Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dear World: Yes, everyone is wrong and Israel alone is right

 Ronn Torossian - American Thinker

Dear World: Yes, Everyone is Wrong and We Alone Are Right. We Are The Jewish people. We will keep doing what is best for us and that’s all. Live with it -- or don’t. 

. . ."This week, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said “no” to a proposal that France, the United States, and Israel would form a contact group to work on defusing escalating tensions with Hezb’allah on the northern border. As Gallant said, “As we fight a just war, defending our people. France has adopted hostile policies against Israel. In doing so, France ignores the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli children, women, and men. Israel will not be a party to the trilateral framework proposed by France.”

"Rightfully, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently said, “If Israel has to stand alone, we will stand alone. If we need to, we will fight with our fingernails. But we have much more than our fingernails.”

"The reality is that Israel is at odds with much of the world as Jews are in danger worldwide -- and as American and western interests are in great danger worldwide.

"The U.S. is delusional when lecturing Israel on a two-state solution. There is no support in Israel for a two-state solution, we have no one to talk to and we have compromised more than enough. Gaza in 2005 was a compromise for peace, which resulted in October 7th. Now, we are asked to compromise again and reward the attacks of 10/7. Won’t happen in this independent Jewish state.

"Israel knows we have to sometimes fight alone, as history has shown us. The reality is that Israel and the Jewish people have throughout history had hardship." . . .

"Proportionality' sucks and so do its adherants  . . ."Regarding the current war: In no wars other than those involving Israel does the world impose a standard of civilian-death 'proportionality.' In other words, "Israel is the only nation on earth that is tasked with protecting its own people and its enemies." . . .

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