Tuesday, June 18, 2024

West Coast Messed Coast™: LA Crazies Claim ‘No U-Turn’ Signs Are Anti-LGBTQ


Catherine Salgado – PJ Media  . . ."In the latest example of first-world imaginary problems triggering mentally unstable leftists, I give you: homophobic u-turn signs!

"Yes, you read that right. Activists in a Los Angeles neighborhood succeeded in getting the city council to remove “no u-turn” signs by claiming they were intended to be anti-LGBTQ. You see, City Councilperself (or whatever the incorrect terminology is) Hugo Soto-Martinez claims, “‘No U-Turn’ Signs were installed with ‘No Cruising’ signs in Silver Lake in 1997 to target and persecute the LGBTQ+ community.” So apparently homosexuals eagerly questing about neighborhoods for a sex partner to cuddle up with and watch The Acolyte are being prevented by eeevil traffic signs.

 . . ."California isn’t the only West Coast state with an idiotic move this week about sodomites and street signs — or, rather, street murals. If you’re a woke leftist activist, you can burn down cities, deface valuable historic statues, and storm Capitol buildings with impunity. But in Washington, three teens who dared to leave scuff marks on a Pride Month crosswalk could be going to jail for several years. Boys and girls, our word of the day is “Orwellian.”

Below is the Washington Times account of this dastardly outrage in Spokane, Washington:

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