Sunday, June 23, 2024

Ben Rhodes is back, smugger and smarmier than ever

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker

. . ."He said Trump was 'unpredictable' with America's enemies, which he seemed to think was a bad thing, citing China. His talking point there echoed Vladimir Putin's statement that he prefered Biden as the U.S. president because he was more predictable.

"Was anyone looking for a comeback from Ben Rhodes, President Obama's famously smug, smarmy, officious former deputy National Security Advisor, who's best known for being called an "a--hole" by veteran Pentagon correspondent Thomas Ricks?

"Don't think so. But he's back anyway, and according to The Hill, he's out insulting President Trump:

"Former White House national security adviser Ben Rhodes went after former President Trump for his foreign policies, calling him a “chaos agent” who cannot solve problems with other nations.

“Donald Trump — let’s be blunt — he’s not respected. He’s not taken seriously around the world. He’s a chaos agent,” Rhodes said in an interview on MSNBC Saturday. “He’s incapable of working with other countries to solve problems.”

"Speaking of not respected.

"Rhodes, of course, who is a creative writing major, is the famous author of the Iran Deal with its pallets of cash, which the United Nations's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, said was something nobody pays attention to any more.

"According to a story that ran in Breitbart News four days ago:" . . .

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