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Showing posts sorted by date for query alyssa milano. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2019

President Trump and Republicans stand between these people and us

Watch: Alyssa Milano, Katie Hill Headline L.A. Impeachment Rally: ‘Impeach the Motherf**ker!’
. . . "One man carried a rubber head of Trump on a pike. He told Breitbart News he wished it were the real thing." . . .

Trump Issues Perfect Response Following Impeachment Vote  "Late Thursday night, President Donald Trump reacted to the House impeachment vote with a meme on social media.
“ 'In reality, they’re not after me, they’re after you,” the text of the meme, which features a photo of the president, declares. “I’m just in the way.” . . .

At long last, this photo at right has real meaning:
. . . "Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii voted “present” on both articles.
“I could not in good conscience vote for impeachment because removal of a sitting President must not be the culmination of a partisan process, fueled by tribal animosities that have so gravely divided our country,” Gabbard explained, according to Fox News reporter Chad Pergram.
"While the House debated and voted on the articles of impeachment, President Trump spent his time at a rally in Battle Creek, Michigan, delivering on the same message.
" 'With today’s illegal, unconstitutional and partisan impeachment, House Democrats are declaring their deep hatred and disdain for American Voters,” he said. “This lawless and partisan impeachment is a political suicide march for the Democrat Party!' ” . . .

Tony Branco
It Looks Like Rashida Tliab Forgot About Her ‘Impeach the Motherf**ker’ Remarks About Trump  . . . "Russian collusion, which was exposed as a myth, was going to be their main line of attack before then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted his report which torpedoed that narrative. They needed something else. It could be anything. When Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) took to the House floor to give her speech, she invoked how the chamber honors veterans daily and their devotion to service, urging the body to do the same when it comes to honoring their oaths and to defend the Constitution as Americans, not as Republicans or Democrats. That’s quite a call for unity, right? It’s also completely covered in crap. Tlaib’s remarks when she entered Congress in 2018 exposes this whole circus, the entire Democratic Party façade on impeachment. She declared that the new House Democratic majority was going to “impeach the motherf**ker.” I know it seems like several years ago, but there you go. This outburst and Rep. Al Green’s (D-TX) declaration that the Democrats have to impeach Trump in order to prevent his re-election reveal the Left's true intent. We’re impeaching a president because Democrats don’t like him; they hate him. None of the articles that are about to be voted on today meets constitutional standards." . . .

Friday, December 13, 2019

Out Heroding Herod

The American Catholic

"News that I missed, courtesy of The Babylon Bee:"
 NEW YORK, NY—At a special ceremony Thursday, Planned Parenthood posthumously awarded Herod the Great with its highest honor, the organization’s coveted PPFA Margaret Sanger Award.
Planned Parenthood gives the award out to individuals who advance the pro-abortion agenda, and baby-murdering King Herod was the obvious choice.
“Herod fought bravely for women’s rights by slaughtering all the male babies under two years old,” said a Planned Parenthood spokesperson. “He was thousands of years ahead of his time, realizing the progressive value of destroying our kids the moment they become inconvenient millennia before it was popular. Yes, we do wish he had slaughtered the daughters too, but we’re willing to overlook that as this brave women’s rights warrior advanced the pro-abortion agenda significantly.”
King Herod was not available to accept the award, as he is dead. But his ideological successor, Alyssa Milano, accepted it in his honor. “If Herod were here, I know exactly what he would say,” Milano said in her acceptance speech. “He would remind us all that it was his kingdom, his choice.”
 "Go here to read the rest.  Herod of course is a piker to Planned Parenthood.  They exceed his body toll on their slowest day of the year."
Featuring the great actor Peter Ustinov.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global warming, mental illness, and Greta Thunberg

