Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Joe Biden reality show: Most stage-managed presidency in history keeps undermining itself

Democrats are increasingly itchy about a president who seems isolated and disconnected. But what's the alternative?

. . ."Following the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, on the Fourth of July, there is growing criticism from members of Biden's party, who accuse the president of not saying enough about this important issue. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden has approached the continuing gun violence issue with "passion" and "fury." Some of his fellow Democrats, however, have reportedly begun to doubt both of those. Some of that criticism comes from Congress, where it is obvious they mistake "fury" for action. It would also explain why Congress often seems so furious and yet takes so little action. 

"Biden has done himself no favors because even the press (which, until recently, was still in a honeymoon with the White House) says he continuously hides from the public. He's had just one full news conference at the White House — during the pandemic, with relatively few reporters present — and he routinely avoids putting himself in situations where the press can ask him questions"…

Fetterman's Murderous Campaign Aides: How It Really Happened

 As the hulking man tossed pink T-shirts into the crowd and roared, "I am John Fetterwoman," he drew conservative commentators' ire but screams of approval from a heavily female abortion-rights crowd. Axios

Ann Coulter "Dr. Mehmet Oz, Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, recently attacked his opponent, the ridiculous Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, for a pro-criminal record that would embarrass George Soros. Specifically, he criticized Fetterman for employing as aides on his campaign Dennis and Lee Horton, who spent 27 years in prison for a horrific armed robbery murder.

"Drunk on his own self-righteousness, Fetterman sanctimoniously responded: “Does Dr. Oz believe that the wrongfully convicted should die in prison?” He added that the brothers “spent 27 years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.”

"Members of the media, who fervently believe our prisons are just bursting at the seams with completely innocent men, didn’t need to hear more. Suddenly, the entire media-big tech-entertainment conglomerate was screaming at Oz: HOW DARE YOU, YOU MORALLY BANKRUPT DOUCHEBAG! THESE TWO MEN WERE PROVED INNOCENT!

"Were they now?". . .

. . ."Look, it would be one thing if Fetterman defended his years-long PR campaign on behalf of the murdering Horton brothers by saying, They’ve served long enough! Everybody deserves a second chance. I would disagree, especially because the brothers continue to deny their guilt — but in that case, at least Fetterman would only be a gullible fool, and not a despicable, bald-faced liar."

NBC News Actively Trying To Get Videos Showing How Disabled John Fetterman Is Censored On The Internet To Protect Him… | Weasel Zippers  . . ."Mainstream journalists claim to oppose fascism, yet have thus far declined to investigate Fetterman's affection for the Nazi regime. Given how they reacted—hysterically—when Fox News host Laura Ingraham appeared to give a Nazi salute at the Republican National Convention in 2016, the media's silence on this matter is tantamount to an explicit endorsement of racial hatred.". . .

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Biden-Obama-Hillary FBI in action


'My Pillow' Guy Mike Lindell Says He Was Swarmed by FBI in Hardee's Drive-Thru – PJ Media

. . ."Lindell claims he ordered his food and moved forward when a car pulled in front of him. Lindell told his fishing buddy, “It’s either a bad guy or the FBI.” Another car pulled up on his right, and a third car pulled in behind him.

"The affable Lindell claims he got out of his car and asked, “Who are you?”

"An agent identified himself as being from the FBI. Lindell asked for the FBI’s badges. He then asked if they were going to arrest him. They said no, they just wanted to talk. Lindell seemed almost disappointed that they weren’t going to take him in.". . .

Yes, Biden Admin Knew About FBI Probe Into Trump and Pushed It - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Report: Documents Show Biden White House Involvement in Trump Criminal Probe (  . . . "Wall confirmed the Biden administration would not “honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege” after Corcoran sent his letter to Stern.

"Weeks after Wall’s letter to Corcoran, the DOJ sent Trump’s attorney a grand jury subpoena requesting the return of any national security documents left at Mar-a-Lago, roughly two months before the FBI raid on Trump’s home.

"Legal scholar Alan Dershowitz criticized the Biden administration’s waiver of Trump’s executive privilege claim during an interview with Just The News.

