Thursday, November 7, 2019

“Coup Has Started” – Whistleblower’s Attorney Mark Zaid Said in 2017 Tweets Calling For Trump’s Impeachment with help from CNN

Then, in July 2017, Zaid remarked, “I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president.”
Black Eye Politics  CNN was hiding a terrible truth.
"To the public, CNN looked like any normal news outlet. But the reality was appearances can be deceiving.
The Gateway Pundit photo

"Americans were stunned when a whistleblower dropped this bombshell about CNN that could sink the network once and for all.
"CNN likes to claim they are the “facts first” network.
"Anchors and reporters present CNN as fearless truth-tellers working to tell the real story about Donald Trump’s Washington to the American people.
"On-air hosts, correspondents, and guests line up to label Donald Trump a liar.
"And the network’s coverage is uniformly negative.
"CNN claims this is just journalists observing events and letting the chips fall where they may.
"But that – like so much of what CNN airs every day – is fake news.
"Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz is an expert on Constitutional matters and a frequent guest on cable news.
"Dershowitz made waves by dismissing the arguments that Robert Mueller built a legitimate case that President Trump obstructed justice by firing then FBI Director James Comey.
"Cable news shows across all three big networks – CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC – routinely booked Dershowitz to use his expertise on the Constitution and impeachment to inform their viewers.
"However, Dershowitz’s bookings on CNN dried up." . . .
Zaid in response to a tweet from President Trump on the same day once again boasted of a “coup” to remove him from office.
#coup has started. As one falls, two more will take their place. #rebellion #impeachment” Zaid said admitting that the Deep State will continue to make up new scandals until one does the trick and removes Trump from office. . . .
‘Coup has started,’ whistleblower’s attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment  "Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the whistleblower at the center of the Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a “coup has started” and that “impeachment will follow ultimately.”
"Then, in July 2017, Zaid remarked, “I predict @CNN will play a key role in
 @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president.”
"Amid a slew of impeachment-related posts, Zaid also assured his Twitter followers that “as one falls, two more will take their place,” referring to outgoing Trump administration employees.
"The posts, which came shortly after President Trump fired then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates for failing to defend federal laws in court, were likely to fuel Republican concerns that the whistleblower’s complaint is tainted with partisanship.
“ 'The whistleblower’s lawyer gave away the game,” Trump Campaign Communications Director Tim Murtaugh told Fox News. “It was always the Democrats’ plan to stage a coup and impeach President Trump and all they ever needed was the right scheme. They whiffed on Mueller so now they’ve settled on the perfectly fine Ukraine phone call. This proves this was orchestrated from the beginning.”
"Trump has repeatedly accused Democrats and partisans in the intelligence community of effectively plotting a coup against him, through selective leaks and lengthy investigations.
"“45 years from now we might be recalling stories regarding the impeachment of @realDonaldTrump. I’ll be old, but will be worth the wait,” Zaid wrote in June 2017.
"He emphasized his interest in impeachment in a variety of other posts. “Johnson (1868), Nixon (1973), Clinton (1998) impeachment hearings. Next up @realDonaldTrump (2017),” he said in May.
"Fox News has previously reported on social media posts by Zaid that highlighted what appeared to be open animus towards the president." . . .

Joe Biden Lied For Years About The Car Accident That Claimed The Life Of His Wife And Daughter

RedState  "I hesitated to post on this story because it is based on one of the saddest events that life could possibly hand anyone. On December 18, 1972, 30-year-old Sen. Joe Biden received a telephone call notifying him that a car accident had taken the life of his wife and his 13-month-old daughter and seriously injured his two sons.
"The issue is that, for years, Biden had repeatedly made the claim that the driver of the truck involved in the accident “drank his lunch” that day. According to the judge assigned to the case, there was no evidence that the driver had been drinking. Further, police determined that Biden’s wife “drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck.”
“ 'POLITICO wrote in January of this year that a friend of Biden’s looked into the accident at the time and concluded, “She had a stop sign. The truck driver did not.”
Now, Biden is being called out for spreading a lie." . . .
Daughter of man in ’72 Biden crash seeks apology from widowed Senator

Rosie memos@almostjingoThis is awful. Did you know for years @JoeBiden told people his wife and 13-month-old daughter were killed by a drunk driver, when in fact the accident was tragically her fault. The truck driver was haunted by the accident until he https://www.