Global warming, mental illness, and Greta Thunberg " . . .La Vagabonde will take roughly three weeks to reach Spain, where Thunberg hopes to arrive in time for the next round of United Nations-sponsored climate talks.
"Without a doubt, Thunberg's travels across North America, which included angrily lecturing world leaders at the United Nations, have gained her fame and notoriety. This is reminiscent of another child, anti-gun activist David Hogg, being elevated to celebrity status overnight. Both Hogg and Thunberg have been honored not because either has any insights, but because they are fresh faces useful in advancing leftist causes.
"Thunberg's case is the stranger of the two. Not only is she a child leading the man-made climate change parade, but a mentally ill one at that. As Thunberg herself has repeatedly stated, she suffers from Asperger's syndrome, classified as a mental disorder by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), along with several other mental conditions. 
"In Greta Thunberg's eyes, her mental illness is not an impediment to her analyzing the hard science behind climate. On the contrary, it's actually an asset. She cites one advantage of Asperger's syndrome is that it provides "remarkable focus and persistence." Or in Greta's case, could we perhaps say the 'remarkable focus' is an obsession?"  . . .

Obama to Greta: 'You and Me, We're a Team'  . . ."If she thinks Obama is on her team, she’s one of the most gullible and uninformed 16-year-olds in the world. Since she apparently knows little about his carbon-consumptive living, I will share that information here. According to TIME, following are a few of the lifestyle choices he made in the first five months after leaving the White House in January 2017, each of which speaks volumes about how seriously he takes his own feigned call for “each and every one of us” to make drastic cutbacks in the use of fossil fuels.' . . . Here are the cutbacks the Obama's have yet to make.
How does this sanctimonious man get away with such stunning hypocrisy?  He gets away with it because the corrupt mainstream media never call him out for consuming the unconscionable amounts of carbon energy needed to fuel his insatiable appetite for lavish living, the planet be damned.
Satire. Much like Schiff's version of Trump's phone call:  Impeachment Committee Calls First Star Witness Greta Thunberg
. . . " 'You have stolen my dreams and my childhood!" she shouted, pounding the table in front of her. The crowd began to get emotional, weeping and shouting and screaming at the sky all at once. "This is all wrong! I shouldn't be here. I should be back in school!"'Even Schiff himself shed a few tears and led the committee in a standing ovation for Thunberg's bravery. "I think we've heard enough. I declare Donald Trump impeached!" Sadly, Schiff was later informed that he couldn't simply declare impeachment."Thunberg concluded her testimony by shouting, "PEOPLE ARE DYING!" to thunderous applause."The committee is now expected to call on other star witnesses like Alyssa Milano, Jane Fonda, and Debra Messing."
Greta Thunberg Mural Equipped With Laser Eyes That Shoot At SUVs

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hollywood #MeToo pioneer Alyssa Milano: I aborted two of my children, and I’m ‘not sorry’

Alyssa Milano’s story about her two aborted children highlights how abortion is lethal selfishness
Lifesite News  . . . "Milano’s confession is revealing. Although the progressive press hails her as a hero, her story highlights starkly what this is really all about: selfishness. Children need their mothers and fathers, but many people would prefer to sacrifice their children in order to pursue illustrious careers. (Countless paths to stardom have been paved with the blood of unwanted pre-born children.) Milano can call it freedom if she likes, but the brutal reality is that two of her children died in 1993 because she felt that their presence in her life would be an unwelcome intrusion. She can claim that abortion is no big deal, she can claim that the decisions were difficult to make, but at the end of the day, the simple fact that this was driven by lethal selfishness towers above it all." . . .

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Alyssa Milano Boasts About Her Past Abortions and the Joy They Brought Her

But first, this: Billboard Will Be Tribute to Chickens Killed in Truck Crash  “ 'PETA’s billboard will let travelers know that the best way to prevent such tragedies is to keep smart, sensitive chickens off the road in the first place by going vegan.' ”

PJ Media
"In the neverending debate about abortion we often hear from the left how abortion is such a difficult, private decision—that we’re even having a public debate on the issue is somehow degrading or anti-woman or something silly like that. However, abortion as a political wedge issue has made the once “safe, legal, and rare” mantra of the left outmoded, and now abortion has become a symbolic act of pride for liberal women to prove their left-wing feminist bona fides. In 2015, the Shout Your Abortion social media campaign was launched to give women the opportunity to share their abortion experiences online without "sadness, shame or regret" with the goal of "destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame."
. . . 
“Fifteen years after that first love had fizzled, my life would be completely lacking all its great joys,” she said. “I would never had been free to be myself — and that’s what this fight is all about: freedom.”
Milano said her reasons for having abortions are “real” — as are the reasons of all other women. “They are ours — and they none of your f**king business.”
"If it’s not our business, why is she boasting about her abortions? If it’s not our business, why is she trying to prove herself by announcing she had the abortions in the first place? Her attitude about how much better her life is because she had them is bad enough, but using it to shore up her feminist credentials seems contradictory to her claim that it’s no one else’s business." . . .