“ 'I was very surprised. The current president should not be able to waive the executive privilege of a predecessor, without the consent of the former president. Otherwise, [privilege] means nothing,” Dershowitz said. “What president will ever discuss anything in private if he knows the man who beat him can and will disclose it.”

“The best thinking is that an incumbent president cannot waive the right of the previous president. It would make a mockery of the whole notion of privilege,” Dershowitz continued.". . .

The FBI knowingly paid anti-Trump informant with possible ties to Russian intelligence - American Thinker

New Durham bombshell: FBI paid Russian accused of lying as a confidential informant against Trump | Just The News  "In a bombshell revelation, Special Prosecutor John Durham revealed Tuesday in court filings that the FBI paid a Russian businessman as a confidential human source in the investigation of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign even though it had prior concerns that businessman was tied to Moscow's intelligence services.". . .

Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant (  . . ."But we’ll start with the the most damning development: Danchenko was on the FBI payroll as a confidential human source (CHS) from March 2017 through October 2020.

"The purposes of making Danchenko a CHS should be quite clear. The Crossfire Hurricane investigation was plagued with problems from the outset. The reasons for opening the investigation were bunk. Those problems continued as the investigation went on, with claims of Trump/Russia collusion proven unverified or outright false. (Thus the targeting of Flynn for a Logan Act violation.)". . .

CNN Notes “Unfortunate Split Screen” As Stock Market Tanks And Biden Celebrates…

 Weasel Zippers

Biden ruins a perfectly decent 9/11 speech

Joe, as we best know him.

 Andrea Widburg  . . ." Biden seems to have forgotten that we are not a democracy in America.  The Founders despised democracy, believing (correctly) that it is a recipe for mob rule.  Instead, we are a republic.  But Biden's misunderstanding of the Constitution he swore to defend isn't the point.

"Anybody listening to Democrats since January 6, 2021 understands what it means when they speak obsessively about attacks on and the need to defend "democracy": they're asserting that the real terrorists in America are those people who have asked for more inquiry into the election results that put Biden in the White House.

"When Democrats challenged both George W. Bush's and Donald Trump's election victories, that was "democracy."  Meanwhile, when Biden's election victory is challenged, that's an attack on democracy (an "insurrection," if you will).  We know, therefore, what Biden was saying.  His speech went from decent to being an insult to Americans.  How typical for that nasty old man."

The Looming Crisis that Could Cost the Country and Sink Dems Chances in Midterms – RedState

Go faster, faster! It's catching up with us!

Larry Kudlow: The highest inflation in 40 years is deeply embedded in the economy and spreading | Fox Business    "Today's CPI inflation report shocked Wall Street and the nation with a significantly higher than expected print. Pollyannas everywhere are painfully learning that there's no magic cure. There's no easy way out. After several years of excessive federal spending, regulating, taxing and money-printing, the highest inflation in 40 years is deeply embedded in the economy and it is spreading. The only significant decline came with gasoline prices. Overall, the topline CPI came in at 8.3% for the year — food is up 11.4%, even energy is still up 24%. Electricity is up 16%; natural gas 33%; new cars 10%."

The Looming Crisis that Could Cost the Country and Sink Dems Chances in Midterms – RedState  "If media wasn’t an arm of the DNC, Joe Biden’s poll numbers would be lower than a snake’s belly–but as it is, Biden can deliver inflation-causing, economy wrecking legislation and the media will carry his water."

"When the “Inflation Reduction Act” was passed, media called it a victory to Biden’s agenda – ignoring the fact that it wouldn’t reduce inflation. In fact, it’s an $800 Billion spending bill. Its only relation to “inflation” was how much it would fuel it. When he signed it, the Washington Post never mentioned Inflation in its headline. WaPo called it:

"Biden signs sweeping bill to tackle climate change, lower health-care costs

"What happened to inflation reduction?". . .

"The American people won": Biden celebrates Inflation Reduction Act as food, rent prices climb - The Global Herald   "U.S. President Joe Biden signed Democrats’ landmark climate change and health care bill into law on Tuesday, delivering what he has called the “final piece” of his pared-down domestic agenda, as he aims to boost his party’s standing with voters less than three months before the midterm elections.

