Tuesday, December 28, 2021

'Let's go, Brandon' is much more than a cheesy nickname for Biden

When I place my three-inch sticker with Joe smiling, pointing, and saying "I did that!" next to the price on the gasoline pump, I have a feeling of Americanism surge through my body.  When I put the larger "Let's Go Brandon" sticker wherever I wish, I feel I have struck a blow for America as a constitutional republic.

Christopher Garbacz  "In a recent Salon article, Matthew Rozsa attempted to fold "Let's go, Brandon," into the long history of "insulting presidential nicknames."  Aside from telling the risible falsehood that NBC's Kelli Stavast mistook a quite clear chant of "F--- Joe Biden" for "Let's Go, Brandon," Rozsa would have us believe that this is just another derogatory insult directed solely at the president, irrespective of what he stood for.  That seriously underestimates the broad reach of that slogan, born from a desperately unhappy year for Americans.

"In fact, "Let's go, Brandon" and its predecessor chant, "F--- Joe Biden," are directed to the core of D.C.'s central control of most everything that's gone wrong since January 20, 2021: inflation, regulation, taxes, debt, government policy failure, COVID mandates, wide-open borders, abortion, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, Critical Race Theory, trans/gay this and that, and all the other assaults on America, both large and small.  It's America's response to pervasive D.C. control.

"You really can't say "F--- Joe Biden" very effectively outside a sports stadium.  But the euphemism that one hapless NBC reporter created while she was trying to protect Joe Biden is classic.  It fills a vacuum, and it has long legs.  It isn't going away.

"Why is the slogan so powerful?  Partly, it's powerful, as noted above, because it's a reaction to Biden's "central government gone wild," with all the inevitable terrible results. . ."

‘Delta Karen’ Is Former ‘Baywatch’ Actress And Playboy Model Arrested By FBI, Faces Federal Charges

Hollywood continues to be America's source for wisdom and tolerance.


"As noted yesterday, an unhinged woman named Patricia Cornwall was reportedly arrested by the FBI and faces federal assault charges after she viciously attacked a man for not wearing a mask during a meal on a Delta flight, punching, scratching, and spitting on him while she, herself, remained unmasked.

"The story gets even more bizarre and one wonders exactly how much the woman had to drink before the assault. She is an ex-Raiders cheerleader, a former Playboy model, an ex-Baywatch actress, and a realtor who worked for Coldwell Banker and Berkshire Hathaway in California. Cornwall, 51, recently moved to Florida according to Heavy.com.

"The assault took place on a Delta flight Thursday night from Tampa to Atlanta. When the plane landed the “Delta Karen” was taken into custody.

"It all began when she took offense to an 80-year-old man who took off his mask to eat and drink while he was in his seat. She approached the man with her mask hanging under her chin, demanding that he mask up. The elderly gentleman then let loose a tirade of expletives at the woman, calling her a “Karen” and she returned the foul-mouthed insults with her own.

"As they verbally sparred, the encounter descended into physical violence. The woman not only assaulted the man repeatedly but injured at least one crew member and a number of passengers while being pulled off the unidentified man. It is unclear how the crew member and passengers were injured." . . .

I kinda like this...

 …but, then, I'm a guy, so....

Actually I kinda like this, but then, well...I'm a guy

Omicron: Haven’t We Been Here Before?

 "Honestly, no one knows for sure how or when this all ends."

Above and below: https://www.terrellaftermath.com/

From The American Spectator   "The emergence of the Omicron variant has breathed new life into the covid panic machine, and just in time for the birth of Christ! Doesn’t it feel like we have been here before? I don’t know about you, but I am having serious déjà vu. We’re entering an all too familiar pattern: a new covid mutation emerges, the left-leaning media panics prematurely, their government puppets threaten citizens with a new round of mandates, and none of it makes much of a difference in the natural cycle of something as infectious as a coronavirus. The prompt from the leftist elites is becoming as predictable as the sunrise. The difference is that now, for better or worse, most people just seem completely over it.