Mississippi prof, who went to Georgetown Prep with Brett Kavanaugh, sues HuffPost

“Defendants’ statements were false, malicious and fabricated, and were published with a knowing, intentional, subjective awareness of, and/or reckless disregard of, their falsity,” Evans’ attorney, John Sneed, said. “Plaintiff has suffered damages as a result of the Defendants’ statements, including emotional distress and harm to his reputation.“
Alyssa Milano relishes the character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh
Clarion Ledger  "A Gulfport professor and advocate is suing the national news website HuffPost alleging defamation involving a September 2018 story on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's days at Georgetown Prep school.
"Derrick Evans’ lawsuit was filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Gulfport against  HuffPost and its former journalist, Ashley Feinberg.
"The lawsuit said HuffPost and Feinberg repeatedly defamed Evans and friend Douglas Kennedy to a nationwide audience on multiple occasions in September 2018 by falsely asserting that they helped arrange the purchase and delivery of cocaine at Georgetown Prep that resulted in the April 1984 death of David Kennedy, Douglas’ brother and the son of the late U.S. attorney general and senator, Robert F. Kennedy.
“ 'These statements were not only false and defamatory, but outrageously so, and were published by defendants with knowledge of their actual falsity or in reckless disregard of the truth for the apparent purpose of creating a salacious story designed to drive internet traffic to HuffPost’s website,” the lawsuit said." . . .

The Kavanaugh family in a proud moment before they had to be taken out to protect them from seeing Democrats destroy their father. . .

... and seeing Democrats laughing at him while they do it. TD

Bob And The Burning Research Lab

Mike Adams  "Last year, I spoke on the issue of abortion at Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California. During the Q&A, a young woman asked a question about rape and abortion. In the process of explaining my opposition to a rape exception to an abortion ban, I said that I believe we live in a world of tradeoffs, rather than a world of problems and solutions. Upon seeing the exchange in a video posted on YouTube, Bob submitted the following question:
We live in a world of trade-offs.” Indeed we do. So answer me this. There’s a science lab that’s burning down, and inside is a 10-year-old child, and next to him is a container full of 100 fertilized human embryos. You can save either the embryos or the child, but not both. What value do you put on life? Is it quantity alone? Or is it something else? 
"This is a common pro-choice hypothetical, which Bob has taken from Ellen Goodman without attribution. As a thought experiment, it tends to intimidate pro-lifers. However, it should not be intimidating at all because it rests on the faulty assumption that our value as humans is contingent upon the intuitive emotional reactions and moral judgments of other humans. Here is the argument in a nutshell: " . . .

Alyssa Milano Boasts About Her Past Abortions and the Joy They Brought Her
Pictured at right: I envision this being the last thing Milano's babies saw as they died. TD
These Hollywood people are endorsing Milano's stance.
"The letter signers vow to “do everything in our power to move our industry to a safer state for women if H.B. 481 becomes law.' ”
As a result, so many babies will endure the William Wallace death depicted in Braveheart.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Alyssa Milano Boasts About Her Past Abortions and the Joy They Brought Her

PJ Media

"In the neverending debate about abortion we often hear from the left how abortion is such a difficult, private decision—that we’re even having a public debate on the issue is somehow degrading or anti-woman or something silly like that. However, abortion as a political wedge issue has made the once “safe, legal, and rare” mantra of the left outmoded, and now abortion has become a symbolic act of pride for liberal women to prove their left-wing feminist bona fides. In 2015, the Shout Your Abortion social media campaign was launched to give women the opportunity to share their abortion experiences online without "sadness, shame or regret" with the goal of "destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame."
"For the left, abortions are something to be proud of, and left-wing actress Alyssa Milano, who recently called for a sex strike to protest heartbeat bills, is still trying to prove herself a left-wing feminist icon by revealing that she had two abortions within months of each other back in the early nineties." . . .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Alyssa Milano's Political Activism Prompts Millions To Ask Themselves, 'Who Is Alyssa Milano?'