"The legislation includes the most substantial federal investment in history to fight climate change — some $375 billion over the decade — and would cap prescription drug costs at $2,000 out-of-pocket annually for Medicare recipients. It also would help an estimated 13 million Americans pay for health care insurance by extending subsidies provided during the coronavirus pandemic. 

"The measure is paid for by new taxes on large companies and stepped-up IRS enforcement of wealthy individuals and entities, with additional funds going to reduce the federal deficit.". . .

Crises like never before -- and Joe Biden's team celebrates - American Thinker

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Woke Defense Department diversity officer mocks 'white folx' and 'Karens' in newly uncovered tweets

'I'm exhausted with these white folx': Black female diversity officer at Dept of Defense boasted on Twitter about reprimanding a white woman for her 'CAUdacity' after she said 'black people can be racist too'

A senior official in the Pentagon's education wing who has written books on anti-racism has a history of mocking white people on Twitter, recently-resurfaced posts revealed on Tuesday.

Kelisa Wing is the chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer in the Department of Defense's Education Activity office, which oversees schooling for children of Pentagon employees including active duty service members. 

But before she landed the role, Wing made a few controversial social media posts including one that disparaged a woman for stating that black people 'can be racist too.'

She's also listed as an author on several progressive children's books in a series called 'Racial Justice In America.' 

One book is called 'What Is White Privilege,' while another is 'What Does it Mean To Defund the Police?'

The former has lines such as: 'If you are White you might feel bad about hurting others or you might feel afraid to lose this privilege.'

It also asks white children to consider if they will 'really feel good at the end of the race when you look back and see others fighting obstacles that you didn't even have?'

 "A senior official in the Pentagon's education wing who has written books on anti-racism has a history of mocking white people on Twitter, recently-resurfaced posts revealed on Tuesday.

"Kelisa Wing is the chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer in the Department of Defense's Education Activity office, which oversees schooling for children of Pentagon employees including active duty service members. 

"But before she landed the role, Wing made a few controversial social media posts including one that disparaged a woman for stating that black people 'can be racist too.'  ADVERTISEMENT

"She's also listed as an author on several progressive children's books in a series called 'Racial Justice In America.' 

"One book is called 'What Is White Privilege,' while another is 'What Does it Mean To Defund the Police?'

"The former has lines such as: 'If you are White you might feel bad about hurting others or you might feel afraid to lose this privilege.'

"It also asks white children to consider if they will 'really feel good at the end of the race when you look back and see others fighting obstacles that you didn't even have?'". . .

Not just a Democrat; a Biden Democrat!

‘Absolute moron’: Douglas Murray slams CNN anchor for ‘racist hatred’

‘Absolute moron’: Douglas Murray slams CNN anchor for ‘racist hatred’ - YouTube

 "Author Douglas Murray has slammed CNN anchor Zain Asher as an “absolute moron” after she claimed the Royal Family is grappling with a legacy of “the potential paying of reparations”.

"He said when people talk about reparations it demonstrates their “incredible ignorance”. “She has no idea in her racist hatred that Britain paid reparations 250 years ago,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi.". . .

The comments to this video included these remarks:
"It’s depressing that as an American, I have to rely on a news channel on a continent halfway around the world, as it has become impossible to trust our so called news media here to give factual, unbiased news. That said, I too mourn the passing of the Queen. She exemplified classiness, despite a changing world and family drama."

"I’m an American and I’m so ashamed of how the liberal left media and these so called educators are bashing a great woman who has died. They are completely unhinged and ignorant."

"How right you are Mr. Murray. As an American in my late 60's, I can only shake my head at the ignorance shown by today's American news media and academics. I was there at the start of the radicalizing of America's youth in the 1960s, and it has only gotten worst over the decades. All I can say is. "GOD save us from our own ignorance/stupidity!' "

Trump's 2020 Gas Price Prediction Comes True: $7 Plus Under Biden


Trump Was Right Again: Russia Shuts Gas Off for Europe…Indefinitely - The Lid

Trump's 2020 Gas Price Prediction Comes True: $7 Plus Under Biden   . . .“They [wind farms] ruin the environment, they kill the birds and they cost a fortune,” Trump explained. “We have natural gas…costs us nothing. Actually nothing. They burn it off. When you look at all of those flames on top of the wells, that’s natural gas that they burn off. They throw [it] away…and we want to give that away for windmills.”