. . . "Dunn was haunted by the accident until the day he died, Hamill told the newspaper. “Growing up, my dad never talked about it. He always got very solemn around Christmastime because the anniversary was Dec. 18, and he never wanted to celebrate the holidays. When newspapers had anniversary articles (about the crash), we hid them from dad.”
"She also said she wants to “clear her late father’s name before Biden’s story is even more widely accepted as fact. Suppose he becomes the next vice president. Movies could be made about him and books could be written about him, all falsely portraying my father as a drunk driver. We need to set the record straight and clear my father’s name right now before this goes any further.”
"Biden’s mischaracterization of this accident doesn’t surprise me. It’s part of a pattern of behavior that we’ve come to associate with Biden. He has a history of embellishing events which have occurred and occasionally inventing entire stories out of whole cloth if it serves his purpose. Put another way, this man’s word is not to be trusted." . . .

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Here’s What We Know About The Slaughter Of An American Family In Mexico

The Federalist  "Early Monday morning, three mothers traveling with 14 children between them were ambushed and gunned down in Mexico by drug cartel members near the United States Arizona border. Here’s what we know so far:

1. One car was shot until it exploded and caught on fire.

Rhonita Miller and four of her seven children were shot in their car, which then exploded and caught on fire. Their remains were burned to ashes except for a few bones, enough to identity all five of them were in the vehicle.
"State authorities said more than 200 bullet casings were found near the vehicles.

2. Mother Christina Langford Johnson jumped out of her car to plead with cartel.

Christina Langford Johnson, 31, allegedly jumped out of her vehicle as the attackers shot from the road ahead, waving her arms in an attempt to let the cartel know it was innocent women and children in the vehicles.
“They shot her anyway,” said Lenzo Widmar, a cousin of the victims. “They knew it was women and children.”

3. A 13-year-old boy survivor walked six hours for help.

"Devin Langford, the second oldest of the the nine Langford children who were traveling with their mother, Dawna Ray Langford, hid his surviving siblings under branches in nearby bushes before leaving to find help. Devin walked 14 miles back to La Mora, where he arrived at 5:30 p.m. delivering news of the deadly attack.
"The oldest Langford sibling, 14-year-old Kylie Evelyn Langford, was shot in the foot and stayed with the younger siblings. When Devin didn’t return quickly, Kylie sent 9-year-old Mckenzie Rayne Langford to search for help. After two hours of looking, a search party composed of family members and Mexican officials found Kylie late Monday evening" . . .

Adam Schiff', the darling of talk show hosts and his inquisition

"It is good to be shifty in a new country", once said Johnson Jones Hooper

Schiff Tries, Fails To Beat Trump At Transparency Game By Releasing His Own Transcripts   "House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) surely must have felt that releasing transcripts to some of the testimony in the increasingly baffling impeachment inquiry was a brilliant chess move.
"But the congressman should hold off popping the champagne because the testimony isn’t quite as damning as very likely hoped.
"Take, for example, the testimony of William Taylor, the charge d’affairs of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, who was supposed to be a key witness to the alleged quid pro quo in which Trump supposedly withheld military aide to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into the Bidens’ dealings within the country.
"Turns out Taylor not only never had firsthand knowledge of any quid pro quo (nor second nor even third), but he admitted that the timeline suggests a quid pro quo almost certainly never happened." 
"Taylor, according to the transcript, began by admitting he had no personal communication with Rudy Giuliani, Mick Mulvaney, nor President Trump himself." . . .  . . .

"GOP Congresswoman Scares Hell Out Of Schiff, Exposes His ‘Coordinated’ Coup"  . . . "Rep. Stefanik is brilliantly alluding to a coordinated effort behind the scenes where this entire plot was pre-planned by Schiff and his cohorts. The so-called whistleblower was chosen to come forward.

“ 'Adam Schiff has conducted himself as counsel to the witnesses, and as judge and jury,” Stefanik said. “The American people deserve transparency. These should have been open bipartisan hearings from the start.' ” . . .
Adam Schiff Calls His First Public Witnesses And It Tells Us Everything  . . . "The answer is that they didn’t give Schiff what he wanted. Sondland revised his testimony this week to say he felt a quid pro quo (but not even necessarily an improper one) was “likely,” but also admitted it was pure presumption on his part. He testified he was given no order regarding the matter and had no idea why the aid was actually on hold." . . .

