Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Liberal politics, BO poison

Thomas Lifson "The public has delivered a strong message to Democrats: back away from the extreme policies of Barack Obama or face loss of office."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dejection fills Maine ballroom after marriage vote

Yahoo News "Five states have legalized gay marriage — Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut — but all did so through legislation or court rulings, not by popular vote."

'V' aims at Obamamania

Chicago Tribune "Nominally a rousing sci-fi space opera about alien invaders bent on the conquest (and digestion) of all humanity, it's also a barbed commentary on Obamamania that will infuriate the president's supporters and delight his detractors."

Mentoring Hamid Karzai

Max Boot "Hamid Karzai is by no means a great statesman, but his return to office for another term does bring with it two salutary consequences. First, it will force the Obama administration to stop dragging its feet and make a decision at long last about U.S. troops levels in Afghanistan."

Open thread: New Jersey

Hot Air "According to early exit poll data released by CNN, ex-U.S. Atty Chris Christie (R) leads Gov. Jon Corzine among indie voters, 58-33%. Indies make up 27% of the electorate thus far today. For comparison, the latest Monmouth Univ. poll — which had an overall two-point lead for Corzine — showed Christie beating Corzine among indies by a narrower margin, 43-33%."

Blogospheric Election Night Round-Up

Pajamas Media "The race has been called for Bob McDonnell. The extent of the win is not yet certain, but it will be a large margin. Very large. Republicans will hold all three statewide offices and will pick up seats in the House of Delegates. Republicans will immediately begin targeting three to four vulnerable House Democrats."

Political Cartoons by Scott Stantis


The "Costs" of Medical Care

By Thomas Sowell "Despite all the demonizing of insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies or doctors for what they charge, the fundamental costs of goods and services are the costs of producing them."

National Education Association recommends Saul Allinsky(sp)

American Thinker "Right there on the official website: "An inspiration to anyone contemplating action in their community! And to every organizer!" [bold in original]"

Oh joy. 108 new federal bureaucracies created by health care reform bill

Rick Moran in American Thinker: "Every single liberal complaint about American society over the last 40 years will now have its own, special bureaucratic office to which the left can go to plead for relief, or seek redress, or initiate more legislation. The bureaucracies listed will worm their way into every corner of American life - snooping, hectoring, issuing grandiose proclamations, initiating "public service" campaigns - a nightmare of government intervention..."

House Health Care Bill Neither ‘Durable’ Nor ‘Desirable’ Says Former CBO Director

CNS News "“We are going to generally raise the cost of existing insurance to those who already have it – and that’s a majority of Americans – and then put in place a fiscally rickety way to get insurance to those who do not have insurance.” “As a result I think that these are reforms which are not durable in any deep sense and are not desirable from the point of view of policy,” he said."

‘Sesame Street’ Trashes Fox News

Big Hollywood "PBS — a network partially funded with my tax dollars — has the right to tell my kids that their parents watch “trashy” news? The message is clear, I can’t even sit my kids in front of “Sesame Street” without having to worry about the Left attempting to undermine my authority."