, and the absurd antics of the Jan. 6 Committee, the “hush money” indictment has little or no legal merit. Its purpose is to deprive the voters of the chance to cast ballots for Donald Trump in the next presidential election. His political opponents are afraid he will defeat President Joe Biden in 2024. As longtime Democrat Julian Epstein writes in the Wall Street Journal:

Polls show most Democratic voters don’t want Mr. Biden to run again, but Democratic elites apparently believe that any dissent from party leadership or independent thinking—even in the name of an obvious truth—is dangerous to their job security.…

[Biden]’s always been a gaffe machine, but the condition is worsening. The president seems frequently confused on stage, unable to identify public officials and even calling on a deceased official. None of us can imagine him surviving a press grilling without countless mistake

. . ."[Dana] Bash wasn’t listening. Like everyone else at CNN, she was elated by the prospect that this latest Trump drama might halt the mass exodus of viewers from her moribund “news” network. When Tacopina came on, she could hardly keep the excitement out of her voice when asking this arcane legal question: “Will there be a perp walk? You said you have done many of these before. Most of them do have perp walks.” She followed up by asking, “Will he have to take a mug shot?” Never mind that the U.S. legal system is being weaponized by the Democrats to go after its political opponents. This woman wants Barnum & Bailey.". . .More here...


Trump’s Legal “Super Tuesday”: The Trump Arrest Will Start One of the Most Bizarre Presidential Elections in History

  Jonathan Turley  "The 2024 presidential campaign technically began months ago with the first announced candidates. Yet April 4 will be “Super Tuesday” for America’s first carceral presidential campaign, with the arrest and arraignment of Donald Trump. With the exception of the socialist (and incarcerated) Eugene Debs in 1920, we have not faced the prospect of a president who could be elected with both a term of office and a term of imprisonment.

"The New York indictment of Trump has been widely criticized as politically motivated and legally flawed. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg boasted during his 2021 campaign about being best suited to go after Trump, and he is making good on his boast with a highly dubious bootstrapped legal theory.

"The New York indictment will face considerable challenges. Those challenges will likely take some time to resolve, and if this case follows the customary schedule of criminal matters, it still may be pending when Americans go to the polls to select the next president in 2024.

"In addition, a Georgia grand jury reportedly has finished its work on other charges against Trump. Weeks ago, Emily Kohrs, the forewoman of that special grand jury, gave a series of bizarre giggling interviews about nailing Trump. It is a mystery, given Kohrs’ apparent confirmation of pending charges, why Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has held back on an indictment.

"Although stronger than the Manhattan case, the Georgia case has its own problems but could make it to trial because those problems are largely fact questions generally left to jurors. But it too would likely be pending by Election Day 2024.

"The most serious threat among the potential cases is being developed by Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith. His investigation of Trump’s role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot is unlikely to result in charges and, if it does, is unlikely to survive challenges on First Amendment grounds. His investigation of the Mar-a-Lago classified-documents controversy presents a far more established — and, frankly, easier — route for prosecution. From its earliest filings, the Justice Department maintained there is evidence of obstruction and false statements — claims that it could use to distinguish any prosecution from the unlawful possession of classified material by President Joe Biden or former Vice President Mike Pence.". . .  More...

No Republican is above the law!


Trump’s indictment creates a new era for the GOP. Swamp Republicans hardest hit.  "The indictment and pending arraignment of Donald Trump signals a new era for the Republican Party. The move by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, not coincidentally timed to push aside discussion of documentary proof of bribes funneled by China to Biden family members, has clarified the nature of the actual political system we live under today.". . . 

The indictment of President Trump by the Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg will determine once and for all whether the Republican party is willing to fight to preserve our country, or will tell their friends to “hold them back” as they pretend to throw punches at a much bigger foe.