Yet Another Poll On Impeachment Inquiry Raises Serious Red Flags About Schiff’s Show Trial Charade  . . . "This news comes on top of a poll released last week that showed 52% of the American people do no believe Trump’s call was an impeachable offense.
"As I wrote at the time, this is a nightmare scenario for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intel Chair Schiff, who in spite of saying they’d be willing to lose the House over this issue have very deep concerns about how this will play out among vulnerable House Democrats in the months to come (which is one reason why Pelosi initially balked at the idea of impeachment and largely stayed out of the original faux inquiry for months)." . . .
Testimony Transcript Shows William Taylor Never Talked To Trump, Wasn’t Even On July 25 Phone Call   "A top anti-Trump witness for House Democrats admitted he wasn't on the July 25 phone call and had never even spoken with Trump about Ukraine military aid."

California Dems Show Us the Future. Run For Your Lives.

We're horrified by people who commit violence with firearms. They're horrified by people who haven't committed any violence and never will -- but who engage in speech displeasing to Democrats.

Ann Coulter   "In this column, I will prove that Democrats: 1) Don't care about "Russians," (Ukrainians?) or anyone else interfering with our democracy; and 2) they also don't give a crap about guns.
"Let's begin by looking at the Democrats' Platonic ideal of a democracy: California!
California is wholly controlled by the Democratic Party. The governor is a Democrat. The lieutenant governor is a Democrat. The attorney general, secretary of state and treasurer are Democrats. All these positions have been held by Democrats since the governorship of Arnold Schwarzenegger (who was a Democrat). The state Senate is just under two-thirds Democratic, while the assembly is more than two-thirds Democratic. Both U.S. senators are Democrats, as are 46 of 53 members of Congress.
"And what a paradise they've created! For the last several years, with a direct pipeline to the fifth-largest treasury on the planet, California has been waging war on decent people in favor of drug addicts, the mentally ill, criminals, the homeless and transgenders.
"Big political movements used to begin in California. Proposition 13's cap on property taxes led to President Ronald Reagan and a nationwide tax revolt. Proposition 209's ban on affirmative action was followed by Supreme Court rulings restricting the government's ability to discriminate on the basis of race. California's anti-crime rebellion, including a massive prison expansion and the voters' removal of liberal lunatic Rose Bird from the state's highest court, foreshadowed an anti-crime pushback across the country.
"These days, the only California-originated idea to sweep the nation is: banning plastic straws. The state is a calamity. Its optimism and vigor are gone. Instead of "The Golden State," California is now "The Human Excrement State."
"Let's just pray that California is no longer a window into our future." . . .

Bernie loves Ilhan and Ilhan loves Bernie

Where, exactly, is the “Western imperialism” in Omar’s story? It is a Communist cliche going back generations, used most often by the people who enslaved Eastern Europe and starved millions of Ukrainians to death while establishing a communist economic system there.
. . . "The Star Tribune covered the rally in anodyne fashion, focusing mostly on the horse race between Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. It reported none of Omar’s incendiary remarks–her views, like her various frauds and possible crimes, apparently being in the category of things voters are better off not knowing.
"I don’t know Omar personally, but if I did, I would like to sound her out further on the subject of “Western imperialism.” How, exactly, do her own experiences coincide with her Marxist world-view? Omar comes from Somalia, which is one of the worst places on Earth, in part because Western powers have left it alone. Its disintegration into tribal warfare is entirely self-induced. Her family fled Somalia for fear of being killed by members of rival clans, and lived for years in a refugee camp in Kenya. Who supported them in Kenya? The Western democracies, in large part. U.N. aid to refugees in Kenya runs to more than $200 million annually. In 1992, Omar came to the United States as a refugee and became a U.S. citizen at age 17." . . .

Ilhan Omar only got around to marrying husband Ahmed Hirsi last year, but yesterday she she was legally divorced from him.  . . . "Under the decree the parties go their separate ways with respect to their financial assets. Omar is the breadwinner and she’s got the money, honey. Earlier this year Omar received a substantial cash advance — Forbes pegs it in a range from $100,00 to $250,000, but I’m told it was $300,000 — for a book someone is writing on her behalf. Hirsi is broke. I have to think that there is a side agreement paying off Hirsi to assure his continuing silence. As the Star Tribune notes, “An attorney for Hirsi said he has no comment.' ” . . .

