Saturday, January 2, 2016

24 days to Al Gore’s ’10 years to save the planet’ and ‘point of no return’ planetary emergency deadline

CBS News

"On January 25th, 2006, while at the Sundance film festival, screening “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore said this as chronicled in an article by CBS News:
The former vice president came to town for the premiere of “An Inconvenient Truth,” a documentary chronicling what has become his crusade since losing the 2000 presidential election: Educating the masses that global warming is about to toast our ecology and our way of life.
Gore has been saying it for decades, since a college class in the 1960s convinced him that greenhouse gases from oil, coal and other carbon emissions were trapping the sun’s heat in the atmosphere, resulting in a glacial meltdown that could flood much of the planet.
Americans have been hearing it for decades, wavering between belief and skepticism that it all may just be a natural part of Earth’s cyclical warming and cooling phases.
And politicians and corporations have been ignoring the issue for decades, to the point that unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return, Gore said.
He sees the situation as “a true planetary emergency.”
“If you accept the truth of that, then nothing else really matters that much,” Gore said in an interview with The Associated Press. “We have to organize quickly to come up with a coherent and really strong response, and that’s what I’m devoting myself to.”
"Well, the 10 years are about up, by now, warming should have reached “planetary emergency levels” Let’s look at the data:"
A history of the disastrous global warming hoax  . . . " 'Ridiculous claims – like the science is settled or the debate is over – triggered a growing realization that something was wrong." When the global warming advocates began to tell people that cooling is caused by warming, the public has realized how absurd the entire UN climate change argument has been." . . .  
By Alan Caruba, late and lamented.

Juries Not Buying Into Obama's Racist-Cop Conspiracy Theories

Cleveland police said the pellet gun carried by 12-year-old Tamir Rice was “indistinguishable from a real firearm.”

. . . "It was supposed to be a slam dunk case of a racially motivated police shooting. But newly enhanced surveillance video made it "indisputably clear" that the boy approached the cop, lifted his shirt and reached for the pellet gun, which was "indistinguishable" from a real gun.

"Before shooting, the officer yelled repeatedly, "Show me your hands" as loud as he could. But the boy refused to comply, brandishing the gun instead.
"he grand jury also learned that Tamir Rice appeared much older than 12. At 175 pounds and wearing size 12 shoes, he looked like a young man when the officer and his partner responded to a call of a "guy with a pistol" scaring people.
Of course, that's not how Black Lives Matter protestors have portrayed the facts. They convinced the gullible media that the two racist patrolmen pulled up on an innocent little boy as he played with a toy in the park and gunned him down in cold blood. They demanded city officials charge the cops with murder.

"Jurors heard the actual facts in the case and concluded there was no reason for the cops to know that Rice was threatening them with a pellet gun and therefore had reason to fear for their lives. And they found no racial animus in the tragic shooting." . . .


Two Activist Groups Stuck in the Past  . . . "People born in 1962 grew up with The Jeffersons in the 1970s, Bill Cosby in the 1980s, Living Single in the 1990s, and a black-dominated music industry in the 2000s.  There is now a holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr.  Schools across the country teach important authors like Frederick Douglass and Richard Wright for February, Black History Month.  We get it.  Who cares what random accusers at Emory or Columbia think about white people?  The average white person in America has been force-fed a steady diet of Barack Obama's propaganda on Facebook, Twitter, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, NPR, Instagram, T-shirts, billboards, and the pages of every major publication in the country." . . .

Why ‘Draw Mohammed’? The Artist Explains

‘I draw Mohammed,’ Fawstin says, ‘because the enemy tells me I can’t.’

Andrew C. McCarthy  . . . "The narrative betrays ignorance of Islam’s blasphemy proscriptions. Insulting speech barely scratches the surface of all that is forbidden. Classical sharia prohibits all artistic expression that depicts animate life — deeming it an offensive imitation of Allah’s creative act. Far beyond insult, moreover, sharia forbids speech that subjects Islam to any objective examination that could result in negative criticism. Also forbidden are words that imply unbelief; that could be taken to rebuke Allah or Mohammed (even if gently or in jest); or that appear to deny a principle established by authoritative sharia scholarship. Islamic supremacists would apply prohibitions to non-Muslims as well as Muslims, because they believe that Allah has commanded them to impose sharia on the unwilling. And as for Muslims, speech that announces or implies apostasy is punishable by death." . . .