"Being completely over it isn’t necessarily a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, I have argued since the early days of the pandemic that the response of local and federal officials has often been draconian, anti-science, and actually abusive in many instances. I’ll stand by those viewpoints, because they keep being vindicated, both scientifically and morally. That said, we are still in a pandemic, and you should still take reasonable precautions to protect yourself from illness. In other words, you should behave as reasonable humans have since the beginning of our species’ existence. What you shouldn’t do is saturate your brain with leftist-induced panic porn. It doesn’t serve the public health well. It’s also not great for mental health either. Some of you need Lexapro much more than you need masks.

"The anxiety many are feeling (and some are profiting from) stems from the unknown. Almost two years into covid, and there is still so much that is not known. That’s frustrating." . . .

Pope Fauci Now Wants Everyone Vaxxed For Air Travel…   "(Bloomberg) — President Joe Biden’s medical adviser said a domestic travel vaccination rule should be considered as the omicron variant fuels record Covid-19 case loads in some states and holiday travel continues to be disrupted around the U.S." . . .

Monday, December 27, 2021

The Gathering Cloud of Political Madness...

Joe Biden and the Democrats are embarking on a new campaign of terror over the Omicron variant, (“a winter of . . . death” for the unvaccinated), which is, in fact, a Christmas blessing. There are fewer than 10 fatalities reported in the entire world as a result of this new variant on COVID

WND Comics

 . . .This is a way station on the rockslide of the Trump-hate myth

Conrad Black  "The year is ending in an increasing cloud of political madness. The January 6 commission and Trump-hating nightly media commentators professed to find in the fact that Donald Trump’s family and Fox News Trump personalities Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity warned the then-president of backlash if he didn’t take a strong line against the trespassing and vandalism at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, proof that the melee was a pre-planned insurrection and that Trump’s complaints of election fraud were unfounded. (It confirms merely that like almost everyone, they disapproved of the attack on the Capitol, but did not deny Trump’s and his law-abiding supporters’ grievance.)   

Hillary Clinton choked back tears and sobs last week as she read the victory statement she had prepared to give on election night in 2016. The most inappropriately named person in the Western world, Joy Reid, accused Elon Musk of cultural theft against the African-American community by referring to Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as “Karen”—the one-word summary of airheaded, self-indulgent, and overprivileged white women often used in black culture. Woke black America has now taken ownership of the English language, as well as the right to smash and grab, and otherwise steal what they want.   

"Joe Biden and the Democrats are embarking on a new campaign of terror over the Omicron variant, (
“a winter of . . . death” for the unvaccinated), which is, in fact, a Christmas blessing. There are fewer than 10 fatalities reported in the entire world as a result of this new variant on COVID. It is like a conventional flu, except that 90 percent of the people afflicted have mild or no symptoms and all of those afflicted benefit from the reinforcement their immune systems are getting against all variants of the disease. No greater gift to herd immunity from the COVID family of viruses could have been sought or imagined. Yet it is being used to justify a renewed campaign to transform Americans into a nation of cowardly, paranoid, and hypochondriacal moles.        

MSNBC Host Spreads Dangerous Narrative About 'Let's Go, Brandon' Dad That Needs to Be Shut Down

Sister Toldjah

"We reported over the weekend on the left’s continued freakouts over Oregon resident Jared Schmeck saying 'Let's Go, Brandon' at the end of a “NORAD Santa” Christmas Eve call with President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden.

"As a result of how viral the call went on social media, the father of four has predictably been targeted for cancellation by the radical left and their “Protect the Precious” allies in the mainstream press. One CNN analyst – Ron Brownstein of The Atlantic – even bizarrely likened Schmeck’s comments, which are code for “F*** Joe Biden,” to talk of an “insurrection.”

"Sadly, Brownstein isn’t the only one running with the “insurrection” narrative as it relates to Schmeck’s call with Biden. Self-important MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace, who is perhaps second only to colleague Joy Reid when it comes to insanely wacked hot takes on the big stories of the day, ran with it today on her program in a discussion on the “issue” of Schmeck’s comments with a couple of panelists including former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.).

"In an attempt to explain “Why This Matters™,” Wallace stated that Schmeck essentially uttering an “F*** you” to Joe Biden was not just about expressing displeasure with Biden. It was, in her view, a sinister way of fomenting the next so-called “insurrection” in a “slow-motion” sort of way." . . .