ABC News' spiking of Epstein story draws scrutiny toward Clinton ally George Stephanopoulos

Fox News  "The bombshell claim that ABC News "quashed" a story on allegations against Jeffrey Epstein has drawn new scrutiny on the controversy's ties to its own star anchor, George Stephanopoulos.
"Project Veritas, whose controversial founder, James O'Keefe, has described himself as a "guerrilla journalist," published the footage that featured ABC News anchor Amy Robach claiming the Disney-owned network refused to air an interview she conducted with one of Epstein’s accusers and even suggesting she'd uncovered new information about Epstein's ties to former President Bill Clinton as his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was running for president.
"I've had the story for three years... we would not put it on the air," Robach said on the hot mic. "It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything." 
"Stephanopoulos, ABC News' chief anchor on "Good Morning America" and the Sunday program "This Week" who's overseen the network's political coverage, has had deep ties to the Clintons. Before he became the face of ABC News, he made a name for himself as a senior adviser to President Clinton back in the '90s. Ahead of the 2016 election, he pulled out of moderating debates after his $75,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation drew criticism."  . . .
Word that ABC News spiked a story on Jeffrey Epstein, left, shined a spotlight
on chief anchor George Stephanopoulos' ties to former President Clinton.
. . . "However, what's really raising eyebrows is a 2010 report of a party Stephanopoulos attended that Epstein had hosted. 
"Page Six reported that the convicted pedophile held an event in honor of Prince Andrew, who was one of the high-profile figures implicated in the scandal, in his New York City townhouse, and on the guestlist were several members of the media, including Stephanopoulos." . . .

Mexican cartel massacre: Suspect with 2 hostages, assault rifles, bulletproof SUV arrested in border town

Fox News  "A suspect was arrested near the Arizona border with Mexico in connection with the deaths of nine U.S. citizens - six children and three women – Monday who were living in a Mormon community about 70 miles south of Douglas, Ariz., investigators said early Wednesday.
"The victims’ convoy came under fire during the day in an ambush by gunmen believed to be affiliated with a drug cartel in Mexico." . . .

. . . "Officials have said that the gunmen may have mistaken the group's large SUVs for those of a rival gang amid a vicious turf war*
"Eight young children - including babies - survived the attack by hiding in the brush and even though they were wounded some walked miles to get help. Five badly wounded children were transported to hospitals in Arizona for treatment.
"A relative of 13-year-old Devin Blake Langford, who was uninjured in the attack, said he took charge of the group and ended up walking 14 miles for help." . . .

*Really? But what of this? One mother reportedly hid her baby inside her car before she got out with her arms raised and was killed by the cartel."

Big Daddy Baghdadi, a Hero to the Deep State, Is Dead at 48

The Shrug
Paul Dowling  " 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at the helm of Islamic State, dies at 48" —The Washington Post's second of three headlines announcing the death of a terrorist in terms befitting a hero, causing many to realize al-Baghdadi was a hero to the Deep State media complex." . . .

"Securing the ISIS Oil Fields
"Mark Esper, Trump's defense secretary, has said the securing of the ISIS oil fields is a top priority: "At the height of Baghdadi's reign, these oil fields provided ISIS with the bulk of financial resources used to fund its terror.  U.S. troops will remain positioned in this strategic area to deny ISIS access to those vital resources and we will respond with overwhelming military force against any group that threatens the safety of our forces there."  Loss of these oil funds, as a result of al-Baghdadi's death, potentially spells the doom of ISIS while, simultaneously, striking a disabling financial blow to the entire Deep State.
"Four-Dimensional Chess
"So, in taking out al-Baghdadi, has President Trump succeeded in beating the Deep State in a brilliant round of 4-D chess (where the human pieces are manipulated into moving themselves)?  While they were in the Middle East, were Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff maneuvered unawares into outing al-Baghdadi's position?  President Trump is not talking, but this much is known: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a hero to the Deep State, is dead at 48.
"Correction: Washington Post "austere religioius scholar" headline was not the first used by the newspaper, but the second."

