Sunday, June 23, 2024

Biden Will Not Be the Nominee - And Hunter's conviction is his Golden Parachute.

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   It is only June, but Christmas might have come early for Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

Hunter Biden is destined, or doomed, to wallow in a multitude of consequences for his multitude of sins, legal transgressions, and moral failures, for the rest of his life. He will be convicted, sentenced, pardoned, acquitted, re-tried — all or none of the above, and long after Biden Fatigue Syndrome has expired. Celebrity justice for a grifter.

 "The latest phase in the center ring of the longest circus in American politics, the 2024 campaign, has ended. Hunter Biden is guilty on all counts — where have we heard that before? — and up next is sentencing, another federal trial, and …

"Dispassionate citizens, if there are any left across the landscape, may be satisfied that justice has been done; it was a case where the circumstances and charges were blatant, to an almost caricatured degree. Sympathetic parents and friends of addicts and self-destructive personalities they love, can withhold feelings of joy over the five-alarm fire that is Hunter Biden. 

"There is no doubt, except for his cognitive cluelessness, that Joe Biden, father, grieves over this outcome.

"There is no doubt either that Joe Biden, politician, rejoices at the ironic life-preserver that has been tossed to him as he flails in the vortex of a doomed presidency and a cursed campaign.

"Biden and his wife and sister and handlers now have an ideal face-saving, if not life-saving, “out.” Beltway Biden has fashioned a career from his small-state sinecure of Delaware by excusing, evading, and enduring uncountable scandals, gaffes, and what would have been toxic disqualifications for other pols in other states. For half a century the Bidens’ sense of entitlement has been their hedge of protection.

"Finally, America understands Joe’s mantra about “threats to democracy” because his manipulation of the system has served him well. He has been the personification of that Threat. Yet “democracy” now is his undoing. There is too much toothpaste to put back in the tubes; too many defections from his obsequious base; too many people now laughing at the exposure of Emperor Joe’s new clothes. The sands of Rehobeth Beach finally have run through his hourglass.

"The big debate within his party and the nation at large is not the economy nor the border nor foreign-policy disasters, but … how to kick Joe off the ticket. With grace. Without offending the Old Man. Without insulting Kamala — because surely, her elevation would be the only worse situation than Four More Years of Joe. Who, what, when, where … and how?

"Then, along comes the blindfolded Goddess of Justice, on a charging steed. Things done in her name have been ineffectual in Donald Trump’s case, and cases, but she can save the day for Biden and his “legacy” and the Democrat Party in 2024.

"The political survival of Joe Biden has also been a perennial routine of whining and evading and changed subjects. From college suspension over plagiarism, to lying about his first wife’s death, to faking his academic resume, to inventing facts about his family — one of the times causing him to drop his 1988 presidential candidacy — to shamelessly distorting circumstances of his views on race, his voting record, his son’s death. Everything but actual tears have stained his record. He has aged like a Fine Whine." . . .

Biden: Slip Slidin' Away (

. . ."The weirdest moment comes when the reporters ask Biden to describe his second-term agenda. That's what we in the biz call a "softball question." And here—excuse the long excerpt, but it is necessary to grasp the full absurdity and danger of having this man continue to serve as president—is Joe Biden's response:" . . .  Here are Biden's very words.

. . ."Biden is not just slipping personally. He's slipping politically. The polls have barely moved since May 31, when a New York jury convicted Trump of falsifying business records. Biden continues to run behind Trump, as he has since the fall of 2023. The reason the election is close is not that the public likes Biden. It's that the public is reluctant to send Trump back to the White House." . . .
Biden must be given whatever meds he took to jack him up for his vindictive SOTU speech

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