"Insurrection"? What about Hillary proudly claiming to be part of "the resistance"?

. . ."Media Melts Down Over ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Troll of Biden, as Left Targets the CallerDad Who Pranked Biden With ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Now Being Threatened, and Man Who Got Joe Biden to Say ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Speaks out as the Meltdown Continues.

"At least it should have been a nothingburger. But the media reacted as though a mad Bernie Bro had tried to take out the House GOP caucus at baseball practice or a virulent racist had driven his car through a Christmas parade.

"Well, that’s not true. The media showed an immense lack of interest in both of those happenings. (My colleague Jeff Charles nails the hypocrisy here Leftist Outrage Over ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Dad Is the Fakest of Fake Fakery.) But now CNN is calling “Let’s Go, Brandon” a sign of an insurgency in the making, see CNN Now Attacking the Dad Who Trolled Biden With Bizarre Claim." . . .RedState

Why isn't Michael Byrd on trial?

Ashli Babbitt
 Don Surber  "I ask an uncomfortable question. Why isn't Michael Byrd on trial? He shot and killed Ashli Babbitt during a mostly peaceful protest inside the Capitol on January 6.

"Three trials this year [ask] this question.

"The most recent trial ended last week when a jury convicted Kim Potter, who while a police officer shot and killed a driver who was trying to leave the scene after he was pulled over by the cops. Potter said she mistook her gun for a taser. While that may be true, nevertheless the jury found her guilty of first-degree and second-degree manslaughter.

"The first of the three trials was of Derek Chauvin who was convicted of killing George Floyd. A drug user with a record of crimes, Floyd was higher than a kite. Chauvin, then a police officer, held him down awaiting putting him in jail. He blocked medical treatment. Floyd died later in custody. A jury convicted Chauvin of murder.

"The third was the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse who sot and killed two rioters who attacked him, and wounded a rioter who pulled a gun on him. The jury found him innocent of all charges. 

?As a casual observer, I think jurors got all three verdicts right." . . .

Still want that facelift surgery? "Catwoman Plastic Surgery: From Bad To Worse"

Catwoman Plastic Surgery review.  Jocelyn Wildenstein, who is popularly referred to as Catwoman, is not new to plastic surgery. Born on August 5, 1940 in New York City, Jocelyn is one of the most famous socialites known for hitting headlines because of different reasons. The socialite has also become famous because of her extravagant life and seemingly she is not going to change any soon. Hate her or love her, Catwoman loves what she does. Reports indicate that she spent millions of dollars just to ensure that she looks better than she was. This is a Catwoman Plastic Surgery review." . . .

The point of this?  Catwoman: Another political makeover and Kamala Harris looks even cringier

. . .That's what Harris is saying and standing for in that crummy response.  The only national security threat she sees is the threat to her own grip on power through the country's free and fair elections.  Me, me, me...just like the plastic surgery–obsessed Catwoman. 

The more they make her over, the worse Harris looks.  If Harris had any sense, she'd stop digging.

Joe's had his share of facelifts as well 

 During the 2012 vice presidential debates against Paul Ryan, plastic surgeons speculated that Biden was fitted with either porcelain veneers or a porcelain bridge



“No new friends in Biden world,”

" ‘The Great Resignation’ of Biden Admin Departures May Extend to White House"

“People are not fighting every day,” Harris’s senior adviser Symone Sanders told Axios then. “There’s not consternation among aides. That is not true. … I hear that there are critics. Those who talk often do not know and those who know usually are not the ones talking.” But in late November, Sanders also announced she is leaving.

 Jonathan Davis  A new report from Politico’s West Wing Playbook claims to quote staffers in the Biden White House who are considering jumping ship after the holidays.

"In the first year of the Biden White House, comradery has been fleeting and many teams are suffering from low morale, according to several White House officials,” the outlet reported.