(Right)  Milano's publicity death stare at Judge Kavanaugh

Babylon Bee  "Some recent social media posts and public comments from a person named Alyssa Milano have caused millions of Americans to stop what they are doing and ask themselves a crucial question: “Who is Alyssa Milano?”

"The Twitter user’s opinionated tweets on a far range of issues, such as abortion, racism and immigration law, came fast and furious last week and could no longer be ignored. Concerned citizens across the nation were forced to look themselves in the mirror and ask, “Alyssa who?”

"Provocative tweets about current events from the allegedly famous person have sparked lots of discussion and debate among the nation about who exactly she is and what old TV shows she might have been in. Much controversy has also been generated concerning why she thinks people should listen to her opinions and what makes her someone people should listen to.

"The tweets seem to have had their desired effect, as phrases like “who is Alisa [sic] Milano?”, “has anyone heard of this Alyssa Milano person?”, and “where can I buy Milano cookies?” have jumped to the top of the most popular internet search terms.

"At publishing time, sources were investigating rumors that Ms. Milano was a child actor who once starred in a 1980s sitcom called Punky Brewster."

Friday, June 14, 2019

Sex Strike Activist Alyssa Milano Releases Abortion Map To Inform Hollywood Where They Should And Shouldn’t Film

RedState  "Incensed over her failure to stop Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) from signing the state’s fetal heartbeat bill into law last month, but emboldened by her role in getting close pal and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden to flip on the Hyde Amendment, abortion queen and sex strike activist Alyssa Milano is on a new mission.
"Variety reports on a state-by-state abortion map she collaborated on that will help inform Hollywood virtue signalers where they should and should not film:
In response to the introduction of multiple “heartbeat bills” across the country, actress and advocate Alyssa Milano has created a shoot location tool for filmmakers that lists the status of abortion legislation in all 50 states. The bills have caused uproar in Hollywood and inspired boycotts in production-heavy states like Georgia.
“Following the passage of a number of draconian attacks on a pregnant person’s right to choose in 2019, including those in states in which the motion picture and television industries conduct significant business, it has become apparent that those in our industry need to be able to make informed choices,” Milano and activist co-author Ben Jackson said in a mission statement accompanying the report. . . .

Friday, May 17, 2019

The old "Clumps of Cells" trick.

Death Always Follows Democrat Policies  . . . We're no longer up against simple tax-and-spend Democrats; we're up against Democrats whose ideology — an amalgam of the worst mass-murdering and mass-suffering ideologies in world history — has made killers of our kids." . . .

American Thinker
About the cartoonist, Mike Harris.
Here is a link to Mr. Harris's political cartoons.

And here he is in Wikipedia
. . . Harris enlisted in the New York National Guard in 1986 as a 19D Cavalry Scout. He was selected for Officer Candidate School and was commissioned as an armored cavalry officer in 1988, and is proficient with a variety of small arms, armor weapons and demolitions. He is also a martial arts student, having studied judoaikidoTaekwondo, and T'ang Soo Do.[2] He has served in a variety of positions with the Army Reserve and National Guard, and was assessed to the Active Guard Reserve program in 2004. Harris has served combat tours in Iraq and continued to produce artwork for the Army informally while working in operational assignments. He retired from the Army in 2016, at the rank of lieutenant colonel, with 30 years of active and reserve service.
Previous TW post: Alyssa Milano's epic fail on sex strike for abortion driving her nuts

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Alyssa Milano's epic fail on sex strike for abortion driving her nuts