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mexican blood is on liberal hands

Don Surber  . . . "Drug abusing Americans have turned Mexico into a narco-state. Last night, a drug cartel murdered nine Mormons in Mexico in an attack that should shame America's potheads, meth-heads, and coke users. The blood of the LeBaron family is on their hands." . .
. . . "The victims were members of La Mora, a decades-old settlement in Sonora state founded as part of an offshoot of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints about 70 miles south of Douglas, Arizona.
"The mothers were driving from Bavispe to a wedding in LaBaron, a community in the state of Chihuahua, when their three vehicles loaded with children were hit by gunfire. One of the vehicles exploded in flames.
"All of the victims were apparently related to the extended LeBaron family in Chihuahua, whose members have run afoul of the drug traffickers over the years. Benjamin LeBaron, an anti-crime activist who founded neighborhood patrols against cartels, was killed in 2009 in a watershed moment in Mexico's drug war.
"The attack happened Monday near Rancho La Mora on the border between Sonora and Chihuahua in a remote, mountainous area where the Sinaloa cartel has been engaged in a turf war with another gang. The ambush scene stretched for miles." . . .
. . . "Eight children were found alive after escaping from the vehicles and hiding in the brush; several had bullet wounds or other injuries.
"Staddon said her brother discovered the smoldering, bullet-ridden vehicle.
" 'It's devastating," she said. "It's incomprehensible, the evil. I don’t understand how someone could do that." 
"Another relative, Julián LeBaron, identified one of the victims on his Facebook page as Rhonita María LeBaron.
"Staddon gave her name as Rhonita Miller, 33. She said Miller's four children who died inside the car were ages 8, 10 and 4-month-old twins, a boy and a girl." . . .
Suspected drug cartel gunmen kill nine members of a family in ambush in Mexico

. . . There is more to the story that will unfold over the next few days. "But people breaking the law to get high are the silent partners in this evil. It is satanic and it has been for decades. Some of the same people who decried "separating" families use the illegal drugs that paid for the bullets that killed the LeBaron family."  Don Surber

Retired Army Officer Remembers Lt. Col. Vindman as Partisan Democrat Who Ridiculed America

The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as [2013]. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him. This is not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you…he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended!

Lt. Colonel Jim Hickman 
American Greatness  . . . "Hickman said he decided to come forward because Vindman “disobeyed a direct order from the commander-in-chief, his boss,” made his testimony “about his foreign policy opinions versus facts,” and “wore his Army service uniform to make a political statement” against the president.
“Then right on cue, the mainstream media began calling him a war hero with a purple heart, and completely beyond reproach,” Hickman wrote in a statement to American Greatness and another journalist. “Knowing his political bias, backed by his somewhat radical left-leaning ideology, it was my obligation, indeed my duty, to come forward with this information. I couldn’t go to the same mainstream media to put it out, nor could I go to the Army, as they’re backing Vindman, so I took to Twitter, a source for getting the truth out,” he added.
"According to Hickman, Vindman was the Defense Department attaché at the Russian embassy in Germany when he met him in 2013. He told American Greatness that he also met Vindman’s twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman while he was stationed in Germany." . . .

Dems’ ‘Star Witness’ Never Had Direct Contact with Trump, Had ‘Concerns’ About Ukraine Phone Call  . . . "The Federalist’s Sean Davis suggested in a tweet that Vindman may have maliciously leaked details about the Trump-Zelensky phone call to help spark the “inquiry.' ” . . .

Rocket ship Beto flames out upon leaving the pad

Beto, the biggest one-hit wonder since Question Mark & The Mysterians
. . . "Why did Beto fail so miserably?
"First, Beto really fell for the idea that the 2018 election was about him rather than a massive effort to defeat Senator Ted Cruz.
"Second, and as they say in show business, Beto really believed his own press clippings.  He bought the whole idea, especially the nonsense about the late Senator Robert F. Kennedy look.
"Third, he chose to run to the left of everybody on the stage.  It was a strategic mistake because the party is looking for someone closer to the middle.
"Finally, Beto did not stand for anything specific except confiscating AR-15s.  His agenda was a medley of ideas generated by others, and his goals were lofty nonsense.  Beto's exploitation of the El Paso shooting was obscene.
"O'Rourke got away with it in 2018 because he "skateboarded" from rally to rally.
"He was never forced to explain to Hispanic audiences his position on abortion after 20 weeks.
"Beto also never got a question about how President Trump's tax plan benefited his wealthy father-in-law.  Beto called it a gift to the rich but was never asked if that included his wife's family." . . .
Ian Macfarlane