Emails show Hillary aides constantly complimented her looks

N.Y. Post   "Busy as they were, Hillary Clinton’s aides found time to constantly compliment their boss’ appearance, according to the latest batch of e-mails released by the State Department.
"When a photo of Clinton on her Blackberry started lighting up the Internet in April 2012, an aide forwarded it to Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills under the subject line, “Photo gone viral!”
"Mills passed it along to Clinton, who wanted to know why it was so popular.
“'You look cute,” responded Mills.
"Undersecretary Judith McHale wrote her boss in May 2012 that she had seen an article mentioning how good Clinton’s hair looked.
“ 'Fun seeing the great press you are getting on all things sartorial and hair related! Who would have thunk it in this stage of our lives,” McHale said.
"And when a magazine featured Clinton on the cover, press aide Philippe Reines described the photo as “spectacular.” Longtime aide Huma Abedin agreed, chiming in, “It’s gorgeous.”
"Another email showed Clinton offering advice on how to beat jury duty." . .  .

Friday, January 1, 2016

2015's bumper crop of fake hate crimes, fictional racist events, and bogus claims of anti-gay animus

. . . Many incidents ranging from definitively fake to almost certainly fake. The best thing to do is just kick back, relax and enjoy 2015’s greatest hits of hoaxes in all their dumb glory.  
Daily Caller  "The year 2015 saw an absolutely bumper crop of fake hate crimes, fictional racist events, bogus claims of anti-gay animus and comically sad misunderstandings about innocent symbols.
"It’s hard to know where to start. America’s precious-snowflake college students and various hangers-on came up with so many incidents ranging from definitively fake to almost certainly fake. The best thing to do is just kick back, relax and enjoy 2015’s greatest hits of hoaxes in all their dumb glory." . . .
"1. Delusional students at the University of Missouri were so dizzy with racism they saw imaginary Ku Klux Klan hoods. " . . .KKK Ku Klux Klan Creative Commons Image Editor

"2. A Columbia University student pitched a fit and cried racism because she couldn’t get into a Yale frat party." . . .

"3. Students at the University of Delaware freaked out because they thought the remains of lanterns hanging from a tree were nooses." . . .
"4. A foreign student hung a noose at Duke University for totally non-racial reasons but the school collectively cracked up, anyway." . . .
"5. Someone slapped easily-removable black tape over portraits of black professors at Harvard Law School." . . .
"6. Two students at Calvin College used snow to draw swastikas and the words “white power” on cars." . . ."(RELATED: Professor Blames White Privilege For The Existence Of Michigan)". . . 

"7. A gay man falsely claimed fraternity members kicked him out of a party because he is gay — and choked him and stripped him." . . .
gay rainbow flag with hoax 1200 Getty Images

Iran Arrests 9 Christians on Christmas Day for Celebrating Jesus Christ Read

Iranian Christian
A stranded Iranian Christian migrant holds the Bible as he prays at dawn in front of a fence reinforced by barbed wire and a wooden barricade at the Greek-Macedonian border near to the Greek village of Idomeni, November 30, 2015. About 1,500 migrants mainly from Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, Algeria, Somalia and other African and Asian countries have been stranded at the Greek-Macedonian border for nearly two weeks.

"Christian Post  The government of Iran reportedly arrested a group of nine Christians on Christmas Day for celebrating their faith at an in-house church in the city of Shiraz.
"There has been a steady deterioration of human rights abuses in Iran during Hassan Rouhani's tenure as president, including executions and suppression of religious and ethnic minorities," said Shahin Gobadi of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.
" 'This is just another case in point. Actually, the clerical regime is one of the top violators of rights of religious minorities, including Christians, in the world. The regime has institutionalized repression of the Iranian people as the main tool of its survival."
"NCRI reported that plain-clothed agents of Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security raided the church on Friday, Christmas Day, and confiscated personal items, including satellite dishes, along with arresting the nine Christians." . . .

Christ & Culture; The Christ of the Cinema

Image for ArticleWhite Horse Inn  "In his book on director Martin Scorsese, the late film critic Roger Ebert described the ominous context in which he previewed The Last Temptation of Christ (1988). Prior to its release, he was invited to a private screening and watched the film alone. "This was not a perk," he writes. "It was a security measure." Ebert was led to a townhouse where the director was living under a shadow of death threats. The TV evangelists of the time had thundered with denunciation and outrage. One church leader, Campus Crusade for Christ founder Bill Bright, offered to cover the costs of the studio investment if he could obtain all the film negatives. He vowed to destroy them.

"The graphic content of the film was understandably upsetting to religious audiences, but the level of reaction that it provoked was astonishing. During the film's release, a French fundamentalist group launched Molotov cocktails inside the Parisian Saint Michel Theater and injured thirteen people. Organized protests and boycotts in the United States caused major theater chains to refuse screenings. Some cities sought wholesale bans, many succeeding. The following year, Blockbuster Video caved to pressure and declined to rent the video in stores. The charge was blasphemy, and Scorsese's film was a tipping point in the "culture wars." It would become a key target in Michael Medved's influential book Hollywood vs. America (1992).
" . . . For many Christians, the box office remains a battle to be fought and won."