. . .   “All bets are off. You can expect grand jury indictments of leftist politicians like Biden, Pelosi and Schumer as surely as night follows day,” said Tom Fitton, president @JudicialWatch

. “You can be sure there are prosecutors across Florida and Texas right now who are looking for a state law hook into the Biden family. And if they’re not, they’re not doing their jobs.” nypost.com/2023/03/31/gop   via @nypost

Trump Indictment Outrage | Judicial Watch

"Let’s cut to the chase. Trump is a crime victim. New York Democrats’ reckless scheme to prosecute and jail President Trump is a dangerous attack on the rule of law and a brazen attempt to rig the 2024 elections for President Biden and Democrats. We denounce Alvin Bragg’s corrupt attempt to make Trump a political prisoner. Congress and every responsible government official should do everything possible under the law to undo this attempt to wreck our republican form of government. Judicial Watch is on the case and has filed (and will file) multiple open records requests and other court actions to expose and try to stop this dangerous abuse of power."                           

'Too Old': Joe Biden Rejects Invitation to King Charles's Coronation


"President Joe Biden will likely reject an invitation to attend King Charles III’s coronation in May, with insiders claiming he is “too old” to travel across the Atlantic and attend the ceremony.

"Insiders disclosed to The Telegraph that Biden will attend an event in Northern Ireland later this month but will likely not visit London for the coronation. However, the president’s aides are reportedly “cautious about his foreign trips to prevent exhaustion that could affect his ability to carry out his duties within the country.”

"Despite supposedly being unable to make foreign trips, Biden is expected to announce his bid for the 2024 presidential race soon and is also set to travel to Japan for the G7 summit next month.

“ 'The guy is 80. They space out his big bursts of activity quite considerably,” the source told the British broadsheet. “They did that too with Trump, and he was younger. When Biden does something like the State of the Union address, we didn’t see much from him in the following 48 hours. They don’t like to push him around the world too much.”

"Officials in London and Washington reportedly emphasized that Mr. Biden has not yet made a formal decision regarding his attendance. They have also stated that if he chooses not to attend, it should not be viewed as a snub to the British monarchy, although many Royal commentators and analysts will likely construe it as such.". . .

If I did this in front of the Royal Family, I might have to avoid them as well. TD:    Joe Biden fart Camilla Parker Bowles can’t stop talking about | video | The Courier Mail  "President Joe Biden let out a long, loud fart while speaking with the Duchess of Cornwall at the COP26 summit.

Camilla Parker Bowles “hasn’t stopped talking about” the 78-year-old’s “long fart,” it has been reported.

The pair were making small talk at the global climate change gathering in Scotland last week when the president broke wind, according to an informed source that spoke to The Mail on Sunday.

“It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,” the source told the outlet. “Camilla hasn’t stopped talking about it.”. . .(November 8, 2021)  "Everything this guy does screams ‘too old.’ He can’t keep his bodily functions in check."       

Sunday, April 2, 2023

APRIL FOOLS: Billboard Appears In Texas Roasting Southwest Airlines’ Woke Policies

 100PercentFedUp.  "On Saturday, a billboard mocking woke airlines like Southwest appeared just ahead of April Fools Day, along I-35 South of Fort Worth. The satirical billboard ad featured a fake company called Southwoke.". . .

. . ."The billboard’s tag phrase says “Bringing San Francisco’s baggage To Texas non-stop,” and features depictions of Southwest Airlines CEO Robert Jordan and Board of Directors members David Biegler, Nancy Loefler, Gary Kelly, and Veronica Biggins in drag attire.". . .

. . ."The site also poked fun at the leftist’s hatred toward anyone who does not embrace their ideology, “Southwoke: An airline that’s inclusive of everyone except you.' ”. . .

DALLAS – As part of our restructuring plan to bring San Francisco values to Texas, Southwoke Airlines is pleased to announce that Sam Brinton has been hired to serve as our new baggage czar, effective immediately.