“The result: many White House aides are feeling gloomy this holiday season, so much so that they anonymously fumed to West Wing Playbook in the hope it may alert senior leaders to the problem,” Playbook noted further, adding:

Many are also currently eyeing the exits, creating the potential for higher-than-usual turnover at the beginning of the year, when aides feel they’ve been in the job long enough that it won’t look odd to depart.

“ 'A lot of the natural coordination that happens in a typically functioning White House has been lost, and there has been no proactive effort to make up for it through intentional team building,” said one White House official.

"So, what’s the issue?

“ 'Some staffers say it’s the result of an insular, top-heavy White House of longtime Biden aides who are distant from much of the staff — “no new friends in Biden world,” goes the refrain. And others say it’s just poor management,” Politico Playbook adds." . . .

Welcome to the insane world of so-called transgenderism

 Andrea Widburg  The Daily Mail reports that one "man" believes that women and motherhood shouldn't automatically be paired.  Yes, it's another deep dive into the madness of transgenderism, which reminds us that we cannot allow leftists to decouple America from reality." . . .

. . ."The world is real and functions according to real rules.  Men are, on average, bigger and stronger than women.  Women carry babies.  The Earth's climate changes on its own, without human help.  Modern Monetary Theory is nonsense.  Epstein didn't kill himself.  And Joe Biden didn't get over 80 million votes.
"To buy the delusions means erasing true female athletes — decoupling women from motherhood; going back to a dark premodern world that, absent fossil fuel, relies on human and animal labor to "save" the climate, destroying the U.S. economy, and pretending that the American people really were stupid enough to vote for the corrupt lump occupying the Oval Office." . . .

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Dave Barry’s Year in Review: Wait, wasn’t 2021 supposed to be better than 2020?

 . . .distinguished rapper/epidemiologist Nicki Minaj issues a tweet stating that her cousin in Trinidad had a friend who got vaccinated and became impotent and his man fruits swelled up and his fiancée canceled their wedding. . . 

Washington Post

DAVE BARRY, Miami Herald  "Is there anything positive we can say about 2021?

"Yes. We can say that it was marginally better than 2020.

"Granted, this is not high praise. It’s like saying that somebody is marginally nicer than Hitler. But it’s something.

"What was better about 2021? For one thing, people finally emerged from their isolated pandemic cocoons and started connecting with others. Granted, the vast majority of the people who connected with us this year wanted to discuss our car’s extended warranty. But still.

"Another improvement was that most stores got rid of those one-way anti-COVID arrows on the floor. Remember those, from 2020? You’d be halfway down a supermarket aisle, and you’d realize that you’d gone past the Cheez-Its, but you couldn’t turn around and go back because you’d be going AGAINST THE ARROWS, which meant YOU WOULD GET COVID.

"Ha ha! Was that stupid, or what? Fortunately in 2021, we followed the Science, which decided that the coronavirus does not observe floor arrows. On the other hand, the Science could not make up its mind about masks, especially in restaurants. Should everybody in the restaurant wear them? Should only the staff wear them? Should people who are standing up wear them, but not people who are sitting down, which would seem to suggest that the virus can also enter our bodies via our butts? We still don’t know, and we can’t wait to find out what the Science will come up with for us next.

"Anyway, our point is not that 2021 was massively better than 2020. Our point is that at least it was different. A variant, so to speak. And like any year, it had both highs and lows.

"No, we take that back. It was pretty much all lows, as we will see when we review the key events of 2021, starting in...Full article here, beginning with January 2021

America as ruled by Soros-funded Democrats

These Stores Are Closing Due To Looting And Lost Profits

"As looting continues and lockdowns return, many retail companies have announced recently that they are shuttering some locations that have become simply too expensive to maintain.

"Major cities have been hit by a wave of “smash-and-grab” robberies, where organized groups of looters attack store employees and escape with thousands of dollars in merchandise. Organized retail theft now costs retailers across the country a grand total of about $65 billion per year.

"Meanwhile, some areas announced this month that they are again implementing stricter COVID restrictions, including mask and vaccine mandates, over concerns about rising virus cases and the new Omicron variant. Early data has pointed to the Omicron variant being less lethal but more contagious than the Delta variant.

"Some of the country’s major pharmacy chains have said that they plan to close a number of stores." . . .