"The average price of gas is just six cents away from breaking the all-time 2008 record of $4.11. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, oil prices have continued to surge and gas prices have increased to over $4.00 per gallon.

"Instead of supporting American energy independence, Biden is likely seeking a substitute for Russian oil, which  finances the Russian invasion of Ukraine, though Biden has not sanctioned relevant Russian energy suppliers. Russia provided ten percent of global supply last year.". . .

Russia has blamed sanctions imposed by the US and its Western allies for the technical disruptions to energy shipments, but European nations have accused President Vladimir Putin of weaponizing the export of gas and oil in an effort to punish them for supporting Ukraine militarily​.

BIDENFLATION: Americans Who Need To Work Second Job Hits 30-Year High - The Lid  "Dems are DESPERATE to find stories they can spin to make Biden’s economy look better, Trump’s economy look worse, or maybe both. But reality keeps getting in the way.

"They pull no end of dirty tricks and rhetorical sleight of hand. One day they’re redefining ‘recession’ so Biden won’t be presiding over a recession at midterms.

"Another day they’re claiming that people returning to work under Biden after government edicts artificially shut down entire economic sectors for years is somehow a comparable victory to Trump slashing taxes and red tape to create record-setting low unemployment rates across all categories, including women, minorities, youth, and even the disabled.

"They use the pandemic to artificially reframe job numbers to help their team and hurt the other team.". . .

Tucker Carlson warns that Biden is actively criminalizing political opposition -

Both Fetterman and Biden are seriously incapable of governing anything; they are both merely tools to be used by the left in America who hate this nation and its founding. A tool can do nothing on its own but only what its owner is capable of making it do; much like the applause machine in a TV talk show studio. The sign lights up and produces youthful cheers and applause in response to the most inane leftist statements by those we allow into our homes. TD

Remember the 2011 union (Democrat) occupation of the Wisconsin state capitol building?

 American Thinker  "When I started watching Tucker Carlson, one of the things that made him enjoyable was that he always kept a little bit of an ironic distance from what he was covering. In recent months, though, that has changed. Tucker’s angry and righteously so. Monday night’s monologue may have been his most fiery yet because he focused on something we’ve all seen from the moment Biden swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”: As all totalitarian regimes do, Biden is using the instruments of government to persecute his political opponents.

"We saw it when Biden and his armed bureaucrats characterized a large protest and an accompanying small riot at the United States Capitol (especially compared to past Democrat and BLM riots) as an “insurrection.”

"We saw it when they imprisoned those people who had entered the Capitol (many under the impression that they were allowed to be there) and proceeded to hold them without bail, charges, or trial. When Democrats engaged in violent protests across America from January 2016 forward, Biden and his cohorts characterized those protests as “mostly peaceful” and righteous First Amendment actions aimed at challenging a fake president. Remember “The Resistance”?

"We saw it when the same administration that’s copacetic about drug, sex, and child trafficking across a completely open border engaged in an all-out nationwide manhunt to track down every granny who wandered awestruck through the Capitol rotunda taking photos.". . .

Tucker Carlson: Biden DOJ Has Targeted ‘Dozens and Dozens’ of Trump Allies in Latest Crackdown on ‘Enemies of the Regime’ › American Greatness  
. . .The host marveled that we’ve reached the point in Biden’s authoritarian regime where federal agents are showing up at the doors of law-abiding Americans based on the allegations of  “anonymous snitches.”“This is Soviet, and there’s no other word for it,” he said.