"Known affectionately by law enforcement, TSA, and baggage handlers as “The
 Brinton comes to Southwoke with an impressive resume that includes several successful baggage heists at some of the busiest airports in the U.S. A former nuclear energy official in the Biden Administration and LGBTQ+ puppy play kink fetishist, Brinton was selected for their unique skillset, which Southwoke believes will revolutionize the Dallas-based airlines’ baggage handling capabilities.". . . (Emphases in original)

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century; Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation

 In his last days in office, President Barack Obama made the decision to set the country on a new course. On Dec. 23, 2016, he signed into law the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act, which used the language of defending the homeland to launch an open-ended, offensive information war.

Intellectual Takeout

A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century  "In 1950, Sen. Joseph McCarthy claimed that he had proof of a communist spy ring operating inside the government. Overnight, the explosive accusations blew up in the national press, but the details kept changing. Initially, McCarthy said he had a list with the names of 205 communists in the State Department; the next day he revised it to 57. Since he kept the list a secret, the inconsistencies were beside the point. The point was the power of the accusation, which made McCarthy's name synonymous with the politics of the era.

"For more than half a century, McCarthyism stood as a defining chapter in the worldview of American liberals: a warning about the dangerous allure of blacklists, witch hunts, and demagogues.

"Until 2017, that is, when another list of alleged Russian agents roiled the American press and political class. A new outfit called Hamilton 68 claimed to have discovered hundreds of Russian-affiliated accounts that had infiltrated Twitter to sow chaos and help Donald Trump win the election. Russia stood accused of hacking social media platforms, the new centers of power, and using them to covertly direct events inside the United States.". . .

Are Democrats Really This Dumb Or Just Evil?

 Are Democrats Really This Dumb Or Just Evil? (townhall.com)

"Every once in a while, someone, some adult who you’d assume would know better, says something so stupid you really have to worry they’re having a stroke or suffered a closed head injury. More often than not, the person whose health you’re concerned about is a Democrat. Less frequently, however, that person is the former Speaker of the House. The longer Nancy Pelosi sticks around, the more likely it is that this level of idiocy will become the norm. 

"What did Nancy say? Upon the news breaking about the sealed indictments against former President Donald Trump, the 83-year-old tweeted, “The Grand Jury has acted upon the facts and the law. No one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence.” 

"Granted, Nancy is very old. That passage of time has not just led to her having so many facelifts that her ears touch in the back of her head, but to a slippage of epic proportion when it comes to her already limited intelligence. 

"Our system of justice does not afford defendants with the “right to a trial to prove innocence,” it provides the presumption of innocence unless and until they have been proven guilty. But let’s play Nancy’s game – the media drools over her like she’s something special, so let us follow her lead and provide Democrats with the opportunity to prove they are innocent. Anything less would be wrong, even an “injustice,” would it not?"

UPDATE: Bragg Forced To Admit Key Fact That Could Allow House To Investigate Trump Indictment (100percentfedup.com)  . . ."McCarthy has indicated that the House would be at liberty to investigate Trump’s indictment if the Manhattan District Attorney’s office used federal funds in furtherance of the case against him.

"On Friday, Bragg admitted that the office used $5,000 of federal funds during the investigation in to Trump’s alleged hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

"While Bragg did admit to using federal funds in the investigation, he has otherwise refused to cooperate with the House’s inquiries in to the investigation and indictment of Trump.

"His office has rejected claims that the investigation was politically motivated, calling them ‘baseless’.

"Breitbart Reports ". . .

BREAKING: Name of Judge Presiding Over Trump Case is Revealed… Here’s What Trump Had to Say About Him (100percentfedup.com)   . . ."In response to Trump’s claim that Meet Juan Merchan, the judge presiding over Trump's criminal case was “hand-picked” by Bragg and the Prosecutors, a spokesperson for New York State Courts reported that the District Attorney’s Office “absolutely” does not hand-pick judges for cases.

"Jose A. Fanjul, a former Manhattan district attorney, has a much more positive opinion of Merchan. Speaking to The New York Times, Fnajul(sp) said, “He is someone who reads every word on every page of every filing and every footnote, and then the cases that you cite to him.' ”