Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Detroit in Ruins: What liberalism (oops; "progressivism) can do to a city

PJTV STEVE CROWDER: Detroit In Ruins: What Entitlement and Government Spending Buy You. Related: Ford Offers Buyouts to All UAW Workers But wait! There's more! Here: Liberal Politics at Its Best… Nearly Half of Detroit Is Unemployed

Kevin Jennings’ Suggested Reading For Kids Included Sick Book that Promoted S&M to Children- Media Silent

Gateway Pundit "Out of curiosity to see exactly what kind of books Kevin Jennings and his organization think American students should be reading in school, our team chose a handful at random from the over 100 titles on GLSEN’s grades 7-12 list, and began reading through. What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless." Content warning:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Haven’t You Read Obama’s Speech in Oslo?

Ángel Verdugo Exelsior, Mexico "President Obama has given an invaluable lesson on what a true head of state should be, do, and say. He has shown that, above prizes and tributes, the conferred responsibility is and should be above all others."

Our Flip-Flopping Wars

Victor Davis Hanson ""No blood for oil," for example, was once a common anti-war cry. But Iraq's auctioning of its oil leases has gone mostly to Europeans, Russians and Chinese — not Americans. The U.S., it turned out, did not go to Iraq to steal its natural resources. Apparently, we instead ensured a fair auction by a constitutional government that preferred non-American companies to pump its oil. In the end, we were more idealistic — or naive — than conspiratorial."

"Harry Reid's Road Apple" by Glenn Foden


Releasing High Value Detainees to non-existent countries

UncleJimbo "...so we have the Attorney General and his friends in the terrorist fellow travelers camp to thank for this. Remind me again why any operator in the field would ever bring one of these bastards in alive again. Grab ‘em, give them a couple hours of field interrogation and then an unfortunate, failed escape attempt. This administration cannot be trusted with our security." Hey, he said it, not me.

Dead Wrong Durbin

Andrew C. McCarthy "...we can predict that, once the detainees are physically in the United States, there will be plenty of judges who will find: (a) that the detainees enjoy the same broad range of constitutional protections as illegal aliens; (b) that the judicial power to review detention necessarily implies a companion power to order the release of any detainees determined not to be enemy combatants; and (c) that detainees found not to be enemy combatants must be released inside the United States if no other country is willing to take them."

FOX News - Constitutionality of Health Care?

ACLJ "There are growing questions about the constitutionality of the health care legislation that could become law. On the Glenn Beck show, ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow discussed this issue with guest host Judge Andrew Napolitano. You can read a transcript of the interview ..."

The blinded side; "Many reviewers can’t see something to cheer about in the uplifting story of football star Michael Oher"

World Magazine "It's always an interesting experience as a Christian critic to attend a film preview in Los Angeles, especially when the film is as enriching and pro-Christian as The Blind Side, which relates the true story of Baltimore Ravens rookie Michael Oher."

Samuelson: healthcare reform a 'Nightmare for Obama'

Rick Moran "Liberal economist Robert Samuelson has been sounding the alarm for months about President Obama's extravagant spending. Now, he delivers a KO to Obama and his idea of health care reform.Writing in the Washington Post, Samuelson spares no words and lets the president have it right between the eyes:"

Ed Schultz Admits MSNBC Serves as Mouthpiece for White House

Newsbusters "And I find it offensive, and I'm all for MSNBC winning and getting the big interviews, but look what Joe Biden did today. The day that they capitulate on everything, Biden goes on 'Morning Joe' this morning. It's kind of a Cheney tactic. When things get tough, you go to Fox. Things get a little bit tough, well, we better go over to MSNBC where we can say our piece." Ever notice how often the "Law & Order" shows promote MSNBC?

Auschwitz Death Camp Sign Retrieved "Arbeit Macht Frei"

Atlas Shrugs "...the 16-foot (5-meter) sign, made of hollow steel, was found cut into three pieces, each containing one of the words. The cruelly ironic phrase means "Work Sets You Free" and ran completely counter to the purpose of Auschwitz, which began as a concentration camp for political prisoners during the Nazi occupation of Poland and evolved into an extermination camp where Jews were gassed to death in factory-like fashion."