Tucker Carlson Reads Off List of Trump Allies Targeted, Harassed and Subpoenaed by Biden Regime and Merrick Garland's DOJ in Ongoing Political Purge (VIDEO)   "On Sunday liberal media host Chuck Todd asked Kamala Harris if the threat from Trump and conservatives was as great as the threat from Al-Qaeda when they murdered 2,

Chuck Todd: We are now at the 21st marking of the September 11th attacks. This was a foreign terrorist attacking our democracy, attacking this country. We are now as a nation fighting a threat from within. Is the threat equal or greater than what we faced after 9-11?

 . . .

FBI Concerned That If MAGA Doesn't Conduct A Terrorist Attack Soon They'll Have To Fake One | Babylon Bee Parody   

. . ."The attempts to get "MAGA Republicans" to commit terrorism have escalated in recent weeks. The gentle initial prodding of the Mar-A-Lago raid failed to evoke a riot, and the prodding was then escalated to a speech by Biden with obvious fascist overtones attacking Trump supporters, finally culminating in the raiding of over 50 Trump ally homes last week. "If that doesn't do it, what will?" said Wray.

"Critics have contended that there is no widespread evidence of the FBI's history of supporting and propagating terrorism to justify crackdowns on the current administration's political enemies. Ted Cruz, however, has asked pointed questions about FBI involvement in perpetrating the events of January 6, and Cruz asked Justice Department representatives whether the FBI was involved. The FBI has provided a comprehensive answer to Cruz, saying "Shut up."

Obama smacked down for gaslighting about Americans being 'better off' under Joe Biden

 American Thinker   "In comparison to Joe Biden, Barack Obama appears to be a picture of probity, wisdom, and dignity. 

"But in reality, he's just a more unflappable liar, and now that Democrats are on the rocks in the polls, he's cribbed a page from Ronald Reagan, a man he's always had a curious fascination for, claiming that "the country is better off than when you took office.  We should all be deeply grateful for that."

"If Obama were to ask that as a question, the way Reagan once did, the open-ended answer would not have been to his liking, so Obama supplied the answer, too.

"He was all gaslighting.

"The geniuses at Issues & Insights have a tremendous takedown of that ridiculous claim, going point by point, with hard numbers, showing just how phony that Obama statement was, beginning with this memorable lede:

When he wasn't admiring his White House portrait, Barack Obama managed to say a nice thing about President Joe Biden. He must have been joking, though, because what he said defies reality.

"Joe, it is now America's good fortune to have you as president," Obama said. "The country is better off than when you took office. We should all be deeply grateful for that.". . .


Monday, September 12, 2022

$500,000 National Science Foundation Grant Produced Paper Saying Science Is Racist |

 Somehow I have little confidence in the "wisdom" of the American electorate and this nation's capacity for choosing competent leaders. I look ahead to this next election with concern and a large bit of pessimism. TD

The Daily Wire

 . . ."argue that physics was racist, in part because it rewards students for getting the right answer and uses [- wait for it - ] whiteboards."   Whiteboards!

"A $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation funded a 22-page “study” that used Critical Race Theory to argue that physics was racist, in part because it rewards students for getting the right answer and uses whiteboards.

"The paper was funded through National Science Foundation Grant No. 1760761, which gave $500,000 to Seattle Pacific University for “understanding centrality and marginalization in undergraduate physics teaching and learning.”

“ 'Critical Race Theory names that racism and white supremacy are endemic to all aspects of U.S. society, from employment to schooling to the law,” the paper reads. “We see the outcomes of this in, for example, differential incarceration rates, rates of infection and death in the era of COVID, and police brutality. We also see the outcomes of this in physics.”

"In exchange for the hefty government funding, two scholars — a “chronically ill and disabled, physics-Ph.D.-holding, thin wealthy white woman” and a black man — watched videos of four science lessons, and spoke to two students and the teacher over Zoom.

"The paper indicts all of physics as racist by isolating a six-minute presentation of a group project in one of the videos and turning it into a metaphor. In the presentation, one male group member does all the work for the group, while the other two female members make jokes and ask questions demonstrating that they did not understand the topic. After the group solved the problem of how much heat it would take to raise a bucket of water’s temperature one degree, the student who had done all the work presented the results to the class on behalf of his group, at his peers’ behest.". . .