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Thomas Lifson  "You knew this was coming, didn't you?  When feminist and left-wing activist actor Alyssa Milano (remember her attending the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings?) announced that she was going on a sex strike "until we get bodily autonomy back" (meaning, apparently the right to kill a baby in utero, and possibly even after birth, as the governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, suggested), a lot of people laughed."
. . . "It's unclear if she was even vaguely aware of the literary roots of such blackmail in Aristophanes's Lysistrata, first performed in 411 B.C., but she quickly clarified that her poor husband (or other possible lovers) was not the target — so it was not really serious, but rather a publicity stunt:
In the CNN essay, published Monday and co-written with fellow activist Waleisah Wilson, Milano said her sex-strike post accomplished its goal: to spark powerful responses.
"It got the country talking about the GOP's undeniable war on women. And let's face it, with so much going on every day in the news, sometimes we need an extreme response to get national attention," the op-ed reads. "So now that we have your attention: Our reproductive rights are blatantly and systematically being stripped away before our very eyes."
"Yet the Georgia bill was signed into law, despite her stunt.
"Alyssa was not pleased — and reacted exactly the way you would expect a pampered Hollywood type to: a destructive tantrum:" . . .
Liberal stupidity on sex flares up again in abortion arguments
Milano and Cancela are poster children for liberals' moral obtuseness and relentless navel-gazing.  They make reductio ad absurdum arguments, intended as a "gotcha" against conservatives, that work only when one accepts liberal premises.  But conservatives reject liberal premises, resulting in these arguments comically boomeranging: the absurdum turns out not to be all that absurd, after all, and the same liberals who want unrestricted sex and cheap marriage end up defending chastity and marriage's comprehensive sacredness.  Aquinas, eat your heart out.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Be sure to put that Milano Sex Strike on your calendar.

A Sex Strike to Nowhere
It’s always amusing to get a lecture about the interests of women from representatives of Hollywood.

"Lysistrata, the character from the Aristophanes play of the same name, declared a sex strike to try to stop a devastating war in ancient Greece.
"Alyssa Milano, the actress and political activist, declared a sex strike to try to stop Georgia from protecting unborn children in the womb.
"The state just passed and signed into law a so-called heartbeat bill to outlaw abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detectable. This led Milano to conclude that women can’t risk pregnancy until further notice, and that they must stop having sex, at least stop having sex with “cis men.”
Getting some cheap publicity at the expense of
A good man and his family reputation.
"It’s apparently never occurred to Milano that women, not just cis men, support pro-life legislation, and that unborn babies are both boys and girls. In her fictional cause, Lysistrata had mercy and humanity on her side. Milano has neither, although her lack of seriousness makes her a perfect spokesperson for the backlash against the Georgia bill. 
"It is one of a spate of heartbeat bills around the nation that are sure to get enjoined in the courts, but have highlighted the hysterical opposition to the idea that a tiny human being with a heartbeat should be afforded protection under the law. " . . .

Liberal Sex Strike Fails To Score  . . . "They have to play to the no-limits edge to get the nomination, but Trump is going to slam them with it in the general. And the liberal game plan – deny that anyone would ever have a late-term abortion while demanding that anyone can have a late term abortion because it’s the mostest importantest right ever was – just will not fly." . . .

I'm reminded of an episode of "The Mentalist" where the hero, talking with an ex-boss fishing on a pier, lectures him about killing fish for his personal enjoyment. TD

Publicity is where you find it: Alyssa Milano Has A New Crusade: Boycott Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Alyssa Milano Calls for Sex Strike, Ignites Social Media

The actress ignited social media with a tweet calling for women to join her in a sex strike to protest strict abortion bans passed by Republican-controlled legislatures.

Milano pictured in her publicity shot at the Kavanaugh hearings
. . . "Milano received support from fans and fellow actress Bette Midler joined her in also calling for a sex strike with her own tweet. But both liberals and conservatives also lampooned her idea, with conservatives praising her for promoting abstinence and liberals saying she was pushing a false narrative that women only have sex as a favor to men.
"Milano said the criticism didn’t bother her and that her tweet was having her desired effect, “which is getting people to talk about the war on women.' ” . . .
. . . 
Cool. Be extremely careful. If you get pregnant and miscarry, and they can’t prove you didn’t miscarry on purpose, you can get thrown in jail for a long time in Georgia. #SexStrike  Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 11, 2019
"If it sounds like she’s suggesting that authorities will throw women in the slammer for having a miscarriage, it’s because she’s suggesting that authorities will throw women in the slammer for having a miscarriage.
"Miscarriage isn’t a choice. Going out of your way to have an abortionist suck your baby out with the medical equivalent of a vacuum cleaner is."
Anyone who has suffered thru a miscarriage knows how disingenuous you are being here.— Sede Vacantist (@dibassetto) May 12, 2019
That is a lie. Stop it.— Barbara Ansley (@BarbaraAnsley) May 12, 2019
. . .  