Our Weasel Of The Week!

Nice Deb  "Yes, It’s time to present 2015’s last statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!
"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…
The Washington Post’s Disgusting Cartoonist, Ann Telnaes:
JoshuaPundit: "For a new bottom in political  Weaselness well below the norm, even in an election season. Simply an indecent person.
"I have nothing more to say about this disgraceful, vicious human being I didn’t say above in the link. She is simply a vile human being without decency who richly deserves a Weasel.

"Rep Ipso Loquiter…the thing speaks for itself.

"Happy New Year Everyone."

Samuel L. Jackson's America-Bashing: a Huge Disservice

Lloyd Marcus  "Okay, I will say it out loud. Far too many Hollywood celebs are self-aggrandizing idiots when it comes to politics and culture. Their worldview makes them feel superior to the rest us. Neither facts nor common sense will change their minds. Ronald Reagan nailed it when he said, “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

"Here's a prime example of a liberal making void-of-reality statements while thinking himself superior. Black superstar actor Samuel L. Jackson said he wished the San Bernardino shooters “was another crazy white dude” rather than Muslims. Jackson said such attacks gives people “legitimate reason” to look at their Muslim neighbors and friends the way they look at young black men. 

"Mr. Jackson, I am black. I resent your assumption that Americans are racists looking for reasons to look cross-eyed at Muslims and young black men. Frankly, members of both groups (Muslims and blacks) have declared war on Americans." . . .


Robert Spencer  "December 17, 2015 ought henceforth to be a date which will live in infamy, as that was the day that some of the leading Democrats in the House of Representatives came out in favor of the destruction of the First Amendment. Sponsored by among others, Muslim Congressmen Keith Ellison and Andre Carson, as well as Eleanor Holmes Norton, Loretta Sanchez, Charles Rangel, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joe Kennedy, Al Green, Judy Chu, Debbie Dingell, Niki Tsongas, John Conyers, José Serrano, Hank Johnson, and many othersHouse Resolution 569 condemns “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.” The Resolution has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary"

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is The Complete Infidel’s Guide to ISIS. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

These Republicans Authorized Obama Spying to Stop Israel From Attacking Iran Nukes, Stopping Deal

Debbie Schlussel  "Did you know that several top Republican Members of Congress secretly helped Obama push the absurd Iran deal, while they publicly vehemently opposed it? Here’s who they are and what they did.
"As you may know, yesterday’s much hyped, front page Wall Street Journal investigation revealed that the Obama Administration extensively spied on Israel and stepped up the spying for the express purpose of successfully pimping the Iran deal. None of that should have been the big news it has become. 
. . . But while they were pretending to cheerlead Netanyahu and preened for the cameras in on-air denunciations of the Iran deal, they were–behind the scenes–helping Barack Obama not only foil any Netanyahu lobbying against the Iran deal but also any possible Israeli attack on Iran which might destroy the nuclear warheads and silos
. . . The list, as you’ll note, features New York Congressman Peter King, another hypocrite grandstander who loves the cameras as much as Mike Rogers and did as much as Rogers to make us safe: nothing. Like Rogers, he served on the Intelligence Committee for the entire time the Iran deal was being negotiated and pimped. So did Nunes. Here is the rest of the list of Republicans on the committee:
khomeiniDevin Nunes, CA, Chairman   
Jeff Miller, FL
K. Michael Conaway, TX
Peter T. King, NY
Frank A. LoBiondo, NJ
Lynn A. Westmoreland, GA
Thomas J. Rooney, FL
Joseph J. Heck, NV
Mike Pompeo, KS
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
Michael R. Turner, OH
Brad R. Wenstrup, OH
Chris Stewart, UT

Journalist: Sanders would be ‘a lousy commander in chief’

OPTICS: Bernie Sanders, the Early Years | Photos from his college years to his time in Congress. (Click to view gallery.) | Sen. Sanders' office; Rob Swanson; Erik Borg/The Vermont Freeman

Matt Vespa  “The religious conservatives are not going to be happy about the fact that he has a son out of wedlock,” Jaffe said in reference to Levi Sanders, the subject of “Bernie Sanders Has a Secret” in Politico Magazine.
"He added that the elder Sanders had avoided the draft during the Vietnam War in a “very suspect” way.
“ 'He was of age,” Jaffe said. “He didn’t dodge the draft, but I think it’s safe to say he avoided the draft. He filed for [conscientious objector status] on religious grounds, but there’s nothing in Judaism that says you can’t fight a war. The Israelites were pretty damn good at fighting.' ” . . .