Friday, September 16, 2016

Deplorable's anthem. The Dixie Chicks were not available to do this.

Via American Thinker
We Deplorables may have an anthem  "A theme repeated every day here and all across the conservative web is that we ordinary Americans, the folks whom Hillary Clinton characterizes as irredeemables and deplorables, are fed up with her and everything she represents – the constant lying and misrepresentation that pervades every aspect of her, her husband, and the criminally dishonest political party they head.  Over and over we find ourselves saying we are sick and tired of the Clintons themselves as well as their usual corrupt way of doing business and that we need to stand up and say so, which is exactly what all those deplorable Americans are trying to do at those Trump rallies. 

"What we, and those folks at those rallies, need is a political anthem that captures that fed-up, sick and tired feeling as well as a defiant refusal to put up with it anymore."  Sooooo...


What happened to Lebanon and what Islamist's wish for Israel

How can Western academia and Code Pink-types not be concerned at this?

Via James G. Needham 

Beware the "right of return" Muslims want in Israel, with the support of leftists in the West.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

At the U.N., Only Israel Is an ‘Occupying Power’

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"What about Russia in Crimea, Armenia in parts of Azerbaijan, or what Vietnam did in Cambodia?"
For starters, Russia and Vietnam are the darlings of the left.

The General Assembly Hall in the United Nations building in New York.

"The United Nations began its annual session this week, and Israel will be prominent on the agenda. Many fear the Security Council may consider a resolution setting definite territorial parameters, and a deadline, for the creation of a Palestinian state.
"President Obama has hinted that in the final months of his term, he may reverse the traditional U.S. policy of vetoing such resolutions. The General Assembly, meanwhile, is likely to act as the chorus in this drama, reciting its yearly litany of resolutions criticizing Israel.
"If Mr. Obama is seeking to leave his mark on the Israeli-Arab conflict—and outside the negotiated peace process that began in Oslo—there is no worse place to do it than the U.N. New research we have conducted shows that the U.N.’s focus on Israel not only undermines the organization’s legitimacy regarding the Jewish state. It also has apparently made the U.N. blind to the world’s many situations of occupation and settlements." . . .
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The Volokh Conspiracy:   Why the U.N.’s Israel obsession should worry even people who don’t care about Israel  "Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed by me and Penny Grunseid, “At the U.N., Only Israel is an Occupying Power.” The piece was the result of a research project in which we use content analysis software to compare the language of U.N. resolutions about Israel with the language of other resolutions. Here, we focused on comparing the legal language and general tone of U.N. resolutions dealing with Israel to the legal language and tone of resolutions dealing with the eight recent or ongoing situations of belligerent occupation that have involved substantial levels of settlement activity, which I identified in my newresearch paper, “Unsettled: A Global Study of Settlements in Occupied Territories.' ”
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Was it a trap? Flint pastor promised to ‘educate’ Donald Trump

Joe Newby  "Rev. Faith Green Timmons made news when she interrupted GOP nominee Donald Trump during a speech he gave at the Bethel United Methodist Church in Flint, Michigan.  But Fox News’ Todd Starnes said that “something doesn’t pass the smell test.”
Watch the incident here.
"It seems the good pastor posted a note on Facebook promising to “educate” the nominee.  The post was deleted, but not before being captured by several people:" . . .
Donald Trump victim of trap set by pastor

. . ." Starnes added:
Well, I guess the Rev. Timmons showed Mr. Trump — ambushing him in a House of Worship. I will give her credit for hushing up a protester who kept interrupting his remarks.
By the way, the Rev. Timmons has since deleted that Facebook posting. Hmm.
Mr. Trump showed great restraint and class as he complied with her request. And he deserves credit for at least trying to start a dialogue.
I wonder if Rev. Timmons “educated” President Obama like she did Mr. Trump?
"Say what?  It would certainly appear that she’s a staunch Obama supporter:" . . .

A Progressive's Guide to Political Correctness

The Legacies of Barack Obama; it includes the candidacy of Donald Trump

Victor Davis Hanson
"Racial relations in this country seem as bad as they have been in a half­ century. " . . .

Mr Hanson writes of what he sees happening in Obama's home stretch:

. . . "Apparently Obama is veering even further to the left, in hopes of establishing a rhetorical progressive legacy in lieu of any lasting legislative or foreign policy achievement. Turning the presidency into an edgy soapbox is seemingly all that is left of Obama's promise to "fundamentally transform" the country. 

"But divisive sermonizing and the issuing of executive orders are not the same as successfully reforming our health care system. The Affordable Care Act, born of exaggeration and untruth, is now in peril as insurers pull out and the costs of premiums and deductibles soar. 

"Even presidential nominee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is not really defending the Obama administration's past "red line" in Syria, the "reset" with Vladimir Putin's Russia, the bombing of Libya, the Benghazi tragedy, the euphemistic rebranding of Islamic terrorism as mere "violent extremism," the abrupt pullout from (and subsequent collapse of) Iraq, or the Iran nuclear deal that so far seems to have made the theocracy both rich and emboldened. 

"The U.S. economy ­­ with its record ­low growth over eight years, near ­record labor nonparticipation rates, record national debt and record consecutive years of zero interest rates ­­ is not much of a legacy either. " . . .

San Diego’s new stadium may be tackled by NFL protests

Legal Insurrection

Americans won’t passively watch political drama at game-time any longer.

. . . "Like me, many people are tired of others turning their sports and entertainment into a political messaging opportunity. Football fans across the country are deeply unhappy at the disrespect being shown to the nation during the anthem-based protests, tired of the #BlackLivesMatters campaign and its race baiting promoters, and angry that the NFL and the teams’ officials are allowing the racialist histrionics to continue.
"Since the football professionals don’t want to clamp down on these game-time protests, citizens are using social media to initiate a boycott campaign themselves.

More commentary on The Deplorables
If you wonder how the "deplorables" comment will affect the media. keep this in mind: Media Puts Debate Moderators On Notice: Protect Hillary
. . . "But Hillary Clinton is such an awful candidate and corrupt human being, the media can spin only so much to keep people in the dark. As the curtain is pulled back even further, the stench of desperation is emerging." . . .
Coulter: Specifically, what percentage of Muslims are “sexist” or “homophobic"?   . . . "The only way we find out that Duke is still alive is that Republicans are asked to denounce him every four years. For all we know, Duke died 20 years ago and the media are using a body double.

"Will Hillary ever be asked to "disavow" Al Sharpton, George Soros, Black Lives Matter or Colin Kaepernick? These are people who have power and visibility even when it's not an election year. In fact, the only time some of them are not in the public eye is during election years, when, for example, Al Sharpton is sent off to a safe house for six months. By contrast, the only time Duke is in the news is during election years." . . .

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Politico: Hillary’s Risky ‘Deplorables’ Strategy   . . . "By squarely siding with civil rights activists who demand that racism be forcefully confronted, she’s making clear that she views her path to victory doesn’t run through the white working-class vote. Rather, she’s making a bet that the makeup of 21st century America allows her to do something no Democratic nominee, not even Barack Obama, has done before: win the White House without winking at white grievance." . . .
After decades of Democrats chasing the white working-class vote, mostly to no avail, Barack Obama rendered the chase unnecessary. 
Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

If He Really Wants To Help Blacks, Colin Kaepernick Needs To Put Up Or Shut Up

The Federalist
"Instead of insulting our nation, NFL athletes should use their money and fame to work towards actual solutions to the black issues they purport to care about."

If He Really Wants To Help Blacks, Colin Kaepernick Needs To Put Up Or Shut Up

"Much has been made recently of Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for our national anthem to protest what he sees as the oppression of black people. It now appears Kaepernick’s actions have in琀influenced other players, with additional NFL athletes refusing to stand at attention for the anthem, and some even raising the black power fist琀 in protest. 

"As a black person who is a football fan, I state plainly: this is stupid. The simple reason is the 琀lag, our anthem, and the best parts of America that it represents are not the cause of black people’s problems. 

"Thus instead of insulting our nation and Americans who actually like what our 琀lag stands for, these NFL athletes should use their money and fame to work towards actual solutions to the black issues they purport to care about. Here are four ways they can do so. 

Here are the points John Gibbs discusses in more depth at this link:

1. Rebuild the Family . . .2. Rebuild American Education . . .3. Rebuild American Jobs . . .4. Stop the Killing in Black Communities . . .

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Here are the juiciest Colin Powell comments about Trump and Clinton from his hacked emails

Being part of the liberal media, this post article puts heaviest emphasis on Powell's Trump comments with extensive commentary.

Washington Post  "In new emails leaked by a hacker, former secretary of state Colin L. Powell offers unvarnished and highly negative opinions about both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton." . . .


. . . "One area in which Powell has sympathy for Clinton is on Benghazi, the GOP reaction to which he labeled a "stupid witch hunt," as BuzzFeed first reported. And fellow former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice appeared to agree.

" 'Benghazi is a stupid witch hunt. Basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thoughts [sic] Libyans now love me and I am ok in this very vulnerable place,” Powell wrote to Rice in December 2015, referring to former ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the attack.

"Powell added, though, that Clinton bore some blame: “But blame also rests on his leaders and supports back here. Pat Kennedy, Intel community, [State Department] and yes HRC," referring to Clinton.

“ 'Completely agree,” Rice responded."

Jill Stein’s Pick For Sec Of State Reveals Just How Deluded She Is

Weasel Zippers

"Medea Benjamin? You may recall she is the head of Code Pink. She’s also a vagina, seen here on the far left, with some other vaginas."


IRS commish - 'Rev' al sharptonDept. of climate change regulations management - leonardo dicaprioDept. of education - sheila jacks--- leeFederal Reserve Chairman - 'madmaxine' watersDefense Sec - 'general' john allenMinister of culture - kim kardashianMinister of fashion - rosa delauroAttorney General - marilyn mosbySocial Justice Administrator - lesley mcspaddenAssistant SJ Admin - rachel jentelWhite House spokesman - debbie washerwoman schmutzMinister of lgbtxyzabcqwerty relations - rachel dolezalCommerce Sec. elizabeth warren
Here Ted Cruz takes Benjamin to school on the Iran deal 

Why Did the Obama Administration Funnel Millions to Secretary of State John Kerry’s Daughter’s Nonprofit?

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American Center for Law and Justice  "While ordinary Americans struggle to pay their bills, the Obama Administration’s State Department maintains a deeply troubling pattern of awarding access and favors to rich and powerful individuals and organizations.

"As Reuters notes in a January 2013 report, then Senator Kerry, whose net worth has been estimated to be between $184.3 million and $287.7 million, stated: “I will not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter that has a direct and predictable effect on my financial interests . . . unless I first obtain a written waiver.” Kerry’s statement echoes then Senator Hillary Clinton’s statement, which was issued before assuming office as Secretary of State, indicating that she was committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct for government officials. funneled
"But just as scandal loomed over the Obama Administration’s State Department during its first term, it now appears Secretary Kerry’s tenure is rocked by evidence of an apparent conflict of interest as well. As reported in the Daily Caller, millions of dollars have been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation created and directed by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter. In a scheme that demands an honest and detailed explanation, the Department of State funded a Peace Corps program and then the Peace Corps awarded the money without competitive bids to a nonprofit established by Dr. Vanessa Kerry, who created the program." . . .
The ACLJ’s Government Accountability Project has already filed a lawsuit against the Obama Administration’s State Department with regard to its lies and coverups regarding nuclear negotiations with Iran. We have also sent numerous other FOIA requests demanding justice and accountability from the Obama Administration’s growing Executive lawlessness and corruption.
 Via Carl Combs at Mark Levin's Fan Club

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