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Alyssa Milano Has A New Crusade: Boycott Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets

That would be this Milano, you know.
Viral Buzz
Raising her market value.

"Our favorite actress on the left coast, Alyssa Milano, who is a shoo-in to play Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the eventual biopic of A.O.C., is tweeting her crazy wacky ideas again. She is aiming her mighty twitter following at fast-food chain Wendy’s because their chicken nuggets support rape or something.
"According to the Pluralist this is what the A.O.C. Hollywood version had to say…
Feminist actress Alyssa Milano responded Monday to news that fast-food restaurant Wendy’s would be bringing back its crowd-pleasing spicy chicken nuggets by accusing the company of “refusing to protect farmworker women from sexual assault & rape in the fields.” . . .

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Okay, Let's Talk About Charlottesville

Obama, two days after a black supremacist gunned down five policemen during a BLM protest against the police: "I think it's very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter." Obama, the day after the massacre at Fort Hood with an assailant shouting "Allahu Akbar!" : "I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts." 
Ann Coulter

"So Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign talking about Charlottesville.
"This tells us that life is so good for the fabulous people on the coasts -- the only group the Democratic Party really cares about –– that they can afford to devote themselves to crazy fantasies that make them feel morally superior to other people.
"The Democratic Party used to be about protecting workers' wages. Now the pitch is: I will suck up more to The New York Times editorial page.
"I am in no mood to defend Trump, but the media's wholesale lying about Charlottesville is too much for any sane person to take. Everything the media say about it is the very definition of "fake news."
"No human being, dead or alive, has condemned "white supremacists" more than Trump has. I can't begin to quote all the times he has done so, or this column would be the length of a book.
"Within the first hour of the melee, the #Resist geniuses were already blaming Trump for the mere existence of white supremacists and neo-Nazis. It kind of looks like Trump was going to be called a Nazi no matter what he did.
"At 10 a.m. on Aug. 12, 2017, Rosie O'Donnell tweeted a photo of Nazi flags at the rally, with the comment: "THE TRUMP EFFECT #25thAmendmentNow #stopTRUMP"
"Soon thereafter, Rob Reiner tweeted: "Let's be clear. The hatred we're seeing in Virginia lies at the feet of Donald Trump. Stoked during the campaign, his silence condones this."
"Alyssa Milano tweeted at 11:59 a.m.: "Hey, you going to comment on this, @realdonaldtrump? #AltReich" 
"Trump was a Nazi because some of the people who hate him managed to get on Twitter a few hours before he did that day. (He was golfing.)
"Around 1 p.m., Trump began tweeting about Charlottesville, saying, among other things:
" 'We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!"
" 'We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST."
"The actresses said: NOT GOOD ENOUGH! (Sarah Silverman: "This is on-purpose vague bc ur a wimp that stands 4 nothing ...")
"Trump's statements were a LOT more condemnatory than any Obama statements on either the Dallas cop-killer or the Muslim who murdered 13 people at Fort Hood. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Stacey Abrams says Georgia 'fetal heartbeat' bill 'bad for business'

The Washington Times

"Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said Sunday that a bill banning abortion as soon as a fetal heartbeat is detected would be “bad for business” in the state.

"The controversial bill, which would ban abortions as early as six weeks, is expected to be signed by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. A campaign launched by actress Alyssa Milano and signed by more than 100 celebrities threatens to boycott the state if Mr. Kemp does not veto the bill.

"Ms. Abrams, who narrowly lost to Mr. Kemp in 2018 and is floating a possible 2020 presidential run, said on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” that the bill threatens the state’s booming film business.

" 'think Georgia has to realize that while we’re enjoying an extraordinary boom in the film industry, there is nothing that says it has to stay here,” she said. “We have to be a state that is not only friendly to businesses, we have to be friendly to the women who work in businesses.

“ 'You should not have to worry about your ability to controlling your bodily autonomy because the governor has pushed such an abominable and evil bill that is so restrictive,” she added. “It’s not only bad for morality and our humanity, it’s bad for